99+ Psychology Facts About Human Behaviour You Would Find Interesting

13 minute read
Psychology Facts

Psychology facts about human behavior are one of the most interesting topics. Whether you are pursuing any of the Psychology courses or simply want to learn more about your inner world, these facts will help you understand a great deal of things. Our brains help us interpret the environment, recognise everyone and everything, and learn new knowledge. And ironically, we don’t know how much of our brains work. However, modern neuroscience and clinical neuropsychology have made significant strides in explaining the impact our minds have on our daily tasks. This is why Psychology facts feel intriguing and thought-provoking to many! In this blog, you will read interesting psychology facts in English that might blow your brains.

Best Psychological Facts About Human Behaviour

1. The term ‘psychology‘ has been derived from the Greek word ‘psyche’ translating as ‘breath, spirit, soul’ and ‘logia’ corresponding to ‘study of’.

2. It takes about 66 days for an average individual to make something a daily habit.

3. Studies say that individuals who could instinctively use sarcasm to tackle a frivolous question have healthy minds.

4. Individuals who have a deep sense of guilt are better at identifying the emotions and concerns of the people around them.

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6. We’re naturally second-minded because other people don’t approve.

7. Yawning to have someone else’s yawn is a normal phenomenon, despite not feeling exhausted or asleep. One of the myths regarding its infectiousness is that people ‘catch’ it to express empathy.

Psychology Facts yawning
Source: Houston Methodist | Picture of people yawning

8. An average individual’s mind wanders 30% of the time.

9. Eye pupil rises to 45% when an individual looks at somebody they love.

10. We often tend to break down knowledge into classes of 3-4 objects in them. The Indian phone number is 984-973-2543. Three blocks with 3-4 bits in each chunk.

11. During the 7 minutes of neural activity before dying, you will see your memories in a dreamlike pattern.

12. The next one on our list of physiological facts is that having siblings is proven to help with getting along well with peers.

13. The way an individual treats the employees at an establishment tells immensely about their character.

14. If you sob out of happiness, the first tear will come from the right eye, but if you cry out of sorrow, it will come from the left.

Psychology Facts happy tears
Source: The Wellness Corner | Picture of happy tears

15. Food prepared by someone else tastes much better than your preparation, even when you use the same recipe.

16. Hearing a single negative thing could damage at least five positive memories.

17. Studies have shown that consuming food without preservatives will increase I.Q by up to 14%.

18. You seem to think more about a specific individual than about catastrophic events.

19. An individual still has 7 minutes of neural activity before he passes away.

20. Researchers have observed that thinking that something bad is going to happen is less stressful to understand than not understanding how it will eventually wind up.

21. Listening to certain music genres while studying can improve focus. Try instrumental or classical tunes for a productivity boost!

Psychology Facts listening to music
Source: College Rover | Picture of a student listening to music

22. The human brain naturally seeks patterns. That’s why mnemonic devices, acronyms, or stories can help you remember tough topics more easily.

23. Stress can make it harder to remember things. Try taking breaks, practicing deep breathing, or even a quick walk to help your memory bounce back.

Psychology Facts stressed student
Source: The Spark | Student taking stress

24. Even if you’re not happy, just smiling can make you feel better. Your brain releases feel-good hormones like dopamine and serotonin when you smile!

25. Pulling all-nighters might seem productive, but your brain processes and organizes information best while you sleep.

26. The brain loves manageable goals. If you’re overwhelmed by a big task, divide it into smaller steps. Completing each one gives your brain a motivational boost!

27. Blue can make you feel calm, yellow boosts happiness, and red can grab your attention. Surround yourself with the colors that match your mood or task!

Psychology Facts color psychology
Source: London Image Institute | A color psychology chart

Interesting Psychology Facts

1. Men aren’t more entertaining than women: they only make more jokes, and they don’t care whether others like their humour or not.

2. Shy people tell others very little about themselves, but they do it in quite a manner that makes other individuals believe they know them better than they think they do.

3. The next one on this list of physiological facts is that our brain size has decreased by 10% since we were hunter-gatherers.

4. People in blue rooms are also much more productive.

Psychology Facts people in a white and blue room
Source: LinkedIn | People working in a blue and white room

5. The study showed that information could last longer in the mind of a person evaluated for it than if it were only examined without the need for instant recall.

