Career Goals for MBA Aspirant in 150 Words

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Career Goals for MBA Aspirant in 150 Words

If you are someone who is planning to apply for MBA, you must be well-versed in the fact that you will be expected to produce certain essays that help the university understand your motivations for pursuing that degree. Most universities will expect you to begin your essay with your career goals in 150 words, and while this might seem like an easy task for some, it can be extremely daunting for others there are several things that everyone needs to keep in mind. The career goals you provide will help those reading your application assess if you are motivated enough to pursue the degree and if you have what it takes to successfully pursue it. So, while presenting your career goals for MBA aspirants in 150 words, you must mention your short-term and long-term goals for your MBA essay in an impactful and precise manner. It is normal to feel uncertain about how to make a statement in as little as 150 words so here is all the information you will need while attempting to answer this question.

How to Tackle Career Goals for MBA Aspirants in 150 Words?

There are numerous different ways in which you can approach this question. You can choose to be course-specific, industry-specific or position-specific. The trick with every way that you approach the question is that you build your answer in a way that supports your argument of how the specific thing will help you achieve your long-term goals. If you are writing with the specific course you wish to study in mind, it is important to let the university know how that course from their university will help you achieve your short-term and long-term goals for the MBA essay. You can also choose to mention how a specific faculty member from the university can be instrumental in your growth.

If you are being industry-specific or position-specific, those 150 words must comprise why you wish to work in that specific industry or at that specific position and how the college you are choosing will aid that development and how, in the end, all of this will add up to your professional growth and trajectory.

How To Talk About Your MBA Career Goals In A Realistic Yet Compelling Way!
Credits: Critical Square MBA Admissions

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Essentials to Include

While drafting career goals for MBA aspirants, there are various essentials that you need to keep in mind which might range from mentioning the chosen industry to creating a career plan. Let’s first understand the basics you must add to your career goals:

  • Particular Industry: Write your specific domain and industry emphasizing why you want to work in it.
  • Particular Positions: Once you have mentioned your industry, the next thing is to write about the career profile you want to pursue.
  • Connection to Your Academic & Professional Records: While writing career goals for MBA aspirants, it is extremely important to link your academic and professional milestones with your aspirations to sketch out your career journey.
  • Association with your Career Goals: Connect your mentioned objectives with your career aspirations and explain how you plan to fulfil them through this degree.
  • Community Agenda i.e. how the degree will help you in making your contribution towards the community.
  • Expected Outgrowth
  • Unique Career Plan

Things to Keep in Mind

While the above-mentioned essentials can be a sure-shot guide to writing career goals, there is a host of other stuff that can help you in making an impressive list. Here is a list of the Do’s and dont’s that you must keep in mind while summing up career goals for MBA aspirants in 150 words:

Quintessential Details

  • Keep it specific and personal.
  • Highlight your short-term and long-term career goals in the MBA essay
  • Carve out your interests and link them with your career goals as well as plans. 
  • Make the article succinct and to the point.
  • Always write something easy to talk about.
  • Must include Education specific content and your ambitions in life in brief.

For instance, why you have chosen a certain business school, why you want to study under your chosen professor and what kind of exposure and outgrowth you are expecting to reach closer to your goals.


  • Avoid elaborating on those career goals which don’t resonate with what has been asked in the essay.
  • Mentioning activities or educational background not relevant to the career goals.
  • Avoid being too vague and ambiguous.
  • Do not beat around the bush.

Tips for Writing Short-Term and Long-Term Goals for MBA

  • While mentioning your industry is important, don’t overdo it and keep the essay concise and coherent.
  • Amongst the questions, one needs to answer in career goals for MBA aspirants, make sure that you emphasize upon
    • Why these certain goals?
    • When or how they were conceived?
    • What past experiences/events make you feel that your set goals are realistic?
  • Also, explain the significance of the goals in your life.

This can make your essay more personal and interesting.

Tips for Career Goals for MBA Essay

As career goals will play an indispensable role in your MBA essay in 150 words, it is essential to know how you can efficiently incorporate them into your answer. Here are some insights into crafting the best short-term and career goals for your MBA essay:

Mention the major career goals you look forward to fulfilling post-MBA

This will include your short-term and long-term career goals post MBA and while drafting these, it is crucial to be precise and put an extra emphasis on showing a career map of what you look forward to. That’s why you should mention the industry you aspire to work in, the job position you want, and how you further aim to climb up the hierarchy accordingly.

