
How to Design a Career Map for Yourself?

3 minute read
career map

You must have listened to podcasts and lectures by people who have achieved a great feat in their lives. They often talk about the importance of hard work, perseverance and learning. The confidence with which they talk and the aura they exude do not come easy. They go through a hard time exploring what they want to do in their lives. A large number of people spend a great amount of time in search of their goals and by the time they realize it, it is already late. The first step for moving ahead in your career is to know what to do. It has been seen that people who make the best out of their careers follow a pattern. Dedication does play a crucial role but that’s not enough. Having a strategy maximizes your chances of succeeding in your profession. If you have set your mind to achieve your goal, the next thing you should be doing is to design a career map for yourself.

Also Read: What is Career Counselling? 

Importance of Career Mapping

What if there was a way to help you check your progress and plan your activities accordingly? Using a career map, you can easily formulate an approach to accomplish your goals. Your career plan keeps you motivated and ensures that you do not lose focus while pursuing your career. This maximizes your potential of achieving your target in due time. Not only does it give you a roadmap but also helps you land in your dream job.

By the time you make your transition into retirement, you will have a systematic plan to make your path smoother. A career map helps you while browsing through your achieved milestones, to make intelligent decisions about your retirement.  

Also Read: What is Career Guidance And Why Do You Need it?

When to Start and Where to Begin From?

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It is important that you start your career mapping as early as possible. Designing a career plan is a gradual process that can be started right after you complete high school. It should reflect your skills, achievements, and aspirations. By the time you prosper in your life, you can go on adding things and arranging the contents in it according to your priority. It becomes essential that you revisit your formulated layout to assess what your next course of action should be.

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During the time you graduate from your high school, the decisions are highly influenced by your parents. You may choose to follow a career path that suits your interest and fits your need. By the time you plan to seek admission in college, the decisions you take become more consequential which can have a life-changing impact on you. 

Leverage Your Career Map

While it is crucial to have a career plan all along your journey, you need professional guidance to help you design one. It might seem an unimportant task to fill a paper with your aspirations and goals, but the same quality has been seen in personalities who are successful in their careers. Leverage Edu is India’s fastest growing ed-tech market place helping thousands of students achieve their goals by guiding them in choosing the right career option.

The revolutionary AI-technology we have incorporated to look for the best career choices and opportunities abroad has helped us become the most trusted service providers in the field among aspirants. Our professionals make use of the psychometric test to evaluate your subject of interest, create a career map and based on that they connect you to the network of mentors worldwide. At Leverage, we are committed to helping you in realizing your innate skills and support you in turning them into your career.

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