
How to write SOP for MBA

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How to write SOP for MBA

As an aspiring MBA applicant, you must have realized that the SOP plays an integral role in your admittance to any B-school. A good SOP can help you make your mark and stand out from the sea of applicants. It can also help the university understand how passionate you are about your course. Many students thus face a difficult situation because they do not know how to write SOP for MBA. They are unclear on what they have to mention and what they can omit. We understand that the admissions process can seem like an extremely stressful time and you can be confused about how to approach writing your SOP. However, you don’t need to worry! Here is all the information you will need about how to write SOP for MBA. 

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What is an SOP for MBA?

An SOP or Statement of Purpose is essentially a document that lets the university understand your motivation for applying to that particular course in their university. It also shows that you have what it takes to pursue a course from that specific university. The SOP is like a window to who you are as a person and what makes you unique. Since MBA candidates are normally seasoned and have both academic and technical skills, the Statement of Purpose for MBA is more in-depth than for other programmes. As a result, top business schools around the world are looking for a more mature and informative personal comment. A good SOP mentions your goals and aspirations while also talking about the relevant experiences and achievements that make you a good candidate.

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SOP Format for MBA

While there is no prescribed format a Statement of Purpose for MBA application has to follow, some universities tend to give certain guidelines on how to approach it. That said, the majority of universities allow you to present your story in any way you like. The SOP is how you will be perceived by the university, so it is important that you present yourself in a structured and coherent manner. 

Having said that, your MBA SOP layout, unlike your bullet-point-riddled resume, will be more free-flowing, with your key messages distributed through logical paragraphs. Any of the following questions may be addressed using these sub-sections.

  • What is your history?
  • In your personal life, what have you accomplished?
  • What are your professional objectives?
  • Why pursue an MBA? Why do you feel compelled to pursue higher education at this time?
  • Why do you believe our university is the best place for you to achieve your goals?

Your MBA SOP should flow clearly and you should make sure that all your paragraphs fall in the right place. In simple terms, this means that you have to tell a story that highlights your logical talking points and views for the university admissions committee. Now let’s take a closer look at how to write SOP for MBA: 

  1. The SOP can be broken down into 3-4 paragraphs with each paragraph having a clear intent. The first paragraph usually answers the question of how you came around to the decision of pursuing an MBA. It also needs to include your main motivation for pursuing this course. This paragraph is the introduction portion of your SOP and it is crucial in terms of making a good impression on the university. Try to be as evocative, innovative and witty in this part of your SOP as possible.
  2. The second paragraph will discuss your background, your academic and professional achievements and your goals with the university. When you’re talking about your goals, make sure to differentiate between your short-term goals and your long-term goals with topics like where you see yourself professionally in the coming few years and what plans you have in order to achieve these goals.
  3. The third and fourth paragraphs must revolve around why you wish to pursue an MBA at this point in your life and how the chosen university will help you reach your goals and fulfil your ambitions. You can also mention how a specific professor in the university’s faculty can help you get the most comprehensive learning experience and how this can be instrumental to your growth. 
  4. Your fifth paragraph that will be the conclusion of the SOP, should be powerful and impactful. It can include how you plan to contribute to the university and how your experiences so far will dynamically influence your peers for the overall benefit of the university. In other words, your SOP must prove that you will be an asset to the university.

Check out some amazing samples for MBA SOPs here: SOP for MBA: Essentials to Mention & Sample SOPs

How to write SOP for MBA: Word Count and Length

Many MBA programs do not define a word count for MBA SOPs and instead leave it up to the applicant. Some applicants see it as a chance to stretch their wings and fly. However, they end up dumping so much data into the system, making Adcom’s eyes sore. Keep in mind that your SOP should be written in such a way that the reader finds it enjoyable to read. He or she must not be bored when reading long paragraphs and your whole biography, which makes no sense. As a result, keep in mind not to cram too much information into your SOP for MBA that isn’t important. Pick the right and selective details or data that should be included in your MBA SOP. On the other hand, some people or students are too lazy or impatient to write an MBA SOP and instead write a few general statements for the sake of formality and apply it. Both methods are ineffective. If the university does not define a duration, an MBA SOP should be between 1000 and 1500 words. More than the word count, the structure, material, and presentation are more significant. Keep in mind that less is better!

The table given below will prove to be more helpful for a better understanding of the format of SOP for MBA. Have a look:

Academic + Professional Background 15%
Professional/Corporate history + Work Experience20%
Co-curricular summary and achievements 15%
Why MBA? Or What is the need for an MBA now?15%
Career goals and aims post MBA/ Long term goals etc.15%
Strong and powerful ending describing why you have chosen this university of business school for your MBA and how you can prove to be an asset for the institution. 10%
Total 100%

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SOP for MBA vs SOP for MS

Although they may have the same name, how you approach an SOP for an MBA differs from how you would approach an SOP for a Masters or MS. When you compare the profiles of MS vs MBA applicants, you will see the significant difference between an MBA and an MS SOP. Masters of Science candidates are usually recent graduates who have completed their bachelor’s degree and now wish to obtain a master’s degree. MBA candidates, on the other hand, are older and more experienced, having worked in the industry for three or four years. They have a continuing advantage over Masters of Science candidates in terms of job experience and industry expertise. As a result, they have a lot more to include in their SOP for MBA. Writing a decent and competitive SOP for MBA becomes more difficult as a result of this. While an SOP for an MS degree can be more technical, an SOP for MBA must strike a balance between technical positions you’ve held, job profiles you’ve held, industrial and/or private sector experience, and managerial ability that attracts you to international MBA schools, as well as all of your previous academic achievements and education qualifications. In short, your SOP for MBA should represent your professional maturity and academic clarity.

