
Interview Questions and Answers

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Interview Questions and Answers

How long have you been prepping for your upcoming interview? Interviews are certainly a crucial part of every phase of life. From university interviews to job universities, interviews are the way to get through to the organization of your dream. But getting selected into your dream school can be a complicated task since many universities require students to clear through a rigorous admission process. Generally, a personal interview is an imperative part of the admission process during which candidates are assessed on why they have chosen to pursue a specific program as well as the university. Similarly for finding employment one has to go through an entire interview process aimed at testing one’s skills. If you are aiming to apply for a university or a job opening, here is a comprehensive blog on top interview questions and answers you must prepare while gearing up for the interview process.

Why are Interviews Important?

Interviews are an essential part of every admission process and play a vital role in one’s professional life with job interviews forming the first step of a person’s professional career. The key to acing any interview questions and answers is to efficiently prepare for them beforehand and practice precise answers that align with your application as well as academic and professional qualifications. Being one’s own self, expressing one’s visions and goals, and being unabashedly unique is the best way to portray one’s strengths and prove one’s worth in the institution of their choice. An organization looking to employ new people is looking for individuals with skillsets that can help the organization to flourish and therefore when appearing for a job interview, it is of utmost importance to portray one’s skills and strengths and prove how they would serve to be an asset for the organization. 

MBA Interview Questions and Common Mistakes

Tips to Ace Your Upcoming Admissions

Knowing about the interview questions and answers isn’t enough to perform well in your upcoming interview.  While preparing for your interview keep the points mentioned below in your mind to perform well and land the job/university of your choice.

  • Research:  Learn and gather as much information as possible about the university/corporation you are applying to, the role you wish to undertake, and any other information relevant to your position/course.
  • Plan: Plan on how you wish to present yourself, review your applications and introspect on your strengths and how you would like to present them.
  • Practice:  Relentlessly practice on your communication skills, reflect on your presentation skills and work on your strengths to bring out the best in you.

How to Ace an Online Interview?

Types of Interview Questions

Interview questions are of different types. Every question evaluates the person on different levels. Here are some of the types of Interview questions:

  1. Experience Questions: These questions are asked regarding your past job experiences or internships
  2. Opinion Questions: These questions are about the viewpoint and perspective on things
  3. Competency Questions: These kinds of questions evaluate you based on your skills and knowledge

Must Read: Common Interview Questions

List of Interview Questions and Answers for Admission

Here are the most common MBA interview questions and answers you must know while gearing up for the admission process:

1. Why do you want to pursue this particular course?

How to Answer: Prepare a well-researched answer for this question. Amongst the most prominent interview questions and answers for any admission interview, you need to emphasize why the particular degree appeals to you. Refrain from mentioning that it is a popular course but make your answer more personal. Explain why you have chosen to opt for a specialization in that field or your inclination towards studying the subject and garnering more knowledge about it.

2. Tell us about your weakness.

How to Answer: Another prominent one in our list of interview questions and answers, you need to show utmost humility and self-awareness while answering this one. It is important to self-introspect your weaknesses beforehand. You can take the help of SWOT analysis here which will familiarize you with your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats and thus will assist you in knowing what weaknesses you can mention when asked this question. But choose your weaknesses cautiously keeping in mind that it should not affect your candidature in any manner.

3. Where do you see yourself in five years?

How to Answer: This is one of the common interview questions and answers that you will always need to prepare for, wherever you are applying for admission. While answering the question of where do you see yourself in 5 years, explain your future goals after completing the program while also focusing on the personal and professional growth you are seeking.

4. Why do you want to pursue the course of your choice from our university/ school?

How to Answer: This is another question that needs extensive research about the university as well as its prospective program, the faculty, to name a few. While answering this interview question, make sure that you elucidate how much you know about the university and why you selected it in the first place. Don’t beat around the bush, but present a detailed answer that can support your choice of the particular college or university for the chosen course.

5. How can you make us understand your short-term and long career goals?

How to Answer: Career goals are always an imperative focus of many interview questions and answers. For this question, you need to give a detailed description of your career goals, reasons why you want to follow a certain career path as well as the action plans for fulfilling each goal.

6. Any questions you want to ask us?

How to Answer: While many applicants often say no to this question, you can always prepare a few questions which you can ask from the admissions committee. It will accentuate your interest in the program and you might end up creating a great impression on your interview. 

