
Difference Between Internship and Apprenticeship

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difference between internship and apprenticeship

When you dream of mastering the skills and art you are interested in, you tend to look for the best college that would provide you with the platform to begin your career. How about study abroad options? The pursuit of mastery begins right from the stage when you realize what you are searching for in your life. From different career skills to relevant knowledge, universities abroad offer professional courses, internships and apprenticeships associated with the skill you want to pursue. These not just develop your expertise in the field but also make you future-ready for the related industry. In this blog, we’ll discuss the difference between internship and apprenticeship, which are often alternatively used.

Key Differences between Internship and Apprenticeship

To help you understand the key difference between internship and apprenticeship, let us consider the following factors:

Basis of ComparisonInternshipApprenticeship
MeaningStudents get to gain real-world exposure to their chosen industry or field and apply their classroom knowledge in a practical manner.A training program for any individual wanting to learn the skills of a specific industry or field and earn at the same time.
DurationShorter (1-6 months)Longer (around a year or even more)
AvailabilityAvailable across an array of fields and specialisations, both professional and technicalAvailable more in technical, skill-oriented and training-oriented fields.
NatureWork-related trainingSkill-based and technical training
Classroom TrainingInternships are often a part of the degree and diploma programs including industrial training.Apprenticeships can be pursued by any individual whether they are pursuing a degree/course or not.
Paid or UnpaidBoth paid and unpaidPaid
Job ProspectsLesser chances to get full-time employment but often Pre-placement Offers (PPOs) are provided to interns.Often considered as a pre-work training and can be changed into a full-time job.

Difference 1: Internship vs Apprenticeship

Internship forms an important component of a professional course with students aiming to get practical experience in their field of study. Whether in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program, learners apply for various hands-on training programs in a number of organizations, this helps them gain industry experience along with an internship certificate. These greatly add value to their resume and are sometimes needed to qualify for the degree. Apprenticeship, on the other hand, has similar goals but differ from internships on various parameters. This is more serious and demands a high level of professionalism.

Difference 2: Duration

Internships are for a shorter span of time, ranging from 1 to 5 months covering the basics about the work which does not necessarily include training. On the contrary, apprenticeships are comparatively longer and are more profession-oriented. These may last as long as an apprentice achieves a standard in the required skill. 

Difference 3: Availability

Internships are generally much more easily available in comparison to apprenticeships. Apprenticeships are still more common in Europe than in the US. They are usually targeted towards highly trainable jobs such as engineering or construction. While internships are available for college students and freshers, they are often generalized and focus on job profiles that may or may not result in a job. The key difference between internship and apprenticeship is that the latter is more competitive than the previous due to low availability. 

Difference 4: Nature

Another fundamental difference between internship and apprenticeship is the nature of work. Interns are engaged in work-related learning while apprentices are involved in work-related training. Internships are usually done in organizations relevant to the field where a trainee observes and understands the work environment. In the case of apprenticeships, students are apprenticed to a senior professional who trains them personally and in return, students are required to assist their mentor in the execution of work.

Difference 5: Classroom Training

One of the prominent differences between internships and apprenticeships is that internships are often part of the classroom training as students get the opportunity of working with the organisations associated with their university or college and benefit from the training provided as they gain real-world exposure and apply their classroom knowledge. On the other hand, apprenticeships can be pursued by anyone from a graduate to any completing their senior secondary high school education to explore career fields they are inclined towards!

Difference 6: Paid or Unpaid

Internships usually require a lesser amount of work which is why they are unpaid most of the time. In some cases, interns are given a minimal stipend at the commencement of their internship. On the contrary, apprenticeships are well paid and require a considerable amount of hard work. Being competitive in nature, apprenticeships are difficult to get and require efforts to find the right mentor. While in both cases, you get the experience certificate, but apprenticeships are comparatively paid higher than internships. 

Difference 7: Job Prospects

The ultimate aim of going for an internship or an apprenticeship is to secure a stable and high earning job in future. As most of the professions in the technical field demand work experience, pre-work training has become mandatory. However, there is a slight difference between internship and apprenticeship. In the case of internships, there are lesser chances of getting a job in the organization you are pursuing it in, while apprenticeships can easily fetch you a position in the same organization.

Hopefully, you’ve figured out the major difference between internship and apprenticeship. To see opportunities for both during your degree, it is imperative that you choose the right university in the right country. Pre-work training programs can help you reinforce your resume and get you a high earning job. We understand the intricacies of choosing a career path which is why we have so much to offer. Book your 30-minute counselling session with our career experts at Leverage Edu and let your journey to success begin. 

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