
How to Answer ‘Why Should You Be Hired for This Internship?’

16 minute read

Looking for the best answer for ‘Why you should be hired for this internship’? The right way to answer this question while applying for an internship is to focus essentially on your skills and showcasing a curiosity towards learning about the field/role through this internship. Read this blog for the best winning answers for ‘why you should be hired for this internship’, for different fields like Content Writing, IT, NGO, Teaching, Data Entry, etc.

Quick Read: 7 Reasons to do a Summer Internship

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Source: CareerVidz

10 Winning Answers for Freshers

Pursuing an internship comes with a multitude of benefits for one’s career quest. Not only does it bring you real-world experience in your chosen industry but it also teaches you about the organisational culture and lets you experiment with your interests and skills. This way, you are able to comprehend if you can fulfil the job role for a full-time position. That’s why preparing a stellar answer for “Why should you be hired for this internship” becomes paramount.

Here are the best winning answers to ‘Why should you be hired for this internship?’:

“I possess all the skills and qualifications required for this internship. I’m also a fast learner and if selected for this internship, I can assure to fulfil all the tasks allotted to me throughout this internship. I am amazing at communication, working across teams, handling multiple tasks at a time as well as curious to learn new things from my senior colleagues.”

“Thank you for asking this question. I feel I am the right fit for this internship because I am highly passionate about this role and if hired, I promise to accomplish all the tasks provided to me throughout the internship. I am always ready to learn newer things, take up new tasks, thrive in a team as well as spend additional hours to make sure that the work is submitted within time!”

“As a fresher, I am keeping myself open to learning. But I can assure you that I quickly grasp new skills. Not only that I am always ready to learn something new but also to unlearn as in moving on from outdated practices and notions to efficient and advanced methods. Also, I have many fresh ideas and inputs that I would like to tell the management about if I get selected and I think that they will definitely like some of them.”

“Currently, I am in my final year of a/an ___________ degree program at ___________ college. In this course duration of ___________ years, I have acquired a lot of practical knowledge and joining your company would give me the uplift to face real-world challenges and build my position accordingly. I can showcase my talent and skills which will not only benefit the company but also, me as an individual.”

“Joining this esteemed organisation would help me learn and grow both personally and professionally. I have the ability to learn things quickly and be productive at the same time. Creativity and innovation are the two factors that truly believe in. Previously, in my graduation, I was involved in an industrial project wherein I talked about your industry, and that is the point wherein I was pulled towards this company. If given an opportunity, I can sync all my abilities and skills to the best interest of my role in this organization.”

“Thank you for asking this question! Well, I suppose I will be a great candidate for this internship since I am a fast learner and highly passionate about pursuing a profession in this enterprise. I have already done my homework – I have studied about your company, goals and vision and I am sure I can deliver my responsibilities in a timely manner.”

“I wish to pursue this internship to assess my inherent skills and potential. Although I have acquired a strong foundational knowledge in this domain, I found that the best way to move forward would be to get practical work experience in an established platform like this. I wish to learn everything I can that can shape me as a valued professional in this field.”

Example #1

“As I am a fresher, I am keeping myself open to learning. But I can assure you that I quickly grasp new skills. Not only that I am always ready to learn something new but also to unlearn as in moving on from outdated practices and notions to efficient and advanced methods. Also, I have many fresh ideas and inputs that I would like to tell the management about if I get selected and I think that they will definitely like some of them.”

Explanation: Since an internship helps you gain valuable experience in a certain field as a fresher, it is crucial to highlight your curiosity towards learning new things as well as showing your interest in implementing your creative zeal to work towards the betterment of the organisation.

Example #2

“Currently, I am in my final year of a/an ___________ degree program at ___________ college. In this course duration of ___________ years, I have acquired a lot of practical knowledge and joining your company would give me the uplift to face real-world challenges and build my position accordingly. I can showcase my talent and skills which will not only benefit the company but also, me as an individual.”

Explanation: An effective way to answer “why should you be hired for this internship?” is to give an overview of your academic background as well as what you aim to achieve through the internship.

