ICAR AIEEA Exam [UG, PG and PhD] 2023

9 minute read

Being a prominent agrarian country, India has always focused on its agricultural sector which contributes massively to economic growth. Moreover, many students are also getting interested in agricultural courses to explore the varied opportunities this field has to offer! The Indian Council of Agricultural Research All India Entrance Examination (ICAR AIEEA) is a national-level examination for undergraduate students aiming to apply for agricultural and allied sciences programmes in India. National Testing Agency (NTA) conducts the ICAR AIEEA examination through online mode as a computer-based test, scheduled in the first week of June. This blog aims to elucidate the key details and features of the ICAR AIEEA exam.

ICAR AIEE exam Highlights

Exam NameCentral University Entrance Test
Conducting BodyNational Testing Agency (NTA)
Exam LevelUndergraduate and Postgraduate
Exam FrequencyOnce a year
Exam ModeOnline (Computer-Based Mode)
Courses offered through CUETBSc, BA, B.Agri, BA LLB, BBA, BCom.
Exam FeesINR 750 (General)
INR 650 (SC, ST, PwD and Transgender)
INR 3,750 (International centres)
Exam DurationSlot I – 195 minutes
Slot II – 225 minutes
Total MarksSlot I – 700
Slot II – 400
Total Number of QuestionsSlot I – 175 (140 to be attempted)
Slot II – 100 (80 to be attempted)
Marking Scheme+5 for each correct answer
-1 for each incorrect answer
Language of Exam
13 languages – English, Hindi, Bengali, Assamese, Odia, Punjabi, Marathi, Gujarati, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Urdu
Exam Centre Cities500 cities in India and 14 cities abroad
Accepting Colleges86 Central, Private and Deemed to be Universities
Official Websitecuet.samarth.ac.in
Contact Details011-69227700, 011-40759000

Important Dates for ICAR AIEEA 2020


It is imperative for students seeking admission to Agricultural programs to familiarize themselves with key dates pertaining to the ICAR AIEEA examination. Take a look at the important dates mentioned in a tabulated form below:

Events Date
CUET (ICAR-UG) 2023 Application Process10 Feb 2023 – 30 Mar 2023
CUET (ICAR- UG) 2023 Application Correction1 Apr 2023 – 3 Apr 2023
Advance Intimation Slip for Exam City30 Apr 2023
CUET (ICAR-UG) 2023 Admit Card Release (Tentative) May 2023

CUET (ICAR-UG) 2023 Exam
21 May 2023 – 31 May 2023

CUET (ICAR-UG) UG 2023 Reserved Exam Dates
1 Jun 2023 – 7 Jun 2023
CUET (ICAR- UG) 2023 Provisional Answer Key Release (Tentative)Jun 2023
CUET (ICAR-UG) 2023 Result20 Jun 2023

Eligibility Criteria 

To appear for a competitive exam, it is important to qualify for all the prerequisites specified by the conducting authority. Here are the eligibility criteria for the ICAR AIEEA exam for various programs which you must know about:

UG Eligibility Criteria

Following is the list of criteria that a candidate should fulfil in order to appear for ICAR AIEAA meant for undergraduate courses:

  • Age Limit: The candidate should not be less than 16 years of age. 
  • Nationality: The applicant should be of Indian origin. 
  • Educational Qualification: It is mandatory that candidates have finished their 10+2 education (with Physics and Chemistry plus any of the disciplines from Mathematics, Biology/Agriculture/Home Science) from CBSE or any other recognized board.

Must Read: How to Prepare for Competitive Exams?

PG Eligibility Criteria

Following are the eligibility criteria bifurcated under different parameters for ICAR AIEAA meant for postgraduate courses:

Academic Requirements

  • Candidates must have completed a Bachelor’s Degree.
  • The candidates must have completed a degree from a recognised university in the applicable fields under 10+2+4, 10+2+5 (B.V. Sc.&A.H.), 10+6 years degree (B.Sc.Ag.).
  • Students who have completed a Bachelor’s Degree with a 10+2+3 degree programme can apply to only two ICAR-DUs (NDRI Karnal and IARI Pusa).
  • Those who are looking forward to enrolling in M.V.Sc. the programme must hold B.V.Sc. &  A.H. degree with an internship.

