Physics Syllabus for Class 12

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Physics Syllabus for Class 12

We all have gone through the struggle of arduously preparing for the class 12th board examinations. Out of all the Science stream subjects, most of us have struggled to get a hold of concepts of Physics. There is no doubt that when we talk about MPC subjects or BiPC subjects, Physics is considered the trickiest of all. Thus, it is essential to understand the physics syllabus in detail to start a career in Science after 12th. The physics syllabus, as designed by the Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) for class 12th involves an intensive study in the domain of science. It is designed to provide advanced knowledge by brushing up on the concepts taught in classes 10th and 11th. A detailed analysis of the below-mentioned units will provide a stable foundation of the important principles. The syllabus is bifurcated into 10 units and 15 chapters. The table mentioned below elucidates the chapter-wise distribution of the units of the physics syllabus for class 12: 

Unit Topic Chapters of the Physics Syllabus for Class 12
1Electrostatics Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
Electric Charges and Fields 
2Current Electricity Current Electricity 
3Magnetic Effects of Current & Magnetism Moving Charges and Magnetism
Magnetism and Matter 
4Electromagnetic Induction & Alternating CurrentAlternating Current
Electromagnetic Induction 
5Electromagnetic Waves Electromagnetic Waves
Optics Wave Optics
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments 
7Dual Nature of Matter Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter 
8Atoms and Nuclei Atoms
Electronics Devices Semiconductor Electronics 
10 Communication Systems Communication Systems
Class 12 Physics Syllabus 2023-24 | Class 12 Physics Syllabus 2024 | Class 12 Physics
Source: Tourism studies

Unit-1 Electrostatics 

This unit includes two chapters- Electric Charges and Fields and Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance. The contents of these chapters are mentioned below.

Chapter 1: Electric Charges and Fields

This chapter of the physics syllabus for class 12 aims to impart knowledge on topics such as Coulomb’s law force; forces between multiple charges; Electric Charges; Continuous Charge Distribution; Electric Fields; Electric Fields Lines; Torque on a dipole; Electric Flux, etc. 

Also Read: Physics Project for Class 12: Topic List (Download Free PDF)

Chapter 2: Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance

Through a study of this chapter, students will get to learn about potential differences; electric potential; equipotential surface; dipole and system of charges; dielectrics and polarisation; capacitors and capacitance; energy stored in capacitance; free charges and bound charges, etc. 

Also Read: Electrical Engineering Courses

Unit-2 Current Electricity

Under this unit, Class 12 students study Ohm’s law, Wheatstone bridge, electrical conductivity and other aspects of current electricity.

Chapter 3: Current Electricity

This chapter of the physics syllabus for class 12 offers an intricate study in topics like the flow of electric current; drift velocity; Ohm’s Law; carbon resistor; series and parallel combination of resistors; internal resistance; Wheatstone bridge; meter bridge; measurement of internal resistance of a cell; electrical resistivity and conductivity, etc. 

Also Read: Modern Physics

Unit-3 Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism 

This unit includes the study of moving charges and magnetism and magnetism and matter.

Chapter 4: Moving Charges and Magnetism

In the physics syllabus for class 12, this chapter elucidates straight and toroidal solenoids; moving coil galvanometer; force on as moving charge; magnetic and electric field; cyclotron; force between two parallel currents; ammeter and voltmeter; galvanometer and its current sensitivity; amperes law and its application to an infinitely long straight wire. 

Chapter 5: Magnetism and Matter

Torque on a magnetic dipole in a uniform magnetic field;  bar magnet as equivalent solenoid; magnetic field lines; para, di, ferromagnetic substance; permanent magnets; earth’s magnetic fields and magnetic elements; magnetic dipole movement of a revolving electron; electromagnets are some of the topics covered in this chapter of physics syllabus for class 12.

Unit 4- Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents

Details of this unit are mentioned in the below-mentioned sections:

Chapter 6: Electromagnetic Induction

Faraday’s Law; Eddy currents; Lenz’s Law; induced EMF and Current; Electromagnetic Induction; Self and Mutual Induction are the major topics covered in the module of the physics syllabus for class 12. 

Chapter 7: Alternating Current

Peak and RMS value of alternating voltage /current; LC oscillations; alternating currents; resonance; wattless current; LCR series circuit; reactance and impedance; power in AC Circuits; AC generator and transformer; resonance, etc. 

