Branches of Zoology

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Branches of Zoology

Forming a considerable portion of life science courses, zoology is the extensive study of animal sciences and when seen alongside botany, it acts as a foundation for biological research as well. Furthermore, with the inclusion of digital technologies and parallel advancements in advanced research techniques, the scope of biology, in general and as a whole, has risen manifold. As a zoologist, one can expect to study the behaviour and life cycles of animals, their evolution and physiology, current demographic changes and assist in conservation efforts, amongst others. This article focuses on the major branches of zoology and what they entail as career fields.

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Some Branches of Zoology

Here are the main branches of Zoology: 

  • Biogeography
  • Classification
  • Developmental Biology
  • Ethology
  • Evolutionary Biology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Physiology
  • Structural Zoology
  • Vertebrate and Invertebrate Zoology
Branches of Zoology

Sub-Branches of Zoology

Branches of ZoologyDefinition
AnatomyStudy of internal structure of animals
AnthrozoologyStudy of past, present and future interactions between animals and human beings
Archaeozoology or ZooarchaeologyStudy of dead animals
ArachnologyBranch of biology that deals with the study of spiders, scorpionsor other arachnids
BionicsStudy of mechanical systems like living organisms and parts of living organisms
CarnicologyStudy of Crustaceans
CetologyStudy of marine mammals [Dolphins, Whales, Porpoises, etc]
CytologyStudy of cell structure and its functions
EcologyRelationship between the organisms and their surrounding environments
EmbryologyStudy of egg fertilisation, embryos and fetuses
EntomologyStudy of insects
EthologyStudy of the behaviour of animals to interpret their effects on evolution
Evolution EnvironmentsStudy of origin of animals and their adaptation
GeneticsStudy of heredity and variations
GeologyStudy of earth and life as shown by fossils in rocks
HerpetologyStudy of reptiles and amphibians
HistologyStudy of anatomy of cells and tissues of animals
IchthyologyStudy of Fishes
Mammalogy [Also
called Mastology]
Study of Mammals
MalacologyStudy of animal forms with shells [Snails, Octopus, Slugs, etc]
MorphologyStudy of form and specific structures of animal organisms
NematologyDivision of zoology that studies roundworms
NeonatologyStudy of newborn animals till the age of two months
OrnithologyThis branch of zoology concerns the study of birds.
PaleontologyStudy of fossils and extinct animals
PathologyStudy of bodily fluids in laboratory like blood, urine, tissues, etc to diagnose diseases
PrimatologyStudy of primates [apes, gorillas, monkeys, prosimians, etc]
ProtozoologyStudy of protozoa or the unicellular organisms
TaxonomyThis field studies, groups and formulates nomenclaturerules of animals on the basis of common characteristics.
Zoography (Descriptive Zoology)Study of animals and their respective habitats
ZoogeographyStudy of geographical distribution of animal species
ZoometryStudy of measurement including size and length of animal parts
ZootomyStudy of animal anatomy

Understanding the Origins of Zoology

Concerned with the study of the animal kingdom, Zoology focuses on the interaction of animal kingdom with their ecosystems as well as animal biology. It encompasses a detailed study of different species coming under the animal kingdom. The early origins of Zoology trace back to the ancient Greek Philosopher Aristotle who actually classified the living things broadly in the 4th century BC. He is often considered as the father of Zoology as he classified the living things into animals and plants and it was only later that words like zoology, botany, etc. originated. Further, Charles Darwin brought forward his theory of evolution by natural selection.

The branches of zoology are spread across the comparative anatomy of animals, plants, and other living things. Though the study of animal sciences is quite ancient, the actual areas of zoology investigations were developed from the comparative anatomical study on morphographs which was carried out by Hunter and Cuvier.

Branches of Zoology: Major Universities

While it is no surprise that Ivy League Colleges and royal UK universities feature amongst the highly revered institutions offering degree programs across the different branches of zoology and life sciences in general, there are scores of emerging universities worldwide which are consistently being recognised for their academically as well as professionally oriented courses. Glance over the following table to have a view of the Zoology courses you can consider.

