
Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) for Australia

5 minute read
Genuine Temporary Entrant

If you are planning to study in Australia, there are many things that you need to consider. And one important thing amongst these is getting an Australian Student Visa. We all know that even if you secure admission into an Australian University, it’s no use unless you have a visa to make your trip to Australia possible. In order to attain this student visa, there are many procedures that you need to follow and one of them is your Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE). Now comes the question, what this GTE is. If you wish to know, stay tuned because in this blog you will get to know all about it. 

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What is a Genuine Temporary Entrant?

Genuine Temporary Entrant is a statement which clarifies your intent behind applying for an Australian Visa. It’s a visa requirement which is meant to show that the candidate is wishing to go to Australia temporarily for educational purposes. It’s basically an integrity assessment which measures if the candidate is applying for a visa only for acquiring quality education and not for any other gains like a residency in Australia. 

What do you Write in a Genuine Temporary Entrant?

A Genuine Temporary Entrant is a crucial deciding factor in if you get your Australian Visa or not. Now, the GTA application could be made in English or any other language that you are comfortable with, but you have to add a translated copy along with the application. Let us now go through what all needs to be included in your Genuine Temporary Entrant. 

Your Academic Background

You need to give a detailed description of all your academic qualifications in the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) and attach all the corresponding documents alongside. These documents include your academic transcripts and all the other certificates. Also, if you took a gap year before applying, you need to specifically mention the reasons for the same. 

Your Employment Status 

In case you are professionally engaged with some organisation at the time of applying, then you have to give all the details regarding it including the period of employment, your position, details of the employer, company address, etc. You would also need a Letter of Recommendation, thus giving credibility to your employment status.

Connection with the Country of Residence

You would need to prove your ties with your home country or the country of your residence. This includes proof of financial and familial ties within the home country. The financial aspect can be proved using bank statements, employment status for the last 12 months before applying. You also need to give bank statements proving that you have the means to go back home after the completion of the study period. 

Future Prospects/Course Outcomes

You need to give a detailed description of why you have chosen this particular course and that too in Australia and not any other location. It will be followed by the remuneration that you will receive after the completion of the intended course. Also, any other course options that you wish to pursue and the reasons for the same. Basically, you need to show how your study in Australia would shape your future and how significant it’s going to be for your career. This particular section could include the following.

  • About your course.  
  • Your choice of the education provider.
  • Why you chose Australia and not your home country or some other place. 
  • Benefits that your study will have for your career plans. 

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How is your Genuine Temporary Entrant Application Assessed?

The GTA is meant to ensure that the visa is required by the students for educational gains and therefore the criteria on the basis of which your application would be judged will be related to that only. So, let’s get into it and have a brief understanding of the grounds on which your Genuine Temporary Entrant application is assessed. 

  1. Your reasons for not studying in your home country. 
  2. Your background, which proves that you have the intention of returning to your home country after completion of your study. 
  3. If you are financially stable to support yourself while returning to your home country and also your stay in Australia. 
  4. The political situation in your home country and army affiliations. (If any)
  5. Your reasons behind choosing Australia will be closely observed. 
  6. Your previous qualifications and if you qualify for the course that you are applying to. 
  7. If your choice of the course is in accordance with your past educational background and future prospects. 
  8. Expected salary and other benefits after the completion of the course. 
  9. If you have made any visa applications before and if there were any issues regarding it like some refusals or cancellations. 

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Is there an Interview for Genuine Temporary Entrant?

Not all Genuine Temporary Entrant applicants have to go through an interview but personal interviews are a possibility. You might have to attend an interview with the officer handling your application. The questions asked will be similar to what you have been asked in the application. The officer through the interview will just cross-check the facts and other things that you have mentioned in the application like your qualifications, intent, etc. 

How Long does it Take for Genuine Temporary Entrant Assessment?

You will receive a confirmation regarding your Genuine Temporary Entrant application within a period of 10 days from the date of your application. Within that period you or your nominee will be contacted regarding the further procedures that you need to follow. So, keep this in mind and apply for it on time as without it you won’t be able to get admitted into the University of your choice in Australia. 

Tips for Crafting the Perfect Genuine Temporary Entrant Application

Here are the quintessential tips to excel at your Genuine Temporary Entrant application:

  1. Provide a clear career trajectory with a well-structured road map. If you are not able to convince your authorities regarding your plans, then your application might get rejected.
  2. You should mention a solid reason as to why you chose Australia and this particular course. And mention what you wish to achieve through your study. 
  3. Your content should be original. Do not copy-paste from any website as it’s meant to be reflective of your aspirations. 
  4. Be honest is whatever you say. As you have to offer certificates for all your qualifications, lying in the application will only obstruct its approval. 

This was all that you need to know about the Genuine Temporary Entrant and how important of a role it plays in the successful approval of your Visa application. In case you need any help with sorting out the admissions essentials for applying for higher studies in Australia, our Leverage Edu experts are here to guide you at every step of the admissions process of your dream university. Sign up for a free session now!

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