
BSc Physiotherapy

4 minute read
BSc Physiotherapy

To heal is the art of divinity. A doctor may diagnose your illness, prescribe medications, and heal you internally but sometimes, they are unable to provide you with appropriate physical healing. Some injuries cannot be simply cured by medicines and need special professional assistance and such experts who are equipped with the knowledge and skills to cure the physical injuries of the patients are called Physiotherapists. If you aspire to serve the people and want to start a career in this field then you can pursue a Diploma in Physiotherapy or bachelor’s degree like Bachelor of Physiotherapist or BSc Physiotherapy. A bachelor level course, it builds the basic foundation through a diverse curriculum and turns the candidates into highly trained professional healers. By certain exercises, massages and therapeutic procedures they help the patients to overcome the pain. This blog aims to shed light on different aspects related to this course.

What is BSc Physiotherapy?

Bachelor of Science or BSc in Physiotherapy is an undergraduate-level course that runs between 3-4 years depending on the college you pursue it from. In this one of the most popular Medical Science courses, the candidates are provided with an intricate theoretical knowledge throughout the journey of the course with an aim towards healing the physical pain of the patients.  

Why Pursue BSc Physiotherapy

The following are the reasons to pursue BSc Physiotherapy:

  • In the program, students are skilled with several principles related to subjects like Physiology, Human Anatomy, Biomechanics, Pharmacology, Medical and Surgical Conditions, etc.
  • Apart from providing theoretical knowledge, the curriculum also focuses on soft skill development like that in empathy, communication, etc,  through special sessions as to become proficient in human psychology.
  • As it is necessary to build a relationship with the patients and heal them in both mental and physical pain. Thus, through BSc Physiotherapy you can become an efficient candidate to serve the people for their illness.

Note: The eligibility criteria may vary from one university to another. It is thus advised to the candidates check this from the official website of the university. 

BSc Physiotherapy: Subjects

In the coursework of the BSc Physiotherapy program, the students are made familiar with intricate concepts related to the field. The curriculum fo the course is designed to provide the candidates with in-depth knowledge and equip them with industry-specific skills. Here are some core subjects of the course which students would get to study throughout the duration of the program. 

Physiology Psychology 
Basic Nursing Orientation of Physiotherapy 
Pathology Sociology 
Biomechanics Exercise Therapy 
Pharmacology General Medicine 
Allied Therapies Basics of Neurology
Community Medicine Introduction to Treatment 
Electrotherapy Evidence-based Physiotherapy and Practice  
Orthopedics and Sports Physiotherapy  First Aid and CPR
Biochemistry Microbiology 

Note: This is a generalized overview of the main subjects but it can vary from one university to another.    

Top Universities 

Pursuing a degree course of your choice from a university that can shape your career and help you achieve your career aspirations is an important step. Studying programs from leading universities abroad will not only provide global exposure but will also open the door to a plethora of career opportunities. Here are some of the renowned institutions offering BSc Physiotherapy or its related degree program: 

Universities QS World Ranking 2023
Curtin University of Technology
Auckland University of Technology 486
The University of Otago  217
Central Queensland University 651-700
Monash University  57
The University of Sydney  41
The University of Queensland 50
Cardiff University  166
University of South Australia  363
La Trobe University  316
Coventry University 651-700
Flinders University 425

Eligibility Criteria

To secure admission under this popular BSc Courses after 12th Science, candidates have to fulfill some necessary requirements.

  • Being a bachelor level course, it is essential for the candidates to have completed minimum schooling of 10+2 from a recognized school or boards with BiPC subjects.
  • Further, to study BSc Physiotherapy abroad, it is compulsory for the aspirants to clear English language proficiency tests like IELTS, TOEFL, etc.
  • Apart from this, the applicants will also be required to submit letters of recommendation (LOR), statement of purpose(SOP), university transcripts, etc. 

BSc Physiotherapy: Career Prospects

From hospitals and schools to rehabilitation centers and private offices, physiotherapists are required in almost every industry. Due to this, BSc Physiotherapy offers a multitude of job opportunities for the students. On completing the degree program, you can explore the enlisted top-notch job profiles and employment areas where you can work. 

Job Sectors 
1. Health Institution
2. Private Clinics
3. Fitness Centres
4. Defence Medical Establishments
5. Rehabilitation Centres 

Job Profile and Salary

The following are the popular job profile and salary:

Job Profile Avg. Salary
Assistant Physiotherapy 2.0 Lakh
Sports Physio Rehabilitator 4.0 Lakh
Therapy Manager 4.7 Lakh
Osteopath Research Assistant 3.0 Lakh

Thus, pursuing BSc Physiotherapy will not only acquaint you with the requisite knowledge but will also prepare you for the specific roles. To kickstart your career as a Physiotherapist, the first step is to choose the best university abroad. Needless to say, selecting a university can be a bewildering task and requires thorough contemplation. To simplify your confusion and make the admission process hassle-free, contact us at Leverage Edu where our experts will assist you at every step of admission. 

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