Leave Application For Office, College, School: Tips & Samples

21 minute read
Application for Leave

Writing a leave application is a must-have skill whether you are a going to office, or you are school or college student. Not just that, you should also know the correct format for writing the letter in order to take leave approval. We know that one needs to keep a formal tone and a precise structure when writing an application for absence. That is why, we have created a detailed guide on how to write a casual or formal leave letter for office, school, and college along with some helpful samples you can use as a reference to form your formal letter in the English language.

Moreover, we have introduced a Leave Application Generator, designed to create leave applications quickly and effortlessly. With this tool, you can simply select your reason for taking a leave, and it will instantly generate a well-structured application for you. Once generated, you can easily copy the text and customise it to meet your specific needs.

Leave Application Generator

Generated Leave Application:

What is a Leave Application?

A leave application is a formal letter, you usually write to inform your office management or school administration about your absence for a particular day or for a period of time. It carries all the important information regarding the reason for leave, the date, and your details. However, the format, details, and elements of the leave email or letter can vary based on whether you write as a school or college student, or as an office employee.

The skill of drafting an job application letter is much more helpful during your academic or professional journey as you might need to take a day or two off from school or work.

How to Write a Leave Application?

Writing a leave application is a straightforward process. To write a leave application, you need to start by addressing the recipient. Then, begin the application with a polite salutation, followed by a crisp and clear subject line. In the body of the letter you need to mention the dates of leave, the reason for the leave. Complete your application with formal closing along with name and designation.

Writing leave application includes the following elements:

  • Salutation
  • Present Date
  • Subject Of application
  • Body of the Application
  • Signature

Types of Leave Application

The reasons for writing a letter for leave application can vary, and as a result, different types of letter are required depending on the situation. Be it casual leaves for health-related issues, academic absences for students, or professional breaks for employees, it is essential to understand the different types of leave applications.

However, each type of application follows specific guidelines and formats, ensuring proper communication and smooth workflow in the absence of the individual. Some of the commonly used leave application samples are:

Leave Application Format

Now that you know the things and elements of leave application. The next step is to familiarise yourself with the application format. Whether you are writing the application as a school student, employee or intern, or even writing a leave application in Hindi, there is generally a simple format that you need to follow. The leave application format varies depending on the institution and the reason for the absence.

Generally, the leave letter format includes important details like:-

  • The duration of the leave,
  • the reason for requesting leave, and
  • any necessary arrangements during the absence.

Since understanding the correct application format ensures that your request is taken seriously and processed smoothly, here you go with the application format that should be followed in the English language:

Leave Application Format for Office

Leave Application Format for Office

Leave Application Format for School

Leave application format for school

Check out 5 Ways to Write Leave Application for Fever: Format & Samples

Leave Applications Samples and Format

To assist you in crafting a compelling letter, we have compiled a range of leave application samples and formats for various scenarios, including office, school, and college letters. These samples provide a useful reference, ensuring that your request is appropriately framed and meets the expected standards.

One-Day Leave Application Format

When you need to take a day off for personal reasons or unexpected situations, a leave application one day helps you formally request permission. By writing a clear and respectful one-day leave application, you ensure that your request is understood and processed smoothly.

In the section below we have crafted a sample of one-day leave applications. You can use it to write your own one-day leave application:

_______ _____( School / Organisation Name)
________ ___(Address)

Date: __/___/____
Subject: ______ ____ _____(Purpose of writing the application)

Dear Sir/mam,

I am writing this leave application to inform you that, I have had a fever since last night and my doctor has recommended me to take rest for a day. I kindly request you to grant me leave for one day to recover.

Thank you for considering my request. I would be grateful for your kind consideration and approval of my request.

Best regards,
[Your Name]
Contact number (Optional)

Half-Day Leave Application Format

A half-day leave application is a formal request submitted by an employee to seek permission to take time off from the job for a portion of the day, typically due to personal or urgent matters. Leave application half-day should follow a proper leave application format. The example below provides an idea of how to write a half-day leave application.