6. You are in an endless pursuit of human faces in inanimate objects.

7. People are much more likely to return a missing wallet if a picture of a child is found inside.

8. Smart people tend to have fewer mates than the average person. The smarter the individual, the more selective they become.

9. People who speak two languages can unintentionally change their personalities when they switch from one language to another.

Psychology Facts bilingual person
Source: The Yale Wave | Picture of a bilingual person

10. People would rather change the truth than change their views about people.

11. Being alone is harder for your health than you believe.

12. We’re the most imaginative at night and the least creative in the day.

13. Being home alone and isolated for a long time is just as bad for your well-being as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

14. People are more likely to blame someone in the case when something negative happens.

15. Studies also found that people who are in a position of influence and power are very poor at determining other people’s emotions.

16. People between the ages of 18 and 33 have the highest percentage of depression in the world.

Psychology Facts depressed person
Source: Highmark Health | Image of a depressed person

17. Studies say that travel improves brain well-being and even lowers a person’s chance of heart disease and depression.

18. Cognitive dissonance is when you have two contradictory values, and you change one to match another.

19. The broken heart condition is also called stress cardiomyopathy, which could lead to critical, short-term heart muscle dysfunction.

20. The force of authority may have the same effect on a human as a traumatic brain injury.

Dark Psychology Facts About Human Behavior

1. People read quicker with longer lines but prefer shorter lines.

2. Larger groups make worse and more subjective choices than smaller groups of people.

3. Write it down if you can’t interrupt the stream of thinking at night. This is going to put your mind at ease so that you can relax.

4. Women have half as many pain receptors on their bodies as males, but they have a much greater threshold for pain.

Psychology Facts: Women have half as many pain receptors on their bodies as males, but they have a much greater threshold for pain.

5. Physically, repetition affects the brain as new associations are made between brain cells.

6. The maximum number of close relationships/friendships you can maintain is between 50 and 150.

7. Any relationship born between 16 and 28 years of age is more likely to be robust and long-lasting.

8. Emotional pain is remembered better than actual pain which has a greater influence on your behaviour.

Psychology Facts: Emotional pain is remembered better than actual pain which has a greater influence on your behaviour.

9. If we have a plan B, our plan A is less likely to succeed.

10. The starting and the ending are easier to recall than the middle ones.

11. People seem to respect items more when they assemble them on their own, also partially named after the furniture from the renowned store, the ‘IKEA effect.’

12. One research claimed that a man who was named Billy Milligan had 24 personalities.

13. Money will buy happiness, but only to a certain extent.

Psychology Facts: Money will buy happiness, but only to a certain extent.

14. Retrograde amnesia is a disease where you don’t recall much of the injuries.

15. All colours have a physical wavelength associated with them, but the Magenta hue does not. Instead, the brain is viewing the colour as “not green.”

16. Almost all colours have a physical wavelength associated with them, but the colour Magenta doesn’t as your brain is interpreting the colour as “not green.”

17. Exercise slows the neurological deterioration in our brains, and increased physical exercise will delay our brain’s ageing by 10 years.

Psychology Facts: Exercise slows the neurological deterioration in our brains, and increased physical exercise will delay our brain's ageing by 10 years.

18. When we sleep, our spinal fluid flows into the skull beyond the blood vessels of the brain. This reduces brain cell waste, a particular accumulation of amyloid-beta protein.

19. The fastest supercomputer in the world takes 24 million watts of power to run, but our brains only need 20 watts and operate over 100,000 times faster.

20. We scream out when we are really happy, and the hypothalamus in our brain can’t distinguish the difference between good happiness and sorrow.

21. People tend to remember emotionally intense moments more vividly. This is due to the brain’s amygdala, which strengthens memories linked to strong emotions.

22. Did you know that your subconscious mind influences most of your decisions. Research shows that 95% of decisions are made unconsciously, with logic playing a smaller role than we think.

23. Your brain naturally seeks negativity more than positivity. This is known as “negativity bias”, a survival mechanism that makes us focus more on dangers or bad experiences.