Example #3

“Joining this esteemed organisation would help me learn and grow both personally and professionally. I have the ability to learn things quickly and be productive at the same time. Creativity and innovation are the two factors that truly believe in. Previously, in my graduation, I was involved in an industrial project wherein I talked about your industry, and that is the point wherein I was pulled towards this company. If given an opportunity, I can sync all my abilities and skills to the best interest of my role in this organization.”

Explanation: With this answer, the candidate will be able to showcase how they got interested in the organization and why they want to work with them. Thus, even if you don’t know much about the company you are applying for, it is always good to research before drafting your answer. This way, the recruiter will get to know how much you know about the organization and showing your interest will surely assist you in landing your dream internship!

Example #4

“Thank you for asking this question! Well, I suppose I will be a great candidate for this internship since I am a fast learner and highly passionate about pursuing a profession in this enterprise. I have already done my homework – I have studied about your company, goals and vision and I am sure I can deliver my responsibilities in a timely manner.”

Explanation: After thanking the interviewer, it is important to precisely elaborate on why you think you are the right candidate for the internship. Don’t ramble or exaggerate anything but mention your key skills and interests and further elucidate upon the reasons why you have applied for this specific internship.

Example #5

“I wish to pursue this internship to assess my inherent skills and potential. Although I have acquired a strong foundational knowledge in this domain, I found that the best way to move forward would be to get practical work experience in an established platform like this. I wish to learn everything I can that can shape me as a valued professional in this field.”

Explanation: Though it seems quite a generic answer, in the beginning, it also highlights the confidence and optimism of the candidate, thus showing the qualities of a leader in them. By simply putting forward your main goals and elaborating upon what you strive to gain from this internship, you can showcase your confidence and precision in approaching interview questions.

Take a look at Internship Request Letter!

We have further listed down some more effective answers for “why you should be hired for this internship?”

Example #6

“I strive to learn the nuances of the business industry through this internship. I have always been awed by the founder’s vision and philosophy and this has been a dream company for me. I am amazed by how your company has been actively involved in corporate social responsibility and have partnered with many NGOs for various causes. This is a common ground between my interests and the company’s beliefs as I have also been volunteering with many non-profit organisations. So, I am elated to become a part of your company as I will get to learn more about your work while giving my best.”

Example #7

“I have a tendency of giving my 100% to everything I get involved in, whether it is a class assignment, freelance project or writing a story or a poem. I think I should be hired for this internship because I got to know about this field through an elective discipline last semester. When I have my eyes on a task, I keep myself entirely focused and away from distractions. Even my parents and my friends call me a perfectionist as my concentration on the task at hand bugs them at times, but I can’t help it. It’s in my nature. Apart from this, I have always imbibed honesty and straightforwardness in myself. I never hesitate to question or to seek assistance when doubts arise. These are the key traits because of which I think I am a good fit for the internship.”

Example #8

“Becoming a part of this esteemed organization will surely help me learn immensely about my field. I strive to seek the guidance of learned professionals working here. Yours is a popular brand and joining this renowned enterprise can provide me with incredible professional exposure and a strong foundation. In turn, I affirm to provide the utmost dedication from my side to fulfil the goals set for the betterment of the organization.”

Example #9

“I think I am the best fit for this internship because I am a quick learner and an amazing multitasker. In my undergraduate years, I was not only focused on academics but also made sure that I explore things outside the prescribed syllabus as apparent from the resume. As I always had various things to do on my plate, I aimed at mastering the art of time management. So, I can assure you that no matter how many tasks I am provided with, I ensure to deliver them in time without letting any compromise with the quality of the work.”

Example #10

“When I saw the description for this profile, I knew that I am the right fit for this internship. I possess the skills and qualifications and if you select me, I assure to deliver quality work and accomplish all the tasks given throughout the tenure of the internship. I am a team player with excellent communication skills and I strive to give my best to whichever thing I put my mind to. I only need a chance through this internship to prove my capabilities while also gaining proficient exposure into my field.”

How to Answer ‘Why Should You be Hired for this Internship/Role?’

To get selected for an internship program of your choice, especially when you are a fresher, you need to highlight the key skills and knowledge you gained during the journey of your course. Below are some of the points which you should mention while answering internship interview questions:

Experience in Performing Your Duties

Your ability to do a certain task and complete it within a given time frame is one of the most appreciated factors. Remember, to talk about your experience and discuss your skills in performing different tasks and duties in a professional way. And this is where the importance of behavioural skills comes into the picture!