Dear Mr./Mrs. _________(Recipient’s Name),

This email is to inform you that I will be coming late to the office as ____________________ (reason for coming late, i.e., I missed my regular train/having an appointment with the doctor or others). I expect to reach the office by (joining time or as soon as possible). Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Please contact me in case of any urgency or questions about the work.

____________(Your Name)

Sample Leave Application for Vacation

A leave application for vacation is a request made by a student or employee to their educational institution or employer respectively for leave from their classes or regular duties. This type of leave is generally sought to spend personal time away from studies or work, such as for travel, relaxation or personal rejuvenation. Sometimes you can write the leave application for a sister marriage or, a brother marriage.

The image below covers the format and essential elements of the vacation leave application which helps the applicant to write his effective vacation leave application.

Subject: Vacation Leave Application
Dear ______________[Supervisor’s Name],
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request vacation leave for ___[number of days] starting from __/__/____[start date] to __/__/____[end date]. The purpose of this leave is to take some time off and recharge.
I assure you that I will ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities before leaving and will coordinate with my colleagues to handle any urgent matters. I understand the S importance of planning for my absence and am committed to ensuring that my work responsibilities are not adversely affected.
I appreciate your understanding and approval for this vacation leave. If there are any specific procedures or forms I need to complete, please let me know.
Thank you for your consideration.
____________[Your Full Name]
_______[Your Employee ID or Department]

Format of Annual Leave Application

An annual leave application typically involves submitting a formal request to a supervisor or HR department, specifying the desired dates and providing a reason for the leave. This is generally written to notify you in advance about all the leaves you will take in the coming year. The image below covers the format and essential elements of an annual leave application that will help you write your own effective leave application.

Subject: Annual Leave Application

Dear _________ [Supervisor’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well.

I am writing to formally request annual leave for ____ [number of days] starting from __/__/___ [start date] to __/__/___ [end date]. This planned absence is to [mention the purpose, such as a vacation, family event, etc.].
I understand the importance of planning for my absence and will ensure that all pending tasks are completed or appropriately delegated before my departure. I am more than willing to provide any necessary handover and support my colleagues during my absence.

I appreciate your understanding and approval for this annual leave. If there are any specific procedures or forms I need to complete, please let me know.

Thank you for your consideration.

__________ [Your Full Name]
___________ [Your Employee ID or Department]

Medical Leave Application Format

A medical leave application is a formal request submitted to take leave due to health-related issues i.e. fever, cold, accident or others. This type of leave application is sick leave which is essential for an individual to focus on their health recovery without worrying about any professional or academic responsibilities. When drafting a medical leave application for office, school or college, it is important to provide clear and concise details about your medical condition, the anticipated duration of the leave, and any necessary documentation i.e., medical certificates.

This approach helps maintain transparency and facilitates the smooth processing of the leave. The section below covers the format and essential elements of a medical leave application office and helps you write your effective request.

Subject: Medical Leave Application

Dear __ [Supervisor’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you that due to a medical condition, I am unable to perform my duties at work for the next __ [number of days] starting from _/__/_ [start date]. My doctor has recommended that I take some time off to recover fully.

I understand the importance of my responsibilities and will ensure a smooth transition of my tasks. I have attached the medical certificate and any other relevant documents for your reference.

I am grateful for your understanding and support at this time. Please let me know if there are any formalities or procedures I need to follow in relation to my medical leave.

Thank you for your consideration.

(Your Full Name)
[Your Employee ID or Department]

Sample Leave Application to Principal by Student

A leave application to the principal serves as a formal request by the student for permission to be absent for a specific period. Whether it is for some important work or a medical leave application for school, it serves the purpose of informing the principal about the situation and providing relevant details for the absence.

The section below covers the basic format and essential elements of a leave application to the principal and helps you write your effective request.

Subject: Request for Leave

Respected Principal,

I hope you are doing well. I am writing to request your approval for a leave of absence due to [mention the reason, e.g., a family matter, personal reasons, or a health condition]. I will need to be away from school from _/__/__ [start date] to _/__/__ [end date].

