In today’s globalized world, English has become a universal language, making it crucial for individuals to master its fundamental concepts and hone essential reading, speaking, and writing skills. Among these skills, content editing is a vital tool for effective communication in the English language. Whether you are a student, professional, or casual learner, having strong editing skills helps ensure your writing is clear, concise, and error-free. In this blog, we’ll dive into editing exercises for Class 6 to 11 students, offering you a worksheet with practical exercises, valuable tips for solving them, and even some fun videos to make the learning process enjoyable. If you want to improve your writing and editing skills, this post is for you! Please continue reading to explore all the helpful resources we’ve curated for you.
This Blog Includes:
- Why are Editing Exercises Important?
- Tips for Effective Editing
- Common Grammar Mistakes to Avoid in Editing
- Easy Editing Exercises with Answers for Practice
- Free Editing Exercises PDF
- Editing Exercises for Practise
- Other Editing Exercises
- Answers to Editing Exercises
- How Can I Practice My Editing Skills?’
- Tricks Solve Editing Exercises
- FAQs
Why are Editing Exercises Important?
Editing exercises are included in English workbooks in schools to build a good grammatical foundation in students, preparing them for formal communication by developing sentence structuring and editing skills. Editing exercises generally comprise a short passage which is divided into small sentences. Each of these sentences has a misfitting phrase or word which requires editing. Students are supposed to identify and rectify the error, following the process throughout the passage.
More importantly, editing exercises can help you:
- Build a habit of proofreading your written content efficiently and covering all aspects of errors.
- Improves writing skills by giving snippets of content with errors in them, thus ensuring minimal errors when you try writing yourself.
- Strengthen your grasp of English which can help in avoiding errors in both spoken and written communication skills.
A Guide for you to Master your English Language Skills: How to Speak Fluent English in 30 Days?
Tips for Effective Editing
Editing can transform a good piece of writing into an exceptional one. Start by reading the entire text to catch any glaring issues. Follow this by checking for consistency in tone and clarity. Ensure each sentence flows logically, and verify the accuracy of facts and spelling. Finally, reading aloud can help highlight awkward phrasing or overlooked errors. This comprehensive approach ensures that each revision enhances readability and engagement, making your writing impactful and polished.
Common Grammar Mistakes to Avoid in Editing
Common grammar mistakes can disrupt the flow of your writing and affect its professionalism. Watch for errors like subject-verb disagreement, incorrect tense use, and misplaced modifiers. Additionally, be wary of overusing passive voice, as it can dilute the clarity and directness of your message. Staying attentive to these pitfalls can greatly enhance your writing’s coherence and precision, helping readers engage effortlessly with your ideas.
Lean about 23 Common Grammar Mistakes in English to Avoid here!
Easy Editing Exercises with Answers for Practice
To guide you beyond simple tips and tricks, here are some solved practice questions on editing. In the given passages, there are incorrect phrases and words which require correction. Identify the mistakes correctly and replace them with the best possible alternative:
Editing Exercise for Class 6
Exercise 1
Instruction: Read the passage given below to identify the words that are incorrect and correct them.
Once upon a time, there lived a very poor girl who had very big dreams but didn’t work hard enough to achieve them. One day she had enough milk to sell in the market so she thought if she could sell the milk she should earn enough money and move into the city and start a new job there. So she poured the milk into a large can and carried it in her head to a nearby market. While going to the market she started to dream about how she would earn a lot of money and make all her dream come true and if someone asked her for money, she would scold them and send them back. Just while thinking so, she jerked her head so fast that the milk kept on her head fell and all the milk spilled on the ground.
Answers for Exercise 1:
Incorrect | Correct |
Their | There |
Has | Had |
Too | to |
It | Them |
Sells | Sell |
Though | Thought |
Should | Could |
An | a |
Pour | Poured |
Dreaming | Dream |
Lots | Lot |
Dream | Dreams |
Ask | Asked |
Sent | Send |
Jerk | Jerked |
Keep | Kept |
Falls | Fell |
Milks | Milk |
Exercise 2
Instruction: Take a look at the following passage and the incorrect and correct words:
Passage | Incorrect | Correct |
Banana is an popular fruit and | an | a |
An important part to our diet today. | to | of |
It originally belonged in South Asia | in | to |
Region where it using to grow wild | using | used |
In the forests. In the years, proper selection | in | with |
Yield the edible banana. | yield | yielded |
Do Check Out:
- 100+ GK Questions and Answers For Class 6 Students
- Notice Writing for Class 6
- Class Six English Grammar
- Unseen Passage for Class 6
- Adjective Worksheet for Class 6
Editing Exercise for Class 7
Exercise 1
Instruction: Read the following passage carefully. There are errors in the underlined words. Identify the errors and write the correct words in the table provided.
