
University of Sydney Courses

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The University of Sydney offers undergraduate, postgraduate and research courses for international students. They can identify their areas of interest and apply for the same. The university offers all three aforementioned levels of courses in the domain of Arts and Social Sciences, Business, Economics, Law, Education and Social Work, Music, Science, Engineering and Computer Science, Medicine and Health, Architecture, Design & Planning.

UniversityUniversity of Sydney
Academic DisciplinesArchitecture, Design & Planning
Arts and Social Sciences
Education & Social Work
Engineering & Computer Science
Medicine & Health
Programme LevelsUndergraduate

University of Sydney Arts and Social Sciences Courses

The University of Sydney offers multiple undergraduate, postgraduate, and research-level programmes for numerous subjects of Arts and Social Sciences. These courses enable students to understand society in a better way and have distinct perspectives on social situations.

Undergraduate Courses

CoursesCourse Duration
Bachelor of Economics (BEcon)3 years
BEcon (Hons.)1 year
BEcon & Bachelor of Laws (LLB)5 years
BEcon & Bachelor of Advanced Studies4 years
Bachelor of Visual Arts (BVA)3 years
BVA (Hons.)1 year
Bachelor of Arts (BA)3 years
BA (Extended)4 years
BA and Bachelor of Advanced Studies4 years
BA and Doctor of Medicine (MD)7 years 
BA and Master of Nursing4 years
BA (Dual Degree, Sciences Po, France)4 years
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng. Hons.) & BA5 years and 6 months
BA & Bachelor of Social Work5 years
BEcon & LLB5 years
Diploma of Arts1 year
BA (Hons.)1 year
BVA & Bachelor of Advanced Studies4 years
BA Languages (Hons.)1 year
BA & Bachelor of Advanced Studies in Languages4 years
Diploma of Language Studies1 year
BA and Bachelor of Advanced Studies in Media & Communications4 years
BA & Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Dalyell Studies)4 years
Diploma of Social Sciences1 year
BA Media & Communications (Hons.)1 year
BA & Bachelor of Advanced Studies in International & Global Studies4 years
Bachelor of International & Global Studies (Hons.)1 year
BA and Bachelor of Advanced Studies in Politics & International Relations (IR)4 years
Bachelor of Political, Economic & Social Sciences (Hons.)1 year
UG Exchange Program Option for 1 semester and 2 semesters
UG Study Abroad ProgramOption for 1 semester and 2 semesters

Also See: University of Sydney Acceptance Rate

Postgraduate Courses

A number of courses options are available for postgraduate courses. Refer to the table to know more about the duration of all the possible options.

CoursesCourse Duration
Art Curating
Public Policy
Media Practice
Moving Image
Cultural Studies
Health Communication
English Studies
Economic Analysis
Creative Writing
Political Economy
Crosscultural & Applied Linguistics
Digital Communication & Culture
International Security
Strategic Public Relations
Social Justice
Museum & Heritage Studies
1 year and 6 months
Graduate Diploma in any subject of the Master’s Courses1 year

University of Sydney Business Courses

Business faculty of the University of Sydney Courses include commerce and business management courses for international students. To become better managers and team players in the corporate world, students can learn about multiple domains of business and commerce under the Business stream of the University of Sydney.

Undergraduate Courses

CoursesCourse Duration
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)3 years
B.Com & LLB5 years
B.Com (Hons.)1-year
B.Com & Bachelor of Advanced Studies4 years
B.Eng (Hons.) & B.Com5 years and 6 months
Bachelor of Advanced Computing & B.Com5 years
B.Com & Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars)4 years
B.Com (Liberal Studies) (Hons.)1 year
UG Exchange Program Option for 1 semester and 2 semesters
UG Study Abroad ProgramOption for 1 and 2 semesters

Postgraduate Courses

CoursesCourse Duration
Masters Courses:
International Business
Business Administration
Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Human Resource Management (HRM) & Industrial Relations
Professional Accounting & Business Performance
1 year and 3 months
Graduate Diploma Courses:
Business Administration
Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Professional Accounting & Business Performance
Human Resource Management (HRM) & Industrial Relations

University of Sydney Economics Courses

Economics enthusiasts can pursue different Economics courses in this domain at the University of Sydney. Undergraduate courses vary in duration. Students have to complete 2 years of Masters’s courses and 1 year of Graduate Diploma Courses to secure the degree for the respective courses.