Must Read: Introduction in Interview: Tell Me About Yourself

List of Job Interview Questions and Answers 

7. Tell us a little about yourself.

How to Answer: The interviewer probably has a com[lete idea about you from your resume and professional accounts, therefore, uniqueness is needed to answer this question. Talk about why you suit the role for which you are applying, highlight your personal traits that you make you indispensable for the organisation. Link all the features of your resume and create a complete picture for the understanding of the interviewer. 

8. Elucidate on why we should hire you amongst all the applicants.

How to Answer: It is hard to compete with applicants you haven’t met. Focussing on your passion can be the beginning of your answer and then move on to pitch your ideas of what you wish to do with the role should you be entrusted with it. Convert it into a conversation and not a bland soliloquy for the benefit of the interviewer and for making a good impression and portraying your communication skills. 

9. How did you hear about this position?

How to Answer: While answering this question, the point to be remembered is that don’t give a commonplace answer of saying you found it on a job listing. Elucidate more on it and explain how you learned about the job because you wanted to work for the organization. Subtly state your interest in working for the company.

10. What according to you is the biggest professional achievement of yours?

How to Answer: While answering this question one has to remember to state an achievement that is interesting at the same time being relevant to the position you are applying for. The relevance will portray your skills needed for the job more vividly and help the interviewer imagine you undertaking the responsibilities of the position offered.

11. Please elucidate on what according to you is your dream job. Ou with indispensable learning experiences.

How to Answer: Describe how each job has provided you with essential experience which has helped you grow professionally as well an individual. Describe what you are looking for in a job, the responsibilities you are ready to shoulder and the work condition that is conducive to let you work to the full of your potential. 

12. Why do you want to work at this company?

How to Answer: To answer this question, keep in mind to not give generic answer. Do your research beforehand of the company and tell the employer what you though was unique about the company that you could relate to. Find out their values and ethics and mention the one that you could relate to the most. Also mention the opportunities that the organisation is presenting for your personal growth as well.

13. What can you bring to the company?

How to Answer: Don’t take this question to be the one where you tell the employer about your background. By asking this question, the interviewer is interested in understanding that you know about the challenges and problems of the field and that you will be a fit for the existing organisation. The key here is that you mention your skills and talents in such a way that they cater to the company requirements. Share your insights about the same and if possible, include some experiences from your past to which they can relate to.

14. What are your greatest strengths?

When this question is asked by the interview, know that this is the opening for you to talk about whats makes you different, some talent or skill of yours that makes you great and why that makes you fir for this role. Also note that you should set the tone for this question in quality manner, don’t chase after quantity like mentioning multiple talents and skills. Talk about your core skills and highlight them as to why they make you outshine and fit for the role. This is your chance to make yourself highlighted from the rest of the candidates.

HR Interview Questions You Should Know About

Top 10 Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

15. Tell us about yourself!

Hi, my name is Ashley Harris. I am a recent graduate from Miranda House, Delhi University where I completed my bachelor’s in English Literature. I was the editor of the yearly periodical at Miranda House and also completed two internships at Caravan and The Indian Express. I was excited to find this position as an Assistant Editor at your organization and I believe I would be a great fit for this role.

16. Where do you see yourself in five years?

My career has always been my priority and I have dedicated myself to every job I took for the past five years. I see myself working with the same perseverance and dedication for the coming five years with a more promising attitude. I will align my targets with the goals of this company and work to the best of my potential.

17. What are your strengths?

My strengths are my out-of-the-box thinking and creative mind. I am able to curate the whole plan in my mind. 

18. What are your weaknesses?

My weakness is that I get to indulge in work that I forgot to check the clock and end up working a little late than required.

19. What are your hobbies? 

Nothing explains better my creativity than my painting, in my free time, I end painting my imagination on my Canvas.

20. Why do you want to work with us?

Your organization was able to deliver quality services to consumers along with employees. There is a work-life balance without compromising the needs of any consumers.

21. Do you know anything about our company?

I know the idea of this startup was a simple group project which turned out to be a dream project. The company started with 10 employees with one office in Delhi and now has over 15000 employees in parts of India.

22. Are you comfortable working more than the required hours?

I am comfortable and available in extremely difficult situations but on regular basis, it is not possible.

23. What are your expectations with the workplace?

I just want a work environment where my ideologies and feedbacks are appreciated and given an opportunity to put forward my thought.

24. Do you want to ask us anything?

Can I tell me about the work timings, about team members and everyday tasks?

Must Read: How to Answer, ‘How Did You Hear About This Position?’

