What is Quality Education?

9 minute read

Whatever progress our society has made over the centuries is because of education. Being the foundation stone of society, education brings reforms, helps in progress and paves the way for innovation. The importance of quality education cannot be undermined in a society, which is why great personalities have extensively written about their needs in a civilized society. It is because of education, that humans have been able to explore the vastness of the universe and the mystery of its existence in atoms. Concepts like gravity, cognitive dissonance, laser-guided surgical procedures and millions more would not exist if education were not there to unleash our potential. In the 21st century, some countries are lagging in the race for quality education

Understanding Quality Education

Education International (EI), a Belgium-based organization, defines quality education as one that focuses on the social, emotional, mental, physical, and cognitive development of each student regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or geographic location. It prepares the child for life and not just for testing. In 2012, the United Nations for the first time included ‘Quality Education’ in their Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Further, education in modern times is highly influenced and dependent on Information and Communication Technology which has paved the way for students to attain school or higher-level education. Quality education not only prepares a student for a job but also develops the overall personality of an individual. In the case of children, it aims at their complete upbringing where morals and ethics are taught as part of the curriculum to help them live a healthy lifestyle. 

What makes a quality education?
Credits: Simpleshow Foundation

Also read: Importance of Education in Life

United Nations on Quality Education

Goal 4: Quality Education | The Global Goals
Credit: The Global Goals

The United Nations understand the supremacy of education for a brighter and prosperous future and is therefore of the consensus that quality education and not merely education should be a reality for all. In its Sustainable Development Goals, the UN has identified quality education as a major goal to ensure the ‘transformation of the world’ by 2030. By quality education, the UN implies equitable and standard education for all that will promote lifelong learning and the urge to gather knowledge. Inclusivity and equitability are the foundations to be upheld in quality education and not a greater literacy rate. This is a revolutionary approach to understanding education and making it the means of changing the world.

Education must fully assume its central role in helping people to forge more just, peaceful and tolerant societies.

– Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations

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Why is it Important?

We all are aware of how technology changing the face of education. Not only has the mode of receiving education changed but the methods of teaching students have also evolved. Earlier, education was more of a monologue, but nowadays, teachers encourage students to maintain a two-way flow of information in classrooms. United Nations has identified a multitude of problems at the global level that if not addressed can lead to serious problems. To tackle such issues, the need for leaders and experienced professionals who are adept in their respective fields has grown. To encourage leadership and power to influence the students, it has become imperative to employ a refined way of teaching practices. In the age of technology, information can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

Even though providing quality education demands great efforts to shape the personality of a student, with the advent of new technologies, a student is just a click away from requisite resources. While sitting hundreds of miles away from an educational institute, the students can take online classes from the institution, avail benefits of online career counselling, and access a great volume of resources from free online libraries

Read More: Importance of Education in Life

COVID Response Towards Quality Education

In 2020, Covid-19 hit the world and education was one of the most important factors that were adversely affected. A majority of countries announced the temporary closure of schools impacting more than 91% of students in the world. 

As per the UN, by April 2020, approximately 1.6 billion students were out of school and nearly 369 million children depended upon school meals. To ensure that education doesn’t stop at this time, UNESCO has created the following aims:

  • Help countries mobilize resources and implement new and context-appropriate solutions to offer remote education by leveraging hi-tech, low-tech and no-tech methods
  • Seek equitable solutions and universal access
  • Make sure that there are coordinated responses that avoid overlapping efforts
  • Facilitate the return of students to school when they reopen to avoid an increase in dropout rates

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Statistics Around Quality Education

Here are some of the details about quality education that you must learn:

  • Before the pandemic, projections showed that more than 200 million students would  be out of school and only 60% of young people would reach upper secondary education in 2030
  • More than half of the students that have not enrolled in school live in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • 617 million youth worldwide lack basic mathematics and literacy skills
  • In 10 low and middle-income countries, children with disabilities were 19% less likely to achieve minimum proficiency in reading

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How this Goal can be Achieved?