24. The “Zeigarnik Effect” makes unfinished tasks stay in your mind . Your brain keeps reminding you of incomplete tasks, which is why making to-do lists can reduce anxiety.

More Psychology Facts Worth Your Attention

1. Anything that your mind says has an identical response from the body’s cells.

2. We would like to break more laws if one law is too strict.

3. London cab drivers, who need to know every street in London, have an expanded hippocampus that indicates that this area is increasing as you decipher more details.

4. Our minds are working on making boring speeches more exciting.

5. You’re conditioned to enjoy the songs you’ve most listened to in high school.

Psychology Facts: You're conditioned to enjoy the songs you've most listened to in high school

6. Memories are more like pieced images than precise snapshots.

7. When you feel like you’re low on something like money, you’re obsessive about it.

8. A scientist named Thomas H. Morgan discovered that chromosomes had inherited knowledge.

9. Your brain is doing more imaginative work when you’re sleepy.

10. It is also found that staying optimistic about the future can powerfully shield people from physical and mental illness.

Psychology Facts: It is also found that staying optimistic about the future can powerfully shield people from physical and mental illness.

11. People who view crime shows and films have consistently overestimated the frequency of crime in the real world.

12. Your reliance on social media is the product of your psychological system.

13. There’s a neurological explanation for why you thought your phone was vibrating because there’s no warning called Phantom Vibration Syndrome.

14. Some people live their lives as if they were in a reality television show.

15. Feeling as though you are in a TV reality show is considered the Truman Syndrome.

Psychology Facts: Feeling as though you are in a TV reality show is considered the Truman Syndrome.

16. Seeing others favourably shows our positive characteristics, seeing others negatively reveals our negative attributes.

17. Depression is often referred to as the product of thought. Imagination causes issues that don’t exist.

18. Being happy around people makes you happier.

19. Convincing yourself that you slept well tricks your brain into believing you did.

20. The sort of music you listen to influences the way you view the world.

Psychology Facts: The sort of music you listen to influences the way you view the world.

21. Romantic desire is biochemically indistinguishable from serious obsessive-compulsive disorder.

22. Phobias may be memories which are passed down through many ancestors using our DNA, according to new studies.

23. Researchers are thinking of adding Internet addiction to the general list of psychiatric illnesses.

24. The brain experiences rejection as physical discomfort.

25. We might persuade ourselves that a dull job is enjoyable if we aren’t rewarded.

Psychology Facts: We might persuade ourselves that a dull job is enjoyable if we aren't rewarded.

26. Sugar and fat were pretty good stuff to our predecessors.

27. Our brain doesn’t think that long-term deadlines are so significant.

28. Our own local culture and environment can sometimes cause hallucinatory voices.

29. The average high school student now has the same level of anxiety as compared to the average psychiatric ward inmate in the early 1950s.

30. Religious rituals, such as prayer, are associated with significantly lower levels of mental issues or psychological discomfort.

Psychology Facts: Religious rituals, such as prayer, are associated with significantly lower levels of mental issues or psychological discomfort.

31. No one born blind has ever had schizophrenia.

32. Your choices are more logical because you think about another language.

33. Human behavioural studies indicate that a person who loses a mobile phone experiences a fear comparable to a near-death experience.

34. A hug longer than twenty seconds will produce hormones in your body that make you trust the individual who is hugging you.

35. People are franker because they’re emotionally drained. That’s why people mention things in late-night talks.

Psychology Facts: People are franker because they're emotionally drained. That's why people mention things in late-night talks.

36. Chocolate discharges the chemical Oxytocin which is the same chemical your body produces when you are happy.

37. Happiness, rage, sorrow, anxiety, disgust, and surprise are the six feelings that are uniformly conveyed.

38. People seem to be happy when they’re kept busy, as this keeps them from worrying about bad problems in life.

39. Narcissistic Personality Disorder exists in around 6% of the population.

40. The sight of water has a very calming and soothing effect on people which makes them experience happiness, and calming thoughts and be even more imaginative.

41. The psychological fact is that your brain rewires itself every time you learn something new. This process is called neuroplasticity, allowing your brain to adapt and grow throughout life.

42. Writing down your worries before a stressful event can improve performance.

43. The “Dunning-Kruger Effect” explains why some people overestimate their abilities. Those with less knowledge about a subject often believe they know more than they actually do.

