
Going to Study Abroad? 6 Life-Changing Benefits to Expect

4 minute read
Going to Study Abroad 6 Life-Changing Benefits to Expect

Are you a university student who aspires to go overseas for a Study Abroad program? Or are you an early-career professional who wants to study abroad to get an advanced level degree like an MBA,  a master’s in data analytics,  computer science,  a professional degree in hospitality,  design, Art or perhaps the social sciences? Regardless of the subject that you pursue, studying abroad is an important investment of time and finances. But it is also an investment in yourself it is an experience which will create certain life-changing benefits which will become part of your future professional and personal self. 

In this blog, I am highlighting six life-changing benefits which you can expect from doing a study abroad program. My observations are based on my teaching experience at universities overseas where I have observed many international students who have created amazing careers for themselves after studying abroad. Below are some key benefits which you can expect from Study Abroad: 


Studying abroad exposes you to a new world of knowledge, information and of learning. This exposure happens in an environment which is also different from what you are used to. Exposure to anything new add layers to one’s personality which are immensely beneficial in the long run to enhance your skill set. 


Studying abroad leads to internships and work experiences which add immense benefits to a student’s personality. As you do research for assignments or work on projects, you learn work learn new ways of working. Thus you begin to understand how organizations and corporations function in different parts of the world. This experience is invaluable because as a student or professional, it gives you the ability to be flexible and also learn new innovative ways of working. Thus the experience of learning and working during a study abroad is invaluable for mapping a successful future for you as a professional. 

Also Read: Study Abroad Application: Basic Timelines and Documents

Gain Global Perspective

One of the key benefits of studying abroad is that living in a different country among students or professionals from other countries automatically broadens our intellectual horizons. It gives us a global perspective. We are able to perceive things using an international lens instead of being constrained by narrow regional or national perspectives. This is key because we live in a globalized world where projects, businesses, corporations and projects of all kinds draw upon global expertise or resources from other countries. Having a global perspective is appreciated by recruiters because they know it is a huge asset to possess a broader understanding of business whether it is in finance, data, management, policy studies, social sciences hospitality or healthcare. 

Create International Networks

6 Life-Changing benefits to expect when going to study abroad - international networks

Study abroad programs connect students from many diverse countries. Spending 2-3 years together on campus is an amazing opportunity for friendships to grow. Campus friendships with peers or project teammates can build strong international networks for you as you all scatter globally after the completion of your Study Abroad programs. Such networks are very beneficial for future business connections. 

Cultural Understanding 

6 Life-Changing benefits to expect when going to study abroad - cultural understanding

When we study and live amongst people who are from diverse cultures we encounter different belief systems, religious traditions and political opinions which may be very different from our own. Social behaviours also vary in different cultures. For example, while studying or working abroad you may discover that loud talking or asking questions about income or someone’s marital status may be considered offensive.  Learning about different cultural behaviours makes us more skilled at dealing with cultural differences. This enhances our cultural understanding and our self-confidence as a  communicator. These qualities, in turn, are highly appreciated by recruiters and those looking for good business partners.


6 Life-Changing benefits to expect when going to study abroad - self awareness

This is a final quality I want to emphasize because this is about personality enhancement. This happens as a result of all the exposure and learning which comes with the study abroad experience. As you gain deeper social, and cultural understandings and appreciate global perspectives, your own personality is transformed. You gain a better understanding of your own views, strengths, weaknesses and biases. This adds maturity to your own personality. I have observed that as a result of the study abroad experience many students develop a strong growth mindset and become adept at their own career mapping with a mature sense of their goals and objectives. 

Thus, studying abroad can bring on a set of wonderful experiences which add exposure, learning, better cultural understanding and important self-awareness to your goal-setting and career-mapping. All these can be life-changing benefits which will propel you forward to achieve your dream goals. 

We will be back next Friday with another amazing blog from Dr Maina Chawla Singh. Till then, if you have any questions or suggestions, just drop us a comment and we will get back to you. Want to study abroad? Our Leverage Edu experts are ready to assist you in narrowing down the best course and university options according to your interests and preferences.

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