What is the Full Form of SMC?

4 minute read

The full form of SMC is the School Management Committee. The Right to Education (RTE) Act of 2009 established this school committee. The SMC body has a pivotal role in establishing accountability in the Indian government’s academic institutions. It has the authority to oversee the operations of government schools and regulate grant usage by these institutions. Additionally, SMCs also ensure that parents are involved in their children’s education. They ensure the involvement of parents in the promotion and improvement of Indian schools

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Membership of SMC

The Right to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2010, states that schools under this act must form an SMC within 6 months of the appointed date. Furthermore, the act also establishes that each SMC must be reconstituted every 2 years. In addition to these rules, the 2010 Act also lays down the SMC membership composition, which is as follows:

  • Parents/legal guardians should comprise 75% of the committee
  • Up to 50% of the membership can be women
  • Proportionate Representation of Parents/legal guardians of the students from disadvantaged groups and economically weaker sections (EWS).
  • Further, the remaining 25% of SMC membership is segregated into four categories: 1/3rd of 25% of the total membership will be selected from among the local elected officials and 1/3rd will be from among teachers of the school. Moreover, school students and local teachers constitute the rest 1/3rd of it. Parents who are members of the SM, select the last 1/3.
  • Each SMC has a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson. Parent members, who other members of the committee choose, acquire both of these positions.
  • Another authoritative member of the SMC is the ex-official Member-Convener. The Head Teacher of the School holds this position. 

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Functions of the SMC

Now that we know the full form of SMC, let’s dig deeper into the concept of SMC. The SMC has to meet at least once every month and record all proceedings. Further, to ensure transparency, the committee has to make the proceedings of the meeting public. Here are the key functions of an SMC:

  • Monitor the operational aspects of the school, including the formulation, suggestion, implementation, and tracking of the School Development Plan (SDP). 
  • Keep a check on the utilization of grants received from the local Authority, government, or other sources. 
  • Ensure that the School Management Committee fulfils its responsibilities and performs the required tasks at regular intervals. 
  • Inform the local community about the rights of children as stated in the Act and the responsibilities of the government, local Authority, school, parents, and guardians. Educate the community about children’s rights under the Right to Education Act and the obligations of the government, local Authority, school, parent, and guardian. 
  • Monitor the punctuality and regularity of attendance of school staff. Facilitate regular meetings between teachers and parents or guardians to discuss attendance, the child’s learning aptitude, educational progress, and other relevant information. 
  • Ensure that teachers are not burdened with non-academic tasks beyond what is specified in section 27. 
  • Facilitate the enrollment and consistent attendance of all students from the school’s community.
  • Prohibit teachers from engaging in private tutoring or teaching activities. Supervise compliance with the norms and standards outlined in the schedule. 
  • Report any violation of child rights, especially instances of verbal or physical abuse, denial of admission, or delayed provision of free entitlement, to the local education authority.
  • Fees or expenses that hinder their continuation and completion of basic education should not burden kids. 
  • Monitor the identification and enrollment of children with special needs (CWSN), mobilize resources for their education through the Equal Opportunities, Protection, and Full Participation Act of 1995, and ensure their successful completion of elementary school.
  • Oversee the implementation of the midday meal program at the school. 
  • Prepare an annual report detailing the school’s income and expenses.

Also Read: Importance of School Education in India

Other Full Forms of SMC

  • SMC in Medical– State Medical Councils 
  • SMC in Economics- Short-run Marginal Cost
  • SMC in NCC– Special Monthly Compensation
  • SMC in Weapon Training– Shoot, Move, and Communicate


What is the role of SMC in school?

The SMC encourages collaboration between teachers and parents for a better relationship between the two.

What is the full form of SMC cost?

The full form of SMC is Short-run Marginal Cost.

What is the full form of SMC company?

Sintered Metal Corporation or SMC is a Japanese company.

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