
Psychometric Test: Know All About It

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psychometric test

All of us, at one point or the other, have faced a dilemma regarding our careers or professions. Whether it is a confusion pertaining to streams after 10th, exploring high salary courses after 12th Science or choosing from a list of professional courses after graduation, both the students and working professionals find it difficult to select a particular profession from an array of career opportunities. This has often led to individuals selecting an occupation that does not match with their professional goals.  With the aim of helping individuals out, the psychometric test was invented in the 20th century and since then, it has been used by students and various industries to asses the candidate’s ability in a multitude of areas. Through this blog, we will discuss what a psychometric test entails and how does it help you choose a career according to your interest and ability. But before that, let us understand the importance of this assessment technique. 

Why Is A Psychometric Test Important?

psychometric test

Used extensively for determining the interests, capabilities, and suitability for the job profiles during the recruitment process and even for students who are confused about their career, a psychometric test has various benefits. Here are the main reasons why recruiters or the students opt for this type of assessment:

  • Assessing the candidate

Through the conduction of psychometric test, the recruiters can accurately evaluate the personality traits and knowledge of the candidate for that particular job profile. Also, the behavioural attributes such as time management, ability to work under pressure, general awareness, and team spirit are also determined. 

  • On the job performance of the candidate

Whether you have joined in a specific capacity or are looking forward to working in a particular role, a psychometric test can evaluate and predict how you would perform with a given set of responsibilities.  

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  • Selecting a stream or a career path

Students are often stuck in a conundrum when it comes to what to study after 12th or while exploring career options after graduation. This is where a psychometric test can come to use. The students can undergo this evaluation method to identify their weaknesses and strengths and then decide a career in accordance with it. 

Psychometric Test: Overview

A psychometric test is a logical system of assessment which is intended to measure the behavioural style, mental and cognitive capabilities of an individual. These tests are designed to identify the unique skills, personality traits and knowledge of a candidate which can not be noticed during a face to face interview or otherwise. While it is important to know how to crack a Psychometric test but it is equally essential to understand the types of tests. Used mostly by the recruiters, the psychometric test is often divided into 2 broad categories- Personality Test and Aptitude/Ability Test.

Personality Test: 

The main objective of a personality test is to examine the behaviour of the candidate in certain circumstances in an office environment. It mainly includes a series of questions which are related to the written and verbal aspects. It is important to note that there is no right or wrong answer to a set of questions. Therefore, the first answer that comes into the mind is recorded and assessed so as to understand the personality of a candidate. 

Aptitude /Ability Test:

An aptitude based psychometric test examines the candidate’s capabilities in a particular field. It aims to evaluate a definite skill set that the candidate possesses depending on the type of job they have applied for. For example, if a candidate wants to pursue a career in Finance, then it is important to be good in the quantitative ability section or if they want to go for a role in PR, then they should have a stronghold in the verbal reasoning section. Listed below are the types of aptitude tests to examine the candidate: 

  • Logical reasoning ability: With an aim to test the decision-making abilities, the candidates are provided with a set of information where they are judged on the basis of the time they take to conclude the situation logically.
  • Quantitative ability: Evaluating the basic mathematical abilities, this section assesses how you interpret a given set of data which is mostly based on the statistical or written information.
  • Diagrammatic reasoning test: Presented with a set of various diagrams in the forms of graphs and flowcharts, the primary objective of the Diagrammatic reasoning test is to assess the candidates logical reasoning and problem-solving ability. 
  • Error checking test: IN this type of psychometric test, the applicant is judged on the basis of how quickly and promptly they identify an error in complex data sets such as alpha-numeric combinations, codes etc.
  • Verbal reasoning test: This section is used to evaluate the comprehension and interpretation skills and how well the candidate makes an informed decision. 
  • Inductive reasoning test: In Inductive reasoning test, diagrammatic information is presented where the candidate is examined based on how they identify various patterns and trends. 

How does Leverage Edu Help you?

We, at Leverage Edu, understand that how selecting a career path can be a daunting task. Thus, our experts help the students and working professionals to design a career map that aligns with their professional goals by conducting a psychometric test. Our assessment technique identifies the true potential of the candidates by comprehensively analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, personality traits and the most suited career fields based on their interests and capabilities. 

Thus, If you are an aspiring student who needs educational counselling or a working professional who wants to choose the future course then our experienced professionals at Leverage Edu are here to guide you. Through our revolutionary AI-based tool, we will help you find the best university and the programs that are most suitable for you. You can also book a 30 minutes free career counselling session with our experts and get all your queries answered in minutes!

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