Deleted Syllabus of Class 11 CBSE: 2024-25

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CBSE Class 11 Deleted Syllabus 2024-25.

The CBSE Class 11 Deleted Syllabus has been revised for the year 2024-25. The syllabus has been revised by the CBSE Board. Students appearing for their 11 class examination next year must check the revised syllabus and topics that are no longer required in 11 class. The article below entails the details for deleted syllabus of class 11 students. Continue reading to know more about a wide range of deleted topics.

This Blog Includes:
  1. Deleted Syllabus of Class 11: Recent CBSE Updates
  2. Deleted Syllabus of Class 11 Maths CBSE
  3. Deleted Syllabus of Class 11 Physics By CBSE
  4. CBSE Class 11 Deleted Syllabus Chemistry
    1. Added Topics in CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Syllabus
  5. CBSE Class 11 Deleted Syllabus For Biology
  6. Class 11 Commerce CBSE Deleted Syllabus
  7. Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Business Studies
  8. Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Accountancy
  9. Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 English
    1. Hornbill (English Core)
    2. Snapshots (English Supplementary Core)
    3. Woven Words (English Elective)
  10. Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Hindi
    1. आरोह भाग-1
    2. वितान भाग-1
    3. अंतर भाग-1
    4. अंतराल भाग-1
    5. सृजन-1
    6. अभिव्यक्ति और माध्यम
  11. Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Sanskrit
    1. भास्वती प्रथमो भाग (संस्कृत)
    2. शाश्वती प्रथमो भाग (संस्कृत)
    3. संस्कृत साहित्य परिचय
  12. Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Economics
  13. Deleted Syllabus of Class 11 Computer Science
    1. Unit I: Computer Systems and Organisation
    2. Unit II: Computational Thinking and Programming – 1
  14. Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Geography
    1. Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11: Fundamentals of Physical Geography
    2. Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11: Practical Work in Geography—Part I
    3. Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Geography [India: Physical Environment]
  15. Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Political Science
  16. Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 History
  17. Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Psychology
  18. Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Biotechnology
    1. Unit 1: Biotechnology: An Overview
    2. Unit 2: Molecules of Life
    3. Unit 3: Genetics and Molecular Biology
    4. Unit 4: Cells and Organisms
    5. Practicals
  19. Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Home Science
  20. Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Sociology
  21. FAQs

Deleted Syllabus of Class 11: Recent CBSE Updates

CBSE decided to reduce the Class 11 syllabus in accordance to the NEP 2020 policy. This happened in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, wherein students and education boards of India tried (as they continue to do so) to stabilise in terms of educational syllabus. The range of syllabus includes the subjects from Chemistry, Biology, Economics, and Mathematics. So to familiarize you with the reduced syllabus and topics, here is the CBSE deleted Syllabus of Class 11 for the year 2024-25 subject-wise.

NEP - 2020 (Curriculum Reforms and National Curriculum Frameworks (NCF) & Pedagogy)

Deleted Syllabus of Class 11 Maths CBSE

Class 11 Maths syllabus is quite extensive to cover and that’s why many topics are reduced or completely deleted by CBSE. Several topics have been excluded from various chapters, including Sets, Relations and Functions, Trigonometric Functions, Mathematical Induction, Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations, Permutations and Combinations, Binomial Theorem, Sequences and Series, Straight Lines, Conic Sections, Mathematical Reasoning, Statistics, and Probability.

Here is the deleted syllabus of Class 11 Maths CBSE:

ChaptersDeleted Topics of Class 11
Sets– Power set.
Relations & Functions– No Change
Trigonometric Functions– General Solutions of trigonometric equations of the type sin y = sin a, cos y = cos a and tan y = tan a.
Principle of Mathematical InductionThe entire Chapter is Deleted
Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations– Polar representation of complex numbers.
– Statement of Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
-Solution of Quadratic Equation (with real coefficients) in complex number system.
– Square root of a complex number.
Linear Inequalities– Graphical solution of linear inequalities in two variables.
– Graphical method of finding a solution of system of linear inequalities in two variables.
Permutations and Combinations– No Change
Binomial Theorem– General and middle term in Binomial expansion
Sequence and Series– Arithmetic Progression, Sum to n terms of Special Series
Straight Lines– Intercept normal form.
– General equation of a line.
– Equation of family of lines passing through the point of intersection of two lines.
Conic sections– No Change
Introduction to Three dimensional Geometry– Section Formula
Limits and Derivatives– No Change
Mathematical ReasoningThe entire Chapter is Deleted
Statistics– Analysis of frequency distributions with equal means but different variances.
Probability– Random experiments; outcomes, sample spaces (set representation).

