Jobs in Canada with Work Permit

7 minute read
Jobs in Canada with Work Permit

Canadian immigration has risen rapidly over the past years largely due to the country’s relaxed visa policies encouraging cross-border mobility. One particular aspect of this phenomenon is the availability of an increasing number of jobs in Canada with work permits. Otherwise known as jobs that do not require any application for a work permit separately, these jobs can range from short-term vocations to long-term projects. Through this blog, we will take a look at the different employment prospects available in Canada with a work permit.

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Jobs in Canada with Work Permit: Major Options

Since job opportunities can vary as per the duration you want to pursue them for, there are various profiles available that you can discover in different sectors in Canada. Let’s take a look at some of the jobs in Canada with work permit that you can choose from.

Short-term Highly Skilled Worker

When it comes to the search for jobs in Canada with work permit, the simplest vocation is that of a short-term worker in any commercial industry. To be eligible for this profile, you need to fulfil the following conditions:

  • This job falls under the NOC skill type of 0 (managerial) or A (professional)
  • Up to 15 consecutive days once every six months
  • Up to 30 consecutive days once every year

Further, you may require a temporary resident visa or electronic travel authorisation as well.

Crew Member

Another key employment prospect is that of a crew member which includes bus and truck driver, shipping or airline worker primarily working in:

  • transporting cargo and passengers internationally on foreign-owned and registered vehicles, and,
  • operate vehicles or serve passengers.

Note: For another type of crew members, you might need a work visa to enter the country.

News Reporter or Film and Media Crew

If you want to explore the thriving media and entertainment industry of the country, you can opt for the following news, film and media crew jobs in Canada with work permit.

  • News reporter or part of reporter’s crew.
  • Part of film or media crew who will not enter the Canadian labour market.
  • Individuals working as journalists in print, broadcast or Internet news services (journal, newspaper, magazine, television etc) of non-Canadian companies.
  • Clerical staff member or manager for events of duration less than or equal to six months 

Producer or Staff Member Working on advertisements

If you are working on a commercial/advertising shoot for television, magazines or other media which is foreign-financed, then you will be allowed to stay in Canada for your project.

  • Actor
  • Film producer
  • Director
  • Technician
  • Other Essential Personnel

In general, the duration of the visit should not exceed two weeks.

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Short-term Researcher

In the academic field, the profile of a short-term researcher is one of the major jobs in Canada with work permit. Here are the major conditions you need to keep in mind if you are planning to pursue this opportunity:

  • You will be working at a public degree-granting institution or affiliated research institution
  • Your work does not exceed a period of 120 consecutive days.
  • The candidate should not have previously worked in Canada under this particular exemption in the last 12 months.

Performing Artist

If you want to pursue job opportunities in the field of Performing Arts, there are various prospects available in the country that don’t necessarily require a work permit. Here are the key details you should know if you are going as a performing artist to Canada:

  • A foreign artist or member of the artist’s essential support staff.
  • Going to be in Canada for a limited and defined duration.
  • Not in the process of being hired by the Canadian organisation with which you have signed the contract.
  • Not in the process of creating a movie, television or radio broadcast.

Some examples of these types of jobs in Canada with work permits include disc jockeys, rodeo contestants, foreign-based bands or theatre groups, film producers (business visitors) and others.

Foreign Government Officer or Representative

If you are working as a government employee in your country and are going to Canada as part of an exchange program, then you won’t need a work visa to enter the country. Under this category, you can go for the following jobs in Canada with work permit:

  • As a foreign government employee under an exchange agreement between Canada and your country allowing officials to work in respective government departments. 
  • As an official representative or diplomat of another country
  • As an official representative or diplomat of the United Nations and its staff.

Note: You must possess a formal letter from your own government if the duration of work exceeds three months.

Note: For other foreign representative roles, work permit might be required.

