
Convert CGPA to Percentage

9 minute read
Convert CGPA to Percentage

The average grade point of a student is calculated using their cumulative grades across all subjects, omitting any supplemental coursework. Many colleges, universities, and organisations, including CBSE, release exam results as CGPAs rather than percentages. The term “CGPA” stands for “Cumulative Grade Point Average. In this blog, we have discussed everything you need to know about converting your CGPA to a Percentage.


CGPA to Percentage Calculator

CBSE CGPA to Percentage Calculator

You can convert CGPA to percentage with the simple formula of multiplying CGPA by 9.5. For example, to convert 8.2 CGPA to a percentage, multiply it by 9.5 and the resulting number which is 77.9 is the percentage. Class 10 and Class 12 results for CBSE will be announced soon and CBSE will be providing the results in CGPA format.

CGPA to Percentage
Source: Simplified students

How to Convert CGPA to Percentage?

CGPA to Percentage CBSE Calculator
CGPA to Percentage CBSE Calculator

Let us understand how to calculate CGPA from subject grade points (GPs). Add the GPs of 5 subjects excluding the additional subjects and simply divide the total by 5 and the result will be your CGPA. For example, if you scored 7 in Maths, 10 in English, 9 in French, 10 in Science and 8 in Social Studies, then your CGPA will be (7+10+9+10+8)/5 = 8.8

CGPA to Percentage
CGPA to Percentage

Do you know: a 10 CGPA in Percentage means 95%?

CGPA to Percentage

Percentage = 9.5 * CGPA of the Subject

CGPA to Percentage
CGPA to Percentage

Learn How to Convert Marks into CGPA!

CGPA to Percentage

CBSE CGPA to Percentage Conversion Certificate

To prepare your CBSE conversion certificate, you must be aware of the revised CBSE grading system for 2021-22.

CBSE Grading System Revised for 2021-22

CBSE CGPA to Percentage
Courtesy: cbse.gov.in

If you are a student of CBSE then you must know that the marks you obtain in your 10th or 12th board exams are assigned to specific grades. Here is a CGPA to percentage conversion certificate which you will come across during your exams:

Convert CGPA to Percentage

For Instance, you get Grade A1, Which means:

Grade Point = 10
Marks Range = 91-100

CBSE Conversion Certificate
Courtesy: CBSE Portal

VTU CGPA Calculator

CGPA to Percentage VTU

For VTU students wanting to pursue higher education, the CGPA to Percentage formula is quite different from the standard one. For the year 2021-22, the formula specified by VTU is as follows:

CGPA to Percentage VTU
Percentage= [CGPA-0.75] * 10

GTU CGPA to Percentage

CGPA to Percentage GTU

Providing a comprehensive conversion standard to get one’s percentage from CGPA/CPI/SPI is formulated by Gujarat Technological University. GTU students can calculate CGPA to Percentage by using the following formula: 

Percentage: [(CGPA/SPI/CPI-0.5)] *10

CGPA to Percentage Calculator for Indian Universities

Mentioned below are the percentage calculators for different Indian universities

CGPA to Percentage Delhi University (DU)

Delhi University has also provided a uniform method to convert CGPA to the percentage for which the official notification was released on 11 January 2018. Here is the formula for DU students to calculate their percentage from CGPA:

Final Percentage of Marks = 9.5 x CGPA of all semesters

Note: This conversion formula was mainly provided for students under the Choice-Based Credit System (CBCS).

Mumbai University CGPA to Percentage

The conversion system for CGPA to Percentage was updated recently in 2018 and now the institution has specified varied point scales for different programs. Here are the major pointers that have been provided by MU:

  • For programs in the domain of Pure Sciences, Arts, Commerce, and related disciplines, a 7-point scale is used. It estimates the percentage of “ actual marks” obtained by the student.
  • For Engineering, the CGPA to Percentage conversion is done through the 10 10-point grading System which is:

Percentage= 7.25 * CGPA +11 

CGPA to Percentage Anna University

Another prominent approach to converting CGPA to % provided in India is designed by Anna University which was introduced as a regulation in 2018. Having been changed consistently in the last few years, the present form of the conversion table for CGPA to Percentage by Anna University can be found here.

