Courses after 12th Commerce without Maths

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Courses after 12th Commerce without Maths

As a commerce student, there must have been a point wherein you were in a dilemma of whether or not to opt for maths as a subject. Before we move further in this study, I’d like to help you clear a simple concept when choosing a career in commerce.

Commerce is nothing but the study of the exchange of goods and services from a producer to a consumer. Commerce as a stream includes 3 main subjects: economics, accountancy, and business studies.

But the question here is, what about maths? In this blog, you will come across a wide range of courses after 12th commerce without maths. 

Career Options in Commerce Without Maths | Leverage Edu

There is a wide range of courses after 12th commerce without maths that you can choose from, some of these courses are:

B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce)

This is one of the most popular undergraduate courses that establish a theoretical career and functional base in the field of commerce which includes all major subjects such as accounting, taxation, insurance, economics, etc.

BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration)

A comprehensive undergraduate program designed to give students an insight into a wide range of core subjects of business management and entrepreneurship that equips them with managerial skills and abilities. 

Also Read: BBA Subjects

BMS (Bachelor of Management Studies)

Covering core subjects of management, this undergraduate program allows students to acquire the knowledge and skills required to draw management positions in various organizations. 

Bachelor in Law

Courses in Law integrated with business seem like an interesting career option which includes a list of programs:

Also Read: Career in Law

Bachelor of Foreign Trade

It is a prominent undergraduate course igniting your career in foreign trade by covering domains like import, export, logistics, law policy, and supply chain management. 

Accountancy Programs

Some of the programs falling under this category are Certified Management Accountants (CMA), Chartered Accountants (CA), Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA), and many more.

Tip: Knowledge in the field of maths is considered beneficial while pursuing these courses. 

Company Secretary

Professional organizations offer opportunities for individuals looking for an efficient administration role in various multinational companies. They offer exciting work culture, a reputed profile, and a handsome salary. This can be attained through courses after 12th commerce without maths.

Career in Hotel Management | Career Prospects for Hotel Management | Leverage Edu

Hotel Management

Exceptionally high demand for hotels and hospitality all across the globe makes hotel management a budding career for students looking for tremendous opportunities in this field. A list of programs includes:

Event Management

Courses offered to be a professional in creating, developing, and managing dynamic events are mentioned below:

  • BBA in Event Management
  • Bachelor of Event Management
  • BA in Event Management
  • Diploma in Event Management

Travel and Tourism

To break through a conventional life and acquire valuable prowess in the process, students can readily look for courses in travel and tourism. All you need is a passion for travel, exploration, and people. Below is a list of various courses:

Also Read: Travel and tourism courses after 12th

Journalism and Mass Communication Courses

A sudden eruption of media and communication technology across the world has powered young students to quit conventional old-school courses behind and explore unexplored domains. Some of the notable courses are:

Also Read: In-depth about specific career options after 12th commerce without math

Reasons for Courses after 12th Commerce without Maths

There are several reasons why students do not choose mathematics as a subject and opt for courses after 12th commerce without mathematics, some of these courses are:

  • Sometimes, mathematics is not a strong subject for students; so if given an opportunity they drop the subject.
  • Few of them are not interested in the subject. 
  • Others aspire to build a career that does not require mathematics, so they opt for commerce without maths.

Also Read: Study Abroad After 12th Commerce

Best Courses After 12th Commerce Without Maths in 2022

  • BCom (Bachelor of Commerce)
  • BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration)
  • BMS(Bachelor of Management Studies)
  • Company Secretary
  • Bachelor in Travel and Tourism
  • Bachelors in Hospitality
  • Bachelor in Event Management
  • Bachelor in Hotel Management
  • Bachelor of Journalism
  • BBA LLB 
  • BA LLB
  • Bachelor of Foreign Trade
  • BBS (Bachelor of Business Studies)
  • BSc. Animation and Media
  • Bachelor of Social Work
  • Bachelor of Vocational Studies
  • Bachelor of Arts
  • B.A. (Hons)
  • B. Ed (Bachelor of Education)
  • Bachelor of Interior Designing

Creative Courses after 12th Commerce Without Maths

You can opt for different creative courses after 12th commerce without maths. There are several options available depending on your skillsets or hobbies including:

  • Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication
  • Animation and Multimedia Courses
  • BDes Fashion Designing
  • BDes Interior Designing
  • BDes Game Design 
  • Air Hostess Training Courses
  • Bachelor of Event Management
  • Bachelor of Vocation
  • Bachelor in Photography
  • Bachelor in Yoga
  • Bachelor in Film making
  • Bachelor of Elementary Education
  • Bachelor of Elementary Education (Special Education)
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts
  • Bachelors of Journalism
  • Jewelry Designing Courses
  • Culinary Arts Courses
  • Photography Courses 
  • Bakery and Confectionery Courses
  • Performing Arts Courses

Professional Courses after 12th Commerce Without Maths

Here is a list of professional courses that you can do after 12th commerce without maths.

