
Need & Importance of Education for Growth and Betterment

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Importance of Education for Growth and Betterment

Education is one of the most vital and crucial parts of our growth and development. In fact, education plays a significant role in molding our ideology and personality. It shapes us to become citizens of the future and contribute to the well-being of society. In this blog, you will get to explore the need and importance of environmental education for our society and the significant role it plays in shaping our careers and our future. We will also explore the different types of education like health, consumer, value-based, human rights, and much more!

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Need and Importance of Education

YouTube: Evolved Teachings

The process of learning begins from a very young age. At this stage, education becomes a key component in shaping the basic cognitive and language abilities of the young child. As the child grows, education helps them in recognising their interests and passions and choose a career path that benefits them the most. Hence, there is a high need for quality educational Institutions that can provide a higher-standard of education to all the students.  Let us delve more into the importance of Education :

  • Education helps students in choosing a desired career path. 
  • Education helps to increase the employability of the students.
  • Education provides stability and financial security to the students.
  • Education helps students to develop critical skills, problem-solving skills and cognitive skills. 
  • Education helps students to become self-sufficient and Independent
  • Education helps students to contribute to the well-being of the society. 
  • Education helps in creating equal opportunities for both men and women.

Needs Assessment in Education

YouTube: Audiopedia

Needs assessment plays an important role in education by identifying the major challenges and gaps that may prevent educators and educational institutes from understanding and addressing relevant education-related issues and problems. Needs assessment is a key component in the development of a well-structured curriculum that will help students to reach their potential. Furthermore, the importance of needs assessment in Education is as follows: 

  • Need Assessment helps educators and educational institutions to identify, understand and prioritise needs and requirements of the students as well as the institute.  
  • Needs Assessment also helps educators and educational institutes to identify any current problem or future problems that may arise. 
  • Needs Assessment also helps in identifying strengths and weaknesses of the syllabus and curriculum of the educational institute. 
  • Needs Assessment also helps the various stakeholders of the institutions such as the teachers, students and parents in understanding how the numerous elements of the complicated educational system interact.

Importance of Internet in Education

YouTube: Tech Stonz

The current pandemic has made it quite obvious that the internet is an indispensable part of our lives. In the field of education, the internet has immensely helped teachers to connect with students and provide them with invaluable online study materials and vast knowledge which may not be available offline. Moreover, with the help of the internet, teachers are able to dedicate more time and focus to each student and identify their needs and interests. Not to mention, the internet provides a number of educational videos and web-content which are affordable and cost effective for students. The importance of Internet in Education further includes :

  • The Internet is a major tool for learning and effective teaching. 
  • The Internet provides easy access to both students and teachers to a number of study materials such as e-videos, interactive lessons and interesting quizzes. 
  • The Internet enables students and teachers to be up-to-date with all the latest information and news. 
  • The Internet helps students to visualise concepts and share information for the benefit of others. 
  • The Internet allows proper interaction between students and their peers as well as between teachers and parents. 

Need and Importance of ICT in Education

YouTube: JMC Study Group

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Education enables students to be more active and engaged in their educational activities. 

  • The inclusion of ICT in education provides an opportunity for students to learn and gain knowledge online through e-learning. This enables students to have unlimited access to study material both within and outside the classroom. 
  • Additionally, ICT also plays an important role in special needs education. ICT makes it possible for students with special needs to have more access to ICT learning tools and material that can help them study effectively and not be excluded from their peers. 
  • ICT learning enhances learning in numerous subjects such as Linguistics and Numericals.
  • ICT opens up space for open collaborations and communications with students, teachers and other peer groups. 
  • Having a significant knowledge of ICT can also help in increasing your chances of a bright career. 

