
Does One Really Need a Career Counselor?

5 minute read
Career Counselor

With the advent of the internet and hi-tech devices, the current generation has everything under their fingertips. But every single piece of information that is accessible to us is not highly vetted and hence we cannot check the credibility of the things we read via different sources. Hence, when it comes to deciding our careers, we often think that carrying out our research online can help us find the right direction. At times like these, a career counselor can play a vital role in providing you with the right mentorship and guidance to steer towards the path you are meant for. So, if you are pondering over the question of whether you need an educational counselor or not, this blog aims to delve deeper into the much-debated topic of why career counselling is important in a student’s life.

Who is a Career Counselor? 

Career counselors are those individuals that are trained to assist students in taking right decisions for their careers. They play the role of a teacher as well as a friend by understanding your interests and passions and examining your abilities to find suitable opportunities you can explore. They make use of several tools and resources in order to facilitate the evaluation. 

What usually happens is that with too much information at their disposal, students might feel confused. This is where a career counselor swoops in and is ready to listen to our doubts and provide possible answers at our best interests. They also utilise psychometric tests and SWOT Analysis to further help students thoroughly assess their interests and passions.

What does a Career Counselor do? 

Being a career counselor, your job is to demystify difficult and precarious professions and provide individuals with a sense of direction as and when needed. Let’s take a look at some of the major tasks carried out by career counselors.

Myth Buster

We are often told that we should make our career choices based upon our academic performance. So, if you have always been an excellent student, then the science stream is apt for you. But this is not true. This approach not only misguides students by putting different streams in a vertical comparison but also judges their knowledge, aptitude and interests on a scale of marks. A career counselor thwarts these prevalent misinformed ideas while helping you overcome the biases that have been planted in your mind. 

Introducing New Career Choices

Earlier, most people believed that opting for the medical stream means that you can either become a doctor or a pharmacist. Or if you go for non-medical science with maths in 12th, you can pursue either B.Sc. or become an engineer. But there are immense career opportunities that one can explore in the field of Science that is not limited to just becoming a doctor or an engineer. A career counselor aims to provide students with all the possible career options they can explore in a particular field and further assists them in finding the right one. Moreover, with the recent upgradations that have taken place in the education sector, an array of specializations have emerged in almost every area of study. The industry also demands professionals with expert knowledge in a particular field. While you might not be able to discover all the specialisations under your chosen domain, a career counselor will introduce you to varied range of sub-fields and professions that have gained prominence in the contemporary times such as Sports Management, Sound Engineering, Landscape Design, Forensic Science, Cyber Security amongst many others. 

Assisting you in Identifying your Sources of Motivation 

Each one of us differs in our perceptions, values as well as career goals and objectives. Someone might have the goal to earn a lot of money and become an entrepreneur while the source of motivation for someone else might be their passion to invent new technologies and revolutionize the world. On the other hand, someone might just want to explore the world while worrying less about money or a permanent vocation. A career counselor can guide different kinds of people in their varied career quests with the help of tools such as psychometric tests and self-introspection analysis to help them in identifying their innate passions. 

Finding the Right Educational & Learning Opportunities

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A good career counselor will always tell you that the sky’s the limit, provided that you are following your passions and making active efforts to achieve your aspirations. Thus, even if you want to improve yourself in various areas, be it communication or in written proficiency, a career counselor will suggest you the suitable courses and programs that can furnish your skills and abilities. From students to working professionals, everyone strives to expand their aptitude and thus a degree or short-term course can often help them in getting suitable knowledge and exposure they want to gain.

Leverage Edu and Beyond 

Thus, if you find yourself lost and confused about the right career path, our career counselors at Leverage Edu are here to provide you with the much-needed mentorship and guidance at every step of your educational and professional journey. Having a wider network of over 1600 mentors, we provide personalised coaching and counselling to ensure that every individual chooses a career that they are meant for. Moreover, mentors and counsellors are selected as per your chosen area of study and ambitions in order to ensure that you get expert knowledge about your field and take your decision with suitable career guidance. Also, the unique AI tool at Leverage Edu is curated to assure better career orientation for every student. It matches your profile and credentials against millions of data points and finds your ‘Perfect University Fit’ in less than 2 minutes to help you find your path to a beaming tomorrow. Further, you can reach out to a head coach at Leverage Edu after finding the educational prospects you want to explore through the AI tool. Other than this, our experts also stay by your side throughout the admission process from helping you choose a suitable course and university to filling out the application and submitting varied documents such as LORs and SOPs and providing post-admission support as well. 

Instead of looking at life as a narrowing funnel, we can see it ever widening to choose the things we want to do, to take the wisdom we’ve learned and create something.” – Liz Carpenter. This quote amazingly sums up the essential role of a career counselor in guiding us towards the immense career opportunities that we often overlook. Now that you know the perks of reaching out to educational consultants, don’t wait up and get in touch with our Leverage Edu experts and we’ll help you steer your career in the right direction by making informed decisions that align with your interests and aspirations.

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