KTU CGPA to Percentage

The calculation system created by KTU is also quite simplified as it has specified a particular formula for determining CGPA and then further converting it to percentage.

CGPA= Sum of (Ci*GPi)/ Sum of (Ci)

Ci= Credit assigned to a particular course
GPi= Grade Point for the course

Important Note: In this system, the summation is carried out for all courses in which the students have registered during the program for which you need to calculate CGPA and you also need to include failed courses as well.

Now, the percentage can be calculated by using the following formula:

Percentage = 10*G

where G is CGPA/SGPA

MAKAUT (Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology)

Following a 7-point grading system, the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, the conversion approach used is quite similar to that of VTU, i.e. 

Percentage= [CGPA-0.75]* 10

Take a look at the following table which elucidates an overview of the CGPA to Percentage Scale used by VTU:


How to Convert CGPA to Percentage in Engineering

To convert a percentage to a GPA for engineering, you need to divide your percentage by 9.5 and you will get your CGPA. For example, if you got 70%, you need to multiply it by 9.5, i.e. 7.3 CGPA out of 10. Here is a free percentage for the CGPA calculator:

To know more, check out our blog on CGPA in Engineering!

Courtesy: BCA PathShala

SGPA to Percentage

To convert your SGPA to percentage, you must first multiply SGPA by 10 and then deduct 7.5 from the concluding number and you will have your SGPA.

SGPA to Percentage Calculator
[(SGPA * 10) – 7.5 = Percentage]

You can also use this SGPA to CGPA Free Calculator:

Source: Sachin Pullil – Admissions Coach on YT

How to Convert Percentage to CGPA?

To convert Percentage to CGPA, divide your percentage by 9.5 and the result will be your CGPA. For example, to convert 75% to CGPA, we divide it by 9.5 and the resulting number 7.9 is the CGPA. Here are some more examples of converting a percentage to CGPA:

Example 1
If Rahul has secured 85% in an academic session, his CGPA would be:
85 / 9.5 = 8.9
Example 2
If Ritu secured 70% and wants to convert the percentage to CGPA then her it would be: 
70 / 9.5 = 7.4
Example 3
If Shivani secured 95% then her corresponding CGPA would be:
95 / 9.5 = 10

Advantages of the CGPA System

  • The grade point system has the added advantage of maintaining healthy competition. With no specific rank or marks obtained, you can focus on holistic development in academics instead of being single-minded and trying to score the highest. 
  • Further, both these systems are only a way of assessing marks in different ways. While CGPA classifies your marks into grades, the percentage has an aggregate way of calculating your marks.
  • It is important to learn to convert CGPA into percentages because both systems are interconnected. You need to look at how both these systems have their advantages and disadvantages. To understand how both these systems work, you need to know the formula as well as the dynamics behind this conversion. 
  • Some universities still work on the system of percentages while others prefer the grade point system. So, to keep yourself updated with both situations, you should keep in mind the simple formula given above. This formula will be useful while filling out application forms for various institutions. This way you can easily calculate the percentage as well as CGPA and fill in whatever is required in a specific university’s application form.

Difference Between CGPA and Percentage

To understand which is better CGPA or Percentage, let us look at the table given below : 

Average of GPA.Average of absolute scores of individual subjects.
Used by CBSE and various universities to grade candidates. Dropped by most of the educational institutes.
Promotes healthy competition.  Challenges students and increases competition. 
Gives a better understanding of the candidate’s performance throughout the year. Easy, simple and clear grading system. 
Easy to convert CGPA to percentage.A lot of calculations required to obtain an average percentage. 

Difference Between GPA and CGPA

As the two popular grading methodologies across the world, there are various points of difference between GPA and CGPA. While CGPA can be converted from percentage by multiplying your marks percentage by 9.5, GPA is a more popular term which is frequently used abroad in the US, the UK, etc. GPA is used for grading for a single semester while CGPA accumulates the total marks and total credits across all the semesters. Moreover, if you aiming to study abroad and are applying to foreign universities, you will not only have to submit language proficiency scores of IELTS, TOEFL, etc. and standardized test scores of GMAT or GRE but also your GPA or CGPA whichever the university prefers. So, while gearing up for standardised exams is crucial to ace your application and the first step for the same is to familiarize yourself with the GMAT exam pattern, GMAT syllabus etc. or with GRE dates and the like, you must also meticulously research the academic score requirements about CGPA and GPA as specified at the university’s website.