  • BCom General
  • BCom in Marketing
  • Company Secretary
  • Chartered Accountant
  • Cost Management Accountant
  • Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Hotel Management
  • Bachelor in Computer Application

Management Courses after 12th Commerce Without Maths

If you are interested in management, you can take up one of these courses:

Diploma Courses after 12th Commerce Without Maths

Short-term or diploma courses are perfect for those who want to work on skill development and learn basic methods of working about a particular stream. Such programs are suitable career options for Commerce without maths students as it offers an opportunity for individuals to gain experience in industry-specific roles. There are various specializations and some of them have been listed below:

Unique Courses after Commerce Without Maths

Apart from the many conventional courses, students can also explore the many unique courses after commerce without maths.

  • Computer Applications (B.C.A.)
  • Film and Television Studies
  • Fine Arts
  • Jewellery Design
  • Knitwear Design
  • Leather Design
  • Gemology
  • Music Studies
  • Retail Design
  • Sculpture
  • Special Effects & Visual Effects Design
  • Stone Work and Design
  • Studio Art
  • Painting Performing
  • Vocal Music
  • Toy Design
  • Wood Craft and Design

Best Jobs in Commerce Without Maths 

Commerce is an excellent field that offers ample career opportunities to students whether they have opted for maths or not. It is easier for Commerce without Maths individuals to shift to humanities and professional courses while entering the higher education domain. Here is a list that exhibits the best jobs in Commerce without Maths: 

  • Hotel Manager 
  • Event Manager 
  • Journalist 
  • Content Writer 
  • Sales Executive 
  • Content Marketer 
  • Teacher 
  • Fashion Designer 
  • Photographer 
  • Education Consultant 
  • Marketing Manager  

Courses after 12th Commerce without Maths with High Salary

Career options after 12th Commerce without Maths | Career Options without Maths | Sunil Adhikari |
Source: Students can I help you?

There are several high-paying jobs that you can get after completing 12th commerce without maths. It all depends on the course you choose. Here is a list of top high paying courses with their average salary:

JobSalary (INR)
Product Manager13 LPA
Certified Management Accountant7.9 LPA
Chartered Accountancy7.8 LPA
Certified Public Accountant7 LPA
Company Secretary6.8 LPA
Digital Marketer5.8 LPA

Subjects in Commerce Without Maths

Apart from the core Commerce subjects in class 12, the following are subjects offered as electives in commerce that do not have maths.

  • Information Technology
  • Languages (Hindi, English, Marathi)
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Home Science
  • Psychology

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Q1. Which course is best after 12th commerce without maths?

Ans. Both alternatives of the Commerce stream with and without maths offer a multitude of incredible career prospects to high-school graduates.
With commerce without maths, you will be able to do a course in which Maths is compulsorily required like BCom (Hons.) or Economics (Hons.) but the rest of the available courses remain largely similar for both these options like BBA, BCom, BMS, Accounting courses and you can also opt for CA with commerce without maths.

Q2. Is commerce without maths a good option?

Ans. Both alternatives of the Commerce stream with and without maths offer a multitude of incredible career prospects to high-school graduates.

With commerce without maths, you will be able to do a course in which Maths is compulsorily required like BCom (Hons.) or Economics (Hons.) but the rest of the available courses remain largely similar for both these options like BBA, BCom, BMS, Accounting courses and you can also opt for CA with commerce without maths.

Q3. What are the career options for commerce without maths?

Ans. There is a diverse range of career options for commerce without maths and some of the prominent fields include, Business Administration, Accountancy, Hotel Management, Travel and Tourism, Teaching, Multimedia and Animation, Journalism, and Mass Media, amongst others.

Related Reads:

BBA vs. BComBCom Computers
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Short Term Courses After BComComputer Courses After 12th Commerce

You will surely reach your destination if you follow the right path.

In the quest to find the right courses after 12th commerce without maths, we at Leverage Edu through our counsellors and mentors help you to identify a career suited to your strengths and colleges that will meet your demands. 

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