SAT1 and SAT2 Difference

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SAT1 and SAT2 difference

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is a coveted entrance examination, essential to qualify if you wish to pursue UG courses in countries like USA, Australia, UK, Canada etc. Organised by the Educational Testing Services (ETS), SAT exam frequently opted by the students of classes 11th and 12th and is available in formats such as SAT1 and SAT2. A variety of esteemed universities accept SAT, hence it is vital to check the SAT1 and SAT2 difference before you appear to opt for one. Read through the blog to know more about it. 

Reasons SAT 1SAT 2
Purpose For general programs Subject oriented programs 
Duration 3 hours with essay 
3 hours 50 minutes without the essay
1 hour
Sections  Reading, Maths, Writing
and Language Essay (Optional)
1 subject per test  
Frequency 7 times in a year 6 times in a year 
Score Evaluation 400-1600200-800
Negative Marking No Negative MarkingA fraction of mark is deducted 

SAT Updates

There have been several updates in the SAT exams every since the pandemic, let’s check them out:

The Optional SAT Essay has been discontinued

  • SAT Essay has been discontinued by the College Board. Only students who take up the exam until June 2021 can attempt it. However, if they wish to cancel it, they can place an online request.
  • Post-June 2021, Optional Essay will be available only in US states where it is required by SAT School Day Administration.

SAT Subject Tests have been discontinued in the US

  • Subject tests will no longer be needed for US students. Those who have already registered and have made payment will be refunded.
  • For international students. Two administrations will be provided in May and June 2021. If they do not wish to take it, you can apply for cancellation and refund

What is SAT1?

The SAT1 is a comprehensive test for Mathematics, Reading Comprehension, Language Aptitude along with an optional Essay section (discontinued recently) which aims to test the logical abilities of the applicants. Broader-level skills like critical and analytical thinking will be assessed through SAT1 exam. 

What is SAT2?

Note: SAT College Board has recently announced the discontinuation of the SAT Subject Test as discussed earlier. The below-mentioned information is only for your reference.

The SAT2 is more of a subject-based test rather than an overall assessment. Qualifying the SAT2  exam, applicants can prove their expertise or proficiency in the chosen subject. All over 20 subjects are available opting which you can attempt the test. Listed below are the subjects available:

  • Chemistry
  • US History 
  • Literature 
  • Physics  
  • Modern Hebrew
  • Biology (Ecological/ Molecular)
  • Mathematics Level 1 
  • Mathematics Level 2
  • Modern Hebrew
  • Latin 
  • Italian 
  • Korean (With Listening)
  • Japanese (With Listening)
  • German (With or Without Listening)
  • Chinese (With Listening)
  • Spanish (With or Without Listening)
  • French (With or Without Listening)
  • World History 

Want to know How to Prepare for SAT Online?

Now that you have got a hold of what these exams are, let us have a detailed look at each category and analyse the SAT1 and SAT2 difference. 

SAT1 and SAT2 Difference: Purpose

Organised by the same official authorities, both SAT 1 and SAT 2 test candidates abilities and determines whether they are ready for the chosen program or not. The main SAT1 and SAT2 difference is the purpose of the tests. Both the exam vary a lot when it comes to why you are taking the test? The SAT 1 aims to test an overall knowledge of the candidates rather than being specific to a topic. On the other hand, SAT 2 is a test which measures the topical knowledge of the applicants.

SAT1 and SAT2 Difference: Duration and Frequency

The SAT2 test for any of the available subjects is just for 1 hour only. Regardless of the subject chosen by candidates, the duration of the SAT2 test remains the same. Applicants can choose to appear for not more than 3 subject tests in a single day. Students can avail SAT2 test 6 times a year, however, it is not certain whether every subject test will be available on the prescribed dates. Whereas, the SAT1 is a 3-hour long test with sectional timings. 

Related Read SAT Eligibility Criteria

The SAT1 and SAT2 difference in the time limit is important as, in 35 minutes, candidates have to solve the grammar section; 65 minutes will be given for the reading section and 80 minutes for the math section with a division of 55 minutes with a calculator and 25 minutes without one. Along with all these sectional units, there is an optional essay which is which can be attempted as per the demand of the university. The SAT1 offered on 7 dates in a year. 

Also Read SAT Exam Pattern

SAT1 and SAT2 Difference: Exam Structure 

The SAT1 exam is scored on a scale of 400-1600, thus, applicants must strive to attain a sectional score between 200 and 800 points. All the questions will be in MCQ format with 4 options to each question as well as there will be no negative marking for incorrect answers. The SAT2 exam will also contain multiple-choice questions with 5 options. The score range for SAT2 is 200-800 with a penalty for wrong answers. 

Now that you know all the SAT1 and SAT2 difference, you might find this short video helpful in getting a good score for yourself. Check it out!

How to score 1500+ on your SAT | Improve your SAT skills | Leverage Edu

Thus, we hope that after reading this blog on SAT1 and SAT2 differences, you are clear about which one to opt for. Are you still sceptical about which one to choose and why? Contact our Leverage Edu and we will help you select the right test as per your career choice!

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