11 minute read

CSIR NET is a national-level examination which is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA). The main purpose of this examination is to select candidates for JRF (Junior Research Fellowship) and Lecturers/Assistant Professors across various academic institutions, research labs, IITs, etc. It is considered one of the prestigious competitive exams for those who want to establish a career in Research or Academics. This blog will comprehensively take you through the CSIR NET exam and its related components. 

Name of the ExamCSIR UGC NET
Conducting AuthorityNational Testing Agency (NTA)
Frequency of ExamTwice a Year
Exam TypeNational Level Exam
Purpose of ExamIt’s an eligibility test to determine the eligibility of candidates for lectureship & JRF
SubjectsChemical Sciences Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean & Planetary Sciences Life Sciences Mathematical Sciences Physical Sciences
Exam Duration180 Minutes
Exam ModeOnline

Here is a list of National-level Exams conducted by NTA!

CSIR NET 2023 Important Dates

Following are the important dates for CSIR NET 2023 exam:

EventsJune Exam (Tentative Dates)December Exam (Tentative Dates)
Commencement of Application ProcessJanuary 2023To be Updated
Last Date for Submitting ApplicationsTo be UpdatedTo be Updated
Last Date to Pay the CSIR UGC NET 2023 Application FeeTo be UpdatedTo be Updated
Application Correction WindowTo be UpdatedTo be Updated
Release of Admit CardTo be UpdatedTo be Updated
CSIR UGC NET 2023 Exam DateJanuary/ February 2023.To be Updated
Provisional Answer KeyTo be UpdatedTo be Updated
Result DeclarationTo be UpdatedTo be Updated

CSIR NET 2023 Subject Codes

Following are the CSIR NET 2023 Subject Codes:

UGC NET SubjectsSubject Codes
Adult Education/ Continuing Education/ Andragogy/ Non-Formal Education46
Arab Culture and Islamic Studies49
Buddhist, Jaina, Gandhian and Peace Studies60
Comparative Literature72
Defence and Strategic Studies11
Comparative Study of Religions62
Computer Science and Applications87
Electronic Science88
Economics/ Rural Economics/ Co-operation/ Demography/ Development Planning/ Development Studies/ Econometrics/ Applied Economics/ Development Economics/ Business Economics1
Folk Literature71
Environmental Sciences89
Forensic Science82
French (French Version)39
Hindu Studies 102
Home Science12
Human Rights and Duties92
Indian Culture50
Library and Information Science59
Labour Welfare/ Personnel Management/ Industrial Relations/ Labour and Social Welfare/ Human Resource Management55
Mass Communication and Journalism63
Management (including Business Admn. Mgt./ Financial Mgt./ Marketing Mgt./ Marketing/ Industrial Relations & Personnel Mgt./ Personnel Mgt./Co-operative Management)17
Museology & Conservation66
Performing Art – Dance/Drama/Theatre65
Politics including International Relations/International Studies including Defence/Strategic Studies, West Asian Studies, South East Asian Studies, African Studies, South Asian Studies, Soviet Studies, American Studies90
Physical Education47
Political Science2
Public Administration14
Population Studies15
Social Medicine & Community Health82
Sanskrit traditional subjects (including Jyotisha/ Sidhanta Jyotish/ Navya Vyakarna/ Vyakarna/ Mimansa/ Navya Nyaya/ Sankhya Yoga/ Tulanatmaka Darsan/ Shukla Yajurveda/ Madhav Vedant/ Dharmasasta/ Sahitya/ Puranotihasa/ Agama)73
Social Work10
Tourism Administration and Management.93
Tribal and Regional Language/Literature70
Visual Art (including Drawing & Painting/Sculpture Graphics/Applied Art/History of Art)79
Women Studies74

CSIR NET Eligibility Criteria 2023

It is important to keep in mind the eligibility criteria before appearing for any examination. Failing to meet any requirements may result in the rejection of the application. So, to know who can apply for the CSIR NET exam, go through the following points. 

Educational Qualification

To apply for the CSIR NET examination, candidates must have one of the following degrees under their belt:

  • MSc, Integrated BS-MS,  BS-4 Years, BE/BTech, BPharma, MBBS Or an Equivalent Degree.
  • For General and OBC candidates, 55% marks are required and for ST/SC/PWD candidates, a minimum of 50% marks are required. 

Age Limit 

For Junior Research Fellowship candidates, the maximum age should be 28 years as of 1st January 2023. 5 years age relaxation is given to SC/ST/OBC/ PwD/Female Applicants & 3 years in case of OBC (non-creamy layer). While as for lectureship posts through CSIR NET, there is no bar in terms of the age limit. 

