What is the Major Difference Between B.E and B.Tech?

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What is the Major Difference Between B.E and B.Tech?

Engineering is one of the most popular degree courses after 12th Science. Dealing with the different principles and theoretical concepts, the program is offered in the form of a Bachelor of Engineering [BE] or Bachelor of Technology [B.Tech]. While the former focuses more on building a theoretical foundation, the latter is more application-centric.

All these aspects are covered in both B.E. and B.Tech. However, this raises a common question every engineering aspirant has in their mind, i.e. “What is the difference between B.E and B.Tech?” This is one of the crucial aspects of choosing the right course and you need all the information to make the smart choice.

BE VS BTech | What is the Difference between B.E. and B.Tech | Eligibility | Admission, Differences

Understanding the Similarities Between BE and BTech

Before we jump to the difference between BE and B.Tech, let’s first understand the similarity between the two.

  • First of all, the duration of both courses is the same, i.e. four years with 8 semesters.
  • Secondly, both the courses are recognised and impart knowledge of similar concepts to the students.
  • Both B.E and B.Tech have the same career growth and job opportunities abroad and are advantageous in their own ways.
  • To pursue either of the course in India, you have to qualify Engineering entrance exams (National or state-level).

Differences Between B.Tech and B.E

B.E stands for Bachelor of Engineering while B.Tech stands for Bachelor in Technology. The major difference is the fact that B.E is more knowledge-based while B.Tech is skill-oriented. Due to this, the curriculum of B.Tech is more updated as the skills change as per industrial needs. Moreover, it is compulsory to have internships and industrial visits for B.Tech students while it is not mandatory for BE students. Mathematics as a subject in the curriculum has more weightage and is taught in a more detailed manner.

BTech is a skill-based courseBE is a knowledge-based course
Industrial visits and internships are compulsory for BTechIndustrial visits and internships are essential but not mandatory
More than the theoretical aspects, the main focus is on practical applicationsThe main focus is on understanding the fundamentals and gaining theoretical knowledge.
Since it is more skill-based and technology-oriented, the course is updated frequentlySince it is more knowledge-based, the course is not as frequently updated as the other
Usually, academic institutes which specifically offer engineering courses refer to their degree as BTechUsually, universities offering different courses like that in Humanities, Arts, etc, in addition to engineering, offer BE

Career Scope after B.E and B.Tech

Doing B.E or a B.Tech can open a myriad of remunerative career paths for students. Have a look at some of the best job options that you can look into after completing your B.E or B.Tech.

JobAverage Salary in India 2024
ProfessorINR 7 Lakhs 
Computer ProgrammerINR 5 Lakhs 
Engineering Support SpecialistINR 15 Lakhs 
R&D Applications EngineerINR 10 Lakhs 
Academic ResearcherINR 7 Lakhs 
Software EngineerINR 10 Lakhs 
Process EngineerINR 4 Lakhs 
Industrial ManagerINR 10 Lakhs 
Manufacturing EngineerINR 7 Lakhs 
💰5 Highest Paying Jobs 2024💻Best Career Options after BTech💸#NonITJobs #BTechJobs #BTech #viral

Misconceptions and Myths Regarding B.E and B.Tech

  • Only government schools offer B.Tech while BE is offered by private colleges’. In reality, there are many private schools that offer B.Tech and government schools offer BE.
  •  ‘There is no industrial training in B.E and B.Tech courses’. This is not true as both courses have industrial training in the curriculum after the sixth semester.
  • B.E or B.Tech is more valuable than the other’. Neither one is preferred over the other. Your college matters more than the degree name.

Top Engineering Colleges in India 2024

Top Engineering Colleges in India: Tabulated below are the top 15 Engineering colleges in India, the engineering degrees of which are recognised internationally. Have a look.

InstituteNIRF Rankings
IIT, Madras1
IIT, Bombay3
IIT, Kharagpur6
IIT, Delhi2
IIT, Kanpur4
IIT, Roorkee5
IIT, Hyderabad8
IIT, Gandhinagar18
IIT, Ropar33
IIT, Patna41
IIT North Guwahati7
National Institute Of Technology, Tiruchirappalli9
Vellore Institute Of Technology17
Indian Institute Of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi15
Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute Of Technology65

Difference Between BE and B Tech: Top Colleges for Engineering Abroad

After understanding the major points of difference between B.E and B.Tech, the next thing is to select the right institute to pursue your chosen degree. Here is a list of the top engineering colleges in the world as per QS 2024 Rankings:  

UniversityLocationQS 2024 Rankings
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)USA1
University of CambridgeUK2
Stanford UniversityUSA5
University of OxfordUK3
Harvard University USA4
California Institute of TechnologyUSA15
Imperial College LondonUK6
University College LondonUK9
ETH ZurichSwitzerland7
University of ChicagoUSA11
Study Abroad Experts | Leverage Edu

So that was all about B.E. vs. B.Tech. Both domains are extremely lucrative and can open a myriad of opportunities for those who diligently work towards success.

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Is BE more valuable or BTech?

Though BE and BTech degrees vary based on structure and motive, they are equally valuable. BTEch is more skill oriented, while BE focuses more on imparting theoretical knowledge.

Is there are difference between BEng and BTech?

BEng stands for Bachelor of Engineering while BTech refers to Bachelor of Technology. Both are engineering courses. However, one major difference between them is that BEng is a theoretical program and BTech is skill-oriented.

Is BTech a degree of Engineering?

Yes, BTech or Bachelor of Technology is an Engineering degree which is given upon completion of the 4 year long course.

What are the best fields in BTech?

Some of the best fields in BTech are Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Computer Science, and Telecommunications Engineering.

Which is better Bachelor of Engineering or BTech?

(Bachelor of Engineering) is more focused on knowledge. B. Tech (Bachelor of science) is more focused on technology.

Is there any salary difference between BE and BTech?

Salary differences between BTech and BE are minimal.

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    1. Hey Sucharitha,
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  1. Thanks for clarifying. Will there be different syllabus for BE computer Eng., and B TECH Computer eng.,? Pl reply

    1. Hey Sucharitha,
      We are glad that you find our blog informative and helpful. Stay tuned for more informative blogs like these.