
Phenomenal Business Leaders & Their Secrets to Success

6 minute read
business leaders

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill. It takes the courage to dream and passion to make it true, to be successful in life! While we all wish to be at the top, only a handful manage to make it their reality. Irrespective of your age, goal and work profile, there are certain career lessons you can learn from the leaders of all the time and stay motivated to chase your dreams. How do these great personalities differ from us? What separates them from the crowd? Let us explore some of the major lessons on life and success from topmost business leaders around the world which will help you stay focused on your career path!

 “I’m convinced that about half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.” – Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs

The modern-age Newton with the Apple that transformed the computer industry, Steve Jobs is amongst the quintessentially inspirational business leaders in the contemporary times. Early in his young life, Jobs realised that he wasn’t really interested in chasing an academic degree and dropped out of his formal graduate education only to take those classes that genuinely interested him. What ensued was his quest to reinvent his whole idea of life as he travelled across India to feed his curiosity towards spirituality only to come back and working with his friend to carve an invention that potentially impacted the whole decade. Jobs has always emphasised on being persistent and persevering towards one’s goals, staying “hungry and foolish” enough to try out new ideas, not trying to fit in but instead embracing what makes you unique and different from others.

Let’s Take You on a Wonderful Journey Exploring Steve Jobs Education!

I believe you have to be willing to be misunderstood if you’re going to innovate.” –Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos has witnessed ‘Amazon’ progress from a book-selling platform to becoming an all-purpose website where you can buy anything from groceries to giant technologies. Before Amazon was even founded, Bezos was the Vice President of a Wall Street Hedge Fund but he left his stable job only to enter the world of e-commerce and starting with the idea of a business that would sell books online. As a much-deserving name in our list of business leaders, Bezos has always believed in a unique concept called as ‘regret minimization framework‘ saying that by imagining what regrets you would have in life as an 80-year old, you can begin building on your ultimate dreams. And in all of that, you will encounter many obstacles and hardships, you will be underestimated and misunderstood but you need to keep yourself focused on the goal and everything else will fall into line eventually.

 “Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.” – Bill Gates

Bill Gates

As a nerdy teenager mesmerized by the world inside a computer, Bill Gates has come a long way from inventing a simpler version of tic-tac-toe to establishing a revolutionary technological phenomenon ‘Microsoft’. As the most popular and famed name in the global software industry, Gates has been ready to impart all of what success taught him. For him, the most important takeaway is to stay grounded no matter how renowned or successful your work turns out to be. Don’t let your victories and achievements distract you and make you overconfident. Keep the right people around you who can keep you grounded and stay focused on furnishing your skills and abilities. Gates also emphasised on the importance of aiming high and dreaming big and structuring a disciplined life for oneself.

Know All About How the Education of Bill Gates Carved His Path to Success!

“The more we can break the rules, the better off we’re going to be.”- Indra Nooyi

Indra Nooyi

PepsiCo’s first-ever woman CEO, Indra Nooyi paved the way for women empowerment in India at a time when girls were just limited to meagre education and domestic life. Brought up in a family that believed in modern values and equal opportunities, Nooyi was never held out on educational opportunities which further nurtured her to become one of the strongest and famous personalities in India. As one of the top women business leaders across the globe, the most important thing to learn from her journey is to follow a career that aligns with your interests, aim to become a kind but tough leader as well as pursue what you are most passionate about.

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“Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.” -Jack Ma

Jack Ma

Soaring above from all the odds, be it his poor upbringing to struggling to clear college entrances as well as getting rejected by employers, Jack Ma’s journey to founding Alibaba is one is filled with adversities and ups and downs. All his failed attempts taught him the best lessons of his life and made him one of the learned business leaders of all the time. The most important thing to you must remember from his rags to riches endeavour is to keep yourself open to new opportunities, not let bad times pull you down and believe in your potential and dreams and someday you will eventually bring them to reality!

“Good ideas are always crazy until they’re not.” -Elon Musk

Elon Musk

The real-life Iron Man, Elon Musk showed his entrepreneurial skills early on in life when he created a video game known as Blastar which got sold for 500$. Having taught himself everything about computers, be it operating systems or programming and coding. Rising from a difficult childhood as his parents divorced and he came across bullies at school, Musk found his only escape in technology and went on to become a co-founder of many digital giants, from Paypal to Solarcity. Having the incredible qualities of a builder as well as innovator which brought him amongst the world’s top business leaders, Musk is known for his free-spirited nature and has always pressed on the importance of being open to new ideas, working in a team to reinvent the existing ones and embracing constructive criticism to become better.

“Dreams do come true, but not without the help of others, a good education, a strong work ethic, and the courage to lean in.” -Ursula M. Burns

Ursula Burns

Another well-known name in our list of top business leaders, Ursula Burns served as the first American-African female CEO of a Fortune 500 firm and credits her strength and pertinacity to her mother’s upbringing. Rather than taking the same-old paths that a woman was supposed to take, either to become a nurse, nun or teacher, she decided to study chemical engineering instead to which her mother lent her immediate support. Breaking through the glass ceiling built for women, she took a path that was less travelled by those like her and found success. Burns also highlights the importance of having the right education in life along with a work ethic that can lead you to chase your goals incessantly, no matter how many times you fall down, have the courage to get up and conquer the world.

Don’t Forget to Check Out the Quests of World’s Top Women Entrepreneurs!

Thus, there are an immense number of business leaders across the globe that one can learn from. Be it their strive to actualise their dreams or being persistent and persevering amidst all hardships, they teach us to keep holding on to our career aspirations and never give up unless we have reached our fullest potential. At Leverage Edu, we believe in the same idea of chasing one’s dream career and for this, the right mentor can guide you to fulfil what you have always aspired to become! So, don’t wait up, sign for a free 30-minute career counselling session with our experienced mentors and let us help you sail farther in your academic and professional journey!

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