Post Upper Age LimitRelaxation in Upper Age Limit
Junior Research Fellowship28 yearsOBC Candidates – 3 years
SC/ST Candidates – 5 years
PwD Candidates – 5 years 
Lectureship/Assistant ProfessorNone None

CSIR NET Examination Pattern 

CSIR NET exam is conducted for 5 main subjects namely, Physical, Chemical, Mathematical, Earth, and Life Sciences. You have to select any one of them based on your expertise and choice. Furthermore, for every subject, there will be 3 parts-A, B, and C. While Part A, which is the General Aptitude section, is common to all, Part B and C are subject-oriented. Here is the subject-wise examination pattern of the CSIR NET exam. 

Physical Science
Sections Number of QuestionsMarks Negative MarkingDuration
Part A20300.53 Hours
Part B25700.8753 Hours
Part C301001.253 Hours
Chemical Science
SectionsNumber of QuestionsMarksNegative MarkingDuration
Part A30300.53 Hours
Part B40700.53 Hours
Part C601001.03 Hours
Life Science Paper
SectionsNumber of QuestionsMarksNegative MarkingDuration 
Part A20300.53 Hours
Part B50 700.53 Hours
Part C751001.03 Hours
For Mathematical Science 
SectionNumber of QuestionMarksNegative MarkingDuration
Part A20300.53 Hours
Part B40750.753 Hours
Part C609503 Hours
Earth Sciences
SectionNumber of QuestionsMarksNegative MarkingDuration
Part A20300.53 Hours
Part B50700.53 Hours
Part C801001.323 Hours

CSIR NET Application Process

By following the below-mentioned simple steps, you can register for the CSIR NET exam 2023:

  • Visit the official site of CSIR NET
  • Click on the Application Link.
  • Click on the New Registration button.
  • Go through the instructions carefully and then click on the ‘Click here to Proceed’ button.
  • A page with the registration form will open up.
  • Create a password, a security question, and a security answer for the same.
  • Enter the security pin that will display on the screen and click on the submit button.
  • Upload the photo and signature.
  • Click on the ‘Final Submit’ button.

CSIR NET Application Fee 

CategoryCSIR NET Application Fee
GeneralRs. 1000
General-EWRs. 1000
OBC-NCLRs. 500
SC/STRs. 250

CSIR NET Admit Card 2023

Several days before the exam and following the submission of the application, the CSIR UGC NET 2023 admit card will be released. To obtain the CSIR NET admit card, candidates must register and submit a complete application before the deadline.

As soon as the admit cards are published on the CSIR website, applicants can download them by logging into their accounts. Candidates without a CSIR UGC NET admit card are not permitted entry to the exam site.

Steps to Download CSIR UGC NET 2023

To download the admit card the following steps need to be followed:

  • Visit the official website of the exam.
  • Click on the admit card link mentioned on the homepage.
  • Login using the registered login credentials.
  • The admit card will be displayed on the screen.
  • Download the PDF & take a few printouts for future reference.

CSIR NET 2023 Result

A month after the CSIR NET exam is over, the results will be made public. The official website for the CSIR NET, csirnet.nta.nic.in, will be where the results can be found. The candidates who made the shortlist must register for the positions of assistant lecturer and junior-level research fellow after the results are announced.

How to Download CSIR NET 2023 Result?

To download the result of CSIR UGC NET 2023, these steps need to be followed:

  • Visit the official website of the exam.
  • Click on the result link mentioned on the homepage.
  • Enter the roll number, date of birth, date of exam and the captcha code.
  • Click the ‘Submit’ button.
  • A PDF of the result will be displayed on the screen.
  • Download the PDF for future reference.

CSIR NET Syllabus 

Here is the detailed syllabus of the CSIR NET exam you need to take into consideration while preparing.  

CSIR NET PapersTopics 
General AptitudeLogical Reasoning, Graphical Analysis, Analytical and Numerical Ability,
Quantitative Comparisons, Series Formation. Puzzles, Mensuration, Series Completion, Time and distance, Series Formation & Coding-Decoding, Data Interpretation, 
Life SciencesMolecules and their Interaction Relevant to Biology, Cellular Organization, Fundamental Processes, Cell Communication and Cell Signaling, Developmental Biology, System Physiology – Plant, System Physiology – Animal, Inheritance
Biology, Diversity of Life Forms,  Ecological Principles, Evolution and Behavior,
Applied Biology, Methods in Biology
Chemical ScienceInorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Interdisciplinary topics,  Properties of individual atoms, Atoms forming chemical bonds to create chemical compounds,  Main Group Elements, Transition Metals & Coordination Compounds, Organometallic Compounds, Quantum Chemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Thermodynamics & Thermochemistry, Molecular Spectroscopy. 
Mathematics ScienceLinear Algebra, Real Analysis, Ordinary and Partial differential equations,
Modern Algebra, Complex Analysis. 
Earth SciencesGeology, Physical Geography, Geophysics, Meteorology, Ocean Sciences,
Managing energy, mineral resources, water, Mineralogy and Petrology,
Structural Geology and Geotectonic, Paleontology and its applications,
Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, Marine Geology and Paleoceanography, Geochemistry, Economic Geology, etc.
Physical ScienceMathematical Physics, Quantum Physics, Electromagnetic Theory, Classical Mechanics, Electronics, etc. 