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CGPA to Percentage On a 10-Point Scale

CGPA to Percentage on 10 Point Scale

If in a subject, the highest marks scored are 94. Then, 94 is taken as 100%.
So, if a student scores 85 marks in that subject then, CGPA = [100/94] x 85 = 85.10
On a 10-point scale, CGPA is 8.5!

CGPA to Percentage Conversion for UPSC

UPSC generally asks candidates to submit their percentage obtained at the undergraduate level. If your university has provided CGPA or grades in your bachelor’s degree, then the equivalent percentage of marks is considered as per University guidelines and you need to fill the prospective percentage after conversion. In case, the university has not specified any guidelines, the UPSC has provided its conversion method, i.e. the indicative percentage of marks will be calculated in the CGPA. For instance, if you have got 7.0 to 10, to convert your CGPA to the percentage you need to just multiply it by 10, i.e. your percentage will be 70%.

Learn How to Convert Marks into CGPA!

[Bonus] Abbreviations in CBSE Results 

Another common thing found in a result card is the abbreviations which can indicate several things from being absent to not eligible. The table below has a list of some common ones: 

EIOPEligible for Improvement of Performance
QUALQualified for Admission to Higher Classes
N.ENot Eligible
R.WResult Withheld
UFMUnfair Means
TRNSTransfer Case
N.RNot Registered
XXXXAppeared for Upgradation of Performance/ Additional Subject
NIOPNot Eligible for Improvement of Performance


Q1. How to convert CGPA to a percentage? 

Ans. To convert CGPA to percentage, all you need to do is multiply your CGPA by 9.5. This formula is provided on the official website of CBSE for classes IX and X. For example, if you have got 9.4 CGPA then the equivalent percentage would be 9.4*9.5 = 89.3%. 

Q2. What % is a 7.6 CGPA?

Ans. To determine the % equivalent of  7.6, you need to multiply this number by 9.5. 7.6X9.5 = 72.2%.

Q3. What is the %  of 6.8 CGPA?

Ans. If you want to calculate the percentage conversion of 6.8, then multiply it by 9.5.
Therefore, 6.8X9.5 = 64.6%.

Q4. How is it different from GPA?

Ans. Both CGPA and GPA are indicators of academic performance in numerical form. The major difference between CGPA and GPA is that GPA is measured for a single unit or test while GCPA is a combined or cumulative measured result for all the subjects.

Q5. What is CGPA?

Ans. CGPA is a grading system that awards candidates 10 out of 10 points for an academic session. It became popular in 2017 when CBSE announced that the 10th Board results will now be as per the CGPA system.

Q6. How can I calculate CGPA marks?

Ans. CBSE has provided a simple formula for students to convert their grades and CGPA to percentages. To find an indicative equivalence of grade points and percentage of marks, you can follow these pointers:

– Subject-wise indicative percentage of grades Multiply the Grade Point of the Subject x 9.5.
– Overall indicative percentage of marks= CGPA x 9.5

This is the formula that has been given by CBSE for converting grades into marks and percentages.

Q7. How to calculate CGPA if only subject grade points are given?

Ans. Consider the example given below in order to understand the calculation of CGPA when subject grade points are given: 

Subject 1 -> 9
Subject 2 -> 10
Subject 3 -> 8
Subject 4 -> 7
Subject 5 -> 8

Total = 42/5 = 8.4
Equivalent Percentage = 8.4*9.5 = 79.8%

Hence, learning how to convert CGPA to percentage is an important task when it comes to filling out applications for studying abroad. If you are confused about a particular course’s application, the Leverage Edu experts can assist you in filling out the application with the required details as well as sending it to the university in time and increasing your chances of getting shortlisted. Call us immediately at 1800 57 2000 for a free 30-minute counselling session.

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  1. This is something most of the students have trouble with converting the CGPA to Percentage but I am pretty sure this particular article comes in handy to the students and also teaches them how to do it at ease. Thanks for the article.

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