Deleted Syllabus of Class 11 Physics By CBSE

A few changes have been made by CBSE in the Class 11 Physics syllabus. Some topics have been removed to streamline the curriculum and help students focus on more important areas. Here is the deleted syllabus of class 11 Physics CBSE:

Chapter 1: Physical World1.1 What is Physics?
1.2 Scope and Excitement of Physics
1.3 Physics, Technology, and Society
1.4 Fundamental Forces in Nature
1.5 Nature of Physical Laws
Chapter 2: Units and Measurements2.3 Measurement of Length
2.4 Measurement of Mass
2.5 Measurement of Time
2.6 Accuracy, Precision of Instruments, and Errors in Measurement
2.13, 2.14, 2.19–2.22, 2.24–2.33
Chapter 3: Motion in a straight line3.2 Position, Path Length, and Displacement
3.3 Average Velocity and Average Speed
3.7 Relative Velocity
3.5, 3.7–3.9, 3.23–3.28
Appendix 3.1
Chapter 4: Motion in a Plane4.9 Relative Velocity in Two Dimensions4.12–4.14, 4.26–4.32
Chapter 5: Laws of Motion5.24–5.40
Chapter 6: Work, Energy, and Power6.10 Various Forms of Energy: The Law of Conservation of EnergyEnergy Exercise 6.24–6.29
Chapter 7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion7.10 Theorems of Perpendicular and Parallel Axes
7.14 Rolling Motion
7.10, 7.18–7.19, 7.21–7.33
Chapter 8: Gravitation8.11 Geostationary and Polar Satellites
8.12 Weightlessness
8.3–8.5, 8.22–8.25
Appendix 8.1
Chapter 9: Mechanical Properties of Solids9.2 Elastic Behaviour of Solids
9.6.2 Determination of Young’s Modulus of the Material of a Wire
Chapter 10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids10.4.2 Venturi-meter
10.4.3 Blood Flow and Heart Attack
10.6.6 Detergents and Surface Tension
Appendix 10.1
Chapter 11: Thermal Properties of Matter11.9.5 Greenhouse Effect11.21–11.22
Chapter 12: Thermodynamics12.9 Heat Engines
12.10 Refrigerators and Heat Pumps
12.7, 12.10
Chapter 13: Kinetic Theory13.6.5 Specific Heat Capacity of Water13.11–13.14
Chapter 14: Oscillations14.9 Damped Simple Harmonic Motion
14.10 Forced Oscillations and Resonance
14.16 (p. 365), 14.20–14.25
Chapter 15: Waves15.8 Doppler Effect15.20–15.27

CBSE Class 11 Deleted Syllabus Chemistry

Several chapters and topics have been deleted from the Class 11 Chemistry syllabus. Here is the deleted syllabus of Class 11 Chemistry CBSE:

UnitChapterDeleted Topics/Chapter
Chemistry – Part IV. States of Matter: Gases and LiquidsFull Chapter Deleted
Chemistry – Part IIIX. HydrogenFull Chapter Deleted
Chemistry – Part IIX. s-Block ElementsFull Chapter Deleted
Chemistry – Part IIXI. Some p-Block ElementsFull Chapter Deleted
Chemistry – Part IIXIV. Environmental ChemistryFull Chapter Deleted

Added Topics in CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Syllabus

In addition to the deleted topics and chapters from the Class 11 Chemistry syllabus, CBSE has also added a few new topics to the subject. While most of the chapters remain unchanged, we have outlined the added topics by chapter in the table below for your reference. Please take a look