Interview Questions and Answers- Tell Me About Yourself

Here are some of the interview questions and answers specially curated for experienced as well as fresher candidates for the job.

Self-Introduction in Interview Sample for Freshers

Hi, my name is Ashley Harris. I am a recent graduate from Miranda House, Delhi University where I completed my bachelor’s in English Literature. I was the editor of the yearly periodical at Miranda House and also completed two internships at Caravan and The Indian Express. I was excited to find this position as an Assistant Editor at your organisation and I believe I would be a great fit for this role.

Self Introduction for Freshers

Thanks for giving me an opportunity to introduce myself to you, sir/madam. I am Gaurav Khurana and I put up in Delhi with my family—my mother and father. Being a certified professional, I have pursued BTech in Computer Science Engineering with a specialization in Networking and Security from VIT Vellore. I have recently appeared for the CCNA certification examination and I am awaiting the result. Since my school days, I have been quite passionate about computers and networks and have always wanted to work on live switches. Talking about my hobbies and interests, I love playing table tennis and I was the sports captain in my school. We have won quite a lot of inter-school and inter-state tournaments in table tennis and have brought laurels to the school.

Sample Self-introduction in Interview for Experienced Candidates

Hi, I am Harry Williams and I have been working as a digital marketing manager for 3 years now. I was a part of the SEO Marketing team at Leverage Edu for the last 2 years and before that, I worked for a year at Infinity Inc. I have a thorough knowledge of on-page and off-page SEO as well as content marketing tools. I believe that I am the right candidate for this profile since I have the required skills and experience. I assure you that I will give my best to expand your online reach and help you cater for a better online presence across different media channels.

Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced Candidates

25. Did you ever have a conflict with your current/previous boss or professor?

The conflicts were minor and always because of different perspectives on tasks. We always settled on a mixed decision best for our organization.

26. How do you deal with negative feedback?

There is nothing better than learning and growing every day. Negative feedbacks are always a way to improve and work on yourself. 

27. How do you deal with negativity at the workplace?

I am the most optimistic person and try to have a positive approach to things. I try to stay positive and transparent as much as possible. 

Must Read: How Do You Deal With Pressure and Stressful Situations

List of Questions for Freshers

  • Who is your role model? What have you incorporated into your life from them?
  • What is the difference between smart work and hard work?
  • What are your expectations from the company?
  • Describe the three things that are most important for you in a job?
  • What makes you happy?
  • Is there anything that makes you different from other candidates?
  • What is the success for you?
  • Would you like to relocate or travel for the company?
  • What will you do if you don’t get this position?
  • What is your greatest fear?
  • How do you deal with an angry or irritated customer?
  • Do you have any references?
  • What is your favourite book?
  • What was the biggest mistake of your life?
  • As you said, internet surfing is your hobby. Which site do you surf mostly?
  • What gets you up in the morning?
  •  How did you know about this position/ vacancy?
  • What was the most difficult decision you have made in your past life?
  • What makes you angry?
  •  What is the disappointment in your life?
  • How do you handle stress, pressure, and anxiety?
  • Do you have any blind spots?
  • Just imagine that you have enough money to retire right now. Would you?
  • What is the difference between confidence and overconfidence?
  • How would you be an asset to this organization?
  • What is your objective in life?

Must Read: How to Answer, ‘Why Do You Want This Job?’

Online Interview Questions and Answers PPT

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1- How do you answer basic interview questions?

Take a moment to understand the question, then gather the information that you can provide on your part, choose quality over quantity while answering the questions, make your answers specific and concise, mention your skills and talents and accomplishments in your answer.

2- Why do we hire you?

It is hard to compete with applicants you haven’t met. Focussing on your passion can be the beginning of your answer and then move on to pitch your ideas of what you wish to do with the role should you be entrusted with it. Convert it into a conversation and not a bland soliloquy for the benefit of the interviewer and for making a good impression and portraying your communication skills. 

3- What makes you unique?

When this question is asked by the interview, know that this is the opening for you to talk about whats makes you different, some talent or skill of yours that makes you great and why that makes you fir for this role. Also note that you should set the tone for this question in quality manner, don’t chase after quantity like mentioning multiple talents and skills. Talk about your core skills and highlight them as to why they make you outshine and fit for the role. This is your chance to make yourself highlighted from the rest of the candidates.

Hence, there are many interview questions and answers and we have only elaborated upon the most common ones above. Sign up for an e-meeting with our Leverage Edu experts and let us guide you through the admission process for your chosen program ensuring that you get successfully shortlisted into your dream school.

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