
Learn 60 Most Common Words in Spanish

6 minute read

You might have heard about Netflix’s marvellous Money Heist series but did you know that it is originally in Spanish? ‘La Casa De Papel’ is the original title of Money Heist and can be translated into English as ‘The House of Paper’. Spanish is hailed among the most spoken languages in the world with over 500 million native speakers, mainly in Spain and America.  It is the world’s second-most spoken language after Mandarin Chinese and also the world’s fourth-most in the world after English, Mandarin Chinese, and Hindi. If you are still new to Spanish or plan on learning it, we are here to teach you 60 common words in Spanish with useful examples that will help you remember them easily!

Courtesy: Make a Meme
  1. Buenos días (Good morning)
    Example: Los estudiantes le desearon buenos días a su maestro (Students wished their teacher good morning.)
  2. Buenas tardes (Good afternoon)
    Example: Le deseé buenas tardes. (I wished him good afternoon.)
  3. Buenas Noches (Goodnight)
    Example: Le deseo a mi osito buenas noches todas las noches. (I wish my teddy good night every night.)
  4. Hola (Hello)
    Example: Hola! Como estas? (Hello! How are you doing?)
  5. La casa (the house)
    Example: Esta casa es tan bonita. (This house is so pretty.)
  6. La mesa (the table)
    Example: El jarrón está sobre la mesa. (The vase is on the table.)
  7. La ventana (the window)
    Example: El gato está sentado cerca de la ventana. (The cat is sitting near the window.)
  8. La silla (the chair)
    Example: La silla está rota. (The chair is broken.)
  9. La puerta (the door)
    Example: Por favor cierra la puerta. (Please shut the door.)
  10. El reloj (the clock)
    Example: El reloj ha dejado de funcionar. (The clock has stopped working.)

Bravo! You have learned 10 most common words in Spanish, keep scrolling to learn more!

Courtesy: Stripey Spanish
  1. El piso (the floor)
    Example: El piso está mojado. (The floor is wet.)
  2. La mujer (the woman)
    Example: Esa mujer del vestido negro se ve hermosa. (That woman in the black dress looks beautiful.)
  3. El hombre (the man)
    Example: Ese hombre es mi profesor. (That man is my professor.)
  4. La niña (the girl)
    Example: Esta niña es la hija de mi vecino. (This little girl is my neighbour’s daughter.)
  5. El niño (the boy)
    Example: El niño está jugando en el jardín. (The boy is playing in the garden.)
  6. El gato (m) (the cat)
    Example: El gato se bebió toda la leche. (The cat drank all the milk.)
  7. El perro (m) (the dog)
    Example: El perro está ladrando. (The dog is barking.)
  8. El pájaro (the bird)
    Example: El pájaro gorjea. (The bird is chirping.)
  9. El elefante (the elephant)
    Example: Vi un elefante en el zoológico. (I saw an elephant in the zoo.)
  10. El coche (the car)
    Example: El coche es BMW X5. (The car is BMW X5.)

40 more common Spanish words to learn! Don’t give up yet!

Courtesy: Pinterest
  1. La calle (the street)
    Example: Mi casa está ubicada justo al lado de la calle 9. (My house is located just next to street 9.)
  2. La tienda (the store)
    Example: Esa tienda esta cerrada ahora. (That store is closed now.)
  3. La biblioteca (the library)
    Example: Esta es una de las bibliotecas más grandes del mundo. (This is one of the biggest libraries in the world.)
  4. El libro (the book)
    Example: El libro pertenece a mi amiga. (The book belongs to my friend.)
  5. La playa (the beach)
    Example: Quiero ir a la playa. (I want to go to the beach.)
  6. La montaña (the mountain)
    Example: Las montañas están cubiertas de nieve. (The mountains are covered with snow.)
  7. Café (coffee)
    Example: Bebo café por la noche. (I drink coffee in the evening.)
  8. Té (tea)
    Example: Soy una persona del . (I am a tea person.)
  9. Vino (wine)
    Example: El vino es excelente. (El vino es excelente.)
  10. Cerveza (beer)
    Example: Quiero cerveza fría. (I want some cold beer.)

Well, we are almost there! Serving 30 more common Spanish words right away!

