
Personality Development: Tips, Skills, and More

9 minute read
Personality Development

In the modern world, your personality outlook drives almost every aspect of your life. Whether it is in a personal interview where your personality is tested in a corporate/professional setting or maintaining cordial relationships with your family and friends, your persona more or less dictates your decisions and choices. Further, it can be said to have a potential effect on the type of career skills, communication skills and behavioural skills you may possess now and in future. Here’s our take on how you can go about your personality development along with a few tips imperative to achieve success in the modern world.

What is personality?
An individual’s personality is the sum total of their attitudes, opinions, inclinations and other unique behavioural characteristics that are inherent in oneself. It distinguishes you from others and helps determine one’s choices, actions and behaviour. In addition to that, it impacts the kinds of relationships one makes, choices of social and political environment as well as psychological inclinations. Understanding your persona is the significant key to bring you to the road towards personality development.

What is Personality Development?

Personality development is described as the process of improving and grooming one’s outer and inner self in order to make a positive difference in one’s life. Each persona can be honed, polished, and refined. Boosting one’s faith, strengthening speech and language speaking ability, broadening one’s breadth of experience, cultivating certain interests or talents, acquiring fine etiquettes and courtesy, bringing charm and elegance to the way one dresses, speaks, and walks, and ultimately imbibing oneself with positivity, liveliness, and harmony are all examples of this method. The entire development process takes place over a period of time. Though there are many crash courses on personality growth open to individuals of all ages, incorporating them into your daily life and bringing about a meaningful shift in yourself takes time. It is not important to participate in a personality enhancement course; instead, one can pick up a few hints and develop one’s own aura or charm.

Easy and Effective Tips for Personality Development

Here are the easy and effective tips for personality development:

Confidence is the key!

“With confidence, you have won before you have started.”

That, indeed, is the secret. The most critical advice for personality growth is to be positive about who you are and what you do. Never question your ability, and if there is anything you need to change, give it your best so you can conquer your doubts and gain trust. Learn success stories or fill yourself with motivational thoughts or “encouragements” to help you gain self-esteem and grow a charismatic personality. Have trust in yourself and bring in the effort in everything you do. There is nothing more appealing in a person’s personality than a high level of self-assurance.

Be You!

“To shine your brightest light is to be who you truly are.”

Though you should always look up to others for inspiration, you should always stay true to yourself. Trying to be someone else takes you nowhere and backfires. Trying too hard to blend in with a new community or a need to join can never detract from your uniqueness and validity. Instead of trying to change into something else, focus on being the better version of yourself.

Dress to Impress!

“Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life.”

While we will not suggest that emphasising your outer self above your talents and abilities is important, but one’s clothing does play a part in leaving a positive impact. Not just that, but recognising that you look fine and are dressed appropriately gives you a boost of confidence. Dress in a respectful way and be mindful of your surroundings. Though bright colours and excessive tattoos or piercings give off an unprofessional vibe, perfectly ironed clothes make you seem presentable.

Watch Your Body Language!

“The human body is the best picture of the human soul.”

Your body language is almost as important as your verbal communication skills in determining your personality. It shows a lot about you and facilitates others in making correct decisions about you. Anything you do, such as how you walk, sit, speak, or eat, has an effect on the people around you, and using the right body language will make a huge difference in your personality. Walk with your head straight and your spine straight. Don’t let your head droop. Maintain a calm stance when speaking and maintain regular eye contact.

Courtesy is a Virtue

“All doors open to courtesy.”

Everyone appreciates and acknowledges courteous conduct. Keep your head down and smile at everyone. Never be afraid to assist or help your friends, and make yourself available to them if they need assistance. Random acts of kindness will not only brighten someone’s day, but they will also make you look friendly. Additionally, it will improve your self-assurance. To everyone, be polite and compassionate.

Know the Science of Kindness!

Funny Side Up!

“Fun creates enthusiasm and energy.”

Oh, yeah, this is needed! Everyone appreciates someone who can find a funny side of otherwise awful scenarios and add just that little goofiness to their own. All appreciates someone who can make them laugh and put a humorous spin on everyday events. It is not necessary to be solemn and solemn all of the time; but, wearing your funny hat every now and then will turn you into a more lovely personality.

Be A Good Listener

“One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.”

“Most people don’t listen with the intention of understanding; they listen with the intention of responding.” That is right. It does not seem so, but becoming a good listener is a vital step in developing a more likeable personality. When anyone speaks to you, pay close attention and give them your full attention.

Maintain direct eye contact and don’t let the surroundings confuse you. It will assist you in learning more about people and attending to them more efficiently.

Personal Opinions

“Opinions are important to have a constructive conversation.”

Having an opinion and being able to comfortably express it not only adds interest to your discussions, but it also helps you seem more powerful and well-informed to others. Never be afraid to express yourself, even though your views differ from others’. Be well-informed about all that matters in your immediate environment, and express yourself freely. You’ll feel more relevant as a result.


“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.”