Important Books for CSIR NET Exam

You can refer to the below-mentioned books for the following subjects:

Chemical Science Books

  • Physical Chemistry by Samuel Glasstone
  • Infrared and Raman spectra of inorganic and coordination compounds by Nakamoto
  • Physical Chemistry by Mortimer
  • Biological inorganic chemistry: structure and reactivity by Ivano Bertini
  • Pearson Guide to UGC-CSIR-Chemical Sciences by Sanjay Singh Rawal
  • Chemistry of the Elements by N.N Greenwood and A. Earnshaw
  • Inorganic Chemistry by Gary Wulfsberg

Physical Science Books

  • CSIR-UGC NET/JRF/SET Physical Sciences by Dr Surekha Tomar
  • UGC CSIR JRF/NET Physical Sciences by Sunil Kushwaha
  • UGC-CSIR NET (JRF & LS) Physical Science by W.Malemnganba Chenglei
  • UGC CSIR JRF/NET Physical Sciences bu GKP

Mathematical Science

  • Mathematical Sciences for UGC-CSIR Junior Research Fellowship & Eligibility for Lectureship by Prasad
  • Mathematical Science Manual CSIR UGC/NET/SLET & Lectureship – Jupiter by Renu Sharma, Awadhesh Kumar Mishra
  • NET Mathematical Sciences – Vol. 2 UGC CSIR by Satya Prakashan
  • UGC-CSIR NET (JRF & LS) Mathematical Science by Pawan Sharma, Anshuman, Suraj Singh

How to Prepare for CSIR NET?

How to start preparing for CSIR NET?
Courtesy: Bansal Biology

Exam Day Guidelines 

All candidates must carry essential documents and are supposed to follow certain rules and regulations such as: 

  • Admit Card
  • Passport size photos
  • Government ID proof
  • PWD certificate (if required)
  • Wear Masks inside the Exam Hall
  • No study material, stationery or electronics are allowed inside the exam hall

Do’s and Don’ts on CSIR NET 


  • Try reaching the exam centre at least two hours before the commencement of the paper.
  • Don’t forget to carry your admit card to the centre and read the instructions mentioned on it carefully.
  • Make sure that the paper displayed on the computer is of the subject indicated on the admit card.
  • Reach out to the invigilator or technical assistant for any glitches or technical assistance. 


  • It is advised to not leave the examination hall until the duration of the paper is over.
  • Chewing gum, Smoking etc are prohibited in the examination hall.
  • One shall avoid indulging in unfair means during the exam.

Exam Centres 

You are eligible to take your CSIR NET exam in the following cities across India: 

Naya RaipurBhubaneswar

Difference Between UGC NET and CSIR NET

When it comes to differentiating between UGC NET and CSIR NET, one must know that the former is conducted for a wide range of subjects like Public Administration, Economics, Forensic Science, Commerce, Indian Literature, Political Science, etc. On the contrary, the latter is conducted only for subjects related to the Science stream. Furthermore, the UGC exam has 2 papers, whereas the CSIR National Eligibility Test only has 1 paper.

CSIR NET Career Scope

CSIR NET is conducted twice a year for the selection of qualified researchers and lecturers in the field of sciences. The exam is conducted by the National Testing Agency and used by various public and private academic and non-academic institutions to offer positions like PhD fellowships, scientists, assistant professors and researchers. Here are some amazing jobs opportunities after qualifying CSIR NET Lectureship:

PhD fellowship

Many candidates who qualify for CSIR NET- JRF apply for PhD programmes at the top Indian Scientific Research Institutions and even at foreign universities. In the case of top Indian universities and research institutes like Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Sri Venkateswara College, TIFR, HBNI, NIPER, IIT etc, it is mandatory to qualify for the exam to appear for an interview or written exam.   