Name of UniversityLocationTHE World
Courses Offered in
Branches of Zoology
University of
UK30th1. Bachelor of Science Hons
Agricultural Science [Animal Science]
2. MSc Animal Biosciences
3. BSc Hons Biological
Sciences [Biology]
The University of
Australia32nd1. BSc [Major in Animal
Science & Management]
2. BSc Major in Zoology
3. Graduate Diploma in
Science [Advanced] – Zoology
The University of
British Columbia
Canada34thBSc in Zoology
MSc in Zoology
PhD in Applied Animal Biology
PhD in Zoology
McGill UniversityCanada42ndPhD in Animal Science:
PhD in Animal Science
University of Illinois
at Urbana
USA48thBSc in Animal Science
MSc in Animal Science
PhD in Animal Sciences

Top 10 Collges in India for Zoology

There are plenty of colleges and universities in India offering Zoology at undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral levels. Here are the top colleges in India for Zoology:

St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai
Christ University, Banglore
The Oxford College of Science, Banglore
Stella Maris College, Chennai
Hansraj College, New Delhi
Presidency College, New Delhi
Miranda House, New Delhi
Hindu College, New Delhi
St. Albert’s College, Kerala
St. Xavier’s College, Kerala

Offered Courses in Zoology

The zoological or animal kingdom is further classified into taxonomic classes, namely, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes, invertebrates and mammals. Though exceptions exist, this is more of a large overview. Moreover, it also includes the study of extinct animals and skeletal studies and many zoological experts work with archaeologists and geologists and even anthropologists. If you are in search of the course offerings pertaining to the variegated branches of Zoology, take a look at the following list.

Branches of Zoology for MSc

Branches of Zoology Syllabus

Wondering what are the subject you will study in Zoology? Zoology is a study of earth, animals, their origin and behavior, and even about life underwater such as fishes, dolphins, etc. Here are the core types of Zoology:

  • Morphology
  • Genomics
  • Ecology
  • Biology of Parasitism
  • Animal Behaviour
  • Genetics and Evolution
  • Chronobiology
  • Structure and Function of Genes
  • Cell and Molecular Biology
  • Animal Physiology and Ethology
  • Biosystematics, Structure, and Functions of Invertebrates
  • Biochemistry
  • Biotechnology

Branches of Zoology Books

These books are easily available online and at local markets. Learn all about the branches of Zoology, Here are some of the best books available online and in local markets :

Introduction to Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology Textbook by Victoria Aspinall Buy Here
Zoology by Stephen A. Miller and John P. Harley Buy Here
The Natural History of Selborne, by Gilbert WhiteBuy Here
Watership Down, by Richard AdamsBuy Here
Vertebrates zoology by R.L KotpalBuy Here

Career and Scope

A career in zoology is not just an episode of Man vs. Wild. There are plenty of other options to explore. Students can work in the public or private sector in India and abroad as well. Top recruiters in India are the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Forest Department of State. Here are the top job profiles and salary structure:

Job ProfilesSalary in INR per annum
Wildlife Rehabilitator₹657937
Zoology faculty₹1248849
Marine Biologist₹900000

Know About the Best Zoologist in the World

Alfred Russel Wallace's personal cabinet
Credits: National Science Foundation
Dian Fossey Narrates Her Life With Gorillas in This Vintage Footage | National Geographic
Credits: National Geographic

Branches of Zoology PPT


What are the main branches of zoology?

Zoography, Comparative Anatomy, Behavioral Ecology are some of the main branches of zoology

What branch of science is zoology?

Zoology is part of Biology in science

What do you study in zoology?

Zoology is a study of animals that are extinct and living animals, mammals, fishes, Genetics, and animal behavior as well.

Who is the father of zoology?

Aristotle is the father of Zoology because of his research and discoveries in this field.

What jobs are there in zoology?

Environmental Consultant, Animal nutritionist, Research scientist are some of the jobs a zoology graduate can choose.

Is mathematics used in branches of zoology?

Yes, basic mathematics is used and required in the branches of Zoology.

To pursue any of the above-mentioned courses across branches of Zoology, a meticulously curated application with a strong Statement of Purpose (SOP) and Letters of Recommendation (LORs) along with other necessary components can provide you with good standing to compete with other candidates. Reach out for quality guidance from experts and mentors at Leverage Edu with a free 30-minute career counseling session and gear yourself up for a fulfilling educational journey in the field of your choice.

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