I will make sure to catch up on any missed work and ensure that my studies are not affected. If there are any formalities that need to be completed, please let me know, and I will follow the required procedures.

I greatly appreciate your understanding and quick attention to this request.

Thank you for your consideration.

[Your Full Name]
[Your Class/Grade and Roll Number]

Sample Leave Application to Principal by Teacher

An application for leave to a principal by a teacher is a formal request for leave due to personal, medical, or other reasons. The leave application should include details about the duration of the leave and arrangements made to cover the teacher’s responsibilities during their absence.

Below we have given a sample of leave application by teacher to principal format due to some personal reasons and it includes the essential elements that help the teachers write their effective leave applications:

Dear Principal Sir,

I am writing to request a one-day leave of absence on __/__/___(Leave Date) due to some personal matters. I have arranged lesson plans and assignments to __________(another teacher’s name) to ensure that the student’s education is not disrupted during my absence. I will be accessible by phone or email for any urgent concerns.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards,
(Your Name)

College Leave Application Sample

When a college student needs to take time off from college, whether for personal medical reasons or other significant reasons, a well-structured college leave application is essential. The formal leave request helps ensure that the absence is officially recognized and that you will not face any issues during your academics.

If you want to write a medical leave application for college or some urgent work leave application, the section below covers the proper format and essential elements of a college leave application:

Subject: Leave Application for College

Dear _____ ____ [College Name] Administration,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request a leave of absence from college due to ____ _______ _____ _______ [mention the reason, such as a family emergency, personal matter, or health issue]. I anticipate the need to be away from college starting from __/__/__ [start date] to __/__/__[end date].

I can understand the importance of regular attendance, and assure you that I will do my best to catch up on any missed lectures and assignments. If there are any formalities or procedures I need to follow, please guide the necessary steps.

Thank you for your time, understanding, and cooperation in this matter. Your consideration is greatly appreciated

________ ________[Your Full Name]
_________ _______[Your College Roll Number]
________ ________[Your Course and Year]

Maternity Leave Application Sample

A maternity leave application is a formal request submitted by a female employee to the HR department or employer seeking time off from work due to the birth of a child. Properly drafting a maternity leave application helps a woman facilitate a smooth transition and ensures that both the employee’s and employer’s needs are met during this important period.

The below image covers the format and essential elements of a maternity leave application that helps a mother understand how to write an effective maternity leave application.

Subject: Maternity Leave Application

Dear ___________ [Supervisor’s Name],

I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request maternity leave in anticipation of the birth of my child. As per my doctor’s advice, I plan to commence my maternity leave on __/__/____ [start date] and intend to take _____ [number of weeks] for this purpose.

I understand the importance of proper planning for my absence and assure you that I will work diligently to complete pending tasks and provide a comprehensive handover to a designated colleague. I am also open to discussing any additional measures or support systems that would facilitate a smooth transition during my age maternity leave.

I appreciate your understanding and support during this significant time. If there are specific procedures or forms to be completed, kindly guide me through the process.

Thank you for your consideration.
________ [Your Full Name]
______[Your Employee ID or Department]

Paternity Leave Application Format

Paternity leave is a critical provision that allows new fathers to take time off from work to support their partners and bond with their newborns. This type of leave is essential for ensuring that the father can be present during the early, formative days of his child’s life while also helping to balance family responsibilities.

The below image covers the format and essential elements of a paternity leave application that helps all new fathers write their own effective paternity leave application.

Subject: Paternity Leave Application

Dear ________ [Supervisor’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request paternity leave as my wife is expecting our child. I plan to commence my paternity leave on __/__/___ [start date] and intend to take ____ [number of days] to support my family during this important time.

I understand the significance of my responsibilities at work and assure you that I will ensure a smooth transition of my tasks. I am more than willing to complete any pending assignments beforehand and provide a comprehensive handover to a designated colleague.

I appreciate your understanding and support during this joyful yet crucial period. If there are specific procedures or forms to be completed, please guide me through the process.

