Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies [Download PDF]

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Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies

The environmental crisis is one of the biggest issues of the 21st century. Many organizations and governments have been trying to come up with ways to tackle the ever-increasing challenges that result from the damage done to our environment. Since the Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies isn’t as well known as some of the other streams, it is normal for you to have numerous questions about the relevancy of the course.

You could also be wondering whether there are any courses apart from BSc Environmental Science and specialisations you can pursue and what the scope of pursuing a career in environmental studies actually is. Here are the answers to any doubts you might have regarding a career in environmental studies.

Also Read: Scope and Importance of Environmental Studies in School

What is Environmental Studies? 

EVS is a multidisciplinary academic discipline concerned with the investigation, research, and extension of knowledge about the living and physical environment. It also aids in a better knowledge of environmental natural, political, technical, economic, social, and cultural elements. Environmental Studies, or EVS, can alternatively be defined as the science of physical phenomena in the environment.

Multidisciplinary nature of Environmental studies | Human Values
Source: SkillBilla

Also Read: What is the Full Form of EVS?

What Multidisciplinary Means?

To understand the multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies, we must first comprehend the literal definition of the term multidisciplinary. The phrase is made up of two words: multi and disciplinary. To begin, we define the term disciplinary. Disciplined research in a certain subject is what the term “disciplinary” refers to. Multidisciplinary, on the other hand, refers to the combination of more than one discipline or topic of study. It defines multi-sectoral and multi-dimensional research in a variety of disciplines.

For example, a multidisciplinary course of study is one in which you study a variety of disciplines such as Science, Social Science, Mathematics, English, and so on.

Why Pursue Environmental Studies?

The time-sensitive nature and relevance of environmental changes have created a demand for individuals who possess the skill set needed to find solutions for this problem. A career in environmental management can be extremely lucrative for those who are passionate about the environment and want to make a difference in the current state of society. There is immense scope in this field if you make the right choices and can find the right courses and universities for yourself.

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What is the Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies?

Encompassing the elements of Physics, Chemistry, Medical Science, Agriculture, Geography, and Biology, Environmental Studies is a vast field of study. Not only restricted to environmental conservation and management of resources, but it also emphasizes understanding:

  • Types of pollution and their harmful effects on living organisms
  • Biodiversity, its types, and causes of degradation
  • Deforestation and methods to increase forest cover
  • Desertification
  • Waste disposal and sewage treatment, etc

Components of the Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies  

Environmental studies are made up of several components. They are as follows:

  • Anthropology: It is the study of human traits, biological and psychological well-being, communities and cultures, and the growth and evolution of humans. EVS is connected to anthropology since it studies humans and their environments throughout place and time.
  • Biology: It is a field of science that focuses on the study of living creatures. Their physical structure, chemical processes, molecular interactions, development, and evolution are all included. EVS is connected to biology since it is concerned with the natural environment of living creatures.
  • Chemistry: It is a field of science that examines chemicals and the components that make up matter. Understanding natural occurrences in EVS necessitates knowledge of chemistry.
  • Computers: As the world has progressed, computers have become a need for everyone. Computers are used by the Environmental Protection Agency to keep track of pollutants found in soil and water.
  • Geology: It is the study of physical structures and substances found on Earth, as well as their history and the processes that they go through. EVS is also concerned with the study of the earth and the environment.
  • Economics: It is a field of study concerned with the production, consumption, and distribution of commodities and services. Various economic strategies have been established to protect the environment from pollution, global warming, and climate change by evaluating and developing answers or cures for environmental concerns.
  • Physics: It is a field of science that examines energy and matter in space and time, as well as their interactions. Physics is concerned with energy conservation, atmospheric modelling, and many environmental concerns.
  • Sociology: It is the study of social life, change, social causes, and the social repercussions of human action. It also addresses the connection between contemporary society and the environment.
  • Statistics: It is the study of quantitative data collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation. It is also used to evaluate data in order to find trends and recommend the optimal environmental growth.

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Top Specializations in Environmental Science

While the core subjects explaining the fundamental aspects of environmental studies remain constant across colleges, there are a number of Environmental Science courses and specializations that are offered by universities to explore the multidisciplinary nature of the environment as a whole. These specializations are intended to equip you with the specific skill set necessary for tackling the challenges of this discipline.

Some of the specializations offered are –

Explore a Career in Sustainable Architecture!

Top Universities Offering Multidisciplinary Courses in Environmental Studies

There are a number of academic institutions offering a degree in the field of Environmental Studies, some of them have been given a rundown below.