The increasing number of crimes, wars, disease outbreaks, drastic economic downfalls, climate change, and many other factors have led to unexpected changes in societies around the globe. Due to this, educationists and developmental organizations around the world emphasize the need for quality education and are stressing the need and unite people towards achieving the goal. From educating a smaller group of people within their community to spreading awareness about rising global issues, educated people can work in an array of ways to achieve goals. Besides formulating new methods, traditional methods like employing drama and art in education can also yield optimum results and help enrich the educational process.  

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The Targets of Quality Education

Everyone can participate in their ways to provide quality education around the world. Here are some of the targets that the UN has set for 2030 in this section:

  • By 2030, ensure that there is free primary and secondary education for girls and boys for effective learning outcomes
  • By 2030, ensure that both girls and boys have access to quality early development and pre-primary education
  • Ensure equal access to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education
  • Increase the number of people, both youth and adults who have relevant skills for employment, jobs and entrepreneurship
  • Eliminate all discrimination in education
  • Ensure universal literacy and numeracy
  • Ensure education for sustainable development and global citizenship
  • Ensure the building and upgrading of inclusive and safe schools
  • Expand higher education scholarships for developing countries
  • Increase the supply of qualified teachers in developing countries
How can we provide quality education for all by 2030? | Bernd Roggendorf | TEDxHamburg
Credits: TEDx Talks

How can you Promote Quality Education?

Here is how you can promote quality education around the world:

  • Find a charity that works for quality education, donate or get involved in other ways
  • Donate the books that you have used to those who need it
  • Promote and take free online courses
  • Visit local schools, see what school supplies they need and start a drive to provide it to them
  • Mentor young children and help them with their homework or projects

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Dimensions of a Quality Education

Here are some of the important dimensions of quality education that every organization should meet:

  • Equity
  • Sustainability
  • Contextualisation and Relevance
  • Balanced Approach
  • Child-friendly Teaching and Learning
  • Learning Outcomes

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Quality Education Systems Around the World

Every country has a unique education system but some of them are so interesting and well-run that they are much closer to the Quality Education in the world. Here are some of the top countries with the best quality education systems:

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Quality of a Good Teacher

A good teacher should have several qualities and some of them are:

  • A good teacher should be a good communicator and must know not only how to communicate with the students but also with the other teachers and school authorities especially when it comes to sharing the problems of the students as well.
  • A good teacher is a good listener and must know to listen to the students and know their needs
  • Adaptability is a crucial value of a good teacher, especially in these times as schools are moving online
  • Good teachers are empathetic and patient with their students and understand what they are feeling and need.

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What do we mean by a quality education?

Learners who are healthy, well-nourished, and eager to participate and learn, with their families and communities supporting them in their learning;… Outcomes that include knowledge, skills, and attitudes, and are related to national goals for education and good participation in society.

How do you achieve quality education?

Quality education is supported by three main pillars: availability to qualified teachers, the utilisation of quality learning resources and professional development, and the creation of safe and supportive learning environments.

What is the importance of quality education?

Quality education lays the groundwork for societal fairness. One of the most basic public services is high-quality education. It not only informs but also empowers residents, allowing them to participate as much as possible in their communities’ social and economic growth.

Why is quality education so important?

Education is a key to escaping poverty and enabling upward socioeconomic mobility. Education aids in the reduction of inequities and the attainment of gender equality, as well as the promotion of tolerance and a more peaceful society.

What are the three most important things necessary for quality education?

Here are the three things that are required to provide high-quality education:
1. Study the content at your leisure at home, according to your learning needs.
2. Regroup in the classroom for hands-on workshops and conversations. Students are mentored by teachers.
3. With all of the insights from their class/group conversations, you may expand your knowledge at home.

Who is responsible for quality education?

Teachers are not the only ones who are responsible for providing high-quality education. A public obligation must exist to ensure that all citizens have access to high-quality education.

What are the 3 pillars of education?

Curriculum, instruction, and assessment are the three pillars of education. 

Stay in tune with Leverage Edu for more interesting blogs on School Education.

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      1. Good students have perfect memories. They can remember everything they read or hear. We cannot call them ‘book worms’ for nothing! Their brains are like a computer’s hard disk, which stores large amounts of data and information.

      1. Good students have perfect memories. They can remember everything they read or hear. We cannot call them ‘book worms’ for nothing! Their brains are like a computer’s hard disk, which stores large amounts of data and information.