Unit NumberChapter NameChapters Wise Added Topics
ISome Basic Concepts of Chemistry-No Change
IIStructure of Atom– Discovery of Electron, Proton, and Neutron, atomic number, isotopes, and isobars.
-Thomson’s model and its limitations.
-Rutherford’s model and its limitations.
IIIClassification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties-Significance of classification,
– A brief history of the development of the periodic table
IVChemical Bonding and Molecular Structure-No Change
VChemical Thermodynamics-No Change
VIEquilibrium-No Change
VIIRedox Reactions-No Change
VIIIOrganic Chemistry: Some Basic Principles and Techniques-No Change
IXHydrocarbons-No Change

Don’t Miss Chemistry Projects for Class 11

CBSE Class 11 Deleted Syllabus For Biology

For the Class 11 Science stream, the biology syllabus has also been reduced. Here is the deleted syllabus of Class 11 Biology CBSE:

ChapterDeleted Topics
Chapter 1: The Living World1.1 What is ‘Living’?
1.4 Taxonomical Aids
1.4.2 Botanical Gardens
1.4.3 Museum
1.4.4 Zoological Parks
Summary (Para 2)
Question no. 10
Chapter 3: Plant Kingdom3.5 Angiosperms
3.6 Plant Life Cycles and Alternation of Generations
Summary (Para 5 and 6)
Question no. 10
Chapter 5: Morphology of Flowering Plants5.1.2 Modifications of Root
5.2.1 Modifications of Stem
5.3.4 Modifications of Leaves
5.9.1 Fabaceae
5.9.3 Liliaceae
Question nos 1, 2, 6 (b), 8, 9, 12, 14
Chapter 6: Anatomy of Flowering Plants6.1 The Tissues
6.1.1 Meristematic Tissues Simple Tissues (Para 2, 3) Complex Tissues (Para 4)
6.4 Secondary Growth
6.4.1 Vascular Cambium Activity of the Cambial Ring Spring Wood and Autumn Wood Heartwood and Sapwood
6.4.2 Cork Cambium
6.4.3 Secondary Growth in Roots
Question nos 1, 2, 3, 7, 11
Chapter 7: Structural Organisation in Animals7.1 Animal Tissues
7.1.1 Epithelial Tissue
7.1.2 Connective Tissue
7.1.3 Muscle Tissue
7.1.4 Neural Tissue
7.3 Earthworm (Morphology and Anatomy)
7.4 Cockroach (Morphology and Anatomy)
Summary (Para 2, 3, 4)
Question nos 1–12, 14 (c)
Chapter 9: Biomolecules9.8 Nature of Bond Linking Monomers in a Polymer
9.9 Dynamic State of Body Constituents—Concept of Metabolism
9.10 Metabolic Basis for Living
9.11 The Living State
Question nos 2, 3, 5, 8, 10
Chapter 11: Transport in PlantsComplete Chapter
Chapter 12: Mineral NutritionComplete Chapter
Chapter 15: Plant Growth and Development15.5 Photoperiodism
15.6 Vernalisation
15.7 Seed Dormancy
Question nos 3, 5, 8, 10
Chapter 16: Digestion and AbsorptionComplete Chapter
Chapter 21: Neural Control and Coordination21.5 Reflex Action and Reflex Arc
21.6 Sensory Reception and Processing
21.6.1 Eye (Parts and Mechanism of Vision)
21.6.2 The Ear (Mechanism of Hearing)
Summary (Para 3 and 4)
Question nos 1 (b, c), 2 (c), 4 (c, d), 5 (e, f, g, h), 6 (b, c), 7, 8 (b, c), 9 (c), 10 (a), 11, 12 (c, d)

Also Read: Biology Project for Class 11

Class 11 Commerce CBSE Deleted Syllabus

Let’s go through different subjects that come under Class 11 commerce and their deleted syllabus.

Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Business Studies

Take a look at the deleted syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Business Studies:

PartsUnit NameDeleted Topics
Part A: Foundation of Business
1: Evolution and Fundamentals of Business
2: Forms of Business Organizations
3: Public, Private and Global Enterprises-Joint Ventures
4: Business Services-Warehousing and Its Functions
5: Emerging Modes of BusinessBusiness Process Outsourcing (BPO): Concept, need and scope
6: Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics
Part B: Finance and Trade
7: Sources of Business FinanceGlobal Depository Receipt (GDR), American Depository Receipt (ADR) and International Depository Receipt (IDR) – concept
8: Small Business– Discounting of Bill of Exchange; ADR and GDR
9: Internal Trade
10: International Business-Complexities involved in International Business; Foreign Trade Promotion — Organisational Support and Incentives; Nature and Importance of Export Processing Zones

Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Accountancy

Stated below is the deleted syllabus of class 11 under the subject of Accountancy:

PartChapterDeleted Topics/Chapters
Part AChapter 2: Theory Base of AccountingTextual Content on IFRS
Chapter 8: Bills of ExchangeComplete Chapter
Part BChapter 11: Accounts from Incomplete RecordsComplete Chapter
Chapter 12 and 13: Computers in AccountingComplete Chapter

Check Out: Class 11 Accountancy NCERT Solutions

Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 English

English is a common subject in all streams of Class 11. Here we have listed the deleted syllabus of CBSE Class 11 English:

Hornbill (English Core)

ChapterDeleted Topics/Chapters
Chapter 4: The Landscape of the Soul by Nathalie TrouveroyFull Chapter
Chapter 6: The Browning Version by Terrence RattiganFull Chapter

Snapshots (English Supplementary Core)

ChapterDeleted Topics/Chapters
Chapter 3: Ranga’s Marriage by Venkatesha IyengarFull Chapter
Chapter 4: Albert Einstein at School by Patrick PringleFull Chapter
Chapter 6: The Ghat of the Only World by Amitav GhoshFull Chapter

Woven Words (English Elective)

There are no changes in Woven Words (English Elective).

Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Hindi

Hindi is a common subject in all streams of CBSE Class 11. Here we have listed the CBSE Class 11 Deleted Syllabus Hindi:

आरोह भाग-1

अध्याय का नामहटाए गए अध्याय / विषय
स्पीति में बारिशपूरा अध्याय
आत्मा का तापपूरा अध्याय
पथिकपूरा अध्याय
वे आंखेंपूरा अध्याय

वितान भाग-1

वितान भाग-1 पुस्तक में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किया गया

अंतर भाग-1

अध्याय का नामहटाए गए अध्याय / विषय
गजानन माधव मुक्तिबोध – नए की जन्म कुण्डलीपूरा अध्याय
पद्माकर – औरै भाँति कुँजन में गुँजरतपूरा अध्याय
नरेंद्र शर्मा – नींद उचट जाती हैपूरा अध्याय

अंतराल भाग-1

अध्याय का नामहटाए गए अध्याय / विषय
अंडे के छिलकेपूरा अध्याय


सृजन-1 पुस्तक में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किया गया

अभिव्यक्ति और माध्यम

अभिव्यक्ति और माध्यम पुस्तक में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किया गया

Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Sanskrit

भास्वती प्रथमो भाग (संस्कृत)

अध्याय का नामहटाए गए अध्याय / विषय
सौवर्णो नकुलःपूरा अध्याय

शाश्वती प्रथमो भाग (संस्कृत)

अध्याय का नामहटाए गए अध्याय / विषय
ऋतुचित्रणम्पूरा अध्याय
दयावीर – कथापूरा अध्याय
गान्धिनः संस्मरणम्पूरा अध्याय

संस्कृत साहित्य परिचय

संस्कृत साहित्य परिचय पुस्तक में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किया गया

Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Economics

Economics is included in both Class 11 Commerce and Arts streams. Here is the deleted syllabus for CBSE Class 11 Economics:

UnitUnit NameDeleted Topics
Part A: Statistics for Economics
1: IntroductionNo Change
2: Collection, Organisation and Presentation of DataSampling and Non-Sampling errors
3: Statistical Tools and InterpretationWeighted mean
Measures of Dispersion
Simple aggregative method
Part B: Introductory Microeconomics
4: Introduction to MicroeconomicsNo Change
5: Consumer’s Equilibrium and DemandTotal expenditure method
6: Producer Behaviour and SupplyNo change
7: Forms of Market and Price Determination under perfect competition with simple applicationsOther Market Forms – monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly – their meaning and features

Deleted Syllabus of Class 11 Computer Science

Here is the deleted syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Computer Science:

Unit I: Computer Systems and Organisation

  • Encoding Schemes: UTF8, UTF32
  • Concept of cloud computing and cloud services (SaaS, IaaS, PaaS), cloud (public/private), Blockchain technology

Unit II: Computational Thinking and Programming – 1

  • Decomposition – concept, need for decomposing a problem, examples of problem-solving using decomposition.
  • Sorting Algorithm: bubble and insertion sort; count the number of operations while sorting.

Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Geography

Now coming to the Class 11 Arts reduced syllabus, let’s first take a look at the Class 11 Geography syllabus:

Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11: Fundamentals of Physical Geography

ChapterDeleted Topics / Chapters
Unit I: Geography as a Discipline
Chapter 1:Geography as a DisciplinePhysical Geography and Natural Sciences, Geography and Social Sciences
Unit II: The Earth
Chapter 2: The Origin and Evolution of the EarthOur Solar System, The Moon, Geological Time Scale
Chapter 3: Interior of the EarthActivity— Locating an Epicentre
Unit III: Landforms
Chapter 5:Minerals and RocksFull Chapter
Unit VI: Life on the Earth
Chapter 15: Life on the EarthFull Chapter

Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11: Practical Work in Geography—Part I

ChapterDeleted Topics / Chapters
Chapter 6: Introduction to Aerial PhotographsFull Chapter
Chapter 8: Weather Instruments, Maps and ChartsFull Chapter

Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Geography [India: Physical Environment]

Unit / ChapterDeleted Topics/Chapters
Unit II: Physiography
Chapter 2: Structure and PhysiographyLarge-scale variations within the Himalayas; five subdivisions deleted;
Figures 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9
Chapter 3: Drainage SystemSmaller rivers flowing towards the west and east, river regimes, Table 3.1 (Himalayan vs. Peninsular rivers)
Unit III: Climate, Vegetation, and Soil
Chapter 4: ClimateTwo groups under factors determining India’s climate (location, relief, air pressure, and wind);
weather mechanisms (winter and summer);
rainfall system and distribution; characteristics and variability of monsoonal rainfall;
climatic regions of India;
Figures 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 4.13, and Table 4.1
Chapter 5: Natural VegetationForest cover in India;
district-wise data in Forest and Life box;
details of Nilgiri, Nanda Devi, Sunderban, and Gulf of Mannar biosphere reserves
Chapter 6: SoilsFull Chapter
Unit IV: Natural Hazards and Disasters
Chapter 7: Natural Hazards and DisastersTable 7.1 and 7.2, structure of tropical cyclone
AppendicesAll appendices:
I: States, Their Capitals, Number of Districts, Area and Population;
II: Union Territories, Their Capitals, Area and Population;
II: Important River Basins;
IV: State/Union Territory-wise Forest Cover;
V: National Parks of India

Note: Exercise questions from other chapters that are related to the deleted content should not be considered.

Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Political Science

Here is the reduced syllabus for CBSE Class 11 Political Science:

Book I: Indian Constitution at Work-Federalism (Completely Deleted)
-Local Governments (These topics are deleted from this unit: Why do we need Local Governments? Growth of Local Government in India.)
Book II: Political Theory-Peace (Completely Deleted)
-Development (Completely Deleted)

Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 History

Take a look at the deleted syllabus of the Class 11 Themes in World History syllabus:

ChapterDeleted Portion
Theme 1: From the Beginning of TimeComplete Chapter
Theme 4: The Central Islamic LandsComplete Chapter
Theme 8: Confrontation of CulturesComplete Chapter
Theme 9: The Industrial RevolutionComplete Chapter

Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Psychology

Psychology is an optional subject available to students across streams. It is taken up by students from the humanities and science streams. Here we have listed the deleted syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Psychology:

ChapterDeleted Topics/Chapters
1: What is Psychology?Themes of Research and Applications;
Psychologists at Work
3: The Bases of Human BehaviourComplete Chapter
5: Sensory, Attentional & Perceptual ProcessesSense Modalities (Auditory and Visual Sensation)
6: LearningConcept Learning;
Transfer of Learning;
The Learner:
Learning Styles;
Applications of Learning Principles
7: Human MemoryKnowledge Representation and Organisation in Memory;
Memory as a Constructive Process
8: ThinkingReduction in Strategies for Creative Thinking
9: Motivation and EmotionReduction in Biological Motives;
Reduction in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (Frustration and Conflict);
Reduction in Expression of Emotions

Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Biotechnology

Below are the portions of the CBSE 11th Biotechnology Syllabus that have been removed. CBSE 11th Biotechnology Syllabus has been reduced by 30% by the board.

Unit 1: Biotechnology: An Overview

  • Chapter 1:
    Biotechnology: An Overview: Public Perception of Biotechnology, Biotechnology in India and global trends

Unit 2: Molecules of Life

  • Chapter 1:
    Biomolecules :Building Blocks:- Sphingosine, Biochemical Transformations

Unit 3: Genetics and Molecular Biology

  • Chapter 1:
    Concepts of Genetics: Genetics Interaction, Sex-Linked Inheritance, Extranuclear Inheritance, Quantitative Inheritance, Genes at the Population Level
  • Chapter 2:
    Genes and Genomes: Structure and Function, Regulation of Gene Expression, DNA Repair, Genome Organization

Unit 4: Cells and Organisms

  • Chapter 1:
    The Basic Unit of Life: Tissue and Organs, Stem Cells, Biodiversity
  • Chapter 2:
    Cell Growth and Development: Gaseous Exchange, Internal Transport, Maintaining the Internal Environment, Invitro Fertilization, Animal and Plant, Development, Programmed Cell Death, Defense Mechanisms in Plants


  • Recording practical results and safety rules in the laboratory
  • Determination of bacterial growth curve
  • Isolation of milk protein
  • Study of various stages of mitosis and calculation of the mitotic index
  • Preparation of karyotype

Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Home Science

Here’s a list of deleted portions of the Class 11 Home Science syllabus:

  • Unit II: Understanding Oneself: Adolescence – Effective Communication Skills
  • Unit III: Understanding Family, community and Society – Relationships and Interactions with “Significant Others”
  • Unit IV: Childhood – Care and Education
  • Unit V: Adulthood – Perspective in Communication, Individual Responsibilities and Rights

Deleted Syllabus of CBSE Class 11 Sociology

Mentioned below are the deleted topics of Sociology:

  • Book – Introducing Sociology: Doing Sociology: Research Methods
  • Book – Understanding Society: Social Structure, Stratification, and Social Processes in Society; Environment and Society


Is there any deleted portion for class 11 CBSE?

Yes, CBSE has removed certain topics and chapters from the Class 11 syllabus across different subjects as part of the syllabus rationalization. The deletions include specific concepts, full chapters, and some exercises across subjects such as Hindi, English, Mathematics, Science, Psychology, Business Studies, Political Science, History, Geography, Computer Science, Economics, Accountancy and more. You can find the complete details of the CBSE Class 11 Deleted Syllabus in the blog above.

Ques: Is class 11 syllabus reduced in 2024-25?

Ans: Yes, the CBSE has revised the Class 11 syllabus for the academic year 2024–25. However, the updated syllabus does not include any reductions.

Ques: What are the deleted syllabus of physics class 11 2024-25?