Also Read: Objectives of Education Technology

Need and Importance of Inclusive Education


Basically, Inclusive Education means designing a learning atmosphere that encourages the participation of all students. It means designing the curriculum, programs, and lessons in a manner that encourages all students to participate actively and equally as well as develop close relationships. Inclusive Education encourages innovation and creativity on the part of educators and educational institutes. The basic principle behind inclusive education is that all students, regardless of their background, should have equal access to all the elements and components of education. Furthermore, the benefits of inclusive education include:

  • All students are a part of the same community without any discrimiation. This gives them a sense of belonging. 
  • Inclusive education helps students to identify their strengths and weaknesses and learn in a healthy environment. 
  • Inclusive Education encourages the participation of parents in the local activities of the school as well as an active participant in their children’s education. 
  • Inclusive Education develops a culture of respect and tolerance towards other students. 
  • Inclusive Education also allows parents, teachers and other stakeholders to work together in determining the best way to provide quality education to all the students. 

Importance of Education Policy

YouTube: Audiopedia

Education Policies are vital in the formation of the rules and regulations of educational institutions. These policies determine how the students will be taught, the proper curriculum and syllabus, the educational framework as well as the safety and security policies to ensure no harm comes to students. Additionally, education policy helps to curb any misdemeanor  and wrong practices that may occur. The education policy also spells out the consequences and punishments on the occurrence of such misendeavours. To sum it up, an education policy helps in maintaining and governing the educational systems and structure. 

Need of Education for Growth and Betterment

Need and Importance of Environmental Education
Source: Education World

As emphasized before, education plays and will continue to play a significant role throughout each stage of your life. Right from kindergarten to your secondary education, education gives you the platform upon which you can build a bright future for yourself.

Need and Importance of Early Childhood Care and Education

ECC or Early childhood Care mainly focuses on the holistic development of the children. It plays a critical role in the developing children’s social skills, emotional and physical skills and importantly cognitive skills. Early Childhood care prepares children for their primary education. 

  • ECC promotes proper brain development and advanced skills in children to prepare them for their future school life. 
  • ECC makes use of age-appropriate learning tools to facilitate advanced learning and education. 

Need and Importance of Pre-Primary Education

Pre-primary education is essential for the proper development of children. It includes preparing the children physically, emotionally and socially so that they are well-prepared to enter and face the challenges of formal schooling. Normally, by the age of 3 years old, children are enrolled in pre-primary education to ensure proper growth and development before they begin their journey towards primary education. 

  • Pre-primary education equips students with adequate skills and competency to enter the world of formal schooling. 
  • Pre-Primary creates a more formal environment for students and provides numerous opportunities in cultivating their basic skills and abilities. 

Need and Importance of Secondary Education

After the completion of primary education, the student then moves on the next part of their educational journey, Secondary Education. Secondary Education gives an excellent opportunity to students to enhance their learning and knowledge and gives them the means to earn a livelihood. Formally, Secondary Education begins from the age of 11-13 and ends usually by the age of 15 to 18. The need and importance of secondary education is as follows :

  • Secondary Education enables students to make their decision and become more aware of the society, the government and the political system in which they live. 
  • Secondary Education creates students who are equipped to deal with challenges and who can contribute to the betterment of the nation in various fields. 
  • Secondary Education helps in increasing the employability of the students and paves the way for them to create their own career-paths or businesses. 

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Teacher Education

Teacher education focuses on creating a teacher who is progressive in their methodology of teaching and is equipped with critical problem-solving skills to face any challenges in the teaching field. The need and importance of teacher education include:

  • Being an expert in the subject matter and imparting the appropriate knowledge on the subject to the students. 
  • Enabling teachers to develop important pedagogical skills. 
  • Enabling teachers to understand the difficulties faced by the students and giving them the tools to overcome those difficulties. 
  • To develop proper attitude and confidence towards teaching. 
  • Enabling teachers to make use of the vast amount of educational and technical tools that are available at their disposal. 
  • To enable teachers to understand the potential of each child and groom them to reach their potential to the fullest. 

Also Read: Importance of Education in Child’s Life

Women Education

YouTube: Joys Learning Hub

Women have always been a marginalized section of society and have been held back many times from achieving their full potential. However, in the 21st century, women have also become equally entitled to their share of property and respect. Hence, educating women is also a key component in building a strong nation. 