Once upon a time, there was a boy name Rahul. He lived in a small village near the forest. Rahul loved exploring the woods and enjoy the chirping of birds. One day, while he was walking through the forest, he seen a strange plant. It had leaves that shines brightly in the sunlight. Rahul decides to take the plant home and show it to his father. His father, a farmer, told him it are a rare medicinal herb.
Answer for Exercise 1
Error | Correction |
(1) name | named |
(2) lived | lived (correct) |
(3) enjoy | enjoyed |
(4) was | was (correct) |
(5) seen | saw |
(6) shines | shone |
(7) decides | decided |
(8) are | is |
Exercise 2
For this editing exercise, go through the passage with each incorrect sentence:
Passage | Incorrect | Correct |
Facebook, with more then 1 Billion users | then | than |
Is celebrated its 10th birthday this year. | celebrated | celebrating |
The company was launching by Mark | launching | launched |
Zuckerberg at 4th February 2004. The site was | at | on |
Conceived in a Harvard dorm in a way | in | as |
To connect student and let them build an | student | students |
Identity for himself online | himself | themselves |
Do Check Out:
- 100+ Must-Know GK Questions for Class 7 Students
- English Unseen Passage for Class 7
- NCERT Solutions for Class 7
Free Editing Exercises PDF
Editing Exercises for Practise
Select the word which should be edited from the following sentences to make them grammatically correct.
1. I have been living in Ireland there for two years.
- Have been
- Living
- There
- For
2. She did not want to do work today.
- Did not
- Want
- Do
- Today
3. Harry lent his book to me on yesterday.
- Lent
- On
- To
- Yesterday
4. Sherry, my friend, who is a writer.
- My
- Who
- Is
- A
5. I wanted to stay out away of this.
- Away
- To
- Of
- Out
6. I have wrote this song yesterday.
- This
- Have
- Yesterday
- None of the above
7. I would like that you deliver this letter for me.
- That
- This
- For
- Me
8. The office where I work at is very small.
- The
- Where
- At
- Very
9. She wrote to me this letter.
- To
- Me
- This
- None of the Above
10. I asked to him if he wants to go out.
- To
- If
- Out
- None of the Above
Other Editing Exercises
Q2: Solve the following passage by highlighting the incorrect phrase and mentioning the correct phrase in the next column.
Passage | Incorrect | Correct |
Paper were first made by the Egyptians | _______ | ________ |
From the plant names papyrus. For | _______ | ________ |
the long time, papyrus was used extensively | _______ | ________ |
as writing material before a Chinese | _______ | ________ |
perfected the processes. Demand of paper | _______ | ________ |
growing with the advent of books worldwide. | _______ | ________ |
Q3: Find the incorrect phrases in this paragraph and put them in the columns:
Passage | Incorrect | Correct |
Children are fond to mango. It is a | _______ | ________ |
juicy or citrous fruit, available in | _______ | ________ |
much varieties. Mangoes grow on a | _______ | ________ |
tree over tropical and temperate climate. | _______ | ________ |
One of the best place to have good mangoes | _______ | ________ |
was Andhra Pradesh, India | _______ | ________ |
Q4: Locate the incorrect words in the following paragraph and add them to the columns with correct words.
Passage | Incorrect | Correct |
Ones there was a King who | _______ | ________ |
Thought only to himself. | _______ | ________ |
He only talked about her own charms | _______ | ________ |
and conquests in a court all day. | _______ | ________ |
He wants people to believe his tales | _______ | ________ |
and talk about his great to everyone. | _______ | ________ |
While practising these editing exercises, don’t forget to check out Omission Exercises!
Q5: Solve the incorrect words in the following passage.
Passage | Incorrect | Correct |
I had to went out despite the | _______ | ________ |
Heavy rain outside to got some medicine. | _______ | ________ |
Although the symptoms was not as | _______ | ________ |
Pronounced as they were at the morning, | _______ | ________ |
the doctor had instructs me to | _______ | ________ |
be regular with mine dosage. | _______ | ________ |
Q6: Find the incorrect words and their corrections and add them to the corresponding columns.
Passage | Incorrect | Correct |
Commonwealth golds medalist Heena Kumari | _______ | ________ |
used to watch her uncle repairs all kinds | _______ | ________ |
Of guns in her neighbourhood and development | _______ | ________ |
a fancy for it. When she picks up shooting | _______ | ________ |
In 2006, her family did not thinks that she could | _______ | ________ |
Represent the country or win the medal, but she | _______ | ________ |
proven everyone wrong with her skills. | _______ | ________ |
Q7: Find the incorrect words in the passage and correct them
Passage | Incorrect | Correct |
It is true that a natural disaster was a natural process | _________ | _________ |
and we cannot stop it, but through making certain preparations, | _________ | _________ |
we can reduce the magnitude of the loss to life or property. | _________ | _________ |
First of all, we would reduce global warming which is the | _________ | _________ |
root cause from all the problems. We should | _________ | _________ |
also have insurance policies such that we have | _________ | _________ |
sufficient money to rebuilt our lives after any such disaster. | _________ | _________ |
Q8: Solve the incorrect words in the following passage.
