Government Jobs vs Private Jobs

6 minute read
Government Jobs vs Private Jobs

Whether to choose a government job that offers stability or a private job that opens avenues of opportunities is a question that most young graduates ask themselves. Government jobs or the public sector is one of the largest employers in our country with over 17.61 million Indians employed and over 12 million employed in the private sector. To help you solve this dilemma, in this blog, we bring you the comparison of government jobs against private jobs and enlist various parameters one must consider when looking for a job. So, let’s see which is better in Government Jobs vs Private Jobs.

What is a Government Job?

Any position inside the government is said to be federal. Any employee working in a government agency qualifies as a federal job, including particular job categories. People with these occupations may promote public services or the interests of citizens while working for a branch of government or the military. Examples of federal employees might be:

What is a Private Job?

Private sector employees work for any firm, enterprise, or organisation that aspires to make a profit. Private sector businesses are essential to a functioning economy, yet the government has little authority over them. Private sector businesses can range in size from tiny neighbourhood shops to huge global conglomerates. The following non-government industries are examples of occupations in the private sector:

Must Read: Highest Paying Government Jobs in India

Government Jobs vs Private Jobs: Comparison Chart

Comparing government and private jobs shows clear differences in job security, growth opportunities, and benefits. Let’s explore some key factors that can influence your career choice.

Parameter Government JobPrivate Job
Job security Job security is guaranteed. The public sector is bound by employee protection and has to show a valid cause of conduct violation for termination.No job security. Security is dependent on performance and the market. Poor economic conditions and performance can lead to termination of employment.
Job growth Little to average job growth. Senior positions in government jobs come after years of patience. Private sectors are rewarded with promotions. Good performance can lead to quick growth.
Job benefits Apart from a fixed monthly salary, the public sector provides other perks and benefits such as medical coverage, insurance, etc.Private companies do not invest in insurance companies and provide other perks that government jobs do.
Job opportunities Fewer opportunities are dependent on factors like age, vacancy and openings.Greater opportunities and recruitment drives happen all year long.
Job salaries Fixed salaries with the scope of increment only after the release of new pay commissions.Higher salaries are offered as compared to government jobs.
Work-life balanceFlexible and fixed timings and comfortable work life.Highly competitive work culture, long working hours, 
Ease of getting the jobDepending on the vacancies, openings have to appear for a national level exam therefore very difficult to get in.Relatively easier to find a private job. Good grades and great communication skills often help land a private job.
Post-retirement Government jobs provide pension, and medical benefits post-retirement.No such post-retirement benefits or pensions.
professionalismThe work setting may lack professionalism and punctuality.Private job settings are famous for their professionalism and cut-throat work ethic.

Government Jobs vs Private Jobs: Top Job Opportunities

Let’s check out the top job opportunities in each field:

Government JobPrivate Job
Indian Police Services [IPS]
Corporate Lawyer
Indian Engineering Services [IES]Doctor
RBI Grade BMarketing Manager
SEBI Grade AChief Executive Officer
Indian Administrative Services [IAS]Video Jockey

Also Read: Government Jobs After 12th Arts Stream

Government Jobs vs Private Jobs: Job security 

If you are seeking john security from your work, then government jobs might be the best fit. Government jobs are steady even in the face of market variations. A bad job market can leave industries like textile manufacturing to the ever-popular Indian IT industry in turmoil leaving the public sector devoid of any casualties. On the contrary, terminations are extremely frequent in private jobs where employees can be laid off for numerous reasons such as bad performance, bad job -markets or even based on gender, race, caste or bad terms with employers.  In the case of a government job, it becomes mandatory to show a valid cause of conduct violation for a termination to be executed and the employers are bound by employee protection.

Government Jobs vs Private Jobs: Job Growth 

Even though government jobs have security, they can be notorious when it comes to job growth. Because government jobs are inherently bureaucratic, they can leave very little room for rewarding individual professional initiatives. This could be stunting the career growth of the employees. In the case of government jobs, promotions are time-based and dependent on vacancies. A private job, on the contrary, provides vast scope for growth and climbing up the ladder. Even though senior most positions in government jobs can be very powerful, they only come after years of patience, waiting for people to retire before their seats can be replaced.

Government Jobs vs Private Jobs: Job Benefits

Another massive advantage of procuring a government job is the retirement benefits including solid pension plans. Recently the security has been replaced by the New Pension Scheme where the pension funds are invested in stock markets. However, the government contributes an amount in favor of the employee which goes into the National Securities Depository Limited. Private companies on the other hand are not liable to invest in an employee’s pension plans leaving employees to manage their funds all by themselves. Additionally, government employees are also endowed with various kinds of benefits such as loan schemes, travel perks, and also housing allowances that private employees may or may not receive. 

Job Opportunity 

There is a consensus among people that landing a government job is far more difficult than landing a private job. To receive a government job, the employees must first appear for a nationwide entrance test, competing with a large pool of candidates. There are other factors such as age limits, availability etc. in comparison, recruitment for private jobs happens all year long and is filled based on demand. Petitions can also be filled via campus recruitment, referral recruitment, online recruitment, and through other streamlined and straightforward processes. 

Government Jobs vs Private Jobs: Work-life Balance

The work culture in a private job might entail longer working hours, extremely competitive settings, deadlines and a very stressful environment. In a private job, job performance is directly related to growth, the work environment is bound to create competition, to keep pace. On the contrary government, jobs are relaxed and help you maintain a healthy work-life balance. The work environment is extremely relaxed however there is a possibility of transfer to government jobs which can be life-altering. 

Government or Private | What job to do?
Creidt: @ApnaCollegeOfficial

Also Read: List of 12th Pass Jobs


Ques: What is a Government Job?

Ans: Any position inside the government is said to be federal. Any employee working in a government agency qualifies as a federal job, including particular job categories. People with these occupations may promote public services or the interests of citizens while working for a branch of government or the military.

Ques: What is a Private Job?

Ans: Private sector employees work for any firm, enterprise, or organisation that aspires to make a profit. Private sector businesses are essential to a functioning economy, yet the government has little authority over them.

Ques: Which is the best job in the Government sector?

Ans: IPS, IAS and IES are some of the top job profiles in the government sector.

Ques: Which job has highest salary in India?

Ans: Some of the destinations with high salaries in India are Machine Learning Experts, Data Scientists, Product Management, Blockchain Developer, and Full Stack Software Developer.

Ques: What are the advantages and disadvantages of government jobs and private job?

Ans: A private job is best for those seeking career advancement, and a dynamic environment. A government job on the other hand, is best for those seeking stability and security. It is best to weigh the pros and cons before settling on a private job or a government job.

In conclusion, either choice, government or private has its pros and cons. Therefore your decision to choose a job depends on what aspects are important to you and what you want from it.  We hope you find this blog aids you in making the right choice. For more interesting content subscribe to Leverage Edu.

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1 comment
  1. I will never go for a Government Job because thing is that earning money is nowadays, no more a chall in private sector if one has relevant skills and experience. I work in a company and no doubt my value is because of my ideas.

  1. I will never go for a Government Job because thing is that earning money is nowadays, no more a chall in private sector if one has relevant skills and experience. I work in a company and no doubt my value is because of my ideas.