
10 Things You Should Never Do in Japan As A Student

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10 Things You Should Never Do in Japan as a Student

Travelling to a culturally vibrant country like  Japan, you might feel overwhelmed by the regulations and cultural norms that dominate public life and interpersonal relationships. Foreign visitors to Japan are not expected to be well-versed in Japanese etiquette, but understanding a few basics will go a long way. If you are an international student, these etiquettes can even help you adapt to local customs and avoid cultural mistakes. In this blog, we will look at the 10 things you should never do in Japan, especially as an international student!

Recommendation Read: Japan Education System

Be Careful With the Chopsticks Etiquettes

Source: Dalshably

The first on our list of 10 things you should never do in Japan are the chopsticks etiquettes. If you know how to use chopsticks, the Japanese will be impressed. Making the mistake of using them the wrong way, on the other hand, would surely raise some eyebrows. Never put your chopsticks in your rice bowl vertically; it looks like a funeral rite. Always use the chopstick holder next to your plate if you need to set them down.

Another taboo is using your chopsticks to deliver food to another person’s plate.. When sharing a dish, take the food with your chopsticks and place it on your own plate before eating it. It’s also impolite to rub the chopsticks together.

Tipping is a Big No! 

Source: Wikipedia

One of the 10 things you should never do in Japan is tipping! In contrast to the United States and other countries, where most restaurants focus on tipping, Japan is the exact opposite. In Japan, there is no such thing as tipping. In contrast, tipping is not common in most of Asia. This is because the service fee is usually included in the bill at most restaurants. Leaving a tip might sometimes be considered impolite and offensive.

In Japan,  no one accepts tips whether it’s in restaurants or taxis. So, if you ever feel the urge to tip, do yourself a favour and resist. If you still leave a tip out of courtesy, the waiter/waitress may start chasing you down, believing you forgot your change.

Don’t Be Loud on the Trains

The Japanese subway transit vehicles are often rather silent. This is quite typical. Nobody likes to be irritated by someone who talks too loudly. Most passengers on the trains are very quiet, listening to music, playing games with the volume turned off. So, if you’re ever on a train with your buddies, stay quiet and avoid chatting loudly. If you need to take an urgent call , separate yourself from the crowd and keep the conversation brief.

Don’t Wear your Shoes Inside 

Source: Japan Guide

In Japanese culture, it’s traditional to remove your shoes before entering a home, as well as some businesses and temples. Basically, if you see shoes lined up at the doorway of a place, you can be sure that you must remove your shoes before entering. This is usually because people keep their floors free of dirt while also protecting the floor’s condition. So, wearing shoes inside places is one of the 10 things you should never do in Japan.

Don’t Block the Escalator 

Source: MustShareNews

While people in India can stand anywhere on an escalator, Japan has different rules. Individuals are allowed to stand on the left side of the escalator while walking is permitted on the right. If you stand on the right side of the escalator, you will be blocking people’s ability to walk up or down the escalator.

Check out the top universities in Japan.

Don’t Eat while Walking

Source: BrightTime

One thing to keep in mind when visiting Japan is that you should not eat or drink when out in public. It is considered impolite and disrespectful to do so. Another reason is that you will rarely find a garbage can outside in Japan, which can be inconvenient if you plan to eat outside. you. As a result, you won’t be able to dump the food packets..

So, eating while walking is one of the 10 things you should never do in Japan. Instead, look for a pleasant place or restaurant to sit and relax while you eat.

Don’t Skip the Queues

Source: Business-Insider

Japan is an extremely clean and well-organized country. When you’re out and about, there’s a good chance you’ll see people standing in lines now and again. Bus stops, trains, elevators, food sellers, and anything else that requires waiting may be assumed to have a queue. So, you’ll have to queue alongside everyone else and never even try to cut a queue in Japan!

Don’t Blow Your Nose in Public

Source: NBC News

In Japan, blowing your nose in public is considered impolite. If you really need to attend to a running nose, go to the restroom or another private location. People frequently use face masks in public, especially during the winter. This indicates that they are suffering from a cold and are trying to prevent spreading germs and infecting others.

Also Read: MBBS in Japan, MA in Japanese

Don’t Point

Source: Business Insider

In Japan, pointing at people or things is considered impolite. So, pointing is one of the 10 things you should never do in Japan. Instead of pointing with their finger, the Japanese use their hand to gently wave at what they want to express. Instead of pointing to themselves, people will tap their noses with their fingertips while referring to themselves. Using your chopsticks to gesture at anything is also considered impolite.

Don’t Give or Receive Gifts With One Hand

Source: Nihongo Master

When giving and receiving items in Japan, especially tiny ones like business cards, both hands are always used. When paying in a store or café, it’s traditional to place the money on the small tray next to the cash register rather than handing it to the cashier immediately.

In this blog, we saw 10 things you should never do in Japan. Hopefully, these suggestions will prove useful and improve your experience in Japan. If you want to study in Japan, the options are innumerable. Take the assistance of experts at Leverage Edu who will help you write an impeccable statement of purpose and will guide you through the entire admission process.

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