
Types of Marketing

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Types of Marketing

Selling is a continually evolving environment as companies continue to discover new and different ways of marketing themselves and their products/services. It is how quickly corporations can blend these techniques and respond to new ones that can drive their advertisements to new heights. This blog focuses exclusively on the types of marketing and its features. Read on!

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What is Marketing?

Marketing is “the activity, collection of institutions, and procedures for generating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large,” according to the American Marketing Association.

This definition’s broad scope gives the marketing industry plenty of potential to develop as we advance in technology. Our requirements evolve and change over time, and so do the available marketing tactics that businesses employ.

There is more to marketing than just the radio and outdoor billboard commercials you hear. Companies communicate with their consumers and build their brands through marketing. The marketing plans of a corporation are iterative and adapt to the demands of its target market.

B2C Marketing

“Business to consumer” marketing is known as B2C marketing. In other words, the target market is someone who will actually use the good or service. The sales cycle for a B2C product can vary greatly depending on the type of goods, and customers typically make less-involved decisions.

The majority of commercials that individuals view are B2C marketing strategies. B2C marketing tactics, as an illustration, include

  • TV commercial for a candy bar
  • advertisements for a clothing store on Instagram
  • coupons sent through mail for a retailer

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B2B Marketing

Business-to-business marketing is known as B2B. This indicates that a different company is the company’s target market. B2B marketing is extremely strategic in terms of what consumers want and need and often necessitates a much longer purchase cycle. Purchase intent for B2B transactions is frequently very strong. This implies that the target market will conduct extensive due diligence before buying the finished good.

A lot of B2B techniques are frequently carried out digitally. B2B tactics often manifest on digital channels, yet there are rare occasions in which B2B marketing will make its way to more traditional platforms.

  • B2B marketing examples include:
  • marketing for events at trade exhibitions
  • Integrated marketing tactics
  • Campaigns for account-based marketing

The ten most typical traditional marketing channels

Since the development of marketing itself in the 1800s, traditional marketing has included techniques. These tactics are sometimes less focused and considerably more overt. Look at the 10 traditional marketing tactics that are used the most frequently.

Outbound Marketing

This is one of the most favoured method of marketing in the list of types of marketing.

  • The most popular method for corporations in the past has been outbound marketing, often referred to as conventional marketing. 
  • Usually, people do not search for a particular product/service deal or ask for a message to be delivered to them. 
  • With that being said, this strategy has still succeeded for corporations and, when paired with other campaign tactics, can still be viable.

Inbound Marketing

Another important method of marketing in the list of types of marketing is Inbound marketing. 

  • By being supportive and important to the audience rather than being interruptive, inbound marketing is based around the idea of attracting business.
  • Tactics such as email marketing, content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click ads (PPC), and more, are used in inbound marketing, focused on bringing customers returning to the website and continuing throughout the path of the customer. 
  • Along with the inbound marketing approach, the buyer’s path is a core concept of inbound marketing.
  • There are three steps of the buyer’s journey: perception, consideration, and judgement. These reflect the multiple phases in which a prospective buyer or lead is placed and how close they are to buying a given product or service.
  • Knowledge is where the bulk of individuals who come to the web. This is where the customer has decided that they have a dilemma they are grappling with.
  • The next move, concern, is when the consumer is looking for multiple ways to address the issue in which they are struggling. Finally, after consumers have weighed their choices and are able to pick a choice and close, the decision process is over.

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Event Marketing

Next in the types of marketing list in Event Marketing. 

  • Event marketing is a process in which organisations can host and use activities to network and produce leads. 
  • Every year, this brings inbound marketers from all over the world to spend a few days networking and gaining feedback from other marketers and organisations.
  • By putting your reputation out there and remembered, having your company’s name behind an event as a host will have a positive effect on your brand. 
  • It represents you as a thinking leader in your business, or as a sponsor of a good cause, based on what the event is about.

Online Marketing

In the various types of marketing Online Marketing is also an important feature.

  • Online marketing is a relatively catch-all phenomenon, often referred to as internet marketing, which comprises web strategies such as social media marketing, search engine marketing, blogging, and much more.
  • In a landscape where a social media platform can be life or death for any given company, this is becoming a must for enterprises.

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Offline Marketing

Another important name in the types of marketing list is Offline Marketing. 

  • Offline marketing refers to any marketing technique an organisation employs outside of the internet, unlike web marketing. 
  • More of the conventional, or outbound, marketing strategies are found in this marketing form.
  • Businesses can use outlets such as tv, radio, word-of-mouth, postal, leaflets, and more, for offline marketing. 
  • Depending on the case, who you are trying to target and what you are trying to achieve, this form of marketing does not have exactly the reach of internet marketing, just like any marketing technique, it can also be a viable choice.

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Content Marketing

Content marketing is an important name in the types of marketing.

  • It covers blogging, webinars, eBooks, podcasts, and all other material that you produce and write.
  • As more organisations create a forum, the market for top-ranking content gets more and more crowded. Nevertheless, this is also a powerful communication tool and is a perfect forum for communicating with your clients.

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Email Marketing

Another important name in the types of marketing in Email Marketing. 

  • Email marketing is another technique featured in the inbound marketing approach. 
  • Sending automated email promotions to existing and future clients is email marketing.
  • There are many different functions that emails can fulfil. As part of an RSS feed distribution to those who have subscribed to your blog, they can be automatic emails carrying out your new blog entry.
  • They will send a particular bid or piece of information that would be valuable to them, such as an impending sale or confirmation of an order, to a targeted list. 
  • As part of a workflow where an automatic email is delivered as a consequence of a trigger case, or when someone performs an action on the web, they will continue to cultivate leads during the purchaser’s journey and provide help or more details. 
  • There are several uses of email, so it is crucial to make sure you encourage the recipient to opt out or unsubscribe with any email you send so that you are not flagged as spam, no matter the situation.