Other Options

Apart from the above-mentioned jobs in Canada with work permit, there are various other vocations you can discover without the necessary requirement of a work visa. We have compiled these employment opportunities in the following table:

Types of Jobs in Canada
with Work Permit
Athlete or CoachAs an individual athlete or as a part (Member or coach) of
a foreign team competing in Canada.
Aviation Accident or
As advisors/investigators approved by the
Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act
working for an investigation of aviation accident/incident.
Civil Aviation InspectorAs part of the International commercial flight operations
and safety personnel
ClergyLayperson or member of religious order and ordained
minister with the duties of doctrine preaching, spiritual
counselling and leading worshipping activities.
Convention OrganizerIf your job is to organise and manage international
conventions and meetings.
Note: Work permit might be required if you are going to
provide hands-on services such as audiovisual services, show
decoration, display set up and removal at the events.
Emergency Service
Individuals travelling with the aim of providing emergency
help and preservation of life and property during natural
emergencies such as floods and earthquakes or
environment-threatening industrial mishaps
Examiner and EvaluatorAcademic experts and professors who conduct and
supervise research projects, proposals and university
theses and who may work as part of research groups
or schools in Canada
Clinical TrainingThe duration of training is less than four months.
It comprises of only clinical clerkships.
Written approval from your regulatory
body (some provinces may not require this).
Judge, Referee or
For Officials judging an international amateur competition,
artistic or cultural event such as a music or dance festival,
animal show or agricultural contest.
Military PersonnelIf you are a member of another country’s armed force
who possess movement orders stating that you are
entering into Canadian territory under the terms
of the Visiting Forces Act.
Public SpeakerFor individuals who will be speaking at particular events
in the capacity of commercial speaker, guest speaker
or seminar leader at an event with the duration of
not more than five days.

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To learn about getting a job in Canada from India, watch the video below

Getting a Job in Canada from your country | Open & Closed Work Permit an LMIA Explained
Credit: @GursahibSinghCanada

Canada Work Permit 

To work in Canada as a foreigner you need a Canada work permit. A Canada work permit would cost around $155. There are two types of Canada work permits. They are:

  • Employer-Specific: This permit allows you to work as per the conditions provided. For example, employer name, duration of your work, location of the work (if applicable)
  • An open work permit: This type of permit is required to work for any employer in the country. However, you cannot work for an employer who is listed as an employer who has failed to follow the conditions. An open work permit can only be obtained under exceptional circumstances.

Eligibility Requirements for a Canadian Work Permit 

These are the specific requirements that must be met to obtain a Canada work permit.

  • You must have sufficient finances to cover your expenses (& dependents if applicable) for the duration of your stay
  • Prove that you will leave Canada after the expiry of your work permit
  • Provide proof that you are in good health. Therefore, you need to undergo a medical examination
  • You need to obey the laws and provide proof that you have no history of criminal record 
  • You also must prove that you are not a threat to the security of the country
  • Moreover, you must not work for an ineligible employer who does not comply with the conditions or provide certain services
  • You also must provide documentation that is asked (to the officer) to prove that you can enter Canada 
Is it possible to get a Canada work permit from India?

Yes. You can get a Canada work permit from India. However, you must meet the eligibility requirements, must be qualified to work, and follow Canadian laws to contribute positively to the workforce in the country.

How can I get a work permit in Canada easy?

To get a work permit in Canada easily you need to meet the eligibility requirements. Next, you can create an account of the IRCC website, and apply for a work permit. Ensure that you upload relevant documents for the same.

Who can sponsor me in Canada?

You can be sponsored by your relatives like your aunt or cousin. You can also be sponsored by your common-law partner, son/ daughter, parent, conjugal partner, or grandparent. That is, if you do not have a relative to sponsor you.

Thus, there are plentiful jobs in Canada with work permit which are becoming quite popular among recently graduating students as well as mature professionals wishing to settle abroad. If you aspiring to pursue your career in Canada, the experts at Leverage Edu are here to assist you throughout the process of choosing the right course and university as well as sorting our accommodation issues.

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  1. I m Law graduate from allahabad University in India ,I want one year LLM course from Canada and part time job also , suggest.

    1. hi Kaushalendra you can get in touch with our experts at 1800 57 2000 they will surely hep you

  1. I m Law graduate from allahabad University in India ,I want one year LLM course from Canada and part time job also , suggest.

    1. hi Kaushalendra you can get in touch with our experts at 1800 57 2000 they will surely hep you