Technical Skills

Technical skills comprise skills like mathematical, computer-centric or scientific abilities that can be beneficial for candidates when applying for companies looking for dynamic professionals who are tech-savvy.

Key Accomplishments

Speaking about your professional achievements when asked why should you be hired for this internship, can give you an edge over other candidates and increase your chances of selection.

Mention What You Will Bring To The Table

It is inherently pivotal that your answer to why should you be hired for this internship must include the skills and advantages you will be bringing to the interning position. Many candidates often go on about how the internship will help them but a few actually elucidate upon what they will devote to the position. In this part, you can talk about your curiosity to explore diverse fields, multitasking, leadership skills, and the like.

Talk About How The Internship Will Benefit You

Another central thing you must add to the answer is what you aim to learn and accomplish through this internship. In a positive tone and concise manner, explain the goals that you will fulfil by working with the organisation and how that will ultimately help you in your professional journey.

Best Industry-Specific Examples

Let’s say, you have strong programming skills. All you should know are the ways to address your abilities in the best possible manner. Combining these with the team leadership experience can give help you highlight your candidature. Take a look at some of the profile-specific answers for “why should you be hired for this internship” given below.

Why Should You Be Hired for this Internship in NGO?

“I have always been interested in volunteering for social issues, be it teaching or organising community development events. Pursuing this internship, I would get to learn about working in a team as well as becoming a good leader and would also avail the opportunity to give back to society. I was an active volunteer at _____ Foundation and also took part in many sessions at Teach for India to brush up my communication, time-management and organisational skills.”

Why Should You Be Hired for this Internship in Content Writing & Digital Marketing

“I have always been inclined towards reading and writing since childhood. To publish my writing to the world, I created my own blog on WordPress and have been consistently uploading thoughtful blogs and articles throughout my undergraduate years. Since the creation of my blog, I have got a positive and encouraging response and I proficiently utilised social media to extend the reach of my content. I recently accomplished varied basic and intermediate-level certificate courses online to gain more knowledge about digital marketing. Thus, I believe that my skills, interests and qualifications fit the description and will definitely help me do justice for this role. Given the opportunity, I aspire to gain as much as practical exposure while also dedicating myself to all the tasks and responsibilities allotted to me throughout the internship.”

Why Should You Be Hired for this Internship in Teaching

“As someone who believes in the core values of discipline and empathy, I believe that I am the right fit for this internship as I have the required skill set to impart the best knowledge to children using innovative and interactive methods while also helping them in personal development. I think I can be a good mentor who can impart quality education while also assist them in becoming the best version of themselves. The internship will also be a great learning experience for me as I will get to learn from senior teachers and grow personally as well as professionally through this opportunity.”

Why do you Want this Internship for Data Entry?

“I possess advanced-level computer proficiency with proven knowledge of different computer software and proficiency in typing and transcription. I’m tech-savvy and passionate about computers and I aim to build a career as a Data Analyst thus by pursuing this internship, I will get to know more about data entry, analytics, operations, to name a few.”

Why Should You Be Hired for this Internship in Data Science

“I have always been fascinated by the use of advanced data-driven technologies for carrying out a plethora of tasks. While pursuing my BSc in Data Science, I learned about the basics of Data Analytics, Data Mining, Machine Learning and other related areas which I complemented with online certification courses on Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics. I am passionate about implementing the application of data science for solving day to day problems and I believe that my interests and skills match your organisation’s drive towards innovation. I assure you to give my best to this internship, gain as much as practical exposure as possible while dedicating myself to all the given tasks throughout the tenure of this internship.”

For Web Development Internship

“I am the best fit for this internship because I am proficient in programming languages (C, C++. C#, HTML) as well as networking and I possess excellent problem solving and excellent skills. During my undergraduate years, I devoted myself to studying programming apart from the stipulated syllabus and gained advanced knowledge in operating systems as well. As a fresher in this field, I don’t have practical exposure but I strive to explore and experience my potential and fulfil the organizational goals through my skills and competencies.”