UniversitiesEnvironmental Science Courses
Stanford UniversityBSc Civil and Environmental Engineering; BSc Biological Engineering – Environmental and Toxicological Studies
Harvard UniversityPhD Engineering Sciences: Environmental Science
MITBachelor/Master in Environmental Sciences
University of OxfordMPhil/MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation, and Management; MSc in Environmental Change and Management
ETH ZurichMPhil in Environmental Policy/Polar Studies; PhD in Environmental Science
University of CambridgeMS in Range Management; PhD in Environmental Science, Policy, & Management
University of California BerkeleyBSc in International Land and Water Management;MSc in Aquaculture and Marine Resource Management
Wageningen University & ResearchBSc Environmental Sciences; MSc Resources, Environment And Sustainability
Tsinghua UniversityBSc in International Land and Water Management; MSc in Aquaculture and Marine Resource Management
University of British ColumbiaBachelor of Environmental Science – Environmental Toxicology; Master of Geographic Information Science
Nanyang Technological UniversityEnvironmental Earth System Science and Public Policy and Global Affairs – Double Major Course
Delft University of TechnologyBSc in Applied Earth Sciences; MSc in Sanitation
University of QueenslandBachelor of Environmental Studies; MSc Environmental Management
National University of SingaporeBachelor of Environmental Studies;MSc Environmental Management

Note: This list is not exhaustive. The aforementioned universities also offer other courses/majors/concentrations in Environment Sciences.

Importance of the Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies

Environmental studies are important because they help us comprehend our surroundings and natural occurrences. Several factors highlight the significance of the multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies. They are as follows:

  • It contributes to the acquisition of information about contemporary environmental concerns. It equips us with the knowledge and skills we need to solve environmental problems such as pollution, global warming, and climate change.
  • It contributes to the preservation of ecological balance by providing an essential understanding of environmental systems and processes.
  • It informs us about the changes in the environment caused by anthropocentric causes.
  • It also teaches us how to analyse various environmental systems and changes in the environment caused by human activity.
  • Its goal is to safeguard and maintain biodiversity. It acquaints us with diverse flora and animal kinds. It offers us many methods for preserving and protecting them.
  • It makes us aware of our environmental responsibilities. It also informs us about numerous environmental concerns that must be addressed more quickly. 
  • Environmental studies also address topics like energy conservation, hazardous emissions, water conservation, garbage disposal, rising global temperatures, and many more.
  • People may explore and engage with their natural and surrounding world by studying Environmental Studies. It assists people in improving their insights about human processes, natural events, and diverse changes in the environment.

What is the Scope of Environmental Studies?

The scope of the Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies includes biological, cultural, social, and physical elements. It is also linked to science, geography, economics, statistics, health, technology, population, and ecology.

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The multidisciplinary nature of Environmental Studies offers a wide range of career opportunities after pursuing a degree course in this field. Some of the job profiles that can be instrumental to your career in environmental studies are:

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Why is Environmental Science a multidisciplinary field?

Environmental Science is an area of study that combines physical, biological, and information sciences. Information sciences encompass zoology, biology, mineralogy, oceanology, physics, chemistry, plant science, limnology, soil science, geology, physical geography, and atmospheric science. Environmental Science is referred to be an interdisciplinary science since it encompasses information from a variety of disciplines.

How the Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies helps to solve environmental problems?

Environmental Studies are concerned with a variety of issues, including the protection of natural resources, pollution management, and the influence of a growing human population on the environment. To solve these complex environmental issues, a multidisciplinary approach is necessary. These issues are linked to several sectors such as agriculture, land degradation, economic loss, pollution of natural resources, forestry, and habitat fragmentation. As a result, the Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies is required to obtain information about these challenges.

What is the need for environmental studies?

Environmental studies aid in the understanding of contemporary environmental issues by providing knowledge of physical, chemical, biological, and social processes. It teaches the skills required to find solutions to environmental challenges.

What are the types of environments?

There are two commonly known and accepted types of environment – natural or geographical environment, and man-made environment.

How environmental issues be solved?

Every individual must take responsibility for environmental conservation in order to solve environmental concerns. Addressing complex environmental challenges necessitates an interdisciplinary approach. Every individual has the right to a clean, safe, and pollution-free environment. These problems can be remedied if people become aware of the importance of environmental preservation. There are several simple methods to safeguard the environment such as:
-Using reusable products instead of disposable ones
-Recycling of paper, plastics, and other materials
-Save resources such as water and energy
-Neutralizing the poisonous emissions by the factories
-Eco-friendly items should be supported
-Reforestation and afforestation
-Increased use of public transportation

What is the career scope after pursuing the multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies?

Environmental Lawyer
Wildlife Conservationist
Environmental Land Consultant
Mining Consultant
Political Advisor

What are the specializations offered under this course?

Soil Pollution and Ecology
Aquatic/Marine Biology
Earth Systems
Environmental and Biological Conservation
Energy and Climate Change

If you are truly passionate about the environmental cause or have a keen interest in the environment, then a degree exploring the multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies can help you build a career in the field. Let the study abroad experts at Leverage Edu help you make the right decision so that you don’t have to give up on your dreams because of a lack of guidance.

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