
Class 11 Chemical Coordination and Integration

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Class 11 Chemical Coordination and Integration

Biology is one of the most popular subjects in the science stream. Our PCB students must know that the chemical coordination and integration are primarily done by the endocrine glands present in our human bodies. The endocrine glands are solely responsible for secreting hormones in males and females regulating and performing different body functions. In this blog, we shall be covering all the important points related to the chapter of class 11 Chemical coordination and integration, which is a scoring chapter in class 11 biology syllabus. So get ready with a notebook in hand and a pen and read this blog till the end. 

Must Read: NCERT Biology Class 11

The Human Endocrine System 

The class 11 Chemical coordination and integration talks about the human endocrine system.  The endocrine system is quite complex and advanced in the animal kingdom’s human kingdom if we compare it with those invertebrates. Having said that, the endocrine system in human beings comprises several ductless glands. These ductless glands regulate the functions of our body and also evoke specific responses too. These endocrine glands secrete hormones directly into our blood and help control and perform different body functions. 

Class 11 Chemical Coordination and Integration
Image Source: Biologydictionary.net

Properties of Hormones 

According to the chapter of class 11 chemical coordination and integration, listed below are some of the vital functions or properties of hormones that are secreted by the endocrine glands in our body. 

  • These hormones are released by the endocrine glands located at different places inside our body as you can see in the above picture. 
  • The hormones that are secreted by the endocrine system or endocrine glands are released directly into the blood.
  • These hormones are generally short-lived. 
  • They also do not contain antigens.
  • The hormones that are secreted by different endocrine glands of our body help coordinate various physical and metabolic activities.
  • It also helps in maintaining homeostasis.
  • Our bodies require these hormones in deficient concentrations. 
  • Some hormones like insulin secreted by pancreas and adrenaline, secreted by the adrenal glands act quickly. 
  • Few hormones like proinsulin are known to be secreted in an inactive form or state. Hence these are known as prohormones.
  • Always remember that hormones are specific and are carried to a specific target organ.

The Classification of Hormones

According to the chapter of class 11 chemical coordination and integration, hormones can be classified into 2 categories:

  • Lipid soluble hormones– These hormones comprise thyroid and steroid hormones 
  • Water-soluble hormones– These hormones include peptide, protein and amine hormones

Endocrine Glands and their Hormones

Next in class 11 Chemical coordination and integration we discuss the endocrine glands and their hormones. The important points are tabulated below.

Name of Endocrine GlandsHormones Secreted
Posterior PituitaryAdrenocorticotropic hormone
Anterior PituitaryOxytocin
Pineal GlandMelatonin
Thyroid GlandThyroxine
Adrenal GlandAdrenalin and Cortisol
OvariesEstrogen, Progesterone
Endocrine Glands And Their Hormones - Class 11 Chemical Coordination And Integration
Image Source: Kaylasmithhh.weebly.com

Functions of Endocrine Glands

According to the chapter of class 11 chemical coordination and integration, these are the pivotal functions of the endocrine glands that are present in any human body.

Endocrine Glands Function 
HypothalamusThe hypothalamus is known to regulate thirst, body temperature, hunger, sleep emotions, moods and allows the release of other hormones.
ThymusThe thymus gland helps the adaptive immune system to function properly and produces T-cells.
PinealIt develops serotonin derivatives of melatonin that can affect sleep
ParathyroidIt regulates calcium levels in the body
PituitaryThe pituitary gland is known as the master gland as it controls other glands. It also triggers growth and development.
ThyroidThe hormones produced by the thyroid gland affect the heart rate
AdrenalThe hormones secreted by adrenal gland regulate cortisol and stress hormone.
PancreasThe primary function of the pancreas is to secrete insulin which is a crucial hormone to maintain blood sugar levels
OvariesThe ovaries are responsible to secrete estrogen, progesterone and other female sex hormones.
TestesThe primary function of testes in males is to secrete the male sex hormone, testosterone and produces sperm.

Functions of Hormones 

According to the chapter of class 11 chemical coordination and integration, the important functions of hormones are as follows:

  • They contribute to the regulation of the growth and development of the body.
  • They maintain the body’s homoeostasis.
  • Initiation of sexual development and reproduction.
  • Controls, appetite and thirst.
  • Helps in food metabolism.

Explore: Structural Organisation in Animals Class 11 Notes

This brings us to the end of this blog on the chapter of class 11 chemical coordination and integration. We hope that these study and revision notes will prove out to be helpful for that last-minute revision before exams and also help you score more. For more such amazing reads and important revision and study notes related to any a plethora subjects of different classes, stay tuned with Leverage Edu. 

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