CSIR NET is the gateway to lectureship and professorship in IndiTo to teach in prestigious Indian universities, candidates must qualify for the exam and seek positions as assistant professors in private or public institutes. Candidates staff as assistant professors and can advance in the field to permanent employees in government colleges/universities as Associate Professors and Readers. Candidates who have completed their PhDs and have some research experience are given preference in this line of work. The lectureship is a noble as well as a lucrative field in India. 

Research Labs

Candidates who qualify fy CSIR NET JRF are eligible to work at research institutes like the Defence Research and Development Organisation, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), National Institute of Biomedical Genomics (NIBMG), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Laser and more.

Public Sector Undertakings

PSUs like Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), National Thermal Power Corporation Limited (NTPC), Indian Oil Corporation, Power Finance Corporation (PFC), and MECON Limited consider qualified candidates who have cleared CSIR NET.

Private Sector

Qualified candidates can find plenty of opportunities in the private sector after qualifying for CSIR NET Lectureship. They can apply for teaching positions at private universities/colleges/coaching centres/private tutoring. Candidates with an entrepreneurial spirit can invest and start their own research-based company. Candidates have the option with top biotech, live sciences and pharmaceutical companies in India like Biocon, Panacea Biotech, Serum Institute of India, Lupin, Thermo Fisher Scientific etc.

CSIR NET 2022 Salary 

For those who qualify for the exam and take up the job as below mentioned profiles, their average salaries would be around-

  • Candidates will be given INR 31,000 for the JRF along with house allowance for the initial 3 years of PhD whereas INR 35,000 will be given for the Senior Research fellowship along with 2 years of house allowance. 
  • INR 40,000- 60,000 per month is offered for the post of Assistant Professor by different universities 
  • The DRDO offers lucrative salaries to candidates to work as scientists. Here is the category-wise salary structure:
Scientist ‘B’INR 15,600-39,100
Scientist ‘C’INR 15,600-39,100
Scientist ‘D’INR 15,600-39,100
Scientist ‘E’INR 37,400-67,000
Scientist ‘F’INR 37,400-67,000
Scientist ‘G’INR 37,400-67,000
Scientist ‘H’INR 67000-79,000
Distinguished ScientistINR 75,500-80,000
Secretary DRDO, DG R&D, and Scientific Adviser to Raksha Mantri (SA to RM)INR 80,000

CSIR NET Exam Analysis 2022

According to student feedback on the CSIR NET exam analysis 2022, the overall paper’s level of difficulty ranged from easy to moderate. Given the exam’s difficulty level, candidates claimed that the CSIR NET cut-off 2022 is anticipated to be high this year. Based on the feedback provided by applicants, the CSIR NET 2022 exam review and analysis for Part-A sections Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and Data Interpretation & Graphical Analysis has been shared below. Look at this:

SectionTopicsDifficulty Level
ReasoningAnalytical ReasoningSyllogismsAnalogiesDirectionsCoding-DecodingSeriesBlood RelationshipsNon-Verbal ReasoningEasy to Moderate
Quantitative AptitudeSimplificationsNumber SystemArithmeticAlgebraPercentageTime & WorkSI & CITime & SpeedProfit & LossEasy to Moderate
Data Interpretation & Graphical AnalysisMeanMedianModeBar Graph/ Line Graph/ Pie-Chart/ TabulationModerate

CSIR NET Statistics 2023

Following are the statistics of the CSIR NET exam 2022: 

CSIR NET Exam StatsNumbers
Total Candidates Registered262692
Total Candidates Appeared171273
Candidates Qualified for CSIR NET JRF2135
Candidates Qualified for JRF NET Only112
Candidates Qualified for JRF (NET) UGC1638
Candidates Qualified for Lectureship-NET4394
Exam Cities225


What is the CSIR NET exam for?

CSIR NET is conducted by NTA for the position of assistant professorship and awarding junior research fellowships across India for subjects like Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences, Chemical, Physical, Maths and Life Sciences.

What is the difference between UGC NET and CSIR NET?

UGC NET and CSIR NET are conducted by NTA for the position of assistant professorship and JRF. The difference is that UGC NET is for all subjects while CSIR NET is for science subjects only.

Who are eligible for the CSIR NET exam?

Candidates with an MSc or Integrated BS-MS,  BS-4 Years, BE/BTech, B-Pharma, MBBS Or an Equivalent Degree are eligible to appear for the exam.

Is CSIR NET difficult?

CSIR NET is a difficult exam but with proper preparation and strategy candidates can score well and get fellowships for research at top Indian universities and labs.

Hence, CSIR NET is a golden opportunity for those who want to establish a career in Research or Academics. Apprehensive about choosing the right career? Planing to study abroad reach out to our experts at Leverage Edu through an E-meeting who assistance in not only choosing a course that aligns with your professional goals but will also guide you throughout the admission process!

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