
Statement of Purpose for MBA

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Statement purpose for MBA

While filling your applications for admittance to various top B-schools you must have realized that you need to write certain essays that let the Admission Committee of that university determine whether you are a good candidate for the program or not. Occasionally, you might have also come across universities that demand Statement of Purpose[SOP] for MBA.

Your Statement of Purpose for MBA program can help you stand out from the other candidates. an evocative essay can espouse passion and let the Admission Committee realize your genuine interest in the program. With a document as important as the statement of purpose, it is natural that you search through a few samples to write the perfect essay. Here is all you need to know about writing your statement of purpose for MBA.

The Essence of Statement of Purpose for MBA

Most people feel that providing required documents like their GRE/GMAT scores, their resume and letters of recommendation is substantial material to consider their application and provide them admission to the course. But this is far from the truth, while these documents are an accurate representation of your merit and achievements, they do not tell the university officials why they should consider you over others for the specific course. The Statement of Purpose for MBA tells the admission committee of your intention behind wanting to pursue that program from that specific university and how that will benefit you professionally in the larger context of things. 

What to Include in a Statement of Purpose for MBA? 

While some universities are clear about what they are expecting in the SOP for MBA and usually reveal pointers in their admission portfolios, others expect you to follow the SOP pattern and write evocative essays. The SOP reflects who you are and what motivates you, being an integral part of the admission process, it literally functions as a communication bridge between you and the admission committee.   

There are certain things that must be included in your Statement of Purpose for MBA. We have shared the same below.

  • It must answer the questions about your life like what your background is, what you have accomplished in your professional life, why you wish to pursue an MBA and why you wish to pursue the course now.
  • It must also focus on your academic contributions as well as your industry contributions. An integral part of the SOP is how you will dynamically contribute to the university and the program you are enrolling in and how considering you will prove beneficial to the university and its goal.
  • Unlike SOP’s for other programs, a Statement of Purpose for MBA does not have to focus on your own achievements as much as it has to on how you can contribute and how the course can contribute towards your growth as someone working in the industry. 

There should be a certain flow to your essay, the admission committee does not want to engage with your resume again in your SOP. The introduction and the conclusion of your SOP must be powerful and must create an impact so that the admission committee is intrigued by your application and shows interest. 

Ideal Length of a Statement of Purpose for MBA 

While there is no prescribed length for an SOP, it is important that you exercise your discretion while formulating your SOP.

A very lengthy Statement of Purpose for MBA that gives detailed accounts of your background and achievements, as well as your future goals, can come across as unnecessarily dragged. The person reading it might also lose interest midway if it goes on for too long.

On the other hand, if you merely put down a few lines explaining your intentions and goals, it might come across as too casual and not seem like you are genuinely interested in the program.

It is important to strike a balance so that the interest of the reader is maintained.

Most universities tend to provide a word count for the SOP, in case there isn’t the one you must ideally try to achieve a 1000-1500-word count on your SOP.

Structure and Format of an SOP for MBA

Be sure to follow the following format in a structural way while writing an SOP for MBA.

The Introduction This is where the student is required to make the
first impression for the admissions council to judge.
The student is required to set the tone of the SOP while starting the introduction with either an anecdote, a gripping personal experience, or to the likes of the same.
The Body The student can divide the body in several paragraphs — demonstrating how their personality and career goals align with the chosen program of the university. This is where the student is advised to mention their academic accomplishments; involvement in extracurricular activities; compelling narrative of your background, and your perusal to get enrolled into the university.
The ConclusionConcluding the SOP together, the ending should make sure that your intent to join the university is clear; and that you are ready to take this next journey of academic path.

SOP for MBA Sample

Statement of Purpose for MBA

Key Tips to Follow

Keep in the mind the below points while writing an SOP for MBA.

  • It is important that you plan in advance before writing your Statement of Purpose for MBA, you must decide on a structure as well as what you want to include or exclude. This will make the process of writing easy and cohesive.
  • Do not plagiarize, we cannot emphasize this point enough. The admission committee will straight away reject your application if it is found to be lifted off from somewhere 
  • Write. Revise. Rewrite. The secret to a good SOP is working on it for a couple of hours or days so that you can go back and make the necessary changes.
  • The last point correlates to the previous point, do not leave the process of SOP writing for the last day, give yourself the time to make edits and work on it.


How do you start an MBA statement of purpose?

You start an MBA statement of purpose by introducing yourself and share a brief overview of what your statement’s body will cover.

How should SOP be written?

Discovering your purpose and deciding how to format your SOP should be the preparatory ways to writing an SOP.

Should we mention marks in SOP?

No, it is advisable to not mention marks in SOP.

A good Statement of Purpose for MBA (or any other course) can get you into the hallways of your dream Business school, we understand that not everyone is as confident about their writing skills or sure if they’ve done enough. If this is the case, you need not worry for the mentors and counsellors at Leverage Edu can help you write the perfect SOP that will land you in your dream B-school. 

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    1. Thank you for the feedback Connie!

      Contact us at 8826200293 if you need any guidance in writing an SOP!

    1. Hey Sandip!

      Thank you for reaching out to us. If you want assistance with the SOP writing or the application process then please reach out to our experts at 1800527000. Our team of experts will help you craft the best SOP in order to get you into your dream college. All the best.

  1. I have been hunting for a post similar to this for a very long time.
    I was trying to find somebody who would be in a position to definitely navigate me on this matter and was lucky enough to locate you.
    Thank you a lot for the detailed reason, you drew attention to a
    very common issue! Though I share your view for the most part, I
    presume that a few points are worth having a more detailed appearance to comprehend what
    is going on.

    1. Thank you for the feedback Connie!

      Contact us at 8826200293 if you need any guidance in writing an SOP!