
Which UK Universities Accept Transfer Students?

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Which UK Universities Accept Transfer Students?

One of the major decisions when planning to pursue studies abroad is transferring to a different university. There is an array of students who are transferred to a different university due to various reasons, including these students discovering a spot at their favourite university or being accepted for the program they have desired. Whatever the reason, many universities in the UK accept transfer students. If you want to level up and land at your dream universities, here is the list of universities in the UK that accept transfer students. Keep Reading! 

Why Do Students Transfer? 

There are various reasons for transferring students from one university to another. Some basic reasons for students to transfer are 

  • When students enrol in courses that are not what they have expected or due to personal considerations, including family illness. 
  • Most students get transferred as they feel unhappy with the courses they have opted for and want to transfer to another institution that is best according to these students.
  • Some students go to universities transferred as they find the cost of living or studying higher than expected. 
  • Another basic reason for shifting university is personal reasons. Some students prefer staying close to their families or do not fit into the culture of a specific university.

Is Transferring to a New University Worth it?

Yes, it’s worthwhile. Moving universities is an excellent choice if you are having difficulty at your current institution or course. Transferring institutions is worthwhile if they can obtain their selected course, placements, and job chances, as well as a better reputation for the chosen programme. 

Eligibility Requirements 

Suppose you want to transfer to another university or want to get enrolled in a UK university that accepts transfer students. In that case, you are first required to qualify for the following eligibility requirements. 

  • You must pursue the applications before the time of your application term; an eligible student is required to have graduated from high school. For example, if you are registering for a fall semester, you must graduate high school before January 15 to qualify.
  • By the end of the course requirements deadline, if you are a transfer student, you must complete the course requirement for the selected major. You must find your desired course from the list of majors in the chart. 

NOTE: If you are applying for a dual degree or regent engineering pathway program, you must follow the set of courses per the requirements.

  • You must collect authentic transcripts from your former institution or universities, domestic or international. In addition to these college transcripts, being a foreigner to the UK you must h, have a foreign credit evaluation. 
  • You are also required to submit proof of English language proficiency. You can meet this criterion by submitting all required documents (official transcripts) demonstrating that you have completed English composition courses. 

What is the Transfer Student Acceptance Rate?

There are some myths regarding the admission of transfer students, and one such myth is that having few courses helps you in getting into a new university. Being a transfer admission sometimes it is significantly competitive. To encounter this problem you must discover the acceptance rate compared to the first-year admission rate of the university you prefer. This gives you an idea about the chances of getting into the university.

UK Universities That Accept Transfer Students 

To help you with the UK universities that accept transfer students here is the list of universities for January 2023. 

Name of the University Rankings 2023 
University of Oxford 4
Keele University 751-800 
University of Cambridge 2
University of Reading 229
University of Geneva 125

How to Apply for Transfer to Universities in the UK?

Here are the steps you are required to follow to get transferred to a university in the UK. 

  • First, you must do the required research and check the availability of the course. It is the most important step when transferring to universities in any country. You either enter directly into 2nd or 3rd year after completion of a portion of your studies in the university you are currently enrolled at. 
  • Then you must fill out the UCAS Application or you can directly apply to the university you are interested in. 
  • After completion of the above step, you are required to specify the entry year, and you need to indicate this entry point while you input your course option. 
  • You are then required to submit the list of documents to provide proof of eligibility for the course you prefer. Some of the important documents are academic transcripts, SOP, LOR etc. 


Which university accepts most transfer students?

The University of North Texas located in Denton TX is known to accept the most transfer students with an enrollment of 3793 followed by The University of California–Los Angeles with 3788 students. 

Can international student transfer to another university in the UK?

Yes, you can transfer to another university in the UK, you are required to make an application for the courses or courses you prefer. If this application is accepted, then there are two major points of contact that is either your current course leader or the new course leader.

What is the easiest university to transfer to?

The University of North Texas located in Denton TX is known to accept the most transfer students with an acceptance rate of 81%.

Our Leverage Edu experts will help you with end-to-end assistance starting from your university application to the time you reach your university and commence your studies. Call us at 1800 57 2000 to book a FREE 30-minutes counselling session today.

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