
IIT-M launches Indian Network for Memory Studies

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IIT Madras launches Indian Network for Memory Studies

The Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT-M) launched the Indian Network for Memory Studies (INMS) in India on 16th June 2021. The establishment claims it to be the country’s first proper public organization in the field of memory concentration and studies in India. It will function under the supervision of the international Memory Studies Association (MSA) based in Amsterdam. The INMS will facilitate complex ‘memory’ engagements from various foundations including social habitats, neuroscience labs and industry research on AI and related fields. In this article, we bring to you everything you need to know about the Indian network for memory studies.

The Indian Network for Memory Studies

Indian Network for Memory studies is the first-ever organisation to concentrate on memory studies from an interdisciplinary viewpoint. Set up by Dr Avishek Parui and Dr Merin Simi Raj, Assistant Professors (English), Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Madras.

Through the exploration led at the Center for Memory Studies, IIT Madras, the INMS means to work will move away from Eurocentric methodologies as far as the hypothetical systems and perspectives. INMS will offer an all Indian-centric approach to memory studies. This will likewise help open up temporary position and exploration openings for Indian understudies and global researchers through a yearly participation program in a joint effort with the International Memory Studies Association (IMSA). 

“The temporary job and the examination openings that INMS offer will achieve a change in perspective in humanities research in Indian scholarly community in a joint effort with the top worldwide bodies in the field. Various drives including new courses, preparing workshops, and interdisciplinary projects are now ready to go.“, said Dr Merin Simi Raj, Chairperson, Indian Network for Memory Studies. 

Bhaskar Ramamurthi, Director, IIT Madras, said, “The organization has effectively fabricated an exemplary minimum amount which mirrors its pertinence and will help produce coordinated effort openings in this field. For India, memory studies can be vital, for a great deal of recorded advancements are caught distinctly in recollections and not in documentation.” 

The INMS has set up organizations with the Memory Studies Association, Amsterdam, Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform, Germany, Memory Group, University of Warwick, UK, Cultural Identity and Memory Studies Institute (CIMS), University of St. Andrews, UK, XR Lab, TCS and Anglo-Ink, Chennai.

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