  • Firstly, education is a fundamental right of all the citizens. Our society comprises a vast number of talented young women with blooming potential and education is the key to unlocking that potential. 
  • Education also contributes towards the financial stability and independence of women. Gone are the days when women were dependent on their male counterparts to provide for them. 
  • Educated women are also capable of being in top leadership and managerial positions. 
  • Women comprise almost 50 % of the world’s population and by not educating them, you lose out on the development and growth of a modern society. 
  • Women are vulnerable to human trafficking and domestic violence. Education gives them tools to arm themselves against such acts. 

Health Education

YouTube: AB MBBS

Health Education is a vital element of the education curriculum. Health education imbibes students with the necessary knowledge of maintaining good health and prevention of dangerous diseases by reducing unhealthy habits. 

  • Health education acquaints students with physical, mental, emotional and social health. It motivates people to adopt healthy habits to prevent the onset of risky behaviours. 
  • Health Education also talks about the negative effects of consuming hazardous products such as alcohol, tobacco and other harmful drugs. Furthermore, it talks about the impact of consuming such hazardous products. 
  • Health education also aims to acquaint students with the rules of good health and hygiene. It further discusses the proper norms of maintaining good health. 
  • Health education educates students on precautionary and preventive measures against communicable and non-communicable diseases. 
  • Health Education also aims to provide sufficient knowledge on family planning and related topics. 
  • Moreover, population education also becomes an important part of this education since it also focuses on improving the well-being of large families and communities. 

Need and Importance of Environmental Education

YouTube: North American Association for Environmental Education

Adequate knowledge of Environmental Education equips students with the right skills, knowledge and tools to address the environmental challenges in the current times. 

  • Environmental Education creates a sense of awareness about environmental-related issues such as global warming, climate change and pollution. 
  • Environmental Education also helps students to adopt a greener way of living and thinking. 
  • Environmental Education paves the way for students to build strong problem-solving skills and critical-thinking skills. 

Art Education

YouTube: ORCA

Art education promotes a culture of creativity and imagination which will have a significant positive impact on the academics of the students. 

  • Art Education encourages students to develop new ways of learning and studying. Teachers can also come up with innovative ways of teaching students and keeping them engaged. 
  • Art education aids in the fostering of group collaborations and group learning. 
  • Art Education helps in improving academic performance, not just through creativity, but also in learning areas like math and science as well as the literary field.
  • Art Education also helps in building the decision making skills and confidence of children since they learn what appeals to them the most which aids them in creation of their final work. 

Consumer Education

YouTube: Made Easy by Kayce

Consumer education familiarizes you with the art of understanding customers and the products and services in the market. 

  • Consumer education helps in diving deep into the needs and wants of consumers. It gives a deeper insight into consumer psychology. 
  • Consumer education also helps you to reinforce a brand’s value proposition while also moving potential leads along the customer journey and down the sales funnel.

Value-Based Education

Value education is an inherent component of the education curriculum. Value education helps in imbibing students with the necessary moral values such as compassion and honesty. Mainly the need and importance of value education include:

  • Inculcating the spirit of patriotism and loyalty to one’s own country and its citizens. 
  • Developing good manners and behaving in a responsible manner. 
  • Enabling students to make good and sound judgement on the basis of moral principles. 

Human Rights Education


Human Rights Education can be defined as a learning process that helps to build a thorough knowledge regarding the values and importance of human rights. This will enable students to examine their experiences from a human right’s point of view and integrate these concepts into their everyday decisions and values. 

  • An important outcome of human rights education is empowerment. This will enable students to take control of their own lives and make decisions that will empower them. 
  • Human Right Education also aims to teach students about how human rights promote participation in decision making, eventually resulting in the peaceful resolution of conflicts.
  • It also educates students about the history and continuing development of human rights as well as about international law, like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
  • Furthermore, human rights education highlights human rights violations such as torture, genocide, or violence against women and the social, economic, political, ethnic, and gender forces which cause them.

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Thus we hope that this blog has given you a deeper insight into the importance of education and its role in the growth and betterment of both the students and society. The need and importance of environmental education is a must in our society along with the different types of education to ensure sustainable development along with growth and upliftment of all. To read more insightful blogs like this, go check out our other blogs on Leverage Edu. 

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