CTA Marketing

CTA Marketing or call-to-action marketing is yet another kind of marketing method in the types of marketing. 

  • Call-to-action is being seen everywhere, it has a lot of similarities with other forms of marketing. 
  • A call-to-action is a picture or button that captures the viewer’s attention and leads them to a content deal or landing page when the connection is pressed.
  • Blogs are a very common location for calls-to-action instances to be used both inside the post itself and in the sidebar.
  • This is a perfect way to give your readers importance and get them to take an imminent next step by undertaking an exercise such as installing a content deal or arranging a consultation.

Search Engine Marketing

The next name in the types of marketing list is Search Engine Marketing.

  • There was a period when both search engine optimization and paying search ads were alluded to by search engine marketers. 
  • This concept is widely shared with ads for paying search or pay-per-click advertising.
  •  Search engine marketing gives enterprises the ability for keywords to generate views and visits to their website that they would not otherwise have rated for. For a given keyword search, you will pay to advertise your web page and then pay for each click on your link. 
  • This will actually display a fantastic ROI when you just pay for clicks to the platform and you don’t pay if anyone doesn’t visit.
  • However, the greater the search result perceptions and the greater the complexity of ranking for that keyword or expression, the greater the cost-per-click (CPC) would be.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is an important tool in the types of marketing.

  • Looking at the popularity and continuing success of applications such as Facebook and Twitter and in contrast to other forms of marketing, social media marketing is comparatively recent. 
  • This is a forum that any company can be on. Marketing on social media helps you to communicate with your audience and frequently meet new individuals outside of your audience. Not to mention how valuable exposure on social media can be.
  • You may run promotional campaigns on Twitter, such as boosting a post or bid on Facebook or promoting a tweet. 
  • For these types of commercials, there are various targeting choices and you can concentrate your attention on a target demographic while attracting new individuals.

Personalized Marketing

A customised experience for you is created by the business using previous data as part of its personalised marketing plan. This might be grocery stores giving you coupons for things you frequently buy or direct mail that incorporates your name in marketing materials.

Direct Mail

When businesses send adverts to a specific address, this is known as direct mail. This enables companies to focus on a certain region. A weekly grocery store advertisement is a wonderful illustration of direct mail marketing.

Partner Marketing

Two businesses must collaborate in order to develop a single, cohesive message while using the partner marketing strategy. A typical illustration of this is when one firm sponsors an event at another. For instance, Google may offer free WiFi at a cafe.


Telemarketing is the practise of contacting customers via the phone. Although caller ID and cell phones have become the standard, this method is still widely used, but its effectiveness as a marketing tool has declined.

Public Relations (PR) Marketing

PR marketing is a tactic where you collaborate with a news outlet to increase talk about your company. When a business introduces a new product, announces a significant change in management, or announces an expansion, PR marketing is frequently used.

Even though PR marketing doesn’t directly advertise a product, it’s a good strategy to raise your company’s brand recognition. Because some business buyers will base their judgements on their knowledge of your company’s position in the competitive environment, this is very important in B2B marketing.

Word of Mouth

A marketing tactic called word-of-mouth marketing depends on current consumers recommending your company to other people. This is a challenging tactic to manage because it relies on your customers to carry out the research.

Offering some sort of incentive, like a discount or bonus for promoting your business, is a typical strategy to get clients to recommend you to friends. This is frequently observed in client-based small enterprises like gyms and hair salons. Additionally, subscription-based services like meal delivery services are starting to see this more frequently. If you recommend a friend, you might each receive a discount.

Stealth marketing

Stealth marketing refers to the practise of promoting a product or service to a person without that person being aware that they are being targeted. Product placement in a film or television programme is a prime example of this. You might have noticed that certain characters in the show only utilise a particular brand of computer or car. This is because the featured firms received payment.

Brand marketing

The long-term marketing strategy of brand marketing aims to build recognition and a solid reputation. From visual identity to tone and voice, brand marketing covers a wide range of topics. Companies will monitor their brand awareness in order to assess the efficacy of brand marketing efforts. This indicator gauges how well-known your brand is to the general public.

Cause Marketing

Cause marketing is a tactic when a business supports a certain cause to support a certain cause in order to strengthen their brand’s basic values. Patagonia is a prime illustration of this. They promise to donate 1% of profits to preserving and restoring preservation and restoration of the natural world.

Organizing them can be difficult if you want to run multiple different sorts of marketing initiatives at once. To keep your team’s marketing work organised, use a work management tool to plan and carry out all of your marketing plans.

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What are the top 4 marketing tiers?

What are the marketing’s four Ps? (Explaining the marketing mix) Product, pricing, place, and promotion make up the four Ps. They serve as an illustration of a “marketing mix,” or the collection of tools and techniques utilised by marketers to accomplish their marketing goals. E started explicitly defining the 4 Ps in 1960.

B2C and B2B are what?

B2C is for “business to consumer,” whereas B2B stands for “business to business.” B2B ecommerce makes use of online channels to market to other businesses. B2C e-commerce focuses on individual customers.

This was all about types of marketing. If you have any queries or doubts related to the application process, then reach out to Leverage Edu experts. Sign up for a free session today.


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