
Akshay Chaturvedi Chats with Ed-Tech Review and AWS

1 minute read
Akshay Chaturvedi Chats with Ed-Tech Review and AWS

Year by year, the Leverage Edu family is growing and achieving new milestones. We all know that the Ed-Tech is an industry which is constantly reforming and reshaping our traditional and conventional ways or methodology of learning. Due to the pandemic, the education tech industry in India boomed like nothing before. Catch the Leverage Edu’s aspiring and enterprising founder and CEO, Mr Akshay Chaturvedi in this amazing live chat video with Edtech Review and AWS. With them, he discusses the constantly evolving Ed-tech industry, the various business models, and the power-packed motto of ‘student-first’ of Leverage Edu and efforts that we take to ensure that each student in the country gets the opportunity to receive the best of education and career opportunities.

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