Passage | Incorrect | Correct |
Although Martin Luther is considered to being an icon | _________ | _________ |
for racial equal, his work exceeds far beyond that. | _________ | _________ |
As a pastor, he worked to human betterment, irrespective | _________ | _________ |
of colour or creed. He believed in a word of the lord | _________ | _________ |
and implemented his virtues like kindness on his daily activities. | _________ | _________ |
Q9: Find the wrong words in the passage and correct them.
Passage | Incorrect | Correct |
Electricity is express by the amount of charge | _________ | _________ |
flowing through the particular area in unit time. Electricity | _________ | _________ |
is a necessity to modern civilization. It have invaded our | _________ | _________ |
lives or has become vital to many aspects of our society. | _________ | _________ |
It is a medium for the transmission to signals in computers, | _________ | _________ |
cell phones etc. In industries, manufacturing rely on electricity | _________ | _________ |
for drive virtually all moving parts. | _________ | _________ |
Q10: Identify mistakes in the passage and correct them.
Passage | Incorrect | Correct |
Discipline is a structural and fundamental unit | _________ | _________ |
of a success person. It is essential for us at home, | _________ | _________ |
for soldiers on the battlefield, for students at school, for | _________ | _________ |
players in the playground. A team of experience players | _________ | _________ |
can also lose a match because to indiscipline in the team. | _________ | _________ |
Every tough battle can be win by a disciplined army. | _________ | _________ |
Q11: Locate errors in the passage and rectify them.
Passage | Incorrect | Correct |
Books help us knew more about our civilization. | _________ | _________ |
Through books, we come in contact to great scholars, | _________ | _________ |
poets and philosophers. Book never misguide us. | _________ | _________ |
They help us in building their character. By reading | _________ | _________ |
books, our knowledge is elevated. If us are | _________ | _________ |
on a long journey, books gave us good company. | _________ | _________ |
Everyone, therefore, should develop the habit to reading books. | _________ | _________ |
Answers to Editing Exercises
I. 3
II. 3
III. 2
IV. 1
V. 1
VI. 2
VII. 1
IX. 1
X. 1
Incorrect | Correct |
Were | Was |
Names | Named |
The | A |
A | The |
processes | Process |
Growing | Grew |
Incorrect | Correct |
To | Of |
Or | And |
The | A |
Much | Many |
Over | In |
Place | Places |
Was | Is |
Incorrect | Correct |
Ones | Once |
To | About |
Her | His |
A | The |
Wants | Wanted |
Great | Greatness |
Incorrect | Correct |
Went | Go |
Got | Get |
Was | Were |
At | In |
Instructs | Instructed |
Mine | My |
Incorrect | Correct |
Golds | Gold |
Repairs | Repair |
Development | Developed |
Picks | Picked |
Thinks | Think |
The | A |
Proven | Proved |
Also Explore 10 Ways to Be a Good Orator Along with Some Well-Known Orators
Incorrect | Correct |
was | is |
through | by |
or | and |
would | should |
from | of |
such | so |
rebuilt | rebuild |
Incorrect | Correct |
being | be |
equal | equality |
to | for |
a | the |
on | in |
Incorrect | Correct |
express | expressed |
the | a |
have | has |
or | and |
to | of |
rely | relies |
For | to |
Incorrect | Correct |
A | The |
success | successful |
at | in |
experience | experienced |
because | due |
win | won |
Incorrect | Correct |
knew | know |
to | with |
book | books |
their | our |
us | we |
gave | give |
to | of |
How Can I Practice My Editing Skills?’
You can practise your editing skills by following these steps below:
- First, start editing the existing articles that need to be edited. For example, Wikipedia entries, news articles, or blog posts. You can rewrite them for clarity by keeping in mind the grammar and structure.
- Besides this, you must join editing communities. For example, Reddit’s r/proofreading. You can also join in as an editor on websites like Medium, or Project Gutenberg.
- You can use editing tools like Hemingway Editor, Grammarly, and ProWritingAid to refine your writing.
- Rewrite your own work- You can rewrite your reports, essays, blog posts, and emphasise on consistency, readability, and flow.
- Focus on peer editing- You can also offer to proof read others’ works. You can proofread the work of your classmates or friends. This will enable you to gain experience.
- Lastly, analyse professional writing styles. Read well-edited books, academic papers, and articles to understand the sentence structure, editing techniques, and word choices.