Courtesy: Imgflip
  1. Leche (milk)
    Example: Prefiero el té con un poco de leche. (I prefer tea with some milk.)
  2. Agua (water)
    Example: Bebo al menos 7 vasos de agua todos los días. (I drink at least 7 glasses of water every day.)
  3. La iglesia (the church)
    Example: Voy a la iglesia todos los viernes. (I go to the church every Friday.)
  4. El museo (the museum)
    Example: Iré a un museo este sábado. (I will go to a museum this saturday.)
  5. La nariz (the nose)
    Example: Se lastimó la nariz mientras jugaba. (He hurt his nose while playing.)
  6. Los ojos (the eyes)
    Example: Tengo una infección en los ojos. (I am having an infection in my eyes.)
  7. La boca (the mouth)
    Example: El bayo no abre la boca para tomar la medicina. (The bay is not opening his mouth to take the medicine.)
  8. La cabeza (the head)
    Example: Me duele la cabeza. (My head hurts.)
  9. El brazo (the arm)
    Example: Tuve una fractura en mi brazo izquierdo el mes pasado. (I got a fracture in my left arm last month.)
  10. Las piernas (the legs)
    Example: Tengo piernas grandes. (I have big legs.)
Courtesy: PNG & GIF Base

Final 20 left! Learn these most common Spanish words and hit your big goal for today!

  1. Las manos (the hands)
    Example: Los indios comen con las manos. (Indians eat with their hands.)
  2. Persona (person)
    Example: Quiero conocer a esa persona. (I want to meet that person.)
  3. Familia (family)
    Example: Vivo en una familia nuclear. (I live in a nuclear family.)
  4. Aeropuerto (airport)
    Example: El aeropuerto está cerca de mi casa. (The airport is near to my house.)
  5. Tren (train)
    Example: El tren llega tarde. (The train is late.)
  6. Restaurante (restaurant)
    Example: Nosotras vamos a un restaurante de lujo hoy. (We are going to a fancy restaurant today.)
  7. Universidad (university)
    Example: Estudio en una universidad. (I study in a university.)
  8. ¿Cómo? (How?)
    Example: ¿Cómo va la escuela? (How’s school going?)
  9. ¿Dónde? (Where?)
    Example: ¿Dónde vive? (Where do you live?)
  10. ¿Cuándo? (When?)
    Example: ¿Cuando es tu cumpleaños? (When is your birthday?)
Courtesy: Gifer

51. poco atractivo/a (Unattractive)

Example: Paulo es poco atractivo, es cierto, pero tiene una personalidad muy divertida (Paulo is not very attractive, it’s true, but he has a really fun personality.)

52. menudo/a (Small)

Example: Partí el tomate en pedazos menudos. (I cut the tomato into small pieces.)

53. canoso/a (Grey)

Example: El dueño del hotel es un señor alto y canoso. (The hotel’s owner is a tall, gray-haired man.)

54. nervioso(a) (Nervous)

Example: Estaba tan nervioso por el examen que temblaba y todo. (I was so nervous for the test that I was even shaking.)

55. emocionado(a) (Excited)

Example: Estoy emocionada por ir a Argentina. (I’m excited to go to Argentina.)

56. valiente (Brave)

Example: El búfalo valiente asumió el riesgo y cruzó el río. (The brave buffalo took the risk and crossed the river.)

57. dulce (Sweet)

Example: El pastel está algo dulce para mí. (The cake is bit too sweet for me.)

58. tocar (to touch)

Example: Puedes saber si tu bebé tiene fiebre tocando su frente. (You can tell if your baby has a fever by touching her forehead.)

59. gritar (to shout)

Example: Hay alguien gritando en la calle. (There’s someone shouting in the street.)

60. melodioso (melodious)

Example: Me gusta esta canción. Es tan melodiosa y agradable de escuchar. (I like this song. It’s so melodious and pleasant to the ear.)

5 Common Phrases in Spanish (BONUS) 

Here is a unique bonus for all Spanish learners, check out these 5 most common words in Spanish!

Gracias Thank you 
De nadaYou’re welcome
PerdónemeExcuse me
Lo SientoI’m sorry
Hasta luegoSee you later


What are some basic words in Spanish?

Some basic words in Spanish are: Hola, Claro, Amor, Adios, Por favor, Si, No etc.

Is learning Spanish easy?

Yes, Spanish is considered to be one of the easiest languages to learn for all English speakers out there.

Which is easy: French or Spanish?

Spanish is considered slightly easier than to learn French.

Thus, we hope that you learned 60 new common words in Spanish with us today! Want to study in Spain? Reach out to Leverage Edu and we will help you at every step of the admissions process of your dream university! Sign up for a free session!

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