Ans: The the deleted syllabus of physics class 11 2024-25 are:
Chapter 1: Physical World
– What is Physics?
– Scope and Excitement of Physics
– Physics, Technology and Society
– Fundamental Forces in Nature
– Nature of Physical Laws
Chapter 2: Units and Measurements
– Measurement of Length
– Measurement of Mass
– Measurement of Time
– Accuracy, Precision of Instruments, and Errors in Measurement
– Exercises 2.13, 2.14, 2.19–2.22, 2.24–2.33
Chapter 3: Motion in a Straight Line
– Position, Path Length, and Displacement
– Average Velocity and Average Speed
– Relative Velocity
– Exercises 3.5, 3.7–3.9, 3.23–3.28
– Appendix 3.1
Chapter 4: Motion in a Plane
– Relative Velocity in Two Dimensions
– Exercises 4.12–4.14; 4.26–4.32
Chapter 5: Laws of Motion
– Exercises 5.24–5.40
Chapter 6: Work, Energy and Power
– Various Forms of Energy: The Law of Conservation of Energy
– Exercises 6.24–6.29
Chapter 7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion
– Theorems of Perpendicular and Parallel Axes
– Rolling Motion
– Exercises 7.10, 7.18–7.19, 7.21–7.33
Chapter 8: Gravitation
– Geostationary and Polar Satellites
– Weightlessness
– Exercises 8.3–8.5, 8.22–8.25
– Appendix 8.1
Chapter 9: Mechanical Properties of Solids
– Elastic Behaviour of Solids
– Determination of Young’s Modulus
– Exercises 9.17–9.21
Chapter 10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids
– Venturi-meter
– Blood Flow and Heart Attack
– Detergents and Surface Tension
– Exercises 10.21–10.31
– Appendix 10.1
Chapter 11: Thermal Properties of Matter
– Greenhouse Effect
– Exercises 11.21–11.22
Chapter 12: Thermodynamics
– Heat Engines
– Refrigerators and Heat Pumps
– Exercises 12.7, 12.10
Chapter 13: Kinetic Theory
– Specific Heat Capacity of Water
– Exercises 13.11–13.14
Chapter 14: Oscillations
– Damped Simple Harmonic Motion
– Forced Oscillations and Resonance
– Exercises 14.16, 14.20–14.25
Chapter 15: Waves
– Doppler Effect
– Exercises 15.20–15.27

Ques: Can I repeat Class 11?

Ans: Yes, you can easily repeat the 11th standard by changing the stream.

Ques: Is the deleted syllabus applicable for Class 11 board exams?

Ans: Class 11 is not directly linked to board exams, but the revised syllabus is critical for internal assessments, unit tests, and final exams. Students are advised not to study deleted topics unless necessary for personal understanding.

Ques: Which subjects were affected in the deleted syllabus for Class 11 CBSE in 2025?

Ans: In recent years, core subjects like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Accountancy, and Political Science were affected. The changes typically target specific chapters, subtopics, or exercises within these subjects.

Ques: Are teachers required to teach the deleted syllabus?

Ans: No, teachers are instructed to strictly follow the revised syllabus issued by CBSE. However, they may provide extra information if it helps students with conceptual understanding or competitive exam preparation.

Ques: How does the deleted syllabus impact NEET and JEE aspirants in Class 11?

Ans: The deleted syllabus is not applicable to competitive exams like NEET and JEE. Aspirants are advised to study the full syllabus as these exams cover topics that might be omitted in the CBSE curriculum.

Ques: Are sample papers adjusted according to the deleted syllabus?

Ans: Yes, CBSE ensures that sample papers, question banks, and marking schemes align with the revised syllabus, excluding deleted portions. Students should practice updated materials for preparation.

Ques: What happens if I study the deleted syllabus topics for Class 11 CBSE?

Ans: Studying deleted topics is not harmful but unnecessary for internal exams. However, for competitive exams or knowledge expansion, students may find these topics helpful. It’s better to prioritize the revised syllabus for scoring well in school assessments.

Thus, we hope that through this blog on the deleted syllabus of class 11, we have helped you in getting an idea about what is eliminated from the curriculum. Confused about finding the best course after Class 12? Get in touch with our experts at Leverage Edu and we will help you find the best course and university abroad as per your interests and aspirations. Call us immediately at 1800 57 2000 for a free 30-minute counselling session.

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