Concisely elaborate upon why these goals are important to you

Showing your interest and passion for your short-term and long-term goals in your MBA essay can also help you impress the admission team. Give a unique and interesting reason why you want to pursue a certain industry or job role and connect it with the MBA course you have opted for!

Make it specific to the academic institution

Another imperative pointer to add to your career goals for MBA aspirants in 150 words is to connect your content with the school/college/university you are applying for as it will help the admission committee assess your interest in applying to a certain institution.

Examples of Career Goals for MBA Aspirant in 150 Words

It is always easier to understand how to go about a specific thing by looking at examples of it. Here are free career goals essay samples for MBA aspirants in 150 words:

Example 1

My long-term goal is to secure the position of a senior (job position) manager in a company that caters to (industry needs). I aspire to create a significant impact in a dynamic and ever-changing industry and to advance the development and growth of such a corporation. I strongly believe that pursuing an MBA degree (specialization if any) from your university will help me develop a skill set that will be instrumental in both my personal and professional growth. I believe that through the duration of the course, I will be provided with ample opportunities to strengthen my leadership and administrative skills and they will help me contribute to the industry. I also believe that pursuing this course at your university will help me realize my long-term goals and over time help me contribute to society’s development as a whole. 

Example 2

I wish to pursue an MBA in (specialization) from your esteemed institution because I strongly believe that the course taught by (the specific professor) will give me a dynamic learning experience, which will help me become well-versed with the fundamentals emphasized in the course offered by your university. This comprehensive course offered by your university is well-known for providing the essential skill set that will help me become a global leader in the industry. I strongly believe that my previous experience as (job experience) in the industry has equipped me well for pursuing this course and that the environment and exposure provided by your university will help me multiply my network and magnify my potential. My long-term goal is to create a sustainable mark in the industry that aids the overall development of society and that admittance to your university will be a major step on that journey.

Example 3

My long-term ambition is to enthusiastically enter and be a valuable representative of a Multinational Corporation like Google or Microsoft as a top management consultant after completing the prestigious MBA program from the prestigious university (University Name). I want to learn from a diverse portfolio of client engagements and put all of my theoretical experience into practice in a real-world environment. I’ll work my way up to being a partner, and then I’ll focus on introducing digital and correct business strategies for the industry in the long run. In my position, I will mentor younger generations of aspiring consultants as well as work with clients. I wish to prove myself to be an important asset for the organisation where I will be working in the future.

Example 4

My long-term goal is to investigate the situation of a senior (work position) Manager in a reputable and renowned company.  My ambition is to have a significant impact in a fast-paced, ever-changing market and the industry, as well as to help my organisation to further improve and develop. I’d like to pursue an MBA in (specialisation) from your reputable institution to gain the necessary insights and knowledge about the current dynamics and trends of the industry, as I am confident that the course taught by (the particular educator) will provide me with a powerful learning experience that will assist me in becoming knowledgeable with the fundamentals emphasised in the course. I also agree and assume that pursuing an MBA degree in (specialisation if any) from your college will assist me in developing a set of skills that will be useful in both my personal and professional growth. Finally, it will help me better grasp my long-term goals and, in the long run, contribute to the development of society as a whole.


Q1. How do I describe my career goals?

Ans. Start with your short-term objectives and work your way up to your long-term objectives. Outline the measures for achieving those objectives in a few sentences. Maintain a laser-like emphasis on your employer and the work you’re applying for, as well as how your objectives would eventually benefit the business.Start with your short-term objectives and work your way up to your long-term objectives. Outline the measures for achieving those objectives in a few sentences. Maintain a laser-like emphasis on your employer and the work you’re applying for, as well as how your objectives would eventually benefit the business.

Q2. What are long-term goals?

Ans. A long-term goal is a goal that will be accomplished by a series of smaller goals over a long period, usually five to ten years or more. You might be asked about your long-term objectives and how they fit with the organisation you’re interviewing with during an interview.

Q3. What skills does an MBA give you?

Ans. MBA programs instil analytical skills, long-term strategic thinking, networking, and leadership in their students.

Q4. Why MBA is important for a career?

Ans. You’ll learn business strategy, preparation, and even financial management in an MBA programme. These abilities will allow you to effectively manage your own business while also contributing to your country’s economic growth.

While we’ve given you an insight on how to go about it, it is normal to feel apprehensive about whether or not what you have written will guarantee you a place in your desired college. But you don’t have to be uncertain about such an important aspect of your application. With the help of the mentors at Leverage Edu, you can write an essay that will meet the university’s expectations and give you an edge over other applicants.

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