
Finland sees growth in international students

2 minute read
Study abroad: Finland universities to boost flow of international students with D-visa
Within a year, the number of international students moving to Finland significantly increased. An increase of about 54% has been noticed in study-based residence permits, more than in pre-covid years.

An increase in the number of international students moving to Finland has been observed. Compared to study-based residence permits granted to 4,595 applicants in the first ten months of 2021, there has been an increase of about 54 percent to 7,060 applicants by the end of last month.

In fact, this growth is even more than that that during pre-covid years. The number of residence permits that have been granted this year (7,060) has already surpassed the record-breaking year of 2016, when 6,348 first-time residence permits were granted to students.

Source: Finnish Immigration Service

Moreover, there has also been an increase in the number of residence permit applications. This year, students submitted a record 8,336 applications, which is 62 percent more than the submission of 5,149 applications in 2021.

Finland sees growth in international students
Image Source: Statistics service of the Finnish Immigration Service

The graph shows an increase in residence permits applications and acceptance in last 6 months. This change comes into effect given the positive impact of the new legislation that entered into force this April. According to the legislation, it’s now easier for international students to move to Finland. Earlier students could only apply for residence permits, which they were granted for a maximum of 2 years at a time. However, now, they can be granted a residence permit for the entirety of their study duration in Finland. This also means that there are additional opportunities awaiting students in the near future, post their graduation.

Furthermore, efficient decision-making has also taken a part in the increase of international students moving to Finland. An average of 20 days were taken this year for students to receive their first residence permit decision. Last year, it was 18 days. Compared to the increase in applications in 2022, the absence of any significant impact on the days of processing the application has become a huge improvement on Finland’s part.

To put things in perspective, a total number of 7,741 decisions, that is, a 55% increase has been noticed when seen in comparison to the previous year.

Students are receiving more and more opportunities to study and move abroad. Legislations are being made easier and decisions are taken quicker, as seen with the example of Finland. Students are encouraged to realise their study abroad dreams and ambitions.

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