
Online Aptitude Tests You Can Take For Free

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Online Aptitude Test

Finding the right career path for yourself is quite an exhaustive task. Whether you are a student or a working professional, confusions regarding your career aspirations are bound to happen at any stage of your professional quest. With almost everything available at our fingertips with the advent of smartphones, online aptitude tests are extremely useful tools that can assist you in gauging your skills, abilities, strengths and weaknesses which can further aid you in selecting the right career opportunities. Seeking online career guidance is another way to comprehend the varied prospects available in your chosen field of interest. Through this blog, we will take a brief look at some major online aptitude tests you can take if you are struggling with career discrepancies.

This Blog Includes:
  1. Online Aptitude Test: Overview

Online Aptitude Test: Overview

Online Aptitude Tests are a great way to test your abilities and skills before choosing a particular career direction, be it opting for an academic degree or applying for a job profile. The questions asked in these psychometric assessments are based on varied skills and areas such as Logical Reasoning, English Grammar, Reading Comprehension, etc. These intricate tests are generally designed by psychological experts to analyse the reasoning and thinking abilities of the candidates and usually include multiple-choice questions that one needs to answer within a fixed time frame. Further, online aptitude tests are not just helpful for aspirants but are also utilised by recruiters and employers to evaluate candidates for varied job profiles.

Also Read: Importance of Career Counselling

Princeton Review Career Quiz

Based on the Birkman Model, this online aptitude test is a psychometric assessment that gauges your interests and choices and helps you understand how you handle stress, what motivates you along with your efficiency to work with others. Princeton Review Career Quiz uses four colours, i.e. red, yellow, blue and green to denote test results. Those who get yellow are the ones who planned their job responsibilities efficiently. For the ones getting blue, they are creative and thoughtful whereas those who get red are speedy in their behavioural skills as they like taking quick decisions. People getting green are the ones who like devoting their lives to others and are good at communication. This quiz consists of 24 questions and once you have been provided with a colour, then potential career options will be suggested that appropriately fit your skills and abilities.

123 Career Test

This is a short online aptitude test with a maximum duration of 10 minutes. The test is based on the Holland Code personality types and provides candidates with the appropriate work environment and job profiles that are best for them. In this aptitude test, candidates are given pictures displaying different people doing several tasks based on their particular work profiles. Candidates can select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ on whether they find the specific task fitting to their abilities and hence can get to know which job is better for them and whether they will enjoy doing them or not.

My Plan.com

For freshers planning to explore the corporate world, comprehending organisational culture and work environment is an important task before opting for a job. The online aptitude test designed by myplan.com evaluates your work ethic and values and helps you list shortlist the best career field you can thrive in. It consists of six blocks out of which you have select one every time and then at the end, you will be provided with a list of possible career prospects spread across 739 professions in the order of your likes and dislikes. This way, you can find those industries that fit your personal and professional values and explore opportunities in the same.

Motivational Appraisal Personal Potential (MAPP) Career Test

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Started in the year 1995, MAPP online aptitude test has been taken by more than 8 million people since it originated. Through this test, you can get a hold of your career choices and the industries you can work at. In this test, there will be 70 questions and the duration is of 30 minutes. Then, MAPP provides a list of 10 industries suiting your profile to assist you in your career planning process. By taking this test you can gauge your career motivations and get acquainted with which role and positions suit you the best in the particular industry. 

O*NET Interest Profiler

Conducted by the US Department of Labor, O*NET Interest Profiler is one of the best online aptitude tests which can simplify your struggle towards actualising your dream career. This tool contains 60 questions about the various work profiles and investigates your interests thoroughly. For every question, you have to select one from the options ranging between ‘strongly like’ to ‘strongly dislike’. In the end, it suggests the most appropriate career options that fit your abilities and strengths.

Also Read: Importance of Career Planning

Other than the above-mentioned assessments, here are some more prominent career-oriented online aptitude tests that you can choose from:

  • Career Hunter
  • John Holland’s SDS
  • The Myers- Briggs Type Indicator Instrument 
  • Career Fitter
  • StrengthsQuest
  • Psychology Today
  • The Big Five Personality Test
  • Rasmussen College Career Aptitude Test
  • What Career is Right for Me? 

Choosing a suitable career path is a herculean task and if you are already head over heels in doing so, then online aptitude tests can surely guide you in evaluating your strengths and skills. Signup at Leverage Edu to avail our intricately designed Psychometric test which will assist you in mapping your interests and abilities and finding the career opportunities you are meant for.

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