Tricks Solve Editing Exercises
Solving editing exercises requires basic lingual skills, as well as an awareness of sentence structuring and articulation. However, there are a few tips that can help you answer editing questions quickly while checking all the boxes for grammar. Here are some of them:
- Subject-verb agreement is paramount in editing exercises. If the verb and subject do not indicate similarity as singular/plural, there is an error.
- Focus on sentence punctuation more as it would help you in determining the correct use of proverbs and conjunctions, also keeping in check the coordinating conjunctions. The apostrophe is one of the most crucial punctuation in editing.
- Make sure that the tenses are in line throughout the passage. In case there is a discrepancy, make sure you edit the singular anomaly instead of correcting tenses in every sentence, as it has a very high chance of being wrong.
- Try reading the passage backwards, too. Sometimes, it is hard to anticipate mistakes when editing while reading from top to bottom. Reading it in reverse makes the text unpredictable and helps the brain isolate every sentence, bringing out minor mistakes.
- Errors in articles are frequent in editing exercises and are easy to comprehend. Just remember the vowel and special subject rule.
- Check the noun and pronoun agreement throughout the text. There may be different number errors between the two, or the pronoun used may be completely incorrect.
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In editing, students have to find the error in the sentence/part of the sentence. The error or wrong word has to be written in the space provided. Then the student has to identify the correct word that should replace the wrong word. This correct word should be grammatically correct.
Editing when we have to create a document then we see, sometimes we leave one or more words in a sentence or line then we have to recover it we must have edited in that place. OMISSION when we are in writing one or many sentences then we got one or more mistakes then we have to replace the mistake word to correct it.
Murch’s six rules on editing consist of Emotion, Story, Rhythm, Eye trace, Two- dimensional Plane of Screen, and Three-dimensional Space of Action, which all have different values in order of importance for the cut
Editing exercises are activities that involve reviewing written text to identify and correct grammatical, spelling, punctuation, or syntactical errors. They are commonly used in English learning to enhance language skills and improve writing accuracy.
Editing exercises help students develop critical proofreading skills, improve grammar, and refine their writing. They promote attention to detail and ensure students can spot and correct mistakes, which is essential for both academic and professional communication.
By regularly practicing editing exercises, students learn to identify common errors and make corrections efficiently. This practice helps improve sentence structure, vocabulary usage, and punctuation, leading to stronger writing skills and fewer mistakes in their own work.
To do editing exercises, read through a passage that contains intentional errors. Identify each mistake—whether it’s a grammatical issue, spelling error, or misuse of punctuation—and correct it. The goal is to improve the clarity and correctness of the text.
Yes, editing exercises can improve spoken English by strengthening grammatical accuracy and vocabulary. The skills learned through written editing can translate to better sentence construction and clarity in spoken communication.
Common errors found in editing exercises include:
Grammatical errors (subject-verb agreement, tenses)
Spelling mistakes
Punctuation errors (commas, periods, apostrophes)
Word choice errors (incorrect or awkward phrasing)
Sentence structure issues (run-on sentences, fragments)
By focusing on sentence-level corrections, editing exercises help students recognize improper sentence constructions, such as fragments or run-on sentences. Through repeated practice, learners become adept at creating clear, well-structured sentences in their writing.
Yes, editing exercises are excellent for improving grammar. As students correct errors in areas such as verb tense, subject-verb agreement, and word order, they reinforce their understanding of grammar rules and apply them more effectively in their writing.
To give your 100%, you must have a solid study plan. You must make a schedule and then stick to it. Thereafter, ensure that you are dedicating the required time to your studies. Time must be allocated depending on the importance of the subject.
To get full marks in editing, ensure you understand the question. Thereafter, eliminate the mistakes by emphasising grammar and spelling. You must also ensure clarity of the text. Make sure you are simplifying complex sentences. The text must have a formal tone and a logical flow. Read your work several times to ensure no mistakes are overlooked.
Hence, this article encapsulates the basic knowledge related to Editing exercises and how to solve them. Editing exercises are not only included in the school curriculum but can also help you prepare for English proficiency tests like IELTS and TOEFL. If you are aiming to appear for IELTS or TOEFL, sign up for our Leverage Live online classes and avail dedicated doubt-clearing sessions, best-in-class study materials, and tips and tricks to achieve your dream score!
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Article Rules
Understanding GMAT Sentence Correction
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Very good thanks so much
Thanks for reading.
Also, check: How to be an Editor?
Article Rules
Understanding GMAT Sentence Correction
Thank you very much for providing this editing exercise. I did some mistakes but later corrected them. And of course, the quiz was nice with gifs.
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Thanks, it’s really helpful to have good exercises other than usual repeated stuff we find online. Thankyou so much