44. People are more likely to agree to a small request after saying no to a big one. This is called the “Door-in-the-Face” technique, commonly used in persuasion.

45. Spending money on experiences rather than material things leads to greater happiness.

25 Bonus Psychology Facts About the Human Brain for Students

1. It can store an estimated 2,500,000 gigabytes.

2. The human attention span is shorter than a goldfish.

3. The average weight of the adult human brain is three pounds.

4. Memories are stored for both short-term and long-term use at the same time.

5. Vitamin B1 can help improve short- and long-term memory.

6. Easy access to information can make it harder to remember.

7. Memories start forming in the womb.

8. It uses 20% of the body’s total oxygen and energy.

9. It’s composed of 73% water.

10. Sweating can temporarily shrink the brain.

11. Five minutes without oxygen can cause brain damage.

12. It generates 12-15 watts of electricity.

13. Neurons travel 150 mph in the brain.

14. Those who take a quiz twice are 65% more likely to remember the facts.

15. Learning new things increases grey matter in the brain.

16. Memory is prioritized by emotion.

17. Emotions can alter our brain chemistry.

18. It has an average of 50,000-70,000 thoughts a day.

19. More than 100,000 chemical reactions take place in the brain every second.

20. When intoxicated, it can’t form memories.

21. Practising recollection can help with PTSD.

22. Its texture and consistency are comparable to tofu.

23. It starts slowing at around 24 years old.

24. 95% of all decisions are subconscious.

25. The brain itself cannot feel pain.

Interesting Psychological Facts That Always Work

1. We often think more about a person than a catastrophic event that might happen.

2. By taking study notes in longhand, your brain can remember because writing exactly what you study helps you retain better knowledge.

3. It is easier to remember how a story started as well as concluded than its middle.

4. You’ll feel happier spending your money on others than on yourself.

5. People seem to respect items more when they assemble them on their own, which is known as the IKEA Effect.

6. Making your decisions by thinking in a foreign language can help you be more rational.

7. Someone who is born blind has not been found to have schizophrenia.

8. Narcissistic Personality Disorder has been found in around 6% of the population.

9. Babies also start to process language just like grownups after a couple of days of being born.

10. Psychologists have also found that blue can be an appetite suppressant.

11. The type of music you listen to impacts the way you look at the world.

12. Letting yourself feel the negative emotions and feelings related to an event in your life might help you move past it faster.

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Q1. Did you know the facts about personality?

Ans: In long-term studies of personality, some of the core parts of personality remain stable throughout life. Three aspects that do tend to change as we age are anxiety levels, friendliness, and eagerness for novel experiences. According to researcher Paul T.

Q2. What are some cool psychology facts?

Ans: Dopamine makes you addicted to seeking information.
Being in love is biochemically the same as having a severe obsessive-compulsive disorder.
In a few hours, you can be convinced you committed a crime that never took place.

Q3. What are psychological facts about life?

Ans: Our early relationship with our mother has life-lasting consequences.
A feel-good life is not necessarily a healthy one.
Stress can be good for us.
Speaking in a foreign language changes your decisions.

Q4. What are some facts about human behaviour?

Ans: The type of music you listen to affects the way you perceive the world.
Convincing yourself you slept well tricks the brain into thinking it did.
90% of people text things they can’t say in person.

Q5. What is a psychological fun fact related to food?

Ans: The food you make may not taste as good as the food someone else makes, despite having the same recipe!

Q6. What are 5 facts about psychology?

Ans: The 5 facts about psychology are:
– 95% of your actions are influenced by your subconscious mind.
– Events tied to strong emotions are remembered more vividly.
– Belief alone can trigger real mental and physical improvements.
– The brain can’t truly multitask; it switches between tasks instead.
– The brain’s neuroplasticity allows it to adapt and form new connections throughout life.

Q7.What are love psychology facts?

