List of Cryptocurrency Courses to Pursue in 2021!

5 minute read

The advancement in modern technology has introduced us to a new type of digital currencies like bitcoins, ethereum, binance coin, and more, which is popularly known as cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency has gained significant relevance in today’s world because of its uniqueness and ease of transfer. Moreover, cryptocurrencies are highly revered due to their low charges and highly secured transactions. In this blog, you will get to explore the importance of cryptocurrencies as well as important cryptocurrency courses that you can take to improve your knowledge of cryptocurrencies. 

What is Cryptocurrency?

Before knowing some of the best and trending cryptocurrency courses that are available, let’s quickly go through the meaning of the term cryptocurrency for a better understanding. Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that does not have a physical form. Cryptocurrency is secured by cryptography which makes it almost impossible to counterfeit or double-spend. It is essentially decentralized digital money that can be used over the internet. Moreover, the decentralized structure of cryptocurrencies allows them to exist outside the control of government and central authorities. 

Cryptocurrency allows people to transact over the internet in a secure manner because it makes use of an online ledger that is strongly protected with cryptography. Additionally, cryptocurrencies work with the help of blockchain technology which ensures the security and integrity of the transactional data and it is a very vital component of cryptocurrencies. 

However, it is very important to note that although cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ether, and Litecoin are slowly growing in popularity, this form of digital currency is not widely accepted by all businesses and organizations around the world since they are considered to have a vulnerable infrastructure and high exchange-rate volatility. 

Bitcoin kya hai? How Bitcoin works and why is it so popular? | Dhruv Rathee
Courtesy: Dhruv Rathee

Reasons to Pursue Cryptocurrency Courses

With their rising popularity and relevance in the technological world, it becomes essential for you to have adequate knowledge about cryptocurrency, its properties, and its various kinds. You can find below a list of reasons as to why you must pursue cryptocurrency courses:

  • As the world is undergoing a massive digitalization revolution with the help of AI, robotics, blockchain technology, smart technology, etc, knowledge of digital or virtual currencies will become important because it is expected that many students will be working with the newer technologies. 
  • Additionally, employers are looking for candidates who have professional knowledge of emerging cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies. 
  • Cryptocurrency is not limited by any geographical boundaries, hence students from around the world can invest their time in this subject since it is expected that cryptocurrency will have huge relevance in numerous fields including finance and business.
  • It is also forecasted that many industries including Agriculture, Law, and Marketing are gaining interest in the field of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology because of its newness and unique nature. 
  • There is also fear that cryptocurrency may soon overtake physical cash in the future due to faster and secured transactions which may lead to increasing demand for this decentralized currency.  
  • When students study cryptocurrency, they stand to gain more knowledge and can start investing and profiting from the activity. 
  • Lastly, government and financial institutions are also interested in creating digital currencies and are looking for ways to regulate them. Countries like China, Russia, Singapore, and Japan have also created their own respective cryptocurrency or are planning to. 
Meet India's CRYPTO Millionaire Sumit Gupta - EASY Explanation Of Blockchain | The Ranveer Show 97
Courtesy: BeerBiceps

Top Universities Abroad for Cryptocurrency Courses

There are also a number of international universities that provide online and offline programs with specialization in FinTech that focus both on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies. Some of these international universities include:

University Location QS World University Rankings 2022
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyUSA1
Stanford UniversityUSA3
Harvard UniversityUSA5
University of TorontoCanada 26
University of OxfordUK2
National University of SingaporeSingapore11
RMIT UniversityAustralia 206
University of IllinoisUSA=82
Cornell University USA21
University of California, Berkeley (UCB)USA32
Columbia UniversityUSA19
University of California San Diego (UCSD)USA48
University of PennsylvaniaUSA 13
Warsaw School of EconomicsPoland 

Read about: World Famous Blockchain Startup by Two Brothers

Indian Colleges Providing Cryptocurrency Courses

Since cryptocurrency and blockchain technology is still a new concept or study field in India and is slowly rising in popularity, there are a limited number of Indian colleges that provide proper degrees in cryptocurrency. You can find below a list of Indian colleges that are providing excellent courses on cryptocurrency or blockchain technology:

  1. Mumbai University
  2. Sharda University
  3. IIT Kharagpur 
  4. IIM Calcutta
  5. Amity University
  6. IILMS University
  7. Chitkara University
  8. Amity University 

Best Online Cryptocurrency Courses

What’s better than inculcating more and more knowledge or new and trending study topics in the present scenario of a pandemic? Hence, here are some interesting and mind-blowing certified cryptocurrency courses that you can pursue online while being at the comfort of your home: 

Course Name Provided By 
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies Technologies by Princeton UniversityCoursera 
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain: An Introduction to Digital Currencies by University of Pennsylvania Cousera
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Explained by University of MichiganCoursera
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies by University of California BerkeleyEdX
Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and BlockchainUdemy
Introduction to Hyperledger Blockchain Technologies EdX
Blockchain EssentialsCognitive Class
Blockchain, Cryptoassets and Decentralised Finance  by INSEADCoursera
Fintech: Foundations & Applications of Financial Technology by University of PennsylvaniaCoursera
Introduction to FinTech by University of Hong KongEdX
Learning Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies LinkedIn Learning
Cryptocurrency Foundation LinkedIn Learning
Blockchain FundamentalsPluralsight
Ethereum Development Course Udemy
Blockchain – Principles and PracticesPluralsight
The Best Cryptocurrency Courses
Courtesy: Finstreet

Skills Required 

Some of the basic skills that you need to learn before pursuing cryptocurrency courses are as follows:

  • Understanding blockchain fundamental and technology
  • Having strong coding skills and command over programming languages such as JavaScript, C++ , Scava and Python
  • Strong Cryptography and Security Skills
  • Understanding the concept of data analysis
  • Having a firm grasp over UX design
  • Knowledge of web development applications such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • Understanding the concept of Financial Analysis

These were some trending cryptocurrency courses that you can pursue in order to boost your CV and knowledge. If you want to pursue a course in blockchain technology or cryptocurrency abroad, then reach out to our experts at Leverage Edu and they can help you out with finding the right course and the best-fit university, with the help of our famous AI Course Finder!

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