In order to have an appealing personality, all the feelings and behaviour must be constructive. The way we think has a significant impact on how we behave. And cultivating optimistic thinking inside one’s mind boosts one’s self-confidence and improves one’s personality. Life’s conditions and events will be full of rises and lows at any moment. However, in order to have a better perspective on life, you must strive at the lighter side of things and concentrate on the positive aspects.

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Experiment & Overcome Fear

“Once you’ve accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you.”– George R.R. Martin

Another vital component in the process of personality development is to cultivate a desire to experiment and try new and diverse things. Do not feel apprehensive about what you do not feel comfortable with and find ways to tackle it. Whether you have a fear of public speaking or feel that you are not able to communicate clearly, accept it and work towards improving it.

Maintain a Consistent Strive Towards Learning

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”

In this day and age, it has become more than required to continue learning and revising your knowledge and beliefs. The pace of information passing around us itself is huge and staying updated becomes an exhausting task. However, make a habit of learning something new each day especially things that can help solidify your beliefs. This can include everything from other people’s experiences to spiritual and self-help books and one-against-the-world stories to noteworthy events around you. Personality development is a gradual process which doesn’t come about, have faith and strive to be a better person each day by keeping your thirst for curiosity alive!

Personal Development Skills

Personality development skills are qualities that help you grow as a person and as a professional. They help you nurture your personality, advance in career, improve your talents and improve yourself. Some of the important skills include:

  • Interpersonal
  • Self-confidence
  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Organization
  • Adaptability
  • Work ethic
  • Leadership
  • Integrity

Personality Development Books

The process of personality development can be undertaken through a wide variety of means such as skill development courses which focus on practical abilities as well as through books. Books aid in learning through suggestions and advice put forward by experts, professionals, professors along with those who have gone through similar experiences. Here are some of the highly recommended books that are must-haves for your journey towards personality development.

Book Author Link
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind Joseph Murphy Buy Here
The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life Robin Sharma Buy Here
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen R. Covey Buy Here
The Magic of Thinking Big David Schwartz Buy Here
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success Carol S. Dweck Buy Here

Quotes on Personality Development

  1.  “Personal development is a major time-saver. The better you become, the less time it takes you to achieve your goals.” ―Brian Tracy
  2.  “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” ―Ralph Waldo Emerson
  3.  “Man’s life is independent. He is born not for the development of the society alone, but for the development of his self.” ―B. R. Ambedkar
  4.  “You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.” ―Henry David Thoreau
  5.  “Every moment of one’s existence, one is growing into more or retreating into less.” ―Norman Mailer
  6.  “Growth is the great separator between those who succeed and those who do not. When I see a person beginning to separate themselves from the pack, it’s almost always due to personal growth.” ―John C. Maxwell
  7.  “Personal development is the belief that you are worth the effort, time and energy needed to develop yourself.” ―Denis Waitley
  8.  “Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. It will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you.” ―Robin Sharma

Stages of Personality Development

The following section presents the age-wise stages of how one’s personality develops over time:

  • Infants: The child is learning to trust or not trust during this time. If well cared for and cherished, they will continue to feel secure and have a good outlook on life. If done poorly, the child may become vulnerable.
  • Toddlers: The child’s will starts to grow at this stage. When a child is appropriately managed, he or she gains self-confidence. It is not a simple task, and the child can seem to be obstinate.
  • Preschool: Some call this stage “play period.” The infant starts to take control of his or her own actions. They begin to use their creativity as well. They’re still learning how to lead and follow others at this stage.
  • School: The infant starts to learn formal skills at this age. They start to understand how to interact with other people and improve simple cognitive abilities. The progress of their growth at this point can be determined by how well they did in the beginning.
  • Adolescent: At this age, the infant starts to grow and develop a set of values that will aid them in adulthood. At this stage, they also begin to comprehend themselves.

Importance of Personality Development

  • Personality development helps you develop a good persona and stand apart from the others
  • It can help you improve your communication skills
  • Those who master personality development skills understand their emotions better and how to deal with them
  • It helps gain self-confidence, self-esteem and creates a positive impact on your communication skills

The process of personality development is gradual, continuous and multidimensional. Further, it can help you in getting your dream job, securing a seat at the university of your choice and any other of your endeavours. If you have been struggling with your career choices or stuck somewhere in a professional rut, get in touch with our team of experts at Leverage Edu and we’ll guide you at every step of your professional quest thus ensuring that you take an informed decision towards fulfilling your career aspirations.

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    1. Hey Vidyut!

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  1. Very helpful & amazing article. I enjoy it at reading tim. I appreciate it. This is really great & helpful. This will be helpful for others. Great.

    1. Hey Vidyut!

      Good posture, manners and a person’s personality traits and more are likely to affect people perception of a person. For more amazing content, subscribe to our newsletter! Thank you.

  1. Very helpful & amazing article. I enjoy it at reading tim. I appreciate it. This is really great & helpful. This will be helpful for others. Great.