Undergraduate Courses

CoursesCourse Duration
B.Econ (Hons.)1-year
B.Econ 3 years
B. Econ and LLB5 years
B.Econ (Dual Degree, Sciences Po, France)4 years
B.Econ and Bachelor of Advanced Studies4 years

Postgraduate Courses

CoursesCourse Duration
Masters Courses:
Economic Analysis
2 years
Graduate Diploma Courses:
Economic Analysis

University of Sydney Education and Social Work Courses

If anyone aspires to work in the field of Education and Social Work, they can opt for different types of courses of undergraduate and postgraduate level courses. These programmes enable students to modify their perspectives and bring about tremendous changes in their field of work. 

Undergraduate Courses

CoursesCourse Duration
Bachelor of Social Work4 years
BA & Bachelor of Social Work5 years
BEcon3 years
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) (Primary)4 years
B.Ed (Secondary)4 years
B.Ed Health & Physical Education (PE)4 years
B.Ed Early Childhood4 years
B.Ed and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Secondary)4 years
UG Exchange ProgramOptions of 1 semester and 2 semesters
UG Study Abroad ProgramOptions of 1 semester and 2 semesters

Postgraduate Courses

CoursesCourse Duration
Masters Courses:
Social work
Indigenous Languages Education
2 years
Graduate Diploma Courses:
Educational Studies

University of Sydney Music Courses

Music is a serene and beautiful art form. To expand the horizon of growth and knowledge, students can secure admission to multiple undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Music at the University of Sydney. Music enthusiasts can also take up research in the field of music at this Australian university. 

Undergraduate Courses

Bachelor of Music (B.Mus)4 years
B.Mus (Hons.)1-year
B.Mus Performance4 years
B.Mus Composition4 years
B.Mus Music Education4 years
Diploma of Music1 year
B.Mus & bachelor of Advanced Studies in Composition4 years
B.Mus & Bachelor of Advanced Studies in Performance4 years
Undergraduate Exchange ProgramOptions for 1 semester and 2 semesters
Undergraduate Study Abroad ProgramOptions for 1 semester and 2 semesters

Postgraduate Courses

CoursesCourse Duration
Masters Course in Music Studies1.5 years
Graduate Diploma Course in Music1-year

University of Sydney Science Courses

Everything and everyone is a product of science. To explore the infinite possibilities of science, students can learn about numerous branches of science under different programs of the Science stream.

Undergraduate Courses

CoursesCourse Duration
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)3 years
B.Sc (Extended)4 years
B.Sc Health3 years
B.Sc Health (Extended)4 years
B.Sc Medical Science3 years
B.Sc (Hons.)1-year
B.Sc & LLB5 years
Bachelor of Medical Science (BMS) (Hons.)1 year
Bachelor of Liberal Arts & Science3 years
Bachelor of Liberal Arts & Science (Extended)4 years
Bachelor of Psychology (BA)3 years
Bachelor of Psychology (Hons.)1 year
B.Sc & MD7 years
B.Sc & Bachelor of Advanced Studies4 years
B.Sc & Master of Mathematical Sciences4.5 years
B.Sc & Master of Nursing4 years
B. Engg Biomedical (Hons.) & B.Sc Medical Science5 years
B.Sc & Bachelor of Liberal Arts & Science (Hons.)1-year
B.Sc Health & Master of Nursing4 years
B.Sc and Doctor of Dental Medicine7 years
B.Sc & Bachelor of Advanced Studies in Medical Science4 years
B.Sc and Bachelor of Advanced Studies in Agriculture4 years
Bachelor of Veterinary Biology & Doctor of Veterinary Medicine7 years
B.Sc & Bachelor of Advanced Studies in Food & Agribusiness4 years
B.Sc. & Bachelor of Advanced Studies in Taronga Wildlife Conservation4 years
B.Sc & Bachelor of Advanced Studies in Veterinary Bioscience and Animal4 years
B.sc & Bachelor of Advanced Studies in Health4 years
B.Sc & Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars)4 years
B.Sc and Master of Nutrition and Diabetes5 years
B.Eng (Hons.)/B.Sc5 years
Bachelor of Advanced Computing & B.Sc5 years
B. Engg Biomedical (Hons.) & B.Sc Health5 years