Must Read: Sample SOP for MS in CS that Will Help You Stand Out

How to write SOP for MBA: What to Keep in Mind?

  • The SOP is extremely integral to your application process and therefore you must not leave it until the last minute.
  • Plan in advance about what you want to mention and how you will structure it.
  • It cannot be emphasized enough that your essay must not be plagiarized. The universities are rightly focused on this aspect of the application and will disqualify your application if they find it to be unoriginal.
  • Don’t worry, you don’t have to write something that no one has ever written before. You just have to be truthful to the university and be honest with yourself.
  • The SOP is the communication bridge between you and the university so it must tell your story and reflect who you are and that is only possible if it is written by you.
  • Always go back to the essay, revise, rewrite and edit it again and again. This will ensure that you submit the best possible version of the essay.

Must Read: Sample SOP for MS in CS that Will Help You Stand Out

Credits: ChetChat

Sample SOP For MBA

Studying for a business operations course necessitates a certain amount of ambition and character. In recent years, the business world has become increasingly integrated through once-barriers, and anyone with high business ambitions must have an international outlook and be mindful of the realities of various international arenas. I am grateful to have a diverse academic and professional experience that has exposed me to a wide range of people, cultures, and languages. As a citizen of India, I am familiar with the region’s increasingly important markets, and as a result, I am well prepared for the demands and challenges that studying in your master’s program would bring.

I’ve had a dream of being a member of a firm’s top-level management team since my first industrial visit during my third year of bachelor’s degree at (XYZ firm). My dream has evolved with me since graduation, and in order to realise it, I plan to pursue a Master’s in Business Administration in (Stream Of MBA) from your esteemed University.

I set expectations for myself that were higher than those of my peers from a young age. I wanted to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in (stream of BBA), but due to the lack of programmes in this field in my state, I chose to complete my undergraduate degree in India’s capital state. I enrolled in a management course at (Name of the University), and the expertise of the professors and the overall complexity of the programme provided me with an extremely valuable learning experience that I could not have gotten anywhere else. At (Name of the University), I studied management, marketing, accounting, and various aspects of tourism as part of my undergraduate studies. On a daily basis, I was immersed in Delhi culture and language, receiving a broad business education. As a result, I am optimistic about my ability to adjust to your atmosphere and enrol in your MBA program. 

In this organisation (Name of the Company), where I am currently employed as an Assistant Sales Manager, where I am responsible for the growth of international customers as well as the analysis of sales goals. Working in this company for more than three years has given me the confidence to operate in a fast-paced international business setting. However, I’ve faced several roadblocks and unexpected challenges over the years. As a result, after careful consideration, I’ve decided that further research in your prestigious university’s MBA program will be not only beneficial, but perhaps necessary in further improving my career prospects and increasing my chances for future success.

I also have extensive experience in a variety of business areas, including marketing, management, accounting, and sales. As a result, I believe I am uniquely suited to enrol in your MBA program. Having said that, I plan to return to the industry and the world of business after completing my studies and applying what I learned in your program to the benefit of the company. I hope to have built a good career that I can be proud of within five years of graduation. I feel that my professional history demonstrates a steady yet rapid advancement through the business world, and I am eager to continue that trajectory by enrolling in your MBA program.

I’d like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to express myself today, and I hope to be accepted into your university.

Yours Sincerely

Name Of the student


How do you introduce yourself in SOP?

Creating a one-of-a-kind introduction. Demonstrating your enthusiasm for the topic. Tell us about your experience or history in the area you’ve chosen. Your academic experience in the field you’ve chosen should be defined.

How should sop be written?

Step 1: Always start with the end in mind.
Step 2: Decide on a layout.
Step 3: Get feedback.
Step 4: Define the scope of the project.
Step 5: Define your target audience.
Step 6: Establish a standard operating procedure (SOP).
Step 7: Reread, retest, re-edit, rewrite.

Why are SOPs mandatory in UK universities?

Since SOP is needed by UK universities, it is critical that candidates have a flawless one. Candidates should engage with admissions authorities and inspire them with their experiences and talents, which may not be reflected in their mark sheets, using a Statement of Purpose.

How do I start an MBA sop?

You may begin writing an MBA SOP by answering certain questions that you should have prepared beforehand, such as:
What is your background?
In your personal life, what have you accomplished?
What are your professional objectives?
Why pursue an MBA? Why do you feel compelled to pursue higher education at this time?
Why do you believe our university is the best place for you to achieve your goals?

While we have given you all the required information about how to write SOP for MBA, we understand that you may still have apprehensions about how to write it and whether what you have written will ensure your admission. The experts at Leverage Edu can help you with the application process so you don’t have to doubt yourself and can get the chance to study at your dream college.

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