Learning Skills For Students

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Learning Skills for Students

It is said that the students are the future of our country. Parents and teachers may be constantly thinking about ways in which they can make their students brighter, sharper, and more successful in the future. When we talk about a student’s success and their hard work to achieve a goal, we not only talk about the learner but also their parents and teachers as they provide a continuous support system. Candidates who have learning skills, behavioral skills, and career skills are more likely to get successful in their professional life. Recruiters are looking forward to hiring people who have developed soft skills within them. These learning skills are not taught in any university, these are self-built and also help in the personality development of the students. Let us know more about these skills through our blog!

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What are Learning Skills?

4 C's of Leaning skills

Learning skills are said to comprise 4 C’s, namely, critical thinking, communicating, collaborating and creative thinking. Development of these skills within a student not only helps them to achieve success in education by increasing their learning power but also leads to a great professional life. These skills are developed by constant practice and hence, once they are developed, they become a habit! To know more, read our blog on Skill Development.

The 4 C’s of Learning Skills and More

Critical Thinking

Source: Ted-ed

When a student pays much attention to a topic with full focus and carefully analyses every piece of information which is made available to them, is known as critical thinking. Critical thinking has several other components. Let us discuss them one by one.

  • Analysing: The very first component of critical thinking is analysing. It is about trying to understand the topic in parts. Each part leading to the conclusion is made clear here.
  • Arguing: Providing logical counter statements, so that finally a solution or conclusion can be reached. It also helps in discovering all the possibilities of a particular statement. 
  • Classifying: It is about making groups of similar items and distinguishing one from another.
  • Comparing and Contrasting: When the differences and the similarities are pointed out.
  • Defining: This is about explaining a term with synonyms, antonyms and so on.
  • Describing: This is about explaining the characteristics of something such as its weight, colour, shape and so on.
  • Evaluating: When something is compared to a similar object or its standard value.
  • Explaining: It is about defining the characteristics of someone else.
  • Problem-solving : It is about finding out the root cause and effects of the problem and how it can be solved,
  • Tracking: Considering the cause and effects that are going behind and trying to find why the problem is occurring in the first place.


Having excellent communication skills 410 is a part of every successful person’s life. Whether you are an employee, a student or a teacher, you must know the perfect ways of communicating your thoughts without hurting the sentiments of others. Some of its key features are: 

  • Analyzing the situation 
  • Choosing a medium to communicate
  • Evaluating messages before sending
  • Following instructions or conventions
  • Listening carefully
  • Reading thoroughly
  • Speaking properly
  • Using technology to communicate
  • Writing messages


Teamwork is yet another essential to succeed in life. One must know that it is nearly impossible to survive on their own and it is mandatory to have other people around us. In professional life, the most important learning skill is working in teams, collaborating with colleagues and other team members and helping each other complete a task. This should be taught in the early stages of education so that the students know the way to success. Some of the components of collaboration are:

  • Brain-storming
  • Decision making
  • Team building
  • Resolving conflicts
  • Leadership qualities
  • Managing time

Creative Thinking

Creative thinking is about finding out unusual solutions to problems. Thinking out of the box and discovering immense possibilities is known as creative thinking. Some problems which are new to an organisation and there is no known theory to solve the same requires minds that can think out of the box, apply creative thinking and find solutions to the problems. Some of the components of creative thinking are given below:

  • Creating
  • Designing
  • Entertaining
  • Improvising
  • Imagining
  • Innovating
  • Problem Solving
  • Questioning

Other than the 4 C’s, there are a few more learning skills that must be developed by students. They are listed below. 


Source: Brian Tracy

Leadership is one of those learning skills which is beneficial for everyone throughout their lives. One who leads is not just a leader in their workplace, but also adversities of everyday life. Seeing the best in people and situations and thinking differently is a leader’s most prominent skill. 


Source: Ted

Everyone at some point will face a situation in their workplace and personal life which will not go according to their plan. In such circumstances, one has to learn to adapt. (Ambien) Adaptability is thus not just a learning skill but a life skill in every sense. It helps one stay afloat even when everything around them seems out of their control. 


Source: Braincraft

Curiosity is the skill of asking questions and knowing their answers. If someone picks up the learning skill of curiosity, then they would always keep learning and developing themselves. Such a person will grow professionally and personally as well. 

How to Improve your Learning Skills?

The above learning skills are very integral in everyday life. However, are people just born with these skills? No, you need to constantly inculcate and improve upon these learning skills. Following are a few methods in which you can do this:

  1. Determine Areas of Weakness: The first step to becoming an overall better human being is to identify areas of improvement within yourself. 
  2. Hone Better Daily Habits: Better Daily Habits simply mean clear communication, setting realistic goals, meeting deadlines, etc. 
  3. Take Community Courses: Community Courses will help you in understanding a perspective o the world outside your life. It brings into focus the importance of impromptu conversation skills. 
  4. Engage in Volunteering: Volunteering Opportunities are a great way of honing management skills, communication and further developing learning skills. 

Learning Skills in the Workplace

The following are a few methods in which learning skills can help you in developing a positive work environment:

  1. Organise your Workspace
  2. Find the Meaning within your Job
  3. Work in Teams
  4. Stick to Deadlines
  5. Increase Adaptability in Changing Environments

How to Highlight your Learning Skills?

Engage in utilising your learning skills properly by highlighting the most relevant ones within your job application in your resume, cover letter and job interview as well. 

Learning Skills for your Resume

The learning skills which are most relevant to the job you are applying to can be included in your resume. They could be added as a summary of yourself or with objective statements. You could also add them along with your interpersonal skills. 

Learning Skills for your Cover Letter

The cover letter provides you with the opportunity of expanding on points that were briefly mentioned in your resume. You can utilise this opportunity to further highlight your learning skills and provide an in-depth explanation of your experiences.

Learning Skills for your Job Interview

Use your learning skills to showcase yourself as a well-rounded person in your job interview. Demonstrate your communication skills by talking with confidence and listening respectfully as well.

These were some of the learning skills for students and working professionals! If you have any questions related to universities, careers and courses to study abroad, let Leverage Edu be your helping hand.

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