For Graphic Design Internship

Watching those cartoons while growing up enticed me and when I got to know about the field of graphic designing during school, that was the moment when I decided to step into this field. Graphic designing seems to be the perfect field through which I can channel my creativity into designing products that can delight customers. My technical knowledge when combined with leadership skills are bound to bring out the best for the organization. Given the opportunity, I will strive towards greater professional as well as personal growth.” 

For Finance Internships

I shall be hired for this internship because I believe that I am a perfect fit for the organization considering my sparkling academic background in Finance. Owing to the knack that I have for numbers I pursued an Undergraduate course in Finance and alongside completed a Diploma course in GST, which will now help me in performing my responsibilities here. I believe in learning from every experience and during my summer internship with ABC International I realized working in Finance is full of various challenges but nothing thrills me more than combating hurdles. Through this internship, I can challenge my potential and definitely assist the company in achieving its goals.

For Internships in Human Resources

“During my college days, I actively participated in the cultural events and I have held prominent positions as campus ambassador as well as placement coordinator at times. I am presently pursuing my part-time PGDBA in Human Resource Management. I think I have a decent experience in finding the right talent for a given role and I possess the excellent communication and problem skills that are requisite to this position. I believe that my skills and abilities match the basic requirements of the role and that’s I find myself to be the right fit for the profile.”

Our Top Read: Career Objective for Fresher

Winning Answers for “Are you available for this Internship”

When it comes to interview questions on availability, be honest about when you can at the earliest and what kind of commitment you are planning to go for. If you are available for a full-time role, that’s when you should say that you will be fully committed to work for the given hours or the particular period of time.

Here are the best answers for “Are you available for this internship?”:

  • “I am available to work for _____ months for this internship and I find myself flexible with hectic work days. I enjoy my work and would have no issues with working extra hours, if needed. I will take this internship wholly as a learning experience and would be excited to take up new tasks as well.”
  • I am completely flexible working for ____ months and taking up work for long hours even on the weekend. I am excited to join the team at your reputed organisation and would be of complete help whenever required.”
  • “I am available to begin this internship whenever you want me to. I am free for the coming six months so would like to take up this role and be of assistance whenever needed.”
  • “I am available for the next three months for pursuing this internship but I would need a week off in the next month to give my end-term exams. Other than that, I would happy to pursue this internship for the mentioned duration.”
  • “I am aware that this internship would need intensive hours and workload and I am completely available to take this opportunity to brush up my time-management and organisational skills. I am ready to pursue inter-department roles and assist different teams during my time here.”

Here are some samples and tips to ace self-introduction in any job interview:

Self Introduction Sample for Job Interview: Freshers and Experienced CandidatesBest Examples of Self-Introduction in an Interview
Tips for Friendly Self-IntroductionSelf Introduction to Customer
Simple Self-Introduction SampleShort Self-Introduction
About Yourself Introduction for InterviewTips for Self-Introduction in Interviews
How to Introduce Yourself on a Company Website?Top 5 Tips for Self Introduction in English For Students


Why should you be hired for these internship examples?

Here are the major pointers and answers you can use for “Why should you be hired for this internship?”:
“As a fresher, I am still learning about the nuisances of this field. I am a quick learner and I have an innate curiosity towards exploring new things and I am also good at handling deadlines and possess all the skills required for this internship.”
“I strive to give my 100% to every task I set my mind to and I also possess the ability to adapt to new things easily. I can vouch for the fact that I learn things very quickly and I am really good at time management as well.

How To Answer “Why Should You Be Hired For This Internship?”

The key elements to crafting a winning answer for “why should you be hired for this internship” are:
-Highlight your strengths
-Mention your creative, time management and problem-solving skills
-Give an overview of your academic background
-Show your interest in working with the organization
-Briefly talk about your short-term and long-term goals

What do you want to learn from this internship?

While answering these questions, make sure to mention:
-Skills you aim to improve or new skills you want to gain
-Professional experience you strive to get
-Career goals you want to fulfil

These are a few examples that you can use to answer a question like why should you be hired for this internship”. As long as your idea matches your answer, go ahead with it. So what are you waiting for? For more interview preparation tips, follow the career counseling page of Leverage Edu now!!

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