
Career in Art and Drama

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If you are someone who has immense love for stage performances, then a career in Art and Drama is right for you. Opening up a plethora of options to build a career on, both fields offer a great variety of roles. Combining creative talent with the practical aspects of self-promotion, the fields are an ideal choice for those who want to explore their innate talents in various performing arts. By taking up courses best Drama schools in the world, you can take your talent to the next level. From Films to Dance to Music, a great range of fields is there to specialize in. Let’s have a look at some of the fascinating roles in Art and Drama. 

Advantages of Art and Drama in Education

Apart from providing various creative career choices, incorporating Art and Drama in education have many advantages as it helps in the personal development of a child. Following are some of the skills that a student learn which helps them throughout life:

Develops Leadership skills

Indulging in drama or in any other performing arts helps students to develop confidence and take charge of the situation on their own. It also develops the sense of responsibility and determination to perform better this in turn nurtures the leader inside them which in future will help them to succeed.

Helps to express themselves better

Being part of the arts and drama field help students to express themselves better as they have to perform effectively for the audience to understand clearly. This encourages a sense of liberation as the student starts to feel less restricted and more confident about his/her personality.

Learn to take Criticism Positively

Since art is subjective, therefore, many people offer criticism of artistic performance which will allow the student to learn how to take the feedback of the people in his/her stride and take it positively to improve further. In order to improve the performance in the artistic field it is extremely crucial for the artist to take the criticism constructively and work on that. Therefore, needless to say, this will make students build the habit of taking feedback as a way to improve rather than taking it personally.

Teaches Life skills

Skills like collaboration, cooperation, teamwork, patience, compassion etc. are a sine qua non in the field of performing arts. Therefore, making art and drama a part of education will help the students to develop these important skills early on in their lives. Having these important virtues will help them at every moment of their life making them succeed in every aspect of life be it personal or professional.

Gaining Confidence to Voice Opinions

Performing and presenting one’s art in front of people gives the artist confidence to present one’s ideas and creativity without any hesitation. This will help the students who are a part of the art and drama field develop the confidence to voice their opinions and take a stand regarding their ideas and values.

Career Prospects in the Field of Art and Drama

Contrary to the stereotypical perspective that creative fields don’t have many career options and don’t offer professional satisfaction, there are many fields which a student can explore if he/she wants to be a part of the creative field. Following are some of the career options a student can explore in the fields of art and drama:


One of the most admired professions in the domain of Performing Arts is that of an Actor. Using dialogue and body language, Actors on screen communicate with the audience. The actor plays the role of a character that is the creation of the writer’s imagination under the instructions of a director. The fame and luxury that are associated with the profession are unmatched. Those who have a knack for acting can give their skills a flight by joining top Acting colleges in the world known for giving legendary actors to the world. Prestigious Acting schools cherrypick enthusiastic candidates for the limited seats to ensure that each candidate is given special attention to polish their skills. Combining Art and Drama, Acting is a very competitive profession. To start a career in the field, Actors need to build up a showreel of experience which is followed by getting a break in the industry. 

Also Read: How to become a film actor


Equally enthralling profession, Dancing is a career of choice for many who are fascinated by it. One of the powerful forms of Performing Arts, Dancing is taught at various academies and Dance schools around the world. Offering a range of specializations in various dance forms, the courses in this field are widely pursued. Under the guidance of a choreographer, students are made to go through rigorous training while the coursework also involves studying in-depth philosophy and messages associated with the various forms of dancing which include Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Contemporary, Highland Dancing, Modern, Lyrical, Hip Hop, Line Dancing and Irish Dancing. A career in Dancing is for strong-willed and enthusiastic who are not deterred by social stereotypes. 

Also Read: Popular dance courses around the world


For those who are intrigued by beats and find solace in tunes, a career in music is for them. A dream career for some and an act of catharsis for others, Music has been an important element of Art and Drama. From acoustics to electric, music has gone through a transformation. The top music schools around the world offer comprehensive programs and Diploma in Music to stimulate and unleash a Musician inside you. The creative art form allows you to choose from a range of options which includes a Songwriter, Vocalist, Sound Engineer, Music therapist and Composer. The high demand for professionals in various fields like films and gaming has led to Music emerging as a popular choice for many. 


Those who have a great imagination to write engrossing sequences for films and theatres can take up screenwriting as a career option. Behind every scene we see on TV or being performed on stage is primarily written by a screenwriter. The script is then put to life by the efforts of artists under the guidance of a director. Screenwriting comes under the domain of Creative Writing which forms the backbone of Art and Drama. Top film schools around the world specializing in Film Studies offer screenwriting as part of their curriculum. 

Must Read: Explore a career in Script Writing

Arts Administrator

The role of an Arts Administrator is versatile. Dealing with organizing the activities and services, the professional is behind the success of events in theatres and museums. For those who have a great love for organizing and managing things and an eye for aesthetics, a career as  Arts Administrator is right for them. The job of an Arts administrator involves facilitating artists and supplementing activities related to Art and Drama. Combining skills in Museology and Performing Arts, the professionals have wider employment areas to work in. 

Also Read: Performing Arts Courses


What career can I do with drama?

There are many career options in the field of creative arts and drama: Playwright, Actor, Community centre instructor, Director, Drama teacher, Museum curator, Media correspondent etc.

Is performing arts a good career?

Having a career in performing arts can be quite demanding but it allows a person to tap into their creative side and express themself through the art. To have a career in performing arts can be quite satisfying if a person has a passion for creativity and doesn’t mind changing.

Is fine arts a good career?

Candidates with a degree in fine arts have a lot of career options available to them. They can work in theatre production, graphic design firms, magazines, advertising firms etc.

Are art jobs in demand?

As per the estimates, the overall employment rate in the field of craft and fine arts is projected to grow by 6% during the period from 2021 to 2031.

Artists through their work tend to change society and leave an indelible legacy that inspires others to follow their passion. Art and Drama encompass a variety of art forms with each having an array of specializations to build a career. If you are planning to pursue a line of a career that is unconventional and satisfying, then Leverage Edu can help you find one for you. By taking your Psychometric Test, our experts will help you explore your innate talent and will find a place to nurture it. 

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