
Co Curricular Activities List for Resume

4 minute read
Co Curricular Activities List

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all” Even though you have always dreamt of being an architect, did you win numerous certificates and awards for your singing and debate skills? Are you one of those talented engineers who also happen to be the photographer of your group? Are you wondering if all of your co curricular skills and the recognition for it will not be much of a help in your resume? Then you are at the right place as we discuss the Co Curricular Activities List.

Let us first have a look at what co curricular activities are:

Co Curricular Activities List: What is Co Curricular Activity? 

Before adding our special skills in our resume we need to understand exactly what co curricular activities are. Co curricular means different programs, activities as well as learning experiences that imply you are part of experiences that mirror or are connected to the academic structure you are currently part of. The co curricular activities are not graded and do not give you the opportunity of improving your grade. However, these activities shape up your personality, approach to different problems and your creative outlook, skills most of the companies are looking for in a candidate. However we tend to confuse co curricular activities with Extra-Curricular activities and before we move to the Co Curricular Activities List, let us look at the difference between Co Curricular Activities and Extra-Curricular Activities. 

Co-Curricular vs Extra-Curricular

Generally people tend to get confused between the two. Co Curricular Activities are basically different pursuits that are closely related to the academic structure. In a course, co curricular Activities are mostly extensions of the academic learning experience. Extra-Curricular Activities on the other hand are not offered by the institute itself and is not really connected to the academic structure as such. In practice, this difference may seem a little fuzzy to follow. For example, sports and athletics activities are considered Extracurricular Activities, while something like a science fair is considered a Co Curricular activity since participation in a science fair results in academic learning to a great extent. However, both these terms do not necessarily follow their true meaning and can be used in place of the other while making a resume. Let us now look at why the Co Curricular Activities List is important. 

Why is Co Curricular Activities List Important for Your Resume? 

The introduction of Co Curricular Activities helps those hiring you have a glimpse into your hobbies, your interests and your individuality, outside the world of academics, tests and scores. The information provided by the Co Curricular Activities transforms you from a bunch of data to a human with varied interests and passions in the eyes of those recruiting you. In case you feel your Co Curricular Activities may seem disconnected from your desired job profile, but if you list out the soft skills you develop because of these activities, you can make your resume look more polished and appear more skillful than the other competitors. Having established the importance, let us have a look at the Co Curricular Activities list for Resume. 

Top 10 Co-Curricular Activities and Why You Should Add them to Your Resume?

Tabulated below are the most popular co curricular activities that you can add to your resume- 

Co Curricular Activities Key Skills 
Student Government-Leadership skills
-Communication skills
-Organizational skills
Foreign Language
-Interpersonal skills
-Critical Thinking
-Work Ethic
-Work Ethic
-Attention to Detail
-Work ethic
Sorority / Fraternity-Collaboration
Work Study-Time management
-Problem solving
Resident Advisor (RA)-Conflict management
-Time management skills
Club Exectuive Board Position-Leadership
Music, Drama & Theatre
-Attention to detail 
Volunteering & Fundraising

Co Curricular Activities List for Resume

There is no specific Co Curricular Activity that will help boost your resume as such. It is the skills that you develop from the activities that matter. Here is a Co Curricular Activities list for Resume: 

  • Debate and Discussion
  • Essay Writing Competition
  • Recitation Competition
  • Story Writing competition
  • Drama 
  • Celebration of festivals in institutes
  • Declamation Contest
  • School Decoration
  • Folk dance and songs
  • Writes up for school magazine
  • Preparation of charts and models
  • Photography
  • Organising exhibitions and school programs 

These were some of the options on the long Co Curricular Activities List. There are many other activities that come under Co Curricular Activities. The skills you develop and the passion with which you approach these activities are what will be the judging factor of the recruiting panel. 

Hopefully this blog answers most of your questions about Co Curricular Activities and its importance in your resume. In case you need more assistance in any other way for your professional career, whether it is about helping you discover your passion or interests or in other steps in building up your  career, Leverage Edu always has your back. Call today for the best assistance in your career development.

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