Ans: Love is a complex emotion influenced by biological, psychological, and social factors. Here are some fascinating love psychology facts:
Love and Dopamine: Falling in love releases dopamine, creating feelings of euphoria.
Eye Contact Builds Bonds: Prolonged eye contact boosts intimacy through oxytocin.
Love Reduces Pain: Thinking about a loved one lessens physical pain.
Similarities Attract: People prefer partners with shared interests and values.
90-Second Attraction: Romantic attraction forms in 90 seconds to 4 minutes.
Health Benefits: Love lowers stress, improves health, and extends lifespan.

Q8. What are 5 amazing facts about the brain?

Ans: The 5 amazing facts about brain are:
High Energy Use: The brain uses 20% of the body’s energy despite weighing only 3 pounds.
Vast Memory: It can store about 2.5 petabytes of data, equal to 3 million hours of TV.
Adaptable: Neuroplasticity allows it to rewire itself and adapt to changes.
Electric Power: It generates 23 watts of electricity, powering signals at 268 mph.
Subconscious Dominance: 95% of brain activity happens subconsciously.

Q9.Who is father of psychology?

Ans: The father of psychology is Wilhelm Wundt, who established the first psychology laboratory in 1879 at the University of Leipzig. His work in experimental psychology laid the foundation for psychology as a scientific discipline, separating it from philosophy.

Q10. What are 7 amazing facts about emotions?

Ans: Here are 7 amazing facts about emotions:
– We often mirror others’ emotions, which is why being around happy or anxious people can influence how we feel.
– Emotions trigger physical changes like heart rate and body temperature, such as stress causing a racing heartbeat.
– Even without external triggers, your brain can generate emotions based on memories or imagination.
Most emotions last only 90 seconds unless we dwell on them, which is why they often fade quickly.
Basic emotions like happiness, sadness, and anger are expressed the same way worldwide, regardless of culture.
Emotionally charged experiences are remembered more vividly and for longer periods.
Emotional reactions occur faster than cognitive processing, explaining impulsive responses before we think things through.

Q11. How does the brain process emotions?

Ans: Emotions are processed in the limbic system, especially the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. For example, fear activates the amygdala, while the prefrontal cortex helps regulate emotions, making decisions based on the emotional response.

Q12. Are there psychological facts about decision-making?

Ans: Yes, 95% of our decisions are made subconsciously, according to psychological studies. Factors such as cognitive biases, previous experiences, and emotions heavily influence choices without us realizing it.

Q13. What is the ‘bystander effect’ in psychology?

Ans: The bystander effect states that individuals are less likely to help someone in need when others are present. The diffusion of responsibility makes people assume someone else will intervene, reducing personal accountability.

Q14 How does color psychology influence emotions?

Ans: Colors significantly affect our emotions and behavior. For instance, red evokes excitement and urgency, while blue promotes calmness and trust. This is why brands carefully select colors to influence consumer perceptions.

Q15. What are psychological facts about memory?

Ans: Our brains are designed to forget unimportant details. About 60% of new information is forgotten within 24 hours unless it’s revisited. This is known as the “forgetting curve,” discovered by Hermann Ebbinghaus.

Q16. What are psychological facts about attraction?

Ans: Attraction is influenced by proximity, similarity, and physical appearance. The “halo effect” shows that people often assume attractive individuals have positive qualities like kindness and intelligence.

Q17. What are some psychological facts about happiness?

Ans: Happiness is less about wealth and more about relationships, gratitude, and experiences. Studies show that practicing mindfulness and acts of kindness can significantly boost long-term happiness.

Q18. How does music affect the brain psychologically?

Ans: Music activates the brain’s reward system, releasing dopamine and enhancing mood. Listening to calming music can reduce stress, while upbeat tunes increase motivation and energy.

Hope you enjoy reading these psychology facts. Want to pursue a program in Psychology? Sign up for a free session with our Leverage Edu study abroad experts and make the best-informed decision towards a rewarding career in this field!

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  1. This helps in bring focus back into my world. Always though psychology as violating privacy in a way, but do understand the need for the scientific studies. Mainly it helps sort out who you really are and might prove what one is capable of, although this type of study is hypothetically a base guideline, because not even two individuals are identical!

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  1. This helps in bring focus back into my world. Always though psychology as violating privacy in a way, but do understand the need for the scientific studies. Mainly it helps sort out who you really are and might prove what one is capable of, although this type of study is hypothetically a base guideline, because not even two individuals are identical!