Also Read: Class 11 Oscillations Notes

Unit 5- Electromagnetic Waves 

Details of this unit are mentioned below:

Chapter 8: Electromagnetic Waves

As a part of the physics syllabus for class 12, you will learn about the nature of transverse waves; electromagnetic spectrum (infrared waves, Radio waves, visible, X-rays, gamma rays, ultra-violet, microwaves); the basic idea of displacement current; electromagnetic waves and their characteristics, etc. 

Also Read: Waves Class 11 Notes, Formulas, NCERT, For NEET

Unit 6- Optics  

Optics is the study of ray optics, wave optics, and optical instruments.

Chapter 9: Ray Optics and Optical Instruments

An important module of the physics syllabus for class 12, the chapter covers the mirror formula; refraction at the spherical surface; thin lens formula; a combination of thin lenses in contact combination; total internal reflection and its application; reflection at the spherical surface; refraction and dispersion of light through a prism, etc. 

Chapter 10: Wave Optics

Diffraction due to a single slit; resolving powers of microscopes and astronomical telescope; proof of laws of reflection and using Huygens principle; polarization, use of plane polarised lights and polaroids; interference and Young’s double; plane-polarized light, etc. 

Unit 7- Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation

Details of this unit are as follows:

Chapter 11: Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

In this unit of physics syllabus for class 12, students will learn about the photoelectric Effect; matter waves- wave nature of particles; Davisson and Germer experiment; Hertz and Lenard’s observations; Einstein’s Photoelectric equation-particle nature of light, etc.  

Also Read: What is Spectroscopy?

Unit 8- Atoms and Nuclei

Some of the key topics of this unit are mentioned below:

Chapter 12: Atoms

Bohr Model; energy levels; Alpha Particle Scattering experiment; Rutherford’s model of the atom; hydrogen spectrum are the topics that form an integral part of this chapter of the physics syllabus for class 12. 

Chapter 13: Nuclei

Beta and gamma particles/rays and their properties; radioactive decay law; isotopes; isobars; mass defect; nuclear fission and fusion; Mass-energy relation; composition and size of the nucleus; binding energy per nucleon, etc. 

Unit 9- Electronic Devices 

Unit 9 of the Class 12 Physics syllabus contains topics and concepts related to electronic materials and devices, circuits, and semiconductor materials and devices.

Chapter 14: Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices, and Simple Circuits

Unit 9 of the Physics syllabus for class 12 aims to provide knowledge on semiconductors and insulators; semiconductor diode; I-V characteristics of forward and reverse bias; LED; photodiode; solar cells and Zener diode as voltage regulator; energy bands in conductors, etc. 

Unit 10- Communication Systems

This module consists of different aspects of communication systems, details of which re given below:

Chapter 15: Communication Systems

Through this module of the physics syllabus for class 12, students will learn about the bandwidth of signals; sky and space wave propagation; satellite communication; the need for modulation; propagation of Electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere; elements of the communication system, etc. 

Note: The topics mentioned in the aforementioned units are in general. To get a detailed overview, kindly visit the official CBSE website. 

Also Read: Top Courses After 12th Science

Reference Books

Best PCMB Class 12 Books for 2023-24 session Class 12 & 11 Best Books for Physics Maths chemistry
Source: Arvind Academy

Comprehending the Physics syllabus for class 12 can be a tough thing to do especially when you are studying on your own. To have a better understanding of the topics one can depend on reference books. Given below are some of the best books that can be considered to get a great score in class 12 physics: 

Pradeep’s Fundamental Physics For Class 12th Vol- I & II NEW EDITION 2023
Bharati Bhawan Concept of Physics – Part 1 & 2 2023-2024 Session 
MTG Excel in Physics For Peak Performance in Board Exams Class-12
Dhanpat Rai Publications New Simplified Physics: A Reference Book for Class 12 for 2023 Examination (Set of 2 Volumes) 
All in One Physics Cbse Class 12 2022-23


How many units are available in the CBSE Class 12 Physics syllabus?

There are 10 units and 15 chapters in CBSE Class 12 Physics syllabus.

How will the Class 12 Board Physics syllabus help you?

Class 12 physics syllabus helps students in Engineering Entrance Examinations and Medical Entrance Examinations. The detailed study of different concepts of this branch of science equips students with improved logical thinking and understanding of their surroundings.

What are the important topics in the CBSE Class 12th Physics Syllabus for 2024?

All units and chapters are important for Class 12 students, however, some topics carry more weight in the board examination. Some of the topics that carry more weight in the CBSE Class 12 board are Electronic Devices, Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism, Alternating Currents, Electromagnetic Induction, and Optics.

Hope this blog helped you know about chapters of the Class 12 Physics syllabus. To know about other details related to school education and higher studies abroad, stay connected to Leverage Edu.

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