Thank you for your consideration.

____________ [Your Full Name]
________[Your Employee ID or Department]

Check Out How to Write Leave Extension Application: Format, Samples & Tips

Sample Leave Application for Marriage

Marriage is a significant life event for a person that requires time for planning and celebration. A leave application for marriage is a formal request submitted to an employer, or supervisor to seek approval for a break from office job during this period. It is important to create the marriage leave application format properly, and professionally, mentioning the dates and ensuring responsibilities are managed in your absence.

The image below covers the format and essential elements of the leave application marriage which helps the applicant to write his effective marriage leave application.

Subject: Leave Application for Marriage

Dear _________[Supervisor’s Name],

I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request leave as I am getting married. I plan to commence my leave on __/__/____[start date] and anticipate taking __/__/___[number of days] to celebrate this significant event and fulfil related commitments.
I understand the importance of proper planning for my absence and assure you that I will complete pending tasks, delegate responsibilities, and provide a comprehensive handover to a designated colleague. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition during my absence.
I appreciate your understanding and support during this joyous occasion. If there are specific procedures or forms to be completed, please guide me through the process.
Thank you for your consideration.

_________[Your Full Name]
_______[Your Employee ID or Department]

Check Out How to Write Leave Application for Brother’s Marriage: Format and Samples

Bereavement Leave Letter Sample

A Bereavement is a leave application for up to 4 weeks at 100% of your base salary, for a total of 20 working days in the event of the death of a loved one. Bereavement Leave is usually a paid leave. It can also be used during the grave illness of family members.

The image below covers the bereavement leave application format and its essential elements which helps the applicant to write his effective bereavement leave application.

Subject: Bereavement Leave Application
Dear __________[Supervisor’s Name],
I hope this message reaches you in understanding. I am writing to inform you of a recent loss in my family, and I am in need of bereavement leave to manage the necessary arrangements and be with my family during this difficult time.
I plan to commence my leave on __/__/___[start date] and anticipate taking ___[number of days] to cope with the situation and provide support to my family. I understand the importance of my responsibilities at work and will ensure a smooth transition of my tasks before my departure.
I appreciate your understanding and support during this du challenging period. If there are any specific procedures or forms to be completed, please guide me through the process.
Thank you for your consideration.
________[Your Full Name]
_______[Your Employee ID or Department]

Format of Emergency Leave Application

An Emergency Leave Application is submitted to an employer, school, or organization when an individual needs to take unexpected leave due to urgent and unforeseen circumstances. Whether it’s a family emergency, a sudden illness, or any other personal crisis.

The purpose of an emergency application is to immediately inform the concerned authorities and seek approval for immediate leave. The image below covers the Emergency leave application format and its essential elements which helps the applicant to write his effective Emergency leave application.

Subject: Emergency Leave Application
Dear _______[Supervisor’s Name],
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you of an unforeseen emergency that requires my immediate attention and presence. Due to this situation, I am requesting emergency leave starting from __/__/____[start date] for _____[number of days].
I understand the urgency of my responsibilities at work and will do my best to address any pending tasks or delegate them appropriately before my departure. I assure you that I will make every effort to minimize any potential disruption during my absence.
I appreciate your understanding and swift consideration of this matter. If there are any specific procedures or forms I need to complete, please let me know.
Thank you for your support.
_________[Your Full Name]
______[Your Employee ID or Department]

Check out the various types of leave mail to manager: Format and Samples

What to Include in Your Leave Application?

While writing a leave application, it is very important to ensure that all primary details are included to convey the reason for leave and make the leave process smooth and professional. So, whether you are addressing the application to your principal at school or any other official authority figure, your application should communicate the reason for your absence, the date, the duration, and any arrangements you’ve made during your leave for your substitution.

Paragraph 1
Begin with providing your necessary details to the concerned person (to whom you are addressing it) and inform them about why and when you need the leave. Try to keep a formal tone and the content as precise as possible. Do not write lengthy paragraphs.

