
How to Become a Pet Photographer?

7 minute read
Pet Photographer

Until one has loved an animal a part of one’s soul remains unawakened – Anatole France. Is your phone gallery filled with thousands of random pictures of pets you met?  The value of a pet is no less than a family member. They fill our hearts with unconditional love. Pet parents record every special and silly moment of their pets from chasing their own tails to fetching in the park but when it comes to clicking pictures of their furry friends it becomes quite a task. To click the best shots of their furry friends, professional pet photographers are hired by the pet owners. If you have a passion for photography and a love for animals get ready for the best job in the world. A pet photographer is a skilled professional who specializes in photographing pets.

Who is a Pet Photographer?

As the name implies it involves clicking pictures of pet animals. Unlike wildlife photography which focuses on catching animals in their natural habitat, pet photography focuses on capturing domestic animals in their homes, yards, or other outside locations. Pet photography is difficult and takes the photographer out of his or her comfort zone. Animals may be unexpected, and they aren’t used to being photographed. This puts photographers’ abilities to the test but after acquiring skills and knowledge you will become a pro soon.

How to Become a Pet Photographer?

If you’ve chosen to pursue a career as a pet photographer, you’re probably wondering, “Where do I begin?” You don’t have to worry about this because we have created a step-wise process to become a pet photographer:

1. Become a Volunteer

Volunteering for pet owners is a great way to acquire experience and learn how to perform pet photography. Many pet owners and shelters are looking for volunteer photographers to capture their animals. So that’s where you should start.

2. Select Your Niche

You may always start by capturing your pet if you have one. To show your abilities as a pet photographer, take a variety of unique photos and add them to your portfolio. While there are different pets people own from dogs to gunie pigs you can select your niche if you want to click just a particular pet or become a general pet photographer.

3. Work experience

You can also work as an intern with pet photographers who make a livelihood doing what they love. It’s a fantastic way to get your name out there and learn from the best. Working with a professional give you insights and skills. 

4. Contact with Clubs

There are a variety of animal clubs where pet owners can meet. You may get in touch with them to market your services and make a little money. This might help you get a head start in your career.

Is Pet Photography a Profitable Industry?

Pet photography is a profitable business and a becoming career around the globe.  There are many pet owners that want and hire the best photographers. Several private organizations and animal shelters engage photographers to capture their animals. Pet photography is all about understanding the key elements that will allow you to capture the pet’s unique beauty while also contributing something fresh and creative to the shot. 

Source: Wix.com

Is There a Demand for Pet Photographers?

Pet owners all across the world are on the lookout for professional pet photography services to capture their beloved pets. The reasons might range from social media updates to keeping their pet’s memory alive. In reality, the pet photography industry is growing, and the market for dog and cat photographers is becoming more competitive every day.

8 Tips to Master Pet Photography

Pet photography is not easy as it looks. While some photographers want to click pets in perfect poses, there are some that want to capture them naturally and like candid shots. Some tips and tricks will always help you master the pet photography:

Do Your Research– Both dogs and cats are different animals, there is a distinction between the two types of photography. Learn as much as you can about the nature of animals and how to calm them down. If you already know how to do that, you may start by asking the owner about the pet’s routines, the things that irritate it, and what it enjoys the most.

Be Patient– Patience is key in pet photography. Don’t hurry the photoshoot or force the animal into postures. Begin by getting to know your pet. Play with it for a while to allow the animal to become used to your presence. You may start the photoshoot once you’ve formed a relationship with the pet.

Do Some Experiments– If you Google “best pet photographs” or anything similar, you’ll get a variety of photos of animals in various positions. You can obtain some ideas for pet photography poses this way. You may also look for pet photography pose ideas on Pinterest. Experiment with several positions until you find the one that works best.

Capture Their Expressions– Aim to capture the expressions of the animals in your photographs to make them stand out and appear more captivating. This might be difficult at first, especially if the pet appears to be disinterested in you. However, if you keep the environment interactive for the animal, this can change. Distract the pets with toys or food so that their faces don’t all have the same look.

Choose Your Theme– When you have a theme for your pet photos, it becomes much easier. Yes, you may experiment with different pet photography themes. You may go with a festival theme or go with something more abstract. A theme provides you with a schedule, making your work a little easier. The nicest thing is that you can experiment with different themes while also making a calendar. Pet picture calendars have become rather popular among pet owners.

Try Some Outdoor Shoots– When pet photography is done in natural light, the results are magical. Rather than setting up artificial light and a studio, you may perform the photography outside where there is plenty of natural light. For starters, it immediately places the animals in their natural habitat, and it also ensures that the artificial light does not irritate them. With the addition, filming outside allows you to experiment with different locations, which is not always possible in an interior setup.

Treat The Pets– Both the photographers and the dogs might become exhausted when photographing them. Furthermore, if animals aren’t interested in anything, their attention span is short. So, if you want to get your photoshoot over with quickly and your pet to participate, offer them treats now and then. They will feel rewarded if you give them treats. This recognizes and rewards positive animal behavior.

Don’t Be Intimidating– This is one of the things that must be remembered at all times while interacting with animals. Your body language should be kind rather than intimidating. Sudden movements, loud speaking, standing above the animal’s head, pushing the animal, approaching the animal from behind, and touching the animal while it’s angry or protective are all examples of body motions that animals find scary.

How to Get Pet Photography Clients?

You may promote your new pet photography business in a variety of ways. Leaving flyers and business cards at pet-related companies, utilizing phone directories or Craigslist, and placing advertising in pet or lifestyle magazines are all popular methods.  A photo session package is a wonderful item to offer to a fundraising event since it will provide your company with a lot of publicity while also helping a good cause. You can even strike a deal with a local veterinarian, an animal shelter, or a restaurant to donate artwork to decorate their walls. You could even be able to sell your art while it’s on display, with the company owner getting a portion of the profits. This is a win-win situation that will undoubtedly increase awareness of your pet photography business.

Referrals and word of mouth will become key sources of new business. Make sure you offer current clients some type of incentive for repeat bookings and recommendations.

Source: Unleashed Pet Photography

There are no mandatory education requirements to become a pet photographer. However, an individual who has completed a few courses will be in a better position to do pet photography more professionally. Below, we are listing some of the popular courses available to learn/enhance the art of pet photography. 

Pet Photography Masterclass by Udemy

This course is best suited for:

  • Beginners in photography who wish to learn the most essential guidelines in pet photography with the least amount of technical difficulty.
  • Those who wish to improve their photography vision.
  • People who wish to improve their photography skills.
  • People who wish to capture their pet’s image in a photograph that will last a lifetime.
  • Course Fees: INR 525

Unleashed Pet Photography Courses 

This course is best suited for:

  • People who want to learn how to organise a seamless dog picture session.
  • People searching for inspiration, to explore their creativity, to improve their skill, and to sprinkle their work with their unique brand of glitter.
  • People that are seeking cheat sheets might use them to simplify their processes.
  • Course Fees: Varies course to course

Adobe Pet Photography Courses

This course is best suited for the people :

  • Those who wish to improve their photography vision.
  • People who wish to improve their photography skills.
  • People who want to learn the art of fast shutter speed photography
  • People who want to learn the usage of lighting.
  • Course Fees: Varies course to course

This was your go-to guide for how to become a pet photographer. For more information around the trending courses, top universities, and much more, stay tuned to Leverage Edu.

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