Postgraduate Courses

CoursesCourse Duration
Masters Courses:
Clinical Psychology
Medical Physics
Mathematical Sciences
Environmental Science
Agriculture & Environment
Coaching Psychology
Environmental Sc. & Law
Veterinary Studies
1 year and 6 months
Graduate Diploma Courses:
Medical Physics
Marine Science and Management
Agriculture & Environment
Environmental Science
Coaching Psychology
1 year
Doctorate Course in Veterinary Medicine3 years

University of Sydney Engineering and Computer Science Courses

Technology has entered into all walks of our lives and the world has gone digital and so has the possibility of expansion on the digital medium. To learn about the ballooning horizon of this digitised and technologically advanced era, students can explore multiple Engineering & Computer Science courses at the University of Sydney. 

Undergraduate Courses

CoursesCourse Duration
Bachelor of Advanced Computing (BAC)4 years
B.Eng (Hons.) (1st Year flexible)4 years
B.Eng (Hons.) (Dalyell Scholars)4 years
B.Eng (Hons.) & Bachelor of Project Management5 years
B.Eng Civil (Hons.)4 years
Bachelor of Project Management3 years
B.Eng Biomedical (Hons.) & B.Sc Health5 years
B.Eng Biomedical Engineering (Hons.)4 years
B.Eng & LLB6 years and 6 months
B.Eng in Electrical (Hons.)4 years
B.Eng  Mechanical (Hons.)4 years
B. Engg Aeronautics (Hons.) 4 years
B. Engg Mechatronics (Hons.)4 years
Bachelor of Project Management (Hons.)1 year
B.Eng Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (Hons.)4 years
B. Engg Software (Hons.)
BAC & B.Sc Health5 years
BAC & B.Sc5 years
B. Engg Space Engineering (Hons.)4 years
BAC & B.Com5 years
UG Exchange ProgramOptions for 1 semester and 2 semesters
UG Study Abroad ProgramOptions for 1 semester and 2 semesters

Postgraduate Courses

CoursesCourse Duration
Masters Courses:
Data Science
Project Management
Information Technology (IT)
Professional Engineering
IT Management
Digital Health Project Leadership
1 year and 6 months
Graduate Diploma Courses:
Data Science
Complex Systems
Project Management
IT Management
Project Leadership

Also See: University of Sydney Ranking: Latest QS ranking and World Ranking

University of Sydney Architecture, Design & Planning Courses

Architecture defines a country, region, and civilisation. In this contemporary world, everyone wants to reside in a planned city and world of modish designs. To leave a mark on the map of architecture and city planning, students can learn and experiment with numerous aspects of the same in different courses at the University of Sydney. 

Undergraduate Courses

CoursesCourse Duration
Bachelor of Design (B Des) Architecture3 years
Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) & Environment3 years
B.Des (Hons.)1-year
B.Des (Interaction Design)3 years
B.Des Architecture (Hons.) & Master of Architecture (M.Arch)5 years
B.Eng Civil (Hons.) & B.Des in Architecture5 years
B.Arch & Environment (Hons.)1 year
Undergraduate Exchange ProgramOptions for 1 semester and 2 semesters
Undergraduate Study Abroad ProgramOptions for 1 semester and 2 semesters

Postgraduate Courses

Course: Masters Courses and Graduate Diploma CoursesCourse Duration
Urban Design
Heritage Conservation
Urban & Regional Planning
Interaction Design & Electrical Arts
Architectural Science
1 year

University of Sydney Medicine & Health Courses

Medicine and Health sciences are constantly evolving, owing to which medical students are always required to be on their toes. To learn about different aspects of medicine and healthcare, students can pursue Medicine & Health courses at the University of Sydney to learn from the best in the fraternity. 

