
10 Unique Destinations to Study Abroad

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Unique Destinations to Study Abroad

Are you someone planning to study abroad and eager to experience a unique culture and environment? While the students from around the world are competing to study in USA, UK, Canada, and other popular study destination. We are sure you would have never imagined these countries could also offer quality education along with beautiful scenery. Let us explore the list of the top 10 unique destinations to study abroad!


This place is known for its beautiful beaches, stunning temples, and new cities. Thailand is a great place for students who want to find unique study abroad programs abroad. It not only helps the students to learn about the country’s traditions but also helps them to understand the deep-rooted religious history that comes with it. Buddhism is widely followed throughout Thailand, and there are many temples and other sacred places that would help the students to know more about the Eastern religious sentiments. Thailand is among the unique destinations to study abroad.

Credits : Bright Htaian

New Zealand

New Zealand is considered to be one of the most desirable places in the world to study abroad. Students who study in New Zealand are usually surrounded by friendly locals who welcome travelers to their popular country. Students move towards the larger cities of the country, such as Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin, or Queenstown. The University of Auckland, which is well established for its different classes in art and law, gives students various opportunities for a fun nightlife, which includes many cafes and bars to spend time with their college mates.


Next on the list of unique destinations to study abroad is Peru. With a beautiful historical location of the world, Peru is a country with unique study programs. The country is filled with historical sites, traditional culture, and gorgeous sights. It is worthwhile to consider Peru when searching for unique study abroad opportunities.

Credits : The school for Field studies


Qatar is one of the popular destinations for the students who are looking for a location that comes with great cultural significance and is a destination in the Middle East with towering skyscrapers, malls, and the city lights and experience. Other than being a good fit for business-oriented students, Qatar has many programs for students who want to learn about Islamic culture and history. 

Credits : Singh in USA


Sweden, being famous for the company IKEA or its delicious food, is a great destination to get a degree! Sweden is known for its lavish and high standard of living and quality education, which makes it a lovely destination to study abroad. Sweden may not be very cheap as a European country, but there are many discounts and perks for the students in things like travel and food.Life in Sweden is great to study, be it in a big city like the Stockholm School of Economics or in a small place like USAC’s Linnaeus University. Sweden is a popular and unique destinations to study abroad.

Credits : Study in Sweden


Egypt’s history is fascinating and goes back to thousands of years. It is known for the pyramids and mummies, along with its deep ancient culture. Students who are interested in the Arabic language and its learning can get great benefits from this unique destination to study abroad. Alexandria University allows the students to choose from a huge variety of subjects that even includes veterinary medicine, education, tourism, and the arts in the lively port city of Alexandria. Other than that, The American University in Cairo is also a lovely choice for international students who want to study the course of their choice.  

Credits : Excel Campus and Careers


Many opportunities are available in the beautiful city of Morocco that has a lovely culture and history. If a student is interested in knowing more about the Moroccan culture and diversity section, CIEE’s program in Rabat would make a great choice. Students who want to pursue different subjects like Middle Eastern studies, economics, arts and political science can also apply for the classes in Meknes with International Studies Abroad or Rabat with IES Abroad. 

Credits : UCSB EAP


Mauritius can truly be a transformative experience for a student to study abroad, with the wide quest for exploration always available. The small island state consists of peaceful people, beautiful scenery, and a thick mix of European, Asian, and African cultures. English is also accepted as the official language in Mauritius, though French and English both are used for work purposes. 


Slovenia acts as a beautiful tourist destination which can be a great and unique destination to study as well. Slovenians value their culture, language, and education. Slovenia strives to become a premier international study destination as the country has free tuition and subsidized expenses as well. Since the studies take place in English as the language, it can be the best destination for you!


Taiwan consists of a deep history of ancient Taiwanese and Japanese culture, along with Chinese culture, and has been very forward with technological advancement as well. Taiwan has commitments for its innovative nature, which is showcased through its prioritization of higher education. Along with a good reputation among other countries, international students who come to Taiwan do not have to pay the standard extra tuition fees charged by universities.

Hope this helps you to choose which destinations you have to explore while studying abroad. Worried about the cost of studying abroad? We got you covered, participate in Leverage Edu scholarships can get a chance to win the biggest scholarship in India. For the latest updates around study blogs, you can follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and also subscribe to our newsletter. Leverage Edu wishes you all the best for all your future endeavors.

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