Nationality and Age Limit

  • Candidates appearing in the AIEEA-PG 2021 exam must be 19 years old as on 31st August 2021.
  • They should not have been born after 01.09.2002.
  • The candidate should be an Indian Citizen.

Reservation of Policy

  • Remote and Underprivileged States/ Union Territories (UPS): 2%
  • Physically Challenged (PC): 5%
  • Scheduled Tribe (ST): 7.5%
  • Scheduled Caste (SC): 15%

PhD Eligibility Criteria

Following are the eligibility criteria bifurcated under different parameters for ICAR AIEAA meant for PhD program:

Nationality and Age

  • The candidate must be a citizen of India.
  • The candidate must be more than or equal to 20 years of age.

Educational Qualification

  • Candidates must have completed a master’s degree in the particular subject or sub-subject they are applying for.
  • Qualifying Courses Duration: Candidates must be qualified with 4/5 (BVSc & AH)/6 (10+6, BSc. Ag.) years UG degree and 2 years PG degree along with thesis work completed for PhD admission in AUs through AICE-JRF/SRF (PGS). 
  • Candidates with a Bachelor’s degree of 3 years, if already enrolled for a Masters’s degree may seek admission in PhD in respective ICAR-DU according to prescribed eligibility criteria.
  • Qualifying CGPA/Percentage: Considering minimum OGPA (Overall Grade Point Average) in a Master’s degree.
  • 6.50/10.00 in a ten-point scale(Gen, OBS, UPS) & 5.50/10.00 (SC/ST/Physically Challenged)
  • 3.25/5.00 in a five-point scale(Gen, OBS, UPS) & 2.75/5.00 (SC/ST/Physically Challenged)
  • 2.60/4.00 in a four-point scale(Gen, OBS, UPS) & 2.20/4.00 (SC/ST/Physically Challenged)
  • Considering the minimum Percentage in the Master’s degree: 60% marks (Gen, OBS, UPS) & 50% marks (SC/ST/Physically Challenged)

ICAR AIEEA Exam Pattern 


In order to clear the ICAR AIEEA examination with flying colours, you must be familiarized with its exam pattern. Take a look at the vital details pertaining to the paper pattern of this exam given below-

UG Exam

When it comes to cracking any competitive exam it is extremely important that a student is familiar with the exam pattern. The following table represents the entire exam format of the ICAR AIEE UG entrance examination:

Mode of the ExamOnline Based
Duration 2 & Half Hours 
Total Number of Questions150
Questions Type Objective-Based
Mode of LanguageHindi & English
Maximum Marks 600
Marking Scheme1 mark deducted for a wrong answer
and 4 marks for a correct one. 

PG Exam

Following is the exam pattern of the ICAR AIEE PG entrance examination:

Total no. of questions150 MCQ and 10 Cross-matching questions
Type of questionsMCQ and Cross-matching Type questions
Correct answer (For MCQ)+4 marks
Wrong answer (For MCQ)-1 Mark
Correct answer (For Cross Matching Type Questions)+5 marks
Wrong answer (For Cross Matching Type Questions)-0.2 marks
Total marks650 marks

Also Read: BSc Agriculture Subjects

PhD Exam

The table below represents the exam pattern of the ICAR AIEE PhD entrance examination:

Mode of examOnline (CBT)
MediumEnglish / Hindi
Duration2.5 hours (150 min)
Exam Timing9.30 AM to 12 PM
Question formatMCQ’s
Total Number of Questions150
Total Marks600
Negative Marking– 0.25 marks for every wrong answer
What is ICAR Exam With Full Information? – [Hindi] – Quick Support
Source – Quick Support

ICAR AIEEA Syllabus 

The ICAR AIEEA exam mainly comprises objective-based questions from the five core disciplines, i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Agriculture, and Biology. The following table elaborates upon the key topics you need to cover for UG and PG exams-:

UG Syllabus

The following table represents the syllabus for the ICAR AIEE entrance examination for UG program:

Subject Topics
Agriculture Agrometeorology, Genetics and Plant Breeding,
Biochemistry and Microbiology, Livestock Production,
Crop Production, Horticulture.
MathematicsSets and Functions, Algebra, Coordinate Geometry,
Calculus, Vectors and Three-Dimensional Geometry,
Linear Programming, Mathematical Reasoning,
Statistics & Probability, Statics, Dynamics
Biologyhe Living World, Unit of Life, Diversity of Life,
Organisms and Environment,
Multicellularity: Structure and Function – Plant Life & Animal Life,
Continuity of Life, Origin and Evolution of Life, Application of Biology
ChemistrySolid State, Solutions, Structure of Atom,
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties,
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure,
States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Thermodynamics,
Equilibrium, Redox Reaction, Hydrogen, s-Block,
Elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals),
Preparation and properties of some important compounds,
Some p-Block Elements, Group 14 elements,
Organic Chemistry, Hydrocarbons, Electrochemistry,
Chemical Kinetics, Coordination, Compounds,
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes, Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers,
Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids,
Organic compounds containing Nitrogen,
Biomolecules, Polymer, Environmental Chemistry,
Chemistry in Everyday life
PhysicsThe motion of the System of Particles and Rigid Body,
Gravitation, Properties of Bulk Matter, Thermodynamics,
The behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory,
Oscillations and Waves, Physical World and Measurement,
Kinematics·, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power,
Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Magnetic Effects of
Current and Magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction and
Alternating Currents, Electromagnetic waves, Optics,
Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation, Atoms & Nuclei,
Electronic Devices, Communication Systems

PG Syllabus

Following is the syllabus for the ICAR AIEE entrance examination for the PG program:

Plant Biotechnology-Importance of agriculture in the national economy, Basic principles of crop production, Cultivation of rice, wheat, chickpea, pigeon-pea, sugarcane, groundnut, tomato and mango, Major soils of India, etc
-Role of NPK and their deficiency symptoms, Importance of BIochemistry in agriculture, Acid-base concepts and buffers, Plant Physiology, Crop Physiology.
Entomology and Nematology-Horticultural Entomology, Apiculture, Nematology, Sericulture, Plant protection
Physical Science-Agricultural chemicals, Environmental Science, Agricultural Physics, Soil conservation and water management, SWC, Irrigation and water management, Soil science and agricultural chemistry.

Social Sciences
-Agricultural economics, Dairy extension education, Dairy economics, Agriculture extension, Extension Education, Communication
Agronomy-Agronomy, Tea Husbandry and technology
Horticulture-Horticulture, Vegetable Crops or Science, Post harvest technology of Horticultural crops, Olericulture, Fruit Science and Horticulture technology, Floriculture and landscaping, Plantation spices, Medicinal and aromatic cropsPormology.
Statistical Sciences-Computer applications, Bioinformatics, Agricultural Statistics.
Plant Sciences-Plant breeding and genetics, Plant pathology, Plant genetics resources, Seed Science and Technology, Microbiology, and Agricultural Microbiology.
Dairy Technology-Dairy Technology, Dairy engineering

PhD Syllabus

The table below represents the subjects on which the ICAR AIEE entrance exam for PhD program is going to be based:

Subjects Topics
Genetics and Plant Breeding-Unit 1: General Genetics and Plant Breeding
-Unit 2: Economics Botany and Plant Breeding Methods
-Unit 3: Genome Organization and Cytogenetics of Crop Plants
-Unit 4: Quantitative and Biometrical Genetics
-Unit 5: Genetic Engineering and Biotechnological Tools in Plant Breeding
-Unit 6: Plant Breeding for Stress Resistance and Nutritional Quality
-Unit 7: Plant Genetic Resources and their Regulatory System; Varietal Release and Seed Production
-Unit 8: Statistical Methods and Field Plot Techniques
Economic Botany & Plant Genetic Resources-Unit 1: Biodiversity and Plant Genetic Resources
-Unit 2: Exploration and Germplasm Collecting
-Unit 3: Germplasm Exchange and Plant Quarantine
-Unit 4: Principles and Methods of Germplasm Conservation
-Unit 5: Principles and Practices of Germplasm Regeneration and Evaluation
-Unit 6: Biotechnology in Plant Genetic Resource Management
-Unit 7: Economic Botany
-Unit 8: Information Management in Plant Genetic Resources
-Unit 9: Plant Taxonomy
-Unit 10: Plant Biosecurity
-Unit 11: Fundamentals of Molecular Biology for PGR Management
Seed Science & Technology-Unit 1: Seed Biology
-Unit 2: Seed Production
-Unit 3: Seed Processing
-Unit 4: Seed Quality Control
-Unit 5: Seed Storage
-Unit 6: Seed Health
-Unit 7: Seed Industry Development and Marketing
-Unit 8: Protection of Plant Varieties
Plant Pathology-Unit 1: History and Principles of Plant Pathology
-Unit 2: Laboratory and Analytical Technique
-Unit 3: Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology
-Unit 4: Mycology
-Unit 5: Plant Bacteriology
-Unit 6: Plant Virology
-Unit 7: Plant Disease Epidemiology
-Unit 8: Phanerogamic Parasites and Non-parasitic Diseases
-Unit 9: Fungal Diseases of Crop Plants
-Unit 10: Bacterial and Viral Diseases of Crop Plant
-Unit 11: Management of Plant diseases
Agricultural Entomology-Unit 1: Systematics
-Unit 2: Morphology
-Unit 3: Embryology, Internal Anatomy, and Physiology
-Unit 4: Ecology
-Unit 5: Biological Control
-Unit 6: Chemical Control and Toxicology
-Unit 7: Host Plant Resistance
-Unit 8: Novel Approaches in Pest Control
-Unit 9: Integrated Pest Management
-Unit 10: Pesticide Application Equipment
-Unit 11: Pests of Field Crops and their Management
-Unit 12: Pests of Horticultural Crops and their Management-Unit 13: Pests of Stored Products and their Management
-Unit 14: Insect and mite vectors of Plant Diseases
-Unit 15: Honey Bees and Bee-keeping
-Unit 16: Silkworms and Sericulture
-Unit 17: Lac Insect
-Unit 18: Helpful and Useful Insects
-Unit 19: Statistics and Computer Application
Agricultural Biotechnology-Unit 1: Cell Structure and Function
-Unit 2: Biomolecules and Metabolism
-Unit 3: Enzymology
-Unit 4: Molecular Genetics
-Unit 5: Gene Expression
-Unit 6: Molecular Biology Techniques
-Unit 7: Gene Cloning
-Unit 8: Molecular Biology
-Unit 9: Plant Molecular Biology
-Unit 10: Tissue Culture
-Unit 11: Plant Genetic Engineering
-Unit 12: Molecular Markers and Genomics

Candidates clearing the ICAR AIEEA examination with satisfactory marks can choose from more than 11 undergraduate courses such as B.Sc, Btech, etc. These courses are divided into two main streams, Mathematics and Agriculture/Biology. Take a look at the following table representing the specializations for the undergraduate courses in Agricultural Science and its related specializations:

Agricultural Engineering
Dairy TechnologyHorticulture
Agricultural Marketing & Co-operationFisheries/Fish Farming
Food ScienceHome Science
Food Science

Institutions Accepting ICAR AIEEA Scores

It is important to mention that India is home to about 71 agricultural universities & 102 ICAR institutes. A majority of these institutions accept ICAR AIEEA scores for their prospective programmes. The complete list of these educational institutions are: 

  • State Agricultural Universities
  • ICAR-DUs Indian Agricultural Research Institute
  • Indian Veterinary Research Institute 
  • National Dairy Research Institute
  • Central Institute of Fisheries Education 
  • Central Agricultural University Imphal
  • Dr Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University Pusa
  • Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University Jhansi
  • Agriculture Banaras Hindu University
  • Aligarh Muslim University 
  • Visva Bharati and Nagaland University


What is the use of the ICAR AIEEA exam?

The ICAR AIEEA is a national-level entrance examination which is conducted once a year to select students who are looking for admission to UG, PG and research programs in 75 agricultural universities located all over India.

What is a good score in ICAR?

500+ is considered to be a very good score in the ICAR exam whereas 400+ is also considered a good score.

Is the ICAR exam tough or easy?

ICAR exam is not as tough as other entrance exams conducted in India like NEET and JEE. Although, for being selected you must have ICAR rank below 500.

Is ICAR compulsory for agriculture?

ICAR only happens to provide accreditation to the state government universities and accreditation is not mandatory. The field of Agriculture comes under state subject and permission to provide B.Sc Agriculture course, therefore, should only be given by the state government of that area.

Certainly, the field of Agricultural Science is emerging as a prominent discipline with an array of interesting courses and lucrative opportunities. We hope that this blog has helped you understand the essentials of the ICAR AIEEA exam. If you are planning to study a course in Agriculture Science but feel unsure about which one to pick, book an e-meeting with our experts at Leverage Edu and we will guide you in finding the right course and university that fits your interests and aspirations!

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