
Career in Broadcast Media

3 minute read
Broadcast Media

Broadcast media commands the largest share of the advertising sector across demographies. It plays a crucial role in the lives of people, we are constantly under the influence of various advertisement, news, social, political and business affairs. The companies mitigate & avoid losses, protect brand sales, develop a strategy or drive new business through monitoring media broadcasting. All the hustle is to stay at the top in order to maintain a reputation on air. Ranging from movies to one-liner advertisements, everything that goes on TV and Radio falls under the Broadcast Media. Through this blog, we will take you through the possibilities this career has for you!

What is Broadcast Media? 

While earlier only TV and Radio were considered as the part of Broadcast Media, with the advancements in technologies and introduction of new-age entertainment ways, other platforms are also becoming popular. We can say that Podcasts, Blogs Advertising Websites, Digital Journalism and Online Streaming are also an inevitable part of this domain. 

Courses in Broadcast Media

Broadcast Media courses are readily available in all the favoured study destinations of students. Given below is a list of some popular courses available in this specialised domain of study:

  • Associate in Science in Communication Media
  • Bachelor of Arts in Mass Media
  • MSc in Broadcast Journalism
  • MA in Broadcast Communication
  • BSc in Broadcast Engineering and Live Event Technology
  • MA in Broadcast
  • BA in Journalism and Mass Communication
  • MA in Advertising and Public Relation
  • Advanced Diploma in Broadcasting
  • Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts
  • Graduate Diploma in Broadcast Media
  • Certificate course in Television Reporting and Anchoring
  • BA in Broadcast
  • Bachelor of Mass Media

Subjects Covered

A candidate can study courses at different levels in Broadcast Media, ranging from Diploma to Postgraduate courses. Even though the difficulty level of subjects taught under these programs might vary, the topics remain more or less the same. The list given below showcases some of them: 

  • Basics of Design & Graphics
  • History of Print & Broadcasting
  • Radio Journalism & Production
  • Introduction Mass Media and Society
  • Growth and Development of Media
  • Broadcast Media Technology
  • Development Journalism
  • Communication Research and Methods
  • Lifestyle and Travel Journalism
  • Introduction to Film: Form, Content, Narrative
  • Multimedia Journalism and Content Management
  • Business and Finance Journalism
  • Media Analysis and Criticism
  • Broadcast News Production

Top Universities offering Broadcast Media

There are various institutions that offer multiple courses in this domain across the globe. Given below is the list of prominent universities which offer Broadcast Media and other related courses:

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Career Pathways

Graduates of Broadcast Media generally work at photography companies, broadcasting corporations, news agencies, advertising agents, newspapers, periodicals, press information bureau, TV channels, radio telecasting companies, etc. Let’s look at some of the major career pathways in the very field:

Media Analyst: The job responsibility includes tracking media coverage or reporting of products and services to media buyers and corporate executives, and producing action plans for advertising campaigns from pre-defined marketing objectives.

News Director: The job role is to oversee production and on-air anchoring of radio newscasts and public affairs programs, covers and prepares news stories for broadcast directing and the assignment of coverage for news stories. 

News Anchor: The job role is to present stories and news broadcasts in TVs and radio. When they work in television, radio and local stations, their job role is also to introduce reporters’ videotaped and live reports, interview guests, analyze and select stories.

Other than above-mentioned job roles, given below is a list of popular job roles that students can pursue are:

  • Executive Producer
  • Production Journalist
  • Technical Director
  • Senior Writer
  • Radio News Anchor
  • Senior Writer
  • Station Manager

This was all about a career in Broadcast Media & its scopes. Working with the pace of this changing world can be challenging yet fun. For those of you, who are enticed by the hardships this pathway has, then we are here to help you meet ends by linking you to a suitable university. Book a free career counselling session with Leverage Edu and make your dream a reality!

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