Paragraph 2
This part is mainly for employees as you will be expected to provide the current status of your work projects. You can suggest your manager hand over the work to any of your team members. In this part of the application, you mainly have to elaborate on how you will be compensating for your absence, i.e. either by finishing up the work before leaving or delegating it to someone.

Paragraph 3
While concluding the document, pay your gratitude to the employer for considering your application and greeting them with a sincere ‘Thank You’. Also, you can mention your phone number for any emergency as well.

Reasons for Leave to Mention in Leave Application

Please note that mentioning the reasons for absence is a crucial part of the leave application. The reason for absence is the sole reason why we write the leave application and what it is for. The reasons for requesting leave can vary depending on personal, medical, or professional circumstances.

Here are some of the major reasons that can be mentioned in the leave application:

  • Health-related issues such as sick leave, leave for surgery, etc.
  • Maternity leave
  • Family emergency
  • Going out of the city
  • Personal reasons (attending a marriage, family function, personal tasks, etc.)

Check Out How to Write Sick Leave Mail: Format, Sample & Examples

How to Write a Leave Application for School/College?

As there are different types of leave applications for various purposes, it might be confusing to write an application for leave that fits your aim. The quintessential leave application for school or college elements are:

  1. Subject
  2. Reason for Taking the Leave
  3. The period you are taking the leave for
  4. Contact Information
  5. Any additional documents should be enclosed.

How to Write Leave Application for Office?

To write an official leave application, you need to simply write down the leave application in the office to your manager’s name on the top left side followed by your name and position. Then, add a subject and the main body beginning with “This is to bring to your kind notice” or “This is to inform you that” and then mention the reason for taking leave from the job. Here are the key points to include in an office leave application format:

  • Salutation
  • Subject (Leave for Personal Tasks or any other reason)
  • Mention the reason for leave
  • The number of leaves you require with particular dates
  • Work plan or delegation of your tasks to other team members during your absence
  • Contact details
  • Signature

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Common Mistakes to Avoid in Leave Applications

One common mistake is providing vague or incomplete information regarding the leave. Always ensure that you specify the reason and duration clearly. Avoid informal language and make sure to follow the required format. Finally, submitting a late application can cause delays, so plan ahead whenever possible.

Tips for Getting Your Leave Application Approved

To increase the likelihood of approval, make sure your request is reasonable and aligns with company policies. Be transparent about the reason for leave, especially in emergencies. Provide ample notice and offer a plan for handling pending work. Courteous communication can make a significant difference.

Leave Application Formats: Which One to Use?

Depending on your workplace or school, the format of a leave application can vary. Common formats include formal letters, emails, or online submission forms. Understanding the proper structure helps ensure your request is processed efficiently.

Bonus Tips to Write a Perfect Application

Writing a flawless leave application requires attention to detail and clear communication. Whether you’re addressing your employer, principal, or HR manager, the way you present your request can significantly impact the leave approval process.

A well-structured and polite application not only conveys professionalism but also enhances your chances of receiving a positive response. Here are some bonus tips for writing a perfect leave application:

  • Use a formal tone while explaining the reason for taking a leave.
  • Write in simple language without using jargon.
  • Proofread the application before sending it.
  • Keep it to the point.
  • If you are sending this application as a parent, then specify the relationship.

Relevant Reads:

Leave Application for Holi Festival: Samples for School Students and Parents15 Days Leave Application: Format and Samples
Write a Letter to Your Friend About Your Future Plans After You Leave SchoolHow to Ask for Leave to Manager: Tips and Email Samples
How to Apply for Sabbatical Leaves?Leave Letter to Class Teacher: Format and Samples

FAQs on Writing Leave Application

How to Write a Leave Application?

There is a simple format for writing any leave application which includes the following pointers:
1. Recipient’s Name
2. Subject (Purpose of the Leave Application
3. Salutation
4. Main Body of Content (Mention your details, reason, leave period, and any additional or related details)
5. Closing line (Yours Sincerely, Thanks and Regards, etc.)
6. Contact Details

How to write a leave application to the boss?

