
This Day in History- September 5

3 minute read

Do you ever wonder how a particular day was experienced by different generations? Was humanity at war or at peace or did they have access to electricity or not? Every day is a new beginning and a guide for historical events around the world. So, let’s look at the different events and celebrations that molded this day in history- September 5.

What Happened in India on September 5?

1962: First Teachers Day celebrations
On 5th September 1962 was declared Teachers day celebrations across India to honor the former President of India, Dr Radhakrishnan.

1986: Pan Am Flight 73 hijacked in Karachi 
Pan Am Flight 73 en route to New York, the United States from India, with scheduled stops in Karachi, Pakistan, and Frankfurt, West Germany was hijacked by terrorists in Pakistan.

YouTube: Driftwood KJ

1997: Mother Teresa passed away
In 1997, Mother Teresa, the Saint Teresa of Calcutta, passed away in India due to cardiac arrest. 

YouTube: AP Archive

2010: Homi Sethna passed away
Homi Sethna, the Indian nuclear scientist known for leading India’s first nuclear test called Operation Smiling Buddha passed away on September 5, 2010.

YouTube: Luptonga

What Happened Around the World on September 5?

1793: Reign of Terror began in France
The Reign of Terror refers to a period of the French Revolution that began on September 5 and lasted till July 1794. It was a period when Robespierre followed a policy of severe control and punishment.

YouTube: The Infographic Show

1944: Benelux was formed
Benelux was formed as an economic union of three European countries- Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg on September 5. The objective of this association was economic integration with free movement of goods, services, and capital across the three countries.

YouTube: Economics in Action

1960: Mohammad Ali won a Gold Medal at Rome Olympics
Mohammad Ali at the age of 18 won his first gold medal by defeating three-time European champion Zbigniew Pietrzykowski at Rome Games.

1972: Munich Massacre
Munich massacre refers to the attack during the 1972 Summer Olympics West Germany, by the Palestine terrorist organization, Black September. The member took nine members of the Israeli Olympic team hostage in exchange for the release of Palestinian prisoners. 

YouTube: Unpacked

1975: Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme sentenced to life imprisonment
Lynette Fromme was sentenced to life imprisonment by a federal jury in Sacramento, California for her attempted assassination of President Gerald R. Ford. She was a follower of cult leader Charles Manson.

2000: Tuvalu became the 189th country to join the UN
Tuvalu, a country in the West Pacific Ocean, became the 189th country on September 5 to join United Nations as a member state. 

2016: Phyllis Schlafly passed away
Phyllis Schlafly, the American political activist, and writer passed away on September 5th. She is infamous for her opposition to the women’s movement and equal rights amendment rights for women in the USA.

Famous Birthdays

1847: Jesse James
The infamous Jesse James was born on this day in history in 1847. He was a notorious criminal and leader of the James- Young Gang in the 19th century.

1888: Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
India’s first Vice President and second President, Dr Radhakrishnan was born on this glorious day in history. Conferred with awards like Bharat Ratna, his birthday is celebrated as Teacher’s day across India.

1946: Freddie Mercury
The famous British singer and vocalist for the rock band, Queens was born on this day in history in Tanzania.

YouTube: ET

1951: Michael Keaton
Michael Keaton was born on 5th September 1951. The award-winning American actor is famous for his performance as Batman/Bruce Wayne. 

1979: Ayaan Ali Khan
The famous Indian sarod player and classical musician was born on this day in history in India.

1990: Kim Yuan
Kim Tuan, the former South Korean competitive figure skater, and ballerina was born on this day in history. Yuan is amongst the richest female athletes in the world.

September 5
Source: Korea.net

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