Undergraduate Courses

CoursesCourse Duration
Bachelor of Oral Health (B.O.H)3 years
B.Sc (Health)3 years
Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Studies)3 years
Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc) Physiotherapy4 years
B.Sc & MD7 years
B.A.Sc in Speech Pathology4 years
B.A.Sc in Exercise Physiology4 years
Bachelor of Nursing in Singapore1 year
B.A.Sc in Occupational Therapy4 years
B.Sc & Master of Nursing4 years
B.A.Sc in Diagnostic Radiology4 years
B.Sc & Doctor of Dental Medicine7 years
B.Sc (Health) & Master of Nursing5 years
B.A.Sc in Exercise & Sport Science4 years
Bachelor of Nursing (Hons.)1 year
Bachelor of Health Science (Hons.)1 year
Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharma) (Hons.) & Master of Pharmacy Practice5 years
B.A.Sc & Bachelor of Advanced Studies in Exercises & Sports Science4 years
B.A.Sc in Exercise & Sport Science (Hons.)1 year
UG Exchange ProgramOptions for 1 semester and 2 semesters
UG Study Abroad ProgramOptions for 1 semester and 2 semesters

Postgraduate Courses

CoursesCourse Duration
Masters and Graduate Diploma Courses:
Health Policy
Global Health
Emergency Nursing
Occupational Therapy
Excercise Physiology
Medical Imaging Science
Diagnostic Radiography
Dental Public Health
International Ophthalmology
Intensive Care Nursing
Metabolic HealthSleep Medicine
Cancer & Haematology Nursing
Breast Surgery
Science in Sleep Medicine
Cataract & Refractive Surgery
Medicine in Ophthalmic Science
Science in Clinical Neurophysiology
Biomedical science in Immunity & Infection
Clinical Epidemiology Psychiatry
Sex & Reproductive Health
Trauma-Informed Psychotherapy
Clinical Neurophysiology
Pharmaceutical & Medical Device Development
General Practice & Primary Health Care
Ophthalmic Science
Pain Management
Clinical Trials Research
Brain & Mind Sciences
Nutrition & Dietetics
Child & Adolescent Health
Genomics & Precision Medicine
1 year
Doctorate Courses:
Dental Medicine
Clinical Surgery
Clinical Dentistry
3 years

University of Sydney Eligibility

The University of Sydney has prescribed some eligibility criteria for international students seeking admission to undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the institution.

For Undergraduate Courses

  • Applicant must produce a high school certificate or diploma from a recognised school or college.
  • The student must have a Class XII certificate from the ICSE board, state boards, or CBSE board.
  • Candidate must have International Baccalaureate Certificate with satisfactory results.
  • Score in English Proficiency Test.

For Postgraduate Courses

  • Students must have completed a bachelor’s degree from a recognised university.
  • GMAT or GRE scores must be produced for certain courses.
  • Score in English Proficiency Test.

Common Eligibility Criteria for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses 

All students must appear for either IELTS (Academic), PTE (Academic), or TOEFL iBT to secure admission to any of the courses at the University of Sydney.

English Proficiency TestMinimum Score
PTE (Academic)68
IELTS (Academic)7.0
TOEFL iBT96:27 in Writing23 in Speaking24 in Listening


What are the courses for international students at the University of Sydney?

International students can opt for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in 9 academic disciplines at the University of Sydney. Certain disciplines also offer research opportunities to international students. 

What is the eligibility for undergraduate courses at the University of Sydney?

Students must have passed Class 10 and Class 12 from the state, ICSE, or CBSE boards. They must have International Baccalaureate Certificates with good results.

Which English Proficiency Tests are accepted by the University of Sydney?

The University of Sydney accepts TOEFL iBT, IELTS (Academic) and PTE (Academic).

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