Writing a leave application to your boss requires a balance of professionalism and clarity. It’s crucial to communicate your request effectively to ensure that your absence is managed smoothly and that your responsibilities are covered. To write a leave application to your boss, here’s what you must include:
1. A request for a leave
2. Number of days with the date that you want the leave for
3. What is your work plan in your absence?
4. Mention the colleague if you are delegating your work to someone
5. Offer assistance in completing the work in your absence
6. CC your HR Manager in the e-mail

How to write a leave of absence?

The leave of absence can be written for school or work whether it’s casual or sick leave. For a leave of absence from school, mention the leave period, the total number of days and the reason for the leave. For a leave from work, you must follow these pointers along with mentioning the colleague to whom you are handing your work responsibilities.

How does a teacher write an application for leave?

Teachers are permitted to apply for sick leaves, casual leaves, and emergency leaves, among others. Here is a sample of leave applications for teachers:
Dear Principal,
I am ___, the English teacher for 11th grade. I am writing for a one-day leave for tomorrow [add date] since I have to [mention reason]. Kindly approve a one-day leave. Thank you.
Yours Sincerely,

Where do you put the date on a leave application?

On a leave application, the date is placed on the left side after the sender’s address. You must also mention the date of the leave in the body of the content along with the reason.

What is a leave letter?

A leave Letter is an application written to ask for an absence from the concerned individual which can be the principal or a manager for a work leave. A leave letter can be of different types as per the purposes for absence ranging from personal reasons to sick leave or maternity leave, etc.

How do I write a short leave application?

Writing a short leave application involves being concise while including all essential details. Here’s a simple of a short leave application you can follow:
Dear [Name of Manager],
I am writing to request leave from _/_/_(Leave Starting Date) to _/_/_(Leave End Date) due to _____ (brief reason, e.g., personal reasons, a medical appointment, etc.).
I have arranged for_____(Mention the Colleague’s Name) to handle my responsibilities during my absence. I will be reachable via mail or phone if needed.
Thank you for considering my request.
[Your Name]

What are the things you have to mention in your Application for Leave?

The below-mentioned points highlight the key elements to include in your application to make it effective and appropriate
1. Addressing or extending a greeting to the recipient
2. Subject line
3. Reason for taking leave
4. Required number of leaves
5. Leave Duration
6. Specifics about your pay at work
7. Contact details
8. Supporting documents (Optional)
9. Signature and name

What should be included in a leave application?

A leave application should include your name, designation, the reason for leave, duration, start and end dates, and contact information during the leave period. It’s also important to express gratitude for consideration.

How many days in advance should I submit a leave application?

It’s best to submit a leave application as early as possible. A general recommendation is at least two weeks in advance for planned leaves, though policies may vary depending on the company or institution.

Can I apply for leave via email?

Yes, many workplaces accept leave applications via email. Make sure to follow the formal tone and structure, clearly mentioning your reason for leave, dates, and other important details to ensure approval.

What are the common reasons for leave applications?

Common reasons include personal illness, family emergencies, vacation, bereavement, or religious obligations. Be sure to be honest and provide appropriate context to increase the likelihood of your leave being approved.

This was all about leave application! To read more informative articles like this one, keep following Leverage Edu.

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    because you have given simple and very informative information.

  2. A wonderful blog for anybody who seeks help in writing a leave letter for various reasons.

  3. Letter to the officer requesting him for exemption of leave for treatment of covid 19 of my wife

    1. Hi Dharmendra!

      You can write the letter using the format, structure and tips mentioned in the blog!
      All the best

  4. Hey! thanks for sharing!
    From what I understand, if the PDF is automatically greyed out, you don’t have to write N/A. But some of the questions specifically said if yes/no, write N/A next to the box.

  1. Searching the leave application on Google, many websites came and I saw all the websites, but when I read this article, I liked it very much
    because you have given simple and very informative information.

  2. A wonderful